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Department of Education

Region III
Arayat East District
San Juan Baño Elementary School
School Year 2019-2020

Accomplishment Report in Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao

Division Seminar – Workshop for ESP Teachers

Quality Pedagogy in Teaching EsP and Integrating Values Across Learning Areas Towards
Lasting Peace and National Change

The objectives of this 3 days seminar- workshop aims to enhance participants’ awareness of the
role and importance of EsP as a subject in the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum; enable
participants to acquire skills about the innovation Strtegies and Methodologies in teaching EsP;
and boost participants to be firm Values Education advocates.

The seminar- workshop activities commence with prayer followed by the National
Anthem, ESP latest updates and the objectives of the training. The participants inspired
through the message of our PSDS Madam Maria Carmen M. Evangelista EsP in- charge.

On the first day, the energetic and full of heart Ms. Karen P. Espiritu of Porac National High
School shared about the integrated and holistic approach to teaching and learning in EsP,
followed by Ms. Hilda Santos take the floor and address on how teachers live simply, live fully
specially EsP teachers. While, Ms. Claudette G. Policarpio, President of ESP TAP brings out the
“Productive and Meaningful Life”.

The second day full of learning and expectations from the speakers from San Matias HS, Ms.
Ruby R. Manalastas discussed about Enriching Qualities of Peace and Values Educators
Through Positive Health and Well- Being. Ms. Fe T. Mercado. TIC, EsP Coordinator of Camba
HS talked over the Pedagogy of Love: Teaching through the Heart. Furthermore, sharing of best
practices in EsP per cluster in the afternoon. Also, different activities after every topic were
given to all participants.

On the third day, selected high schools teachers per cluster shared and model their techniques in
demo teaching EsP subjects and succeeded by critiquing. Finally, recognizing the efforts of
every speaker and awarding of certificates. It was a fruitful and challenging training to all the

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