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To what extent does lofi hip-hop constitute minimalism?

Counter culture: hip-hop always been ‘nerdy’ (Biggie saying he would play streetfighter 2 with his friends
(source), MF DOOM referencing comic books (source), anime in lofi being ‘nerdy’ and a modern counter
culture – minimalism also associated with subcultures, particularly jazz, acid culture (New York
‘Downtown Scene’ of the 1960s), gave rise to Velvet Underground, Sonic Youth etc. (American) still
perceived today as indie rock

Ties to popular culture: Nujabes creating the soundtrack to Samurai Champloo, John Adams with Nixon
in China, not so cut off from the real world as modernist orthodoxy

Lofi fetishises and devalues aesthetic which it works: jazz harmonies, bebop licks, movie samples all
completely arbitrary and rarely have any higher meaning – add to the aesthetic which is how it functions,
meaning these arbitrary aspects are highly important and fundamental: similar to minimalism, but the
latter focuses more on actual arbitrariness (lack of harmonic/melodic development), music only
functions as a whole not when broken down (contrast to modernist orthodoxy of highly procedural
works, music for music’s sake etc., similar to lofi’s arbitrariness contrasting to conventional hip-hop
which often has socio-political undertones, borne out the Bronx etc.), thus has the same effect

Both focus on the static properties of jazz (improvising over a repeated chord sequence) rather than on
the variance aspect (the improv itself): manifested in lofi through sampling etc., manifested in
minimalism through long-term structures, jazz harmonic idiom etc.

Differ in their approach to individuality: lofi hip-hop a subculture and community within itself, sample
culture, using the same samples, greater consciousness within the lofi community, pragmatics, whereas
minimalism artists carve out their own voices (conscious of the individualism of the contemporary
composer, focus on innovation, modernist orthodoxy demand; dictated by medium in many respects –
lofi exclusively electronically produced, reliant on samples, copyright dictations etc., minimalism often
acoustic/orchestral, greater lengths of time spent on compositions, focus on longer structures
(foundation of minimalism)

Reaction to the cultures that have come before: evolution/globalization/commodification of hip-hop,

marketability of gangsta rap, focus on commercialism within lyricism, fetishization of Bronx hip-hop
culture (Tricia Rose) – back to the ‘roots’, conscious reaction and a focus on true authenticity (issues with
the phrase ‘keepin’ it real’, minimalism a reaction to the complexity of total serialism and the French
school (Messiaen, Boulez, Duttileux) to become more simple, focus on rhythm etc.

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