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Maintenance Section

¡f no mEst Es observed, or it ¡he mst 5 excessive rotate

the adiustrnent knob Ifl VG turn increments lo rncrease
or ecrease tne cii m:st Repeat ¡he startng motor
cranrng and ooservat;on unUl ¡he rn;st Es satisfactory.

NOTE. Drip retes shoutd only be made under en

average steady l!ow ccnditrcn Once estabhshed, ¡he
ubricator wrt automaticaly adiust the drrp rate
prcportronafly to variaticns rn ar flow.

Air Tank (If Equipped)

For good Efe of ¡he ar starting motor, ¡he ar supply

must be free of dirt and water, The arr starter requfres
adequate arr pressure En order lo operale.

• Dram water from ¡he amr tank (mf equmpped) Open ¡he
dram vaive en he bottom of ¡he amr tank ¡o dram ¡he
cor.densatmon and cm carryover.

• Check the arr supply pressure. The ar startmng motor

requmres a rnmnmmurn of 620 kPa (90 psE) of air
pressure 10 operate property. The maxmmum air
pressure must nol exceed 1723 kPa (250 psi). The
ncrmal amr pressure wiIl be 758 ¡o 965 kPa (110 ¡o
140 psi)
Maintenance Section
Every 125 Hours

Every 125 Hours

You must read and understand the warnings 1. Remcve the Mí caps Mantan the electrolyte level
and instructions contained ¡n the Safety section te the bcttam cf the fUl cap cpenings
of this manual, before performing any operation
It the additicn cf water a necessary, use distUed water
or maintenance procedures. It distilled water 3 fol avaitable use clean ater that is
low iR minerals Da nct use artitically sal tened water
Batteries At the prcper chargng rate, the batteries should nct
require mere than 30 cc (1 oz) cf water per ceFI per
2 Keep the batteries clean
Battery electrolyte contains acid and can cause
injury. Avoid contact with the skin and eyes. Always 3. Remove the cable clamps írcm aIF cf the battery
wear protective glasses when working with batter terminals.
¡es. Wash hands aher touching batteries and con
nectors. Use of gloves is recommended. Batteries 4. Clean aIF cf the battery terminals
give att flammable fumes which can explode. En
sure there ¡s proper ventilation lar batteries which 5. Clean alt cf the cable clamps
are located in an enclosure. Do not smake when
servicing the batteries. 6. Attach the cable clamps te Ihe battery terminals.
Tighten the cable clamp&

7. Coat the cable clamps and me battery terminats

Disconnectíng the Starting System with SN5561 Lubricant Ccmpound or petrcleum eIIy or
1. Turn the START switch 0FF or turn the ECS te the MPGM grease.
OFF/RESET posiban Remcve aH electrical cada

2. Discannect Ihe cable ítem the battery NEGATIVE Check Battery Charger (if equipped)
(—) terminal. Be sure that the cable cannct cantad the • Check the battery charger lcr proper operaban. It
terminal Where taur batteries are involved, the batteries are prcperly charged. the ammeter reading
negabve (—) side cf twa batterces must be should be very near zero AIF batteries should be kept
disconnected charged te a corrected specitic gravity of 1.250 or
3. Proceed with necessary system repairs Reverse
slep 2 in arder lo reconnect the cable(s) • The batteries shculd be kept warm, it pcssibte. The
battery temperature affects the cranking power. It the
battery a tao cold, the battery wilI nct crank the
Clean/Check Electrolyte Level
engine, even it the engine 5 warm.
Battery Electrolyte chan • When the engine is not run ter long pericds cf time or
Battery interval is run for short periods, the batteries may not fully
conventonal 125 Hour recharge. Ensure a fuIl charge te help prevent the
Low Maintenance 250 Hcurs battery from freezing.
Maintenance Free Nene Required
Maintenance Section
Every 750 Hours

Every 750 Hours

‘You must read and understand the warnings S’O•S Oil Analysis
and ,nstructions contained Fn the Safety section
of this manual, be foro pedorming any operation Obtain Oil Sample aM Analysis
or maintenance procedures.
Ho! oil and components can cause personal injury.
Clean Do no! allow hot oil or components lo contad the
Accumuiated grease and cii Qn an engine is a tire
hazard. Keep your engine clean. Remove debris and To compLirnen! a good preven[i\,e ma!n!enanoe
fitñd spilis each time a significant quantity accumuiates program, Ca[erpfflar recommends usng S05 Qn
Qn [he engine. Analysis a: regular scheduied in[ervais [o monor [nc
condihon and mantenance requirements Of vour

Siearn cteaning [he engine provides lcr easy delec[ion Each oil sample should be iaken when [he oil 5 warm
o huid Feaks. Repairing an ci! or ccolan[ leak upon and eH mixed lo ensure [ha[ [he sample 5
de[ec[ion may save money by avcding malor repa;rs represen[a[ive of [he cii in [he crankcase
[ha[ could resul! from 0w oil or ooolant levels S[eam
cleanng [he engrne as recommended wifl also improve To ob[ain 30»S oil sampies
[he engines hea[ [ransfer characteris[ics.
• Use [he cii sampkng valve (u equupped)
—Use a sampiung gun unser[ed mio [he sump
— Use [he dram s!rearn when changmng oil

Ca!erpiflar recomrnends [nc use ci a samphrc valve (uf

equupoed) un order lo cb:an sampes The quah[y and
me ccnsustency ci [he samp!es us beiler wnen [he
samphng vaive ms used. II a sampling vaive us no!
equmpped. [he use of an od samolmng gun us preferred
these methods are no! feasbie. [hen use ihe dram
stream me[hcd

The dram s[ream methcd ms [he leas! preferred me[hod

because debris from [he bo[tom ci [he oil sump can
con[ammnate [he sampie When usmng [he dram s[ream
me[hod [o ob[amn [he od sample, do no! sampie from
[he fmrs[ or final dramning. The oil a[ [he beginnmng or
end of [he dram s[ream is no! mmxed weil enough [o be
represenia[mve of [he oil in [he crankcase,

