Lesson 1 and 2 Quiz

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Polo National High School

English 9
Long Quiz #1

Name: _______________________________Section: ___________ Date: __________ Score: _________ P. S._____________

I. True or False:
Directions: Write “T” if the statement is true and “F” is the statement is false.
_______1. Life is compared to a play.
_______2. Lovers create great poems for their mistresses.
_______3. Babies vomit on their carer’s arms.
_______4. People are described as sportsmen and sportswomen.
_______5. School-boys complain.
_______6. King Hrothgar gave Beowulf a gift.
_______7. Grendel was considered the hero of Heorot.
_______8. The weapons of the warriors could easily kill the monster.
_______9. Hrothgar is the king of Denmark.
_______10. Beowulf killed Grendel.

II. Vocabulary: Match the underlined word in the sentence on Column A to its meaning in column. Write the letter of the
correct answer on the line before the number.
____1. The boy keeps on whining about his loose shoes. A. cry
____2. The dragon slayer always keep the town safe. B. promise
____3. Youth nowadays often broke their oath to their C. sea
____4. The warriors love to travel on the whale road. D vomit
____5. The hungry baby mewl. E. complaining
F. hero

III. Identify the sound devices used in the following lines or sentences. Choose your answer from the box below.

A. Assonance B. Consonance C. Alliteration D. onomatopoeia E. Imagery F. End rhyme G. Internal Rhyme

_____1. Nick's nephew needed some new notebooks.

_____2. It was dark and dim in the forest.
_____3. Hear the mellow wedding bells.
_____4. The chirping of birds heralded spring.
_____5. He struck a streak of bad luck

IV.Put (√) check if the following sentence follow the rules of capitalization and ( x ) if not.
_____1. My birthday is on the month of december.
_____2. My favorite movie is “Twilight”.
_____3. He went to their Doctor for check-up.
_____4. They airplane arrived at the NAIA terminal 1 at exactly ten a.m.
_____5. The banaue rice terraces is one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

V. Insert colon or semicolon properly.

1. I expected an important package this morning therefore, I waited several hours for the mall.
2. My aunt arrived at the airport at 10 17 a.m.
3. Sue intends to study several major composers Mozart, Beethoven, Wagner and Bach.
4. My sister plans to attend college next year in fact, she has already been accepted.
5. My friends intended to go shopping they were unable to get someone to drive them.

VI. Identify whether the following text is Journalistic, Informative or Literary.

_________1. Novel
_________2. Epic
_________3.TV Manual
_________4. Magazine
_________5. Newspaper

VII. Encircle the letter of the correct sequence marker that will complete the sentence,
1. My sister was in the dentist’s office for ten minutes. ______, I sat in the waiting room with an old magazine
in my hands. ( First, Meanwhile, Later )
2. An hour passed but there was no sign of Mike. ______, we decided to go home. ( Until, Before, Finally )
3. We bumped into Salsa during our trip to Lang Island. A few weeks ______, we met him again ( after,
then, later )
4. The teacher had trouble telling the twins apart. ______ she realized one had a mole above her lips. (
Subsequently, Finally, Meanwhile )
5. The men went to a nearby restaurant for breakfast. ______, they drove off towards the Penang Bridge
( After, Afterwards, Meanwhile )

Integrity is doing right thing, even when no one is watching

-C.S. Lewis
Polo National High School
English 9
Long Quiz #1

Integrity is doing right thing, even when no one is watching

-C.S. Lewis

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