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Customer Service Model

Business Re-Engineering Project


Confidentiality Statement
This <document title> along with all attachments hereto shall be considered <company>’s
Proprietary/Confidential Information Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project

Table of Contents

Executive Summary......................................................................................................4
The Customer Service Model............................................................................5
Drivers for New CSM.........................................................................................6
CSM BRE Team Members................................................................................6
CSM BRE Project Milestones............................................................................7
Current Operational Description...................................................................................7
Existing Helpdesk Operations............................................................................7
Strength/Weakness Analysis of Existing Helpdesk...........................................8
Cost of Operation Analysis................................................................................8
Customer Service Model Process Re-engineering......................................................9
Customer Analysis.............................................................................................9
Stakeholder Analysis.......................................................................................10
Voice of the Customer Summary.....................................................................10
Root Cause Analysis Summary.......................................................................11
Customer Needs/Satisfiers Summary.............................................................12
Best Practices Review.....................................................................................12
The New Customer Service Model.............................................................................13
Customer Service Model Scope......................................................................13
Customer Service Principles............................................................................13
Customer Service Function Details.................................................................14
Customer Service Model - Diagram................................................................15
Organizational Structure..................................................................................16
Gaps in New Customer Service Model...........................................................16
Implementation Plan...................................................................................................17
Immediate Actions & Quick Hits......................................................................17
Implementation Cost Summary.......................................................................18
Project Assumptions........................................................................................19
Recommended Implementation Team............................................................19
Interview Questions.........................................................................................20
Root Cause Analysis........................................................................................20
Root Cause Resolution Matrix - Verification....................................................21
Satisfiers Resolution Matrix - Verification........................................................27
Customer Satisfiers.........................................................................................32
Detailed Gap Analysis.....................................................................................32
Brainstorming Session Outcomes...................................................................32
©2007 2 Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project

Detailed Implementation Sub-Project Definitions............................................33

Report of Current Helpdesk Operation............................................................33
Workflow of the Current Helpdesk Operations................................................33
Elevation / Escalation / Updates......................................................................33
Procedural Ground Rules................................................................................34
Customer Service Model Implementation Plan...............................................35

©2007 3 Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project

Executive Summary
The Customer Service Model (CSM) is seen in the new organization of <CLIENT>
as the face of IT within the business community. As such, its strategic role and
importance in coordinating and maintaining the value stream driven approach of
<CLIENT> is readily recognized and acknowledged.

This report summarizes the findings and the deliverables of the four-week intensive
BRE project which was launched to design a new CSM and produce a preliminary
implementation plan.

Summary of Findings

“Voice of the Customer”:

 Key Problems Identified Helpdesk service is unreliable

 Helpdesk does not own problems
 There is a “We vs. They” attitude
 Stores don’t use Helpdesk effectively
 Breakdown of communications in IT
 Helpdesk lacks breadth of skills
 Helpdesk lacks resources
 Helpdesk does not understand urgency
 Customer expectations are not set or met
 Helpdesk scope is too narrow
 Helpdesk not available when we need them
 Helpdesk infrastructure is ineffective
Inadequacies: Recurring Themes

 Process Definition
 Communications
 Standards for Quality
 Training
 Process Measures & Service Metrics
 Business Knowledge
 Self Image and Business Image of IT
CSM Recommendations

<list recommendations>

©2007 4 Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project

Immediate Management Actions Required

The BRE project has identified the following immediate decisions to be made by
management in order to pursue the implementation without delay.

Action Responsible Date

<Action> <Responsible> <Date>

The Customer Service Model

The Customer Service Model Business Re-engineering (CSM BRE) effort is an

integral part of the Information Management Value Stream Re-invention (IMVSR)
project. Using the “MOST” approach (Managerial-Operational-Social-Technological
aspects of the problem), we have identified the deliverables of the project as:


 New Organizational IT model - Design & Implementation

 IT Career Management System - Design & Implementation
 IT Career Performance System - Design & Implementation
 IT Customer Service Model - Design & Implementation
 Recruitment Process, Plan, and Skill Set Requirements
CSM BRE approach

To launch a systematic approach to inventing a new CSM, a management

meeting was called during which the BRE approach and resources were
agreed upon as follows:

 The CSM sub-project will employ a modified, intensive four-week BRE

approach as follows:
 Voice of the Customer and Workflow Analysis - 2 weeks
 Brainstorming and New Model Design - 1 week
 Implementation Plan - 1 week
 A dedicated team will be assigned to the project.
 The deliverables are a design of the new model and an implementation
plan, which will clearly identify all deliverables on a short and long term
CSM BRE Project Mission and Objectives

The project was initiated with a two-day intensive training course on BRE, during
which the mission and objectives of the project were identified by the BRE project
team members as follows.