For more de[aied mniorma[mon, refer [o PEHP6001, How

To Take A Good Oil Sample. Consui[ wm[h your
Ca[erpliar cealer tor compicie mnfcrma:mcn 5fl:
assus!ance un es[abimshung an SQ.S program lcr your
Maintenance Section
Every 750 Hours

Lubrication System Dram Oil

Alter [he engine has been run at normal eperating

A WARNING temperature, STCP me engine. The rnethed used te
dram [he engine s cii depends en [he engne
1-lot oil and components can cause personal injury. equipment. Caten [he draning cii in a suitable
Do not allow hot oil or components to contact [he centainer. Dspese el [he used cii preperiy
• It the engine is equipped with a dram valve. epen [he
valva te dram [he cml, Aher [he cii has drained, clese
the valve
Replace Oil and Engine Oil Filters
alt [he engmne 5 net equipped wi[h a dram valva.
Engine apphcation, [ype el fuel gas. cd. amb:en[ air remeve an eil dram plug and allew [he eml te dram
conditens and air/fuel ra[ie have an irnpact en [he cd Altar [he Oil has drained, olean the Oil dram plug
change interval Es[ablishing an SO-S cd analysis Clean the eil dram plug fit[ing. Instali [he oil dram
pregram wifl aflew evalualion of [he used oil te plug. Tighlen [he oil dram piug te 80 ± 11 N•m (60 ±
determine it [his cd change interval is suitable Ter yeur 8 lb It).
specdic engine
NOTE, Sorne cus[emers use suctmon devices [e
rerneve lhe Oil lrom [he pan. It suc[ion equiprnen[ is
NOTICE used, ensure thaI [he suction device is olean in order [e
Only use eils as recommended by Caterpillar. Refer te prevent dir[ frem en[ering [he oil pan. Be careful ne[ [e
the Lubricant Specificatiens section of [bis manual ter s[rike [he engine oil suc[ion tubes er [he pisten ceelmng
[he recemmended oil. le[5.

This maintenance sheuld be perfermed en as level a

surtace as possible.

De net dram the oil when [he engine is cold. As oil

coels, suspended was[e par[icles se[[le en [he be[[om
el [he crankcase er Oil pan. The waste particles are net
removed wi[h [he draining celd oil. Dram [he crankcase
wi[h [he engine stepped and the Oil warm, This allews
ter the draining el the was[e particles tha[ are
suspended in [he oil.

Failure te fellew lhis recommended precedure weuld

resul[ in [he was[e par[icles being recircula[ed threugh
yeur engine lubricatien sys[em wi[h [he new Oil, Auxiliary Oil hitar canister: ven[ plug (1) and dram plug (2).

It [he engine is equmpped with an auxiliary oil filter

system, rerneve ven[ plug (1) Remove dram plug (2)
A WARNING and a[Lew [he Oil te dram, Af[er the oil has drained.
olean [he oil dram plug. Clean the oil dram plug
1-lot oil and components can cause personal injury. fi[[ing. lns[all [he eil dram plug Tigh[en [he Oil dram
Do not allow hot oil or components to contact [he plug [e 70 ± 14 N’m (50 ± 10 lb t[).
Maintenance Section
Every 750 Hours

Repiace Engine Oil Filters Use a magnet [o dfferentiate between [he lerraus and
ncn-ferrous metais fcund in ycur oil filter clamen:
Reclace [he en.gne DL! fdters at every oil change or Eerrcus metais ma’1 ndcate wear en [he steel an cas:
víflen the Oil hItar dLfferential pressure cauge regLsterS ron parIs el your engne
105 kPa (15 ps) wlh [he engne cperanng st rated
sceed and st operating temperature Non.ferrous metas rnai mOtete wear en Inc alumnum.
brass Dr bronze parIs ci veur eng!ne s’ccn as man
U equipped wth awihary cii hlters. replace [he auxdiary and red bearngs. turcocnarger Oearmngs ano cyhnaer
oil lilters Every 1500 Hours or Twe Months (every other heads.
oil change). Reler te the Auxiliary Oil Filter System
tepic Due te normal wear and friction, mt ma not uncommon te
lmnd amaN amounts of debris mn [he oil filter ciernen!
Make sure [o use the correct oil filters for your Consult your Caterpillar dealer [o arrange ter lurther
engine arrangement. analysis it en excessmve amount of debns is lound mn
your 01. i:iter e!emenL

Caterpillar oil filters are built [o Caterpillar specifica
tions Use of en oil filter no! recommended by
Caterpillar could result in severe damage [o your en
gine bearings, crankshaft, etc, as a result of [he larger
debris particles from unfiltered oil entering your en
gine lubricating system. Only use oil filters recom
mended by Caterpillar.

1. Remo’ie [he o1 lItar with a 1U8760 Chan Wrench


Typical hItar mounting base and filler gaske[.

1 Olean lhe sealmng surface of the lilter mountmng

base. Make sure all of [he oId gasket ¡5 removed.

4. Apply clean engmne Oil [o [he new filter gasket

Do NDT filI the o filters with oil before ins[alling them.
This Oil would no! be filtered and could be contamine!
ed. Contaminated Oil wilI cause accelerated wear [o
engine components.
Element with debris,

2. Cut [he oil filter open with a 40-5084 Oil Filter

Cutier. Spread [he p!eats apart and inspect [he 5. Place [he lilter mn positmon. Tigh[en [he filler until [he
e[ement br metal debris An excessive amount of gasket contacts [he base. Tmghten the lmlter ¾ of a turn
debris in [he oil filter element may indicale early wear mere (270 degrees) by hand Do not over iighten.
or a pending failure.
Maintenance Section
Every 750 Heurs

Fi II 2. FcJcw the startng crccedure vi Ihe Starung me

Engvne tcp:c Operale :ne engine st LOW tLE lcr twc
1. Remeve th.e cii t’Iler cap Refer lo Lubncant mnutes vi order te ensure thaI me ubr;ca:cn system
Specihcancns lcr the proper cii lo use lcr tbs engine (indud;n.o auxihary fiiters. etc) has c, ar.d me cE li[ters
FiN me crankcase wilh Ihe prcper amcun! ci cii reter 10 are lifled Inspeol lcr e eaks. Ensure thaI me c:l leye[
ihe ReliN Capacites chart). is al ihe FULL mark en Iba LQW IDLE sida el lhe cii
Level gauge.
Ful Auxiliary Oil Filter Canister (lf Equipped)
3. Stcp the engine and aflew the cilio dram back nle
the sump ter a mmnmmum el ten minutes
lf equipped with an auxiliary oíl fulter system, extra oil 4. Remeve the cii aval gauge and check iba cml laval
must be added when filling the crankcase. It equipped Mamntaun me cmi level te Ihe FULL mark en Ihe ENGINE
with an auxiliary Oil filter system that is net supplied by STOPPED sida cf Ihe Oil [aval gauge.
Caterpíllar, follow the auxiliary Oil filter systems OEM

II eQuipped wilh an auxiimary oil fritar system. pcur cii

vito iba canmsier Retar te he Auxuiary Ql Fritar Retiil
Capacitres chart ter Ihe ameunt el odie liii Iba

QN may be peured vilo Ihe canisters vent piug titting.

er remcve iba cever and peur Oil vito Iba canister.
Retar le iba Auxil;ary Oil FilIar System tcp:c ter
mnfermahcn abcui cever remeval and inslallalmen. Altar
iba canisler has been tillad with cml and iba cever 9 vi
place, mnsiali iba veril piug

Te prevent crankshaft ar bearing damage, crank the
engine with the fuel 0FF in erder te fill aN of the eil
filters BEFORE starting. De Net crank the engine lar
mere than 30 secends. Crank the engine with the fuel
0FF until normal Oil pressure shews en the oil pres
sure gauge. Allew me starting meter lo ceol ter twa
minutes befere cranking agaín.

Maintenance Section
Every 750 Hours

Crankcase Breathers Cooling System (Conventional HO

Coolant/Antifreeze OnIy)
It [he crankcase breather 5 not maintained en a regu Test for SCA Dr Obtain Level 1 Analysis
lar basis, it wiII beceme plugged. A plugged crankcase
breather weuld result in excessive crankcase pressure
that may cause crankshaft seal Ieakage. A WARNING
Coolant additive contains alkali. To prevent per
sonal injury, avoid contact with the sRm and eyes.
C lean Do not drink coolant.

Cheok [he oeehng sys[em enly at[er [he engine 5

s[epped and oeel. Remeve [he tiller cap slewly [e
reheve pressure. Te preven[ engine damage, never add
ceehng system preducis te an everheated engine
AIIew Ihe engine te oeel tirs[.

The use el Caterpillar SCA wiII prevent n[ernal damage

te [he engine, suoh as Iner er bleok pi[hng. It [he SCA
oenoentra[ien is toe Iew, pi[ting el [he cylinder waII may
000ur, whch can lead te ceslly engine damage.

It [he SCA oenoen[ra[ren is tea high, sludge and mud

Hese olamp (1). brea[her assembly (2), and re[aining hke depesits may lerm ti [he ceeling syslem, This
olamp (3). adversely alteots engine perlormanoe and can alse
lead te cestly repairs el [he engine and ceeling sys[em.
1. Loasen hese clamp (1). Sude [he hose frem
breather assembly (2).

2. Loasen re[aining clamp (3). Remove breather NOTICE

assembly (2). Remeve me orankcase brea[her seal, The overcencentration of a supplemental ceelant addi
tive wilI result ti deposits en [he higher temperature
3. Wash [he breather assembly ti olean, surfaces of the cooling sys[em and create a barrier
nenflammable selvent. AlIew [he breather assembly te that reduces the engines heat transfer
dry. characteristics,
Reduced heat transter could cause cracking of [he
4. Inspeo[ the seal ter oracks er damage. Replace [he
cylinder head and o[her high tempera[ure compo
seal 1 necessary. InstaIl the seal. Te make ins[alIa[ion
nents. Excessive concentrations of additive could also
easier. apply olean engine oil er pe[releum jelly en the
accelerate water pump seal wear.
rubber par[s,

5. InstaIl [he brea[her assembly. hese, and clamps in

reverse erder el remeval, Be sure [e install [he Use [he 4C-9301 Tes[ Ki[ er use [he 8T5295 Test Ki[ [e
cempenen[s ti [he original pesi[ien. check ter SCA cenoen[ra[ien, Add SCA it [he
cencen[ratien is [oc Iew. It [he SCA cencen[ratien 5
6. Tigh[en re[aining clamp (3). Tighten hese clamp (1), excessive, dram hall [he coelan[, and replace wi[h [he
Reter [e [he Torque Specílicatiens sec[ien in [his preper ceelan[ mixture.
NOTE: Yeu may [esi yeur oeelan[ SCA cenoentra[men
DR have [he SCA cencen[ra[ien tes[ed as par[ el a
5-0-5 Ceelan[ Analysis (Level 1).
Maintenanca Section
Every 750 Hours

Dbtain Laval 1 Analysis 3. Add hquid SCA according to Iba requiraments tor
your anginas coohng systam capacrty Retar lo me
S’O.S Coolant Analysis is Iba bast way lo monor the
Refdl Capacities chart for your enginas cochng system
condihon of your coolant and your coohng system
capacfty Retar lo Iba Coolant Specihcatons lcr me
Laval 1: Basic Coolant Maintenanca Chack Catarpdlar SCA Requwaments chart

Checks tor corract chemical balance for proper heal 4. Clean the coohng system tillar cap lnspect me
and corrosion controL TesIs lcr: cooling systam tillar cap gaskats. II Iba gaskats are
damaged. replaca Ihe oId ccohng systam hIlar cap with
• glycol a new cooling system tillar cap. Clean the coohng
• SCA concentrations syslem tillar cap receptada. lnstall tha cooling systam
• pH tillar cap.
• conductivity

5•Q.5 Coolant Analysis reports resulta and makas

recommandations, usually within 24 hours, Consult
your Catarpillar dealar lcr more information.