“Design and plan a world class, best practice, value-driven customer service
function for <CLIENT>.”

©2007 5 Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project


 To change the way the customers perform their roles from a “help me”
attitude to a self-help and self-control attitude
 To transform the IT functions into a customer service oriented
 To establish a value enhancing partnership between the business and IT
 To create an environment and culture of continuous improvement
 To interact effectively with the business community in all matters related
to IT
 To provide a support mechanism that meets the needs of the business

 Create a single point of contact for customer service by 1 st quarter

 Present the new CSM to the Steering Committee by December 20 th
 Validate the new CSM with the reference group by February 1
Drivers for New CSM

The drivers for the new CSM were identified as:

 Existing low service satisfaction levels

 Value stream business re-organization
 Replacement of existing systems with new, more complex technology
 New IT services & technology (e.g., Data Warehousing)
 Change from locally controlled to centrally controlled processes
In addition, it was acknowledged that the current Helpdesk only represents a partial
view of the scope of the new CSM as identified in the new value stream-driven
organization. Hence, a total re-engineering approach was deemed necessary.

CSM BRE Team Members

Project Sponsor: <Project Sponsor>

Steering Committee: <Steering Committee>
Business Project Manager: <Business Project Manager>
CSM Subject Matter Expert: <CSM Subject Matter Expert>
BRE Facilitators: <BRE Facilitators>
BRE Team Members: <BRE Team Members>
(Design team & selected team
members for Implementation)
Reference Group: <Reference Group>

©2007 6 Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project

CSM BRE Project Milestones

The major milestones of the BRE project are as follows:

 BRE Team Training - week of 11/18

 Voice of the Customer, Workflow Analysis & Best Practice Review- week of
 Data Analysis - week of 12/2
 Call Center Visits - week of 12/2
 New Customer Service Model Definition - week of 12/9
 Brainstorming and New Customer Service Model Design - week of 12/9
 Documentation and Implementation Plan - week of 12/16
<Insert high level project plan.>

Current Operational Description

Existing Helpdesk Operations

At the present time, a customer service organization, as identified by this project,

does not exist at <CLIENT> . The components that partially function within the
scope of the CSM are the current Helpdesk and computer operations.


The current Helpdesk is a retail scanning support organization for the stores. Its
scope has remained the same throughout the years. It only supports most of the
front-end hardware and software, as well as the legacy systems associated with


The detailed workflow models of the current Helpdesk processes are presented in
Appendix J. The model was developed to analyze the data, identify the
organizations that are involved in the processes, and identify the satisfiers of the
present customers. The outcome of this exercise revealed the following:

 The current Helpdesk processes are far too complex and lack definition.
 There are no metrics or measurements in place.
 Most processes are ad-hoc.
 Most processes do not have a clearly defined owner.
 The customer must analyze the problem and decide on the course of action to
be taken, which is beyond his/her ability.
 There are many processes with multiple inputs and no outputs, and vice versa.
 Escalation and elevation procedures are not defined.
 Customer feedback is inadequate.
 Configuration of call logging module is inadequate.
Given the above findings, it was not possible to complete a detailed analysis of the
data and the organizations that are involved in the Helpdesk processes.
©2007 7 Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project

Strength/Weakness Analysis of Existing Helpdesk

Strengths and weaknesses of the current Helpdesk operations were identified as


Strengths of Existing CSM

 Good call logging product

 Effective call screening process
 Some motivated, enthusiastic staff
 Low staff turnover
 Strong management commitment to the Customer Service Model
 Strong management commitment to the Value Stream
 Team members are ready for change
 CSM change is in conjunction/balanced with IMVS
Weaknesses of Existing CSM

 Call logging module not configured adequately to support the business of

 Customer perception of service: Does not meet expectations
 Low customer confidence
 Low skill and morale level of staff
 Little training, no formal training/development structures
 Narrow focus - Retail/Store customer segment service only
 No structured Head Office support function, processes conducted ad-hoc
 Non-Helpdesk functions do not exist:
o Business case definition
o Continuous improvement
o Information dissemination
 No incident ownership
 No definition of what is supported
Cost of Operation Analysis

Given basic industry standards and benchmarks for cost of processing calls in
Helpdesk operations, a simple cost model was devised, as itemized below. This
model represents only the direct costs associated with processing a call in its
entirety. It does not include the indirect cost to the business of encountering the
problem and the opportunity cost that it represents in terms of lost business,
customer loyalty, efficiency, etc.