Add Liquid Supplemental Coolant Additive


Only add SCA if required by SCA test results. ¡

Excessive and continuous ovar concentration of SCA
(graater than tha racommendad 6 parcant initial fill),
togathar with antitraeze concentrations graatar than
60 parcant, can rasult in daposits on tha highar tam
parature surfacas of iba cooling systam, accalaratad
water pump seat waar, and radiator tuba blockaga,
forming a barriar thaI raducas tha anginas heat
transfer charactaristics. Raducad haat transter could
causa cracking ot the cylinder haad and other high
tamparature components,
To pravent overinhibiting Iba anginas cooling system,
nevar usa both SCA liquid AND Iba SCA alement (it
aquippad) al tha sama time.

1. Loosan Iba cooling systam tillar cap slowly lo

relieve pressura. Ramova Ihe cooling systam tillar cap.

2. II may be necassary lo dram anough coolant trom

the cooling system lo allow tor Iha addmtion of Iba SCA.
M&ntenance Section
Every 750 Hours

Gas Pressure Regulator Fuel Filter

Dram Water From Drip Leg Replace Aher Element

The ba!ance fine on the gas pressure regu!ator may Rep!ace the fue! fdter &ement when me fue! fi!ter
have a drip Ieg to cof!ect condensation. The cap shou[d differentia! pressure gauge (it equipped) reached 34
be removed to dram any accumulated water, kPa (5 psi) with the engine operating st rated speed
and st operatrng temperatura II the engine 5 not
Fo[!ow the procedure be!ow to dram water from the gas equmpped wmth a fue! fm!ter dmfferentmaf pressure gauge,
pressure regu!ator. reptace the fue! fm!ter e!ement Every 750 Hours

1. Cose the mamn gas supp!y va!ve. Refer to SEHS9298. !nsta!iatmon and Mamntenance of
Gaseous Fue! Fm!ters. or consult your Caterpikar deafer.
2. Remove the cap from the drmp cg.

3. A!Iow su accumufated wa!er to dram.

4. !nstau the cap.

5. Open the mamn gas supp!y va!ve.

6. Check the gas dmfferentraf pressure to mamntamn the

correct pressure for the fue! bemng burned and the
appkcatmon of your engmne. For mnformation, consuft
your Caterpmf!ar dea!er.
Maintenance Section
Every 750 Hours

Spark Plugs
DO NOT OPERATE ENGINES equipped with exter
nal transformers when the internal seat between
A WARNING the ‘salve cover and the spark ptug adapter tube is
damaged or missing. This seal prevents exptosive
Ignition systems can cause electrical shocks. crankcase gases from entering the spark plug
Avoid contacting ignition components and wiring adapter.
unless 11w Engine Control Switch (ECS) is in the
STOP or OFF/RESET position. This will immediately
discharge the ignition system when the ignition bar Pertorm ene of ihe foflowing procedures (depending
ness is reconnected. DO NOT inspect ‘salve me upon the type of gnition systern) lo remove, clean,
chanism or iransformers while the engine is run inspect. and nstafl the spark plugs.
ning. Personal injury or death may result.

Attronic Ignition System 7..

Spark plug servte lite is determined by the peak The Attronic ignition system has a transformer mounted
voltage requrred and by fouling due to deposrts Irom separately 1 rorn the spark plug
Ihe oil. Because sorne ubrication os contain zinc
addrtives, fouling may be a problern Monthly deaning 1. Set the rnanual stop bypass switch lo the 0FF
may extend spark piug service hfe. position. This w,ll ground the magneto and discharge
any capac’tors thai may be charged.
Spark PIug Service Lite
Aspiration Estimated Service Lite’
NA 6000 Hours
TA 300D Hcurs
The estimated service lite PS based en engines operating at
1800 rpm

Ignition rnaintenance ‘5 related lo the voltage required

lo tire Ihe spark plug. The higher ihe absolute nIel
rnanifold arr pressure, the higher the voltage required,
which shortens he service lite of re!ated components
such as spark plug wires, transforrners, etc.

Higher rated engines should have the ignition system

components inspected more frequently.


Wire (1), boot (2). spark plug (3). and seal (4).

2. Disconnect wire (1) frorn the transtormer. Do not

pull on the wire, damage lo the wire could result.

3. Remove boot (2)

Maintenance Section
Every 750 Hours

4. Ensure thaI me area areund the spark piug is clean

and free of dirt and debns, Use a 22 mm (875 in)
2P-5481 Deep Wefl Socket wth an extenscn in order te
remove soark olug (33

5. Ciean the spark plug with a nonrnetaWc brush.

rspect me spark piug for cDrrCsDn. ptting, and wear
It me spark plug is in good condition, the spark plug
may be instafled, InstaN a new spark ptug gasket. It the
spark plug is noÉ in goed condition, instaN a new spark
o’ug Reler te the ParIs Manual toe me part number
Check the spark piug gap betore nsta[iing me spark
pug Set the spark plug gap according to the engine
Setal Number.

0.38 mm (015 n) tor 6NB and 7DB engines

0.30 mm (011 n) ter ERJ and 3NK engines

Do noÉ overtighten the spark plugs. Wiring harness (1). bocÉ (2), transtormer (3), and spark
plug (4).
Do noÉ use anh-seize compound on spark plug
threads. Anti-seíze compound acts as an insulator
2. Disconnect wiring harness (1). Do noÉ putI en the
which inhibits proper heal transter.
wire, damage o Ihe wnng harness could resuit.