Average Cost Per Helpdesk Call: $13.00

©2007 8 Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project


Total Number of Calls / Year: 72,000

Total Annual Cost of Operations: $936,000

Given the present confusing state of affairs at the <CLIENT> Helpdesk as

described above, the cost per call can be as high as $30.00, which would inflate the
annual cost of operations to over $2.1m.

Customer Service Model Process Re-engineering

Customer Analysis

Who are the Customers?

An analysis of the service model customers was conducted to ensure that a

complete cross-section was captured in the “Voice of the Customer”
interview process.

Customer Segmentation

Business Function Segmentation

 Retail/Store Operations
 Payroll
 Administration
 Finance
 Supply Chain
 Distribution
 Produce
 Office Automation
Geographic Segmentation

 Head Office
 State Office
 Warehouse
 Store
 Other
IT Skill Competency

 Sophisticated IT user
 Ordinary/typical IT user
 Low/non-IT user
Information Dependency/Business Critical

 High sophistication/needs for information

 Simple information needs
©2007 9 Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project

Value Stream Project Segmentation

 Supply Chain
 Team Member
 Finance
Stakeholder Analysis

Who are the Stakeholders?

An analysis of the service model stakeholders was conducted to ensure that

a complete cross-section was captured in the “Voice of the Customer”
interview process.

Stakeholder Categories

 <CLIENT> Strategic Business Partners

 IT Management
 IT Team Members
 National Systems Training Management
 Union Organizations
Voice of the Customer Summary

Interview Process

A formal interview process was conducted on the customers who were

identified as a quality representation of the different IT segments. The main
goals of the interview were to establish:

 Usage and reliance on IT services

 Methods of obtaining service and support from IT
 Thoughts on what IT services are lacking
 How can IT enhance their business
 Future service needs
See Appendix A for a description of interview techniques and questions.

Key Customer Problems

Analysis of the interviews identified twelve recurring problems confronted by

the IT customer:

 “Helpdesk service is unreliable”

 “Helpdesk does not own problems”
 “There is a ‘We vs. They’ attitude”
 “Stores don’t use the Helpdesk effectively”
 “Breakdown of communications in IT”
 “Helpdesk lacks breadth of skills”
 “Helpdesk lacks resources”
©2007 10 Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project

 “Helpdesk does not understand urgency”

 “Customer expectations are not set or met”
 “Helpdesk scope is too narrow”
 “Helpdesk not available when we need them”
 “Helpdesk infrastructure is ineffective”
Customer Interviews

See Appendices A and B for interview questions.

Root Cause Analysis Summary

Root Cause Analysis

The “Voice of the Customer” interview process provided the data to conduct
a detailed root cause analysis. The outcomes of the analysis were
categorized under the “MOST” classifications: Managerial, Operational,
Social, Technical.


Factors affecting managerial issues:

 No executive mandate for single (call) process

 Responsibilities/accountabilities not defined
 No structures for continuous improvement

Factors affecting operational issues:

 No formal processes
 No call ownership
 Complex call workflows, multiple entries
 No Service Level Agreements

Factors affecting social, cultural and human relationship issues:

 Fear based culture - risk adverse (not just IT)

 Lack of skills - inadequate training
 Team not empowered to resolve problems
 No group learning/knowledge sharing culture

Factors affecting technical issues:

 Call logging module not configured correctly

 Lack of proactive & knowledge tools

©2007 11 Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project

Detailed Cause/Effect Information

See Appendix B.

Customer Needs/Satisfiers Summary

Needs and Satisfiers Analysis

The “Voice of the Customer” interview process provided the data to conduct
a detailed customer needs and satisfiers analysis.