3. Remove bocÉ (2)

6. Ensure thaI the spark plug weIl and me threads are
clean InstaN the spark plug. Tighten me spark píug 4. Remove transtormer (3).
according lo the engine Serial Number.
5. Ensure thaI me area around Ihe spark plug is clean
30 = 4 N•m (22 ± 3 ib tt) lar 6NB and 7DB engines and trae of dn and debrs. Remove spark plug (4)
25 ± 5 N•m (18 ± 4 lb tt) ter 6RJ and 3NK engines trom ¡he cylinder head Retain the copper washer
whch hts between spark ptug and transtormer
7. Inspecl seat (4), bocÉ (2), and wire (1). It the
components are in goed condition, nstall the 6. Clean the spark ptug w,th a nonmetallic brush.
components. It a component ‘5 noÉ in geod condition, lnspect the spark plug ter corrosion, pitting, and wear.
reptace the oId component w’th a new component. It the spark plug is in goed cond,ton, the spark plug
may be installed. Instail a new spark piug gasket. It me
spark plug ‘5 noÉ in geod condition. install a new spark
CSA Ignition Systems piug. fletee lo the Parts Manual [Dr the part number. It a
new spark plug is installed, d’scard Ihe oId copper
The CSA ignition system has an integral transtormer
washer and install the new copper washer that 5
mal lhreads directly te the spark ptug. The transformer
supplied with the new spark plug. Check the spark
and the spark plug are removed and installed
plug gap before installing Ihe spark ptug. Set the spark
plug gap Lo 0.38 mm (.015 in).
1. Set me stop bypass switch lo the 0FF position
Th’s will ground the magneto and discharge any
capacitors that may be charged.
Maintenance Section
Every 750 Hours

2. Dsconneo! w;nng harneas (1) Do not uH on Che

w:re. damage coJd resuCt.
Do not overtighten the spark piugs.
Do not use anti-seize compound on spark plug 3. Remove boa! 2:
threads. Anti-seize compound acts as an insulator
which nhibits proper heat transfer. 4. Remove spark piug (3) and transformer (3)

5. Remove the spark piug from Ihe transformer Retain

7. Ensure thaI the spark piug weli and Che threads are copper spacer (5)
cean. instau spark piug (1) into Che cyhnder head
Tigh!en Che spark Diug to 30 ± 4 N•m (22 ± 3 lb fI) 6. Ciean the spark plug wth a nonmetalLc brush
nstaii the copper apacer. nspect Che spark pija br corrostn. ptting. and wear
II Che spark plug a ¡n good ccnditron. the spark piug
8. nstah transiormer (3). Tighten ihe Iransiormer ‘.. may be instalied. II the spark piug is not in gaod
turn (45 degrees) pasi hnger hght. Do not overlighten. conditLon. instaD a new spark piug Refer lo the ParIs
Manual br the part number. Check the spark ptug gap
9. inspeci boot (2). and wiring harness (1). If the befare nstaliing the spark piug, Set Ihe spark plug gap
componenls are n good condihon, instali Che lo 0.38 mm (.015 in)
components if a component 5 not in good condtion,
repiace Che oid componenl with a new component.

Fairbanks Morse Ignition Systems Do not overtighten Che spark piugs.
Earher engines may be equ’pped with Ihe The Do not use antí-seize compound on spark plug (
Fairbanks Morse ignihan system. The Fairbanks Morse threads. Anti-seize compound acts as an insulator
ignition system has an integral transformer thaI threads which inhibits proper heat transfer.
directiy Co the spark ptug. The transformer and the
spark piug are removed and instalied as an assemb!y.
NOTE When instaihng a new spark piug. remove and
1. Set Che stop bypass switch lo me 0FF position
Ths w:ll ground me magneto and discharge any discard the copper washer thai a supphed with me
capacitors thai may be charged spark piug. InstaD the factory supptied copper spacer
between the spark plug and me transformer.

7. Al copper spacer (5) between spark piug (4) and

transformer (3). Tighten the spark plug 1o47 ± 3 Nm
(35 ± 2 Ib It).

8. InstaIl spark p!ug (4) and transformer (3) assembly.

Tighlen Ihe assem.uly Co 38 ± 3 N•m (28 ± 2 lb II).

9. Inspeci boot (2), and wiring harness (1). If Ihe

components are in good condCion, instali the
components. It a component ¡a not in good condition,
replace Ihe oid component with a new component.

Wiring harness (1), boot (2), transformer (3). spark plug

(4). and copper spacer (5).
Maintenance Section
Every 750 Hours

Ignition System Altronic CSA Ignition System Timing

1. Remeve the trmrng dover trem the flywheel heusrng
Inspect/Adjust Timing
2. Use a 9U5358 Trmrng Lrght KrL Remeve Ihe dover
The trmrng sheubd be checked and adjusted (rf plate frem the ngrd cendurt tee nearest cyhnder Nel.
necessary) when rgnrtren system marntenance rs Carefully pulI the prrmary wrres frem the lee that lead te
cempleted (j.c. spark ptugs, trmrng control, etc). cylrnder No 1 and place the trmrng lrght clrp around the
Before ad;ustrng the t’mrng, have a gas anaiysis test
made of the fuel berng used, Yeur CaterprUar dealer is The spark plug adapter must have the rubber beot and
equrpped te make the methane number calculahens te seal rnstalled en the valve dover. The rubber beet
determrne Ihe cerrect trmrng. pretedts the adapter frem water, drrt, etc. The seal
pretects the adapter frem crankcase gases. Detenalren
Detaded trming rnstruchons for engrnes equrpped wrth er prergnrtren ceuld result rl the seal rs net rn place
Fawbanks Morse and Altront solrd state rgnrhen
systems can be found rn the engrne Servrce ManuaL 3. Start the engrne accerdrng te the Startrng the
Engrne precedure. Graduafly rncrease the engrne speed
The hm’ng instructrons ter rntegral transtormer ignrtien te the FULL LOAD rpm (reler te Intermatren Plate).
systems requrre the use of a 9U-5358 Timrng Ught Krt.
It usrng a drfterent trmrng hght. the procedure may vary. 4. Check the ltywheel lrmrng pernter wrth the trmrng
Contad your Caterprtar deaier ter assrstance. lrght.