Customer Needs and Satisfiers

 Prior warning is required for problems that may threaten store operations.
 Regular feedback to the customer is needed.
 IT needs to communicate project status and market IT services.
 Customers need relevant, timely, accurate information to drive their
businesses and help themselves.
 IT and customers need detailed, accurate statistics to drive continuous
 IT staff needs communication from management with regard to what is
“happening” in IT.
 <CLIENT> ’s IT staff and customers need more training.
 IT must develop a close relationship with its business partners focusing
on needs.
 Customer expectations need to be set and met.
 The person who answers the phone must have the knowledge to assist
with the problem. IT needs more specialists.
 Create a suitable physical environment to perform customer service
functions adequately.
 The Helpdesk needs to be more accessible.
 Calls must be responded and attended to promptly and accurately.
 A single customer interface to IT is needed.
 Customer service is larger than IT alone.
 Customers need a clearly defined process for support.
 Customer service needs to have skilled, quality people.
Best Practices Review

Exemplary CSM operations of national enterprises were visited and their working
practices observed. The main points from each center visited are identified below:

ABC Global Care Center

 High technology investment

MM Telex Service Center

 <MM Telex Service Center>

©2007 12 Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project

BRG Training Center

 Customer satisfaction is achieved primarily through consistency in

service delivery - achieved via standard checklists (developed over 40
 Standard checklists are compulsory and rigidly enforced (e.g., 13-point
checklist to handle customer complaints)
 Very high investment in team training, typically via competency- based
learning program
 Strong use of team coaches, mentoring systems
 All staff (inc. executives) must be re-trained annually in store operations
The New Customer Service Model
Customer Service Model Scope

Functions that are NOT Customer Service

 Strategic planning
 Technology infrastructure management
 IT team development
 Business system development
 Business system services/support
 General IT administration and support
Functions that ARE Customer Service

 Call management
 Communications and marketing
 Value stream relationship management
 Business and IT value enhancement
Initial Implementation Scope of Customer Service

Limit to core IT service delivery and direct IT support for value streams.

Strategic Role of Customer Service

Due to the investment in infrastructure relating to Customer Service the

strategic role of CS should be reviewed to potentially include non-IT
customer oriented services such as:

 Shopper customer services/complaint handling

 Trolley tracker type
 Operational business call management, e.g. scan inquiries or promotions
Customer Service Principles

Principles of Customer Service Operation

 Customer Service Model is the center of the universe for IT.

©2007 13 Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project

 Customers have a single reference point.

 Prevent problems before they occur.
 Any action, procedure or person that does not add value to the CS
process must be eliminated from the CS operation.
 Reference data is available to anyone who needs it.
 Call ownership is mandatory.
 Where applicable, external service providers will service non-core
 Process will be simplified wherever possible.
 Customer service must apply metrics driven by business outcomes.
 Process and performance failures signal a failure in management
practices or training.
 Self help facilities are provided to aid customers.
Customer Service Function Details

Call Management

Provides the single point of contact and primary service relationship for IT.
Its key feature is the ownership of customer requests from reception to
resolution. It involves accurate logging of calls, elevation to appropriate skill
groups, escalation to appropriate management, and continuous feedback to

Communications and Marketing

 Will take ownership for building effective communication channels to IT

 Will empower IT customers by providing readily accessible information
on IT organization, processes, policies, procedures and services - “Self
 Will promote the services and competency of IT through a
comprehensive marketing program.
Value Stream Relationship Management

The primary interface between value stream management participants and

the IT organization responsible for assessing, processing, justifying,
prioritizing and integrating IT resources and solutions within the value stream

Business and IT Value Enhancement

To enhance the value of customer care for today and the future by
continuously improving IT and the business value streams through
measuring, reporting, learning, analysis and recommendations which drive

©2007 14 Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project

Customer Service Model - Diagram

N a tio na l S yste ms
Tra ining

V alu e S tre am D eliver Tra ining

R e lations hip
M a na gemen t
V a lu e S trea m & P ro je ct
Fe e db ac k P os s ible Tra in in g
In form atio n
R eq uirem ents
B u sin es s
C a se s S ug g es te d
Im p ro ve m e nt
"S e lf-H elp " C us tomer A rea s

C ommunica tion, Info rm a tio n, U pda te s S L A D e fin itio n B us ine ss and IT

Informa tion a nd & IT Im ag e E nh an ce m e nt & M o nitoring V a lue
M a rk eting E n han ce me nt

Te ac hing ,
C o ac hing & R e qu irem en ts,
C u ltu ral E n ha nc em e n t C all D ata E n ha nc em en ts &
Im pro vem en ts
C a ll M a nag ement
E nh a nc ed
Helpdesk Scope P roc ed ure s
P ro-Activ e
M a na gemen t V e ndo rs
To ols
IT B us in es s C o ntribu tio n
A uto m a ted &
S ervic e R eq ue st S e lf H elp C on ten t
L og ging

©2007 15 Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project

Organizational Structure

New Customer Service Full Time Team Member Requirements

1 Customer Service Manager

1 Call Management Supervisor

2 Call Screeners

10 Customer Support Representatives

1 Customer Service Communications/Marketing Specialist

1 Customer Service Systems Specialist

1 Customer Service Procedures/Workflow Analyst

1 Customer Service Statistics Analyst

Total : 18

Other IT Team Members Required

 3 Retail Technical Support

Gaps in New Customer Service Model


 Cohesive IT Vision
 Consolidated IT Organizational Structure
 Teamwork

 Service Level Agreements (SLA’s)

 Process Improvement
 Performance Targets
 Quality Systems

 Team Building
 Group Learning Based Culture
 Training

©2007 16 Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project


 Knowledge Tools
 Self-help Tools
 Intranet

Implementation Plan
Immediate Actions & Quick Hits


 Call tracking/ownership
 Identify/change problem resolution procedures
 Identify call back and closure procedure
 Procedure for identifying call ticket resolution responsibility
 Commence recruitment (refer to implementation costs below )
 Identify calls that can be prevented and take action

 Implement move of Customer Service Center (Help Desk & Retail Tech
Support) and supporting systems of locations
 Survey customers about new process
 Provide support, as required, for payroll systems roll-out
 Implement escalation / elevation process

 Implement Customer Controlled Routing (Interactive Voice Response)

telephone menu system
 Implement measures and control systems
 Implement methods and analysis function (CPI)
 Form focus groups as required to support CPI
 Implement single point of customer service contact (one number)
 Add Communication and Marketing function
 Identify KPI’s for managing customer driven SLA’s
 Implement decision tree knowledge tools
 Determine infrastructure support requirements

 Integrate Continuous Performance Improvement into <CLIENT> culture

©2007 17 Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project

 Put processes and procedures in place to support CSM ultimate model

 Ensure that CSM is perceived as a helpful, value adding, integral
function by all of <CLIENT>
 Drive <CLIENT> to provide end user self sufficiency in all systems (self
 Finalize SLA’s with customers
 Establish support infrastructure
Implementation Cost Summary

Additional Positions

 Management
o Customer Service Manager
 Support Personnel
o Communications/Marketing
o Data Analyst
o Procedures Improvement Specialist
 Professional Assistance
o Knowledge Tool Consultant (60 days) $40 K
 Additional Personnel Cost: $250 K/yr
Additional System Requirements

CCR (Customer Controlled Routing) $ 15K

Meridian LINK (Call Logging Interface) $ 15K

CS interface technologies $ 30K

Vendor interfaces $ 50K

Databases $100K

Development of training courses $ 30K

Call logging module licenses $ 50K

Total $290K

Project Assumptions


 Executive committee endorsement and involvement

 IT Organization chart is defined
 Resource availability

©2007 18 Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project

 Training department support

 Knowledge experts available
 Vendor support
 Implementation team approved and assigned
Recommended Implementation Team

CSM Implementation Team

Project Manager Full Time

Call Center Supervisor Full Time

HR Needs Assessment Trainer Part Time

Recruit CPI/Statistics Analyst Full Time

Recruit Communications/Info Marketing position Full Time

Retail & Support Office Perspective 5 days/month

Contract Knowledge Tools Expert Contract P/T

Workflow Analyst Full Time

Note: Support required from Operations and Software development

Interview Questions

Root Cause Analysis

©2007 19 Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project

Root Cause Resolution Matrix - Verification

Problem / Root Cause Process addressed Target Critical Success Factors

The overall CS process is unreliable
No executive management Mgmt presentation on 17/12
mandate for a single Mgmt Approval by 1/1
No Structure Business & IT value enhancement;
SLA; CPI; Training; data analysis
Lack of clearly defined Organization being defined IT Organization needs clarification by 1/1.
accountabilities 1/1

Scope of helpdesk does not New workflow model addresses

cover all of IT. this issue.