5. II trmrng adiustment rs necessary, besen the

NOTICE rneuntrng bells te the magneto. Turn the magneto as
Timing en the 0w tension lead (prior te the trans needed rn erder te ebtarn Ihe corred trmrng It unsure,
former) of a high energy ignition systern with an induc censult yeur Caterprllar deater in erder te ebtarn the
tive tirning light can experience problems with sorne cerrect trmrng
brands of timing lights. lf the timing light does not
operate, use a different brand or use a Caterpi llar
tirning light. It the timing light rernains en contínuously, G3400 Gas Engine Timing Charts
open the inductive pickup clip and block me clip open
by inserting a piece of cardboard. ‘Che rgnrtien trmrng infermatren centained rn the
leflowrng chart reflects No. 1 cylrnder trmrng ETC
(befere tep center),

Gas engrne rgnrtren t;mrng varres wrth gas chemrstry

A WARNING and nIel manifeld arr temperature (alterceeler
cendrtren). There are seme gases that these engines
( DO NOT OPERATE ENGINES equipped with exter cannot eperate en. The follewrng chart ¡5 a general
nal transformers when the internal seat between gurdetine. Censult yeur Caterprllar dealer ter specilrc
the valve cover and 11w spark plug adapter tube is trmrng requrrements based en actual fuel gas
damaged or missing. This seal prevents explosive chemrstry.
crankcase gases from entering tIte spark plug

Both the high vottage wire and me seat rnust be in
stalled on alt of the cyhnders before the engine 5
operated. Failure todo this may allow a spark from the
exposed lead te igníte crankcase vapors. Engine darn
age covid result.
M&ntenance Section
Every 750 Hours

Na.1 Cylinder Timing ETC The correct air/fuel rabo is very impor(ant not only for
(Engine Stapped and Rated Speed) combustion knock consideratrons. but also fCr
85:1 Pistan Compressian Ratía achieving (he best service lite from gas engines.
Engine Attercaaler Fuel 2 Ring 3 Ring
Model Water Temp. Type Pistan Pisten lf (he air/fuel rabo 5 not in (he correct or opbmum
range, (he engine will no( operate correctly. The test
03408 TA 32°C (90°F) Pipeiine - 29 0°
03412 TA resul(s frorn oil samples should be used as a basis for
de(ermining (he air/fuel rabo ad1us(ments
03408 TA 32°C (90°F) Propane - 160°
03412 TA
Refer (o the Service Manual for additional informatiori
03408 TA 54°C (130°F) Pipehne - 28.0° Consult wi(h your Caterpillar dealer br assis(anoe.
03412 TA
03408 TA 54°C 130°F) Propano 15.0°
03412 TA
9.7:1 Pistan Compressian Ratio
03408 NA Pipehne - 34.0°
03408 TA 32°C (90°F) Pipehne 225° 23.0°
03412 TA
03408 TA 54°C (130°F) Pipehne 20.0° 22.0°
03412 TA
11,3:1 Pistan Compression Ratio (LE Only)
03408 TA 32°C (90°F) Pipehne - 23.0°
03412 TA
03408 TA 54°C (130°F) Pipehne - 23.0°
03412 TA

LHV—Low Heat Value

NOTE. Consul( your Caterpiflar dealer br informabon
rela(ing to timing and (he use of held gas and al) other
gases not included in the Chart aboye.

Air/Fuel Ratio

Engines with air/fuel rabos (bat have been adjus(ed so

(bat all of the fuel and al) of the oxygen 5 Consumed
are known (o have stoiohrometriC air/fuel rabos.

Air/fuel rabos be(ween 10:1 and 11:1 permHs the

optimum fuel Consumpbon at ra(ed power, however it
promotes rapid nitraíon of (he oil.

II (he air/fuel rabo is Changed, it mus( be done wi(h

Cate beCause (he Change have a negative effeC( on (he
power of (he engine or resull in excessive exhaust
(emperature whtCh oould affect (he serviCe lite of (he

Maintenance Section
Every 750 Hours

Air Inlet and Exhaust Piping Belts

Inspect Check/Adjust
[nspect the aif n[et system piping, elbews and gaskets, [nspect me cenditien and ad[ustment cf afternator and
and the aftercee[er ícr cracks er damage. Inspect me accessery drive be[ts Examine a[[ drive be[ts [or wear
exhaust manite[ds lar cracks and [eaks. and rep[ace it they shew any signs el wear Loase er
wern pu[[ey graeves cause bett s[ippage and iow
Check ter [cose c[amps. Tighten me clamps it accessery drive speed It belts are toe [cose, Ihey
necessary. Have the cempenents repaired er replaced vibrate enough te cause unnecessary wear en the be[ts
as necessary Refer te the Service Manual, er censult and pu[[eys and pessib[y s[ip eneugh te cause
your Caterpillar dealer ter assistance, everheating

It betts are toe tight, unnecessary stresses are p[aced

upen Ihe pu[tey bearings and be[ts which mght
sherten the lite el bern.

II ene bett in a set requires replacement. a[ways instaD

a new matched set el belts. Never replace just the
wern beIL ti enly the wern belt is replaced, the new
be[t witl carry alI the lead, as it wi[I net be stretched as
much as the elder be[ts, A[[ the be[ts wiII tail in rapid

Remeve the belt guard. Inspect me cenditien and

ad1ustment el alternater be[ts and accessery drive
belts (it equipped),

Te check the belt tensien, app[y 110 Newton (25 Ib)

torce, perpendicular te the belt. midway between the
pulleys Measure the belt deilectien Cerrectly adjusted
be[ts wil[ defíect 13 te 19 mm (½ te ¾ in).

It the belt dees net require rep[acement er adjustment,

install the belt guard. II the belt requires adluslment er
replacement, perferm the te[Iewing precedure te adjust
the belt tensien,
Maintenance Section
Every 750 Hours

Alternator Belt Adjustment Hoses and Clamps


lnspect all hoses for :eaks due to crack;rg soflness

and cose ciamps Repiace roses mat are cracked ct
so!! ano t ghten cose c[amps

Do not bend or strike high pressure unes. Do not install
ben! or damaged hnes, tubes or hoses. Repair any
D30858 loase or damaged fuel and oil lines, tubes and hoses.
Leaks can cause fires. lnspect aH lines, [ubes and
hoses carefufly. Tigh[en alt connections [o [he recom
Typical bel[ assembiy mounting bol! (1) and Øusting nuts mended torque.