Inherited a retail org. A new organization model is

structure defined. Instill new values, no- Feb Deliver on quick hits. Demonstrate success.
fear culture.
No Process - Why? Clearly defining all processes
Workload and lack of Plan on measuring & monitoring Need to get some casual help to assist with quick hits
resources prevents workload. in January.
invention & improvement Simplify processes; prevent call;
Multiple entry points for Single entry point being designed
call logging
Event driven processes Proactive tools; preventing calls

©2007 20 Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project

Problem / Root Cause Process addressed Target Critical Success Factors

Social Systems
No performance Implementing KPI; training; org Career development and mentoring system in place.
measurement systems structure;
Lack of skills Training identified as a key CSF. Dedicated training role within “CSM”.
Philosophy: We will give all the
necessary training to get people
skilled to perform their job.
Feeling of helplessness. I Instill a culture of no-fear within Feb Deliver quick hit success.
can change this. CSM.
No methodical culture. No See CSF. Career development and mentoring system in place.
reward for excellence.
Call logging module not Train the administrator. Mar Workflow analyst / administrator position approved
configured correctly Configure call logging module. by 1/1
Technological complexity Training in technology and
increasing problem analysis.
Missing diagnostics tools Configuring call logging module
as a quick hit.
Customer Service does not take ownership of problems.
No Policy or performance Schedule to define Customer 1 Feb Resources available to define and document
measures Service policies and Procedures 1 Jun procedures
Mgmt not creating a Education on IT values, team 1 Jun Management empower teams
responsible environment member empowerment

©2007 21 Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project

Problem / Root Cause Process addressed Target Critical Success Factors

Call volume does not allow Quick hit - call screeners 1 Feb Resources available
ownership Change in work practice -
Mandatory call ownership by
Customer Service
High transfer of call Mandatory call ownership by 1 Feb Education program of Helpdesk team
ownership Customer Service
Facilities - Customers have New work environment 1
direct physical access to Introduction of call ownership and March
the Helpdesk staff on duty customer feedback
Social Systems
People not empowered to Creation of a culture of “No Fear” 1 June Change in management philosophy
take to own service Team member empowerment
requests for any resolution
Process training Training needs analysis 1 June Training resources available
Union issues OUTSTANDING
Non-aggressive, non-career Career mentoring scheme 1 Feb Success on career mentoring scheme
oriented people
Team members are risk Instill a “No-Fear Culture” 1 June IT internal communication programs
averse and don’t make Change in management philosophy
Call logging module See above (“Call logging module
configuration does not not configured”)
fully support escalation
“We vs. They” attitude between IT and Business

©2007 22 Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project

Problem / Root Cause Process addressed Target Critical Success Factors

IT and Business managers Development of Value Stream ASAP New organizational structure needs to be announced
communication processes concepts ASAP
No shared vision for Enrolment strategy 1 Feb Defining implementation team resources ASAP
Business and Customer Road-show of new strategy
No processes for Scheduled communication plan Mid Finalized Values Stream structures and processes
communications and
relationship management
Social Systems
No relationship building Customer Service team training 1 June Training needs analysis
Business ownership non- Information Policy 1 June Implementation of Value Stream structures and
existent processes
Customer IT literacy
IT is technical is focused Customer Service Model 1 June Implementation of Value Stream structures and
Customer communications processes
No communication Communications and marketing LAN implementation
technology function in CSM
Stores don’t use Helpdesk effectively
No Service Level Creation of SLA framework End SLA plan defined by Jun

©2007 23 Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project

Problem / Root Cause Process addressed Target Critical Success Factors

No reporting back to stores Call ownership principle 1 Feb Successful implementation of call ownership
QUICK HIT - Call closure and
stats collection for stores
No self help processes Communications (Self Help) End Technology requirements (LAN, Intranet)
Inefficient process for Process definition, call Jun
customer support management and escalation
Other channels for Process and Service definitions End SLA’s operational
solutions available
Social Systems
Perception of poor service Process and Service definitions End SLA’s operational
Breakdown of communications in IT
Management and NO ACTION BY CSM BRE IT Departmental issues for resolution ASAP
Supervisors don’t keep
staff informed
Minimal Helpdesk Release implementation specified End Development Coordination fully functional
involvement in release in Value Stream Relationship Change Management policies in place
planning Management function
No process for NO ACTION BY CSM BRE IT department issues for resolution ASAP
communications between
IT functions
Social Systems

©2007 24 Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project

Problem / Root Cause Process addressed Target Critical Success Factors

Low communication skills NO ACTION BT CSM BRE IT departmental issues for resolution ASAP
among supervisors and
Helpdesk lacks breadth of skills to do its job
Social Systems
Access to information Team building 1 June Key indicator included into work performance review
and knowledge is Implement knowledge capture tools
Access to technology Empowerment of IT team members 1 June
and privileges is Training
Helpdesk lacks resources to do its job
Resource scheduling OUTSTANDING
No call prevention Value Enhancement function 1 Jun Implement Enterprise management tools
No process to priorities Call Management function - call 1 June
work ownership and escalation
Social Systems
Incorrect personality OUTSTANDING Linked to career development system
profile Profiling for Customer Service

©2007 25 Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project

Problem / Root Cause Process addressed Target Critical Success Factors

Call management Call logging module configuration 1 June Enterprise management tools
technology is low and Information / Self Help tools
limited tools for
prevention and
Helpdesk is not available when needed
Helpdesk hours of Call Management 1 June
Helpdesk after hours Call Management 1 June Integration into Operations (24*7)
Social Systems
People all take breaks at Call Management is CSM 1 June
the same time responsibility
After hours contact
technology and
Helpdesk does not set Customer expectations
No processes in place to Call Management 1 Jun Training, tools, and processes defined
give customer expected
request resolution
Helpdesk infrastructure is ineffective
Social Systems

©2007 26 Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project

Problem / Root Cause Process addressed Target Critical Success Factors

Environment and facilities Building renovation 1 Mar
not appropriate
No Frills mentality to Principle - Customer service is the End Implementation of CSM BRE
Customer Service center of the universe for IT Acceptance of CS principle

Satisfiers Resolution Matrix - Verification

Satisfier / Category Process addressed Target CSF

Prior warning is required
Automatic Signals Call Management Mid
Devices display self-help Manual self-help Mid +++
IT should communicate continuously during service req.
Progress report on Call Management ASAP
Call Ownership Call Management Jan
On line issue query at store Call Management End
Internal report on Communications Plan Feb
Communication with
Cause analysis OUTSTANDING
Measurement and Call Management defined measure Mar-Apr
communication with Periodic report
Automatic warning to call Call Management Need tool for automation.

©2007 27 Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project

Satisfier / Category Process addressed Target CSF

Market services and progress
Road shows Communications Feb
Newsletters OUTSTANDING June
Organize store site visits Call Management Feb
Progress report vs. SLA’s Communications Jun
to Value Stream owners OUTSTANDING
Ideas bulletin OUTSTANDING
Survey customers OUTSTANDING
Give-away mouse mats Communications
Gadgetry / Merchandising OUTSTANDING
Relevant / Timely Information
CBT National Systems Training ?
Tips database Database End
Statistics Call Management Mid
Hierarchical knowledge Call Management End
base - knowledge tree
Telephone list - Addressed Mid Need the information from Business
highlighting critical people
CPI With Statistics
Quality circles meeting Focus groups
Exception monitoring and Call Management End Need to identify tools
call patterns - electronic OUTSTANDING

©2007 28 Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project

Satisfier / Category Process addressed Target CSF

Incorporate into personal Check with HR Mid
goals / objectives
Dedicated relationship Addressed On-
management going
Internal IT Communications
Regular team meetings in IT to address ASAP
Training plan IT to address with HR Mar
Focus group with senior OUTSTANDING
Internal newsletter IT to address
Communicate big picture IT to address
Clearly defined KPI’s IT to address
More social interaction IT to address
People introduction - IT to address
personal and electronic
IT and Customer Training
Specific training plan for National Systems Training
each job fix. OUTSTANDING
Solutions database Database End
General computer training National Systems Training
for all staff - low cost OUTSTANDING
training by IT people
Close Relationship with business partners
Regular forum with Ongoing
business partners

©2007 29 Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project

Satisfier / Category Process addressed Target CSF

Regular VS presentations Ongoing
Social interactions with OUTSTANDING
business partners
Job swapping OUTSTANDING
Set / Meet Expectations
Query facility for OUTSTANDING End
Tools to estimate workload Call Management Mid
Interpersonal skills training OUTSTANDING Feb ++
Method to identify agreed Call Management
Single Point of Contact
One number Call Management Mid Need IVRS tool.
Sophisticated Call Management Feb
intercompany PABX
Suitable physical environment
Environment Call Management ASAP Environmental team to respond.
CS to serve more than just IT
Commitment from Done
management for non-IT
Processes internal / external

©2007 30 Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project

Satisfier / Category Process addressed Target CSF

Display call process Call Management
Escalation procedures Call Management Feb
defined / enforced OUTSTANDING
On-line procedures manual Communications End
On-line query Communications End