1. Loasen mcun[ing bol! (1).

Check br me following:
2. Turn ad1usuing nuts (2) in arder [o marease or
decrease [he bel[ tensicn • End fm[tmngs damaged. eakmng or displaced
• Quter covermng chaled or cut and wire remnlorcmng
3. Ttgh[en [he adlus[mng nuts. Tighten [he mounhmng exposed
balI Refer lo lhe Torque Spec’fmcatmons in thms manual, • Ou[er covermng balloonmng locally
• Evidence of kmnkmng or crushmng al the flexible par! of
4. Install [he bel! guard [he hose
• Armoring embedded in [he outer cover
II new bel[s are installed, check [he bel! ad1us[men[
agan aHer 30 minutes of engmne operatian. A constan: :crque hose clarnp can be used mn place of
any standard hose clamp. Mae sure [he cons[ant
torque hose ctarnp 5 [he same size as [he s[andard
Fan Bel! Adjustment clamp. Due :o extreme temperature changes, hose wUl
1. Loasen [he mount’ng bol[s hect se[. Heat sellrng causes hose clamps [o loasen
Loose hose ciamps can resui[ n leaks. A constant
2. Turn [he ad1us[ing bol! mn arder [o increase or [orque hose clamp wmll help prevent loase hose clamps.
decrease the bel! tensmon.
Each ins[alla[mon applica[mon can be dm1 lerent depending
3. Tmghlen [he adjustmng nuts Tighten [he moun[ing on the [ype of hose, fmtting material and an[mcmpa[ed
bol[s, Reter [o [he Torque Specificahons in [his manual, expansion or contrac[mon of [he hose and fm[[ings. A
[orque wrench should be used bar proper installa[mon of
[he constan! [orque hose clamps.
Mantenance Section
Every 750 Hours

Replace Engine Mounts

Perfarm ths pracedure with me engine stapped and Inspect
CaCerp’ar recomrnencs nsoectng me engne rnaunts
1. Loasen Che coahng system fiHer cap slawiy in arder and generatar ar ather driven equDment maurtng
Ca re]:eve any pressure. Remave Che coaling system systems lcr detereraticn and praper bat torcue Ths
f,!er cap. w[l preven excessve engine and dnven equpmenl
brabon cajsed lrcm cose andcr merecer mount:ng
2. Dram (nc coafan( (ram Che caohng system (a a mevem Cansul yaur Caerp;Ilar dealer ar refer la (he Instatatian
belaw (he hase be’ng replaced. and App[mcahan Guide ter Gas Engmnes ar Che Servmce
Manual for Che recammended (arque vaiues
3. Remave (he hase clamps, dmscannect Che aId base
and repiace wm(h a new hase,

4. natal base clamps. Refer Ca (he Tarque

Specmhcatmans seclan in Chis manual.

5. Add (he praper caalan( mixture (a (he caaling

system Reler la lhe Caating System Specmlicaians
sectman in mis manuaL FmH (he svstem (a (he praper

6. Clean Che caahng system filler cap. Inspect me

caahng syslem ltCer cap gaske(s. It (he gaskes are
damaged, replace (he aId caahng system MIer cap wmth
a new ccahng syslem liller cap. C:ean (he caaimng
syslem filler cap receptacle. lns(all Che caahng sys(em
MIer cap. Start (he engmne and inspect lar coaling
syslem leaks.
Maintenance Sectien
Every 750 Hours

Crankshaft Vibration Damper Engine Protective Devices

Inspect lnspectfCheck
Visconic Damper Alarms and shutcffs must work properly in crder te
provide timely warning te the eperater and protection
The visconc damper has a weight, ecated inside a
lcr the engine It 5 mpessibe te te it the engine
fluid tU[ed case, The weight moves in the case te fimil
pretective devices are in goed werking arder during
tersienal vibraten, nspect the damper lcr evidence of
normal cperaticn. Engine malfunctions must be
dents, cracks er eaks cf the fluid
simuated in arder te test the alarm and shutelf
Damage te. er fadure cf, the crankshaft vibraban cemponents.
damper wifl increase terscnal vibrations and resufi in
In arder te prevent damage te the engine. cnly
damage te Ihe crankshaft and other engine
autherized service persennel er yeur Caterpillar dealer
components A deterieraling damper wifl cause
should perferm the teste. Centact yeur Caterpillar
excessive gear train noise al variable peints in the
dealer er refer te the Service Manual ter mere
speed range.
lnspect the damper. Repace the damper it necessary

Repace the damper il,

Visual Inspection
Visually check the cendition el al gauges, sensers.
• The engine has fiad a tailure because el a breken and wiring. Leek ter cese, breken, er damaged wiring
crankshaft and cempenents. Repair er repace any damaged
• S0S analysis has detected that the crankshaft tront wiring er cempcnents mmediately. (
bearing 5 badly worn er there 5 a large ameunt of
gear train wear thai 5 net caused by a lack el oil
• The damper is dented, cracked, or eaking

Removal and Installation

Reter te the Service Manual lcr the damper remeva
precedure and ter the damper installatien procedure.
Censult yeur Caterpillar dealer ter assistance.
Maintenance Section
Every 750 Hours

Turbocharger An nspecflon/check of your turbecharger wili minimize

unscheduled downtme and reduce the chance br
Per;cd:c nspecbcn and c!eaning is recemmeneed lar potentaL damage te o[her engne pars
[nc turbocharger ccmpressor rcus:ng (iniet sde) Snce
[he crankcase fumes are ingested threugh [he inet air NOTE Turbocharger ccmponents require precs:on
systeft el and ccrnbustien b7-peducts may coflect in clearances and baLancng due te cperaton at n;an
mese ne arcas. rotatonai. ctcrsona!) speees Severe Se’ce
Apphca[iens can accelera[e compcnen[ wear and may
This bui[dup, over Ume, can contribule [o loss el sugges[ [he need te lnspec[/Repar/Replace [he
engine power, increased black smoke, and oyeraN Loas car[hdge a[ reduced in[ervais [o ensure maxmum
el engine efhciency, This buildup is only a possible rehabih[y and re[en[ion of [he ful1 core
contrbutor [o [hese condi[ions,