©2007 31 Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project

Customer Satisfiers

Detailed Gap Analysis

Brainstorming Session Outcomes

1. Motivational team meetings

2. Customer, vendor attendance at team meetings

3. Measurable, reviewable goals/business - IT linked

4. Shared goals; common goals

5. Actions are specific, quantifiable

6. Templates for action plans

7. Pickup phone and call CEO – 1 step

8. Real-time SLA report card on-line

9. State and central roles clearly understood

10. Reach 90% of <CLIENT> that don’t have computer

11. Strategically place technology that everyone use - games/education

12. WWW for <CLIENT> - customer see things of interest

13. Do things we don’t have to do

14. Casual dress

15. Work influences their personal life style positively

16. Rigorous training in customer focus - tough, uncompromising; all of IT;

reinforced by mgmt/reward

17. Templates for business cases - don’t have to make up (easy). Requirements,
proposal, specs, policies. Not re-inventing the wheel.

18. Best practices on line - problem linked to solutions

19. Skills evolving as <CLIENT> changes to proactive signal training

20. Customer Service goes to new store openings

21. Customer Service rotation with business - required for promotions

22. PC training provided for all of <CLIENT> as a service

23. Emergency room to handle critical business problems

©2007 32 Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project

Detailed Implementation Sub-Project Definitions

Report of Current Helpdesk Operation

Workflow of the Current Helpdesk Operations

<insert workflow diagrams>


Elevation / Escalation / Updates


Elevation is the moving of a problem to a role at a higher skill level for


An unsolved problem must be elevated if the times detailed below have

expired. These times are maximums. As soon as a problem is recognized as
not being able to be fixed by each level, it should be elevated. See the
following table for details.

Priority 1st Level 2nd Level 3rd Level

Customer Service Retail Tech Software
Rep Support Development
Infrastructure Vendor
Critical 0:05 0:15 0:10
Urgent 0:20 1:00 0:40
High 0:30 3:00 2:30
Standard 2:00 8:00 6:00
Low 6:00 10:00 8:00


Escalation is the notification to management of a problem.

Escalation should only be to management involved in solving the problem or

affected by the problem. An unsolved problem must be escalated if the
problem has been open for the times detailed below. This will ensure that the
appropriate levels of management are informed at the relevant times. See
the following table for details.

©2007 33 Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project

Priority 1st Level 2nd Level 3rd Level 4th Level

Cust Service Ret Tech Software IT Director
Mgr Supp Mgr Dev Mgr State
Infra. Supp Vendor Rep Director
Mgr State IT Mgr Value
Value Stream
Stream Owner
Dept Mgr
Critical Immed. 0:15 0:20 0:30
Urgent 0:15 1:00 1:30 2:00
High 0:20 3:00 5:00 6:00
Standard 1:30 8:00 12:00 24:00
Low 5:00 12:00 24:00 24:00


Updating is the notification to the customer and management regarding the

resolution progress of a problem.

Updates should only be to management involved in solving the problem or

affected by the problem. The resolution progress update is to be given at the
time intervals detailed below. This will ensure that the appropriate levels of
management are kept informed. See the following table for details.

Priority 1st Level 2nd Level 3rd Level 4th Level

Cust Service Ret Tech Software Dev IT Director
Mgr Supp Mgr Mgr State
Infra. Supp Vendor Rep Director
Mgr State IT Mgr Value Stream
Value Stream Owner
Dept Mgr
Critical 0:15 0:15 0:20 0:30
Urgent 0:30 1:00 1:30 2:00
High 3:00 6:00 5:00
Standard 12:00 24:00 12:00
Low 24:00 24:00 24:00

Procedural Ground Rules

General ground rules for the CSM

 The CSR (Customer Service Representative) is responsible for tracking a

call from opening to closure.
 The person working on a problem will communicate directly with

©2007 34 Customer Service Model Business Re-Engineering Project

 Within <CLIENT>, the person who solves a problem, updates the

customer with the solution and verifies that the problem has been solved
is responsible for closing the call in call logging module.
 Any call closed in call logging module must reflect that the customer has
been informed of and has agreed to the resolution.
 Where a vendor is involved in the resolution of a call, the vendor must
notify the closure/resolution to the department from which the call was
 RTS (Retail Tech Support) will act as a coordinator between support
groups when there is a dispute on who should resolve a call problem.
Customer Service Model Implementation Plan

<Customer Service Model Implementation Plan>

©2007 35

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