Ocerattng [he engine until [he [urbocharger tats can Removal and Installation
severeiy damage [he turbochargers compresscr wheei For reme•a and sns[aliancn. or repair/repiacement
and/or [he engne Damage te [he [urDocharger op[ions of [urbochargers. see your Caterpiflar dealer
ccrnpresser wheel cculd allow parts irom [he Reter [e [he Serv:ce Manual ter this engine cr consul!
compressor wheel [o en[er [he engine cyhnder, causing your Ca[erollar dealer lar [he procedure and
addihonaL damage [o [he pisten. vaLve, and cyhnder specificahons.

The foflowing condwons can ndica[e severe service lnspect/Check/Clean

1. Remove [he exhaus[ ou[te[ piping and remeve [he
• Hrgh altitude opera[ion— aboye 1525 m (5000 it) air inlet piping from [he turbecharger. Visually check ter
• Areno opera[icn— regular ccld slaris al [emperatures oil leaks
below 0°C (32°F)
• Exending main[enance beyond [he recommended 2. Turn [he compresser wheel and [urbine whee! by
intervais hand The assernbly shouid [urn ireely lnspec[ [he
• Frequen[ ho[ sbutdowns— mn,mum ceo! dewn compresser wheel and turbine wheel fo, contac[ with
periods aher high Load operation [he turbecharger housing. There should NDT be any
visible signs el contad be[ween [he turbine or
compressor wheel and [he turbocharger housing. II
NOTICE there a any indication of contac[ between [he ro[a[ing
Turbocharger bearing failures can cause large quanti wheel(s) and [he housing, [he [urbocharger should be
[ies of oil [o enter [he air intake and exhaust systems. reconditioned or replaced.
Loss of engine lubrican[ can result in serious engine
damage. 3. Check [he compressor wheel ter cleanliness II oniy
[he blade side of [he wheel 5 dir[y, dir[ and/or mois[ure
Minor Ieakage of a turbocharaer housing under ex 5 passing [hrough [he air fl[ering sys[em. It oil ‘a found
tended low id!e operation wiIl not cause problems as only en [he back sde of [he wheel, it indcates a
long as a turbocharger bearing failure has NDT poss’ble [urbocharger oil seat leak.
The teak may be [he resul[ of extended engine
When a turbocharger bearing failure ¡5 accompanied
opera[ion a[ 10w dIc or an in[ake air [inc res[rlc[ion
by a significan[ engine performance loas (exhaust
(piugged air filters), which causes [he [urbocharger te
smoke or engine speed up at no load), DO NOT con
tinue engine opera[ion un[il [he turbocharger a re slobber”.
paired or replaced.
1 06
Mantenance Secton
Every 750 Hours

4. Use a dial ndtcatcr te check end clearance Qn the

shaft Attach the dtai ndcatcr pcnt Qn [he end cf
Fan Drive Bearing
turbccharger shaft Push and pufl Me ather end cf [he Lubricate
snafi Nce Me cla d’ai nd:oa[cr reaaing 1 tne
measured end play rs greater Iban [he Servte Manuar NOTE Sorne are eourcce ;‘.rM a searea tan
specilcat:cns repair cr repiace Me tureccharger drrie beanng .ncn does reQi9 ucnoatrcn
Measured end play ess [han Me minimum Servce
Manual specrfcatrcns ccufd ndrcate carbon bu’ldup Qn
Me turbrne wheeL The turbccharger shcuid be
dsassembled lcr cleanrng and nspect:cn rl [he
measured end piay 5 !ess [han [he rnrnirnum Servrce
Manual specrfrcahcns

5. lnspect [he turbrne hcusing bore lcr corrosron.


6. Clean the turbccharger housrng with standard shop

solvents and a salt br]stie brush.

7. Fasten [he arr niel prprng and Ihe exhaust cuUet

prplng 10 Ihe turbccharger hcusrng

Fan drrve grease tithng

Lubricate [he tan dríve grease tittrng wilh Bearrng
Lubr:cant Specral Purpcse Grease a equrvalent

lnspect [he tan drive pulley assembiy It [he shatt rs

cose, en inspection el [he inlernal componenis should
be made. It [he assembly shculd require disassembly,
releí :o [he SMHS7001, Assernbly of Fan Drive Pulley
Assemblres, cr releí [o [he Service Manual.
Maintenance Section
Every 750 Hours

Carburetor Linkage and Governor Governor Sump Oil

Control Linkage The gavernar aU surnp s lacated nsde the gavernor
dhve housrng. It tne gavernar dnve hausng has been
CheckfAdjust rebu[t, ar ü the engne has been n storage. the
gavernar oi sump wW need ta be hiled pnar ta starhng
Adust the carburetor knkage and the governor hnkage the engne n arder to prevent darnage ta the gavernor
to cbtain the drrnensons shown at the fuH fuel posWon Consult yaur Caterpitar dealer lar assstance
Qn the carburetor. Reler la the Service Manual. ar
consu[t ycur Caterpllar dealer.

Check Ihe aperaban of the carburetor and governor.

Ensure that the throttle piafe does not bind,



Governor control shaf 1 grease fitting.

Çff 1


Carburetor hnkage grease fitbng.

Lubrícate the grease htttngs Qn the linkage between

fha carburetor and governor (Dr actuator). The engne
may haya addttianal lubricahon ponts not shown n fha
llustrahons aboye.
Maintenance Sectian
Every 750 Hours

Cylinder Pressure Blowby

2138 (310)
Crankcase b)ewby and cylinder pressure, as weH as cd 2061 (30C

ana1ysis, provide maintenance management feedback i66 (290)

979 (250)
recarding me eperating cenditien cf gas engines 860 (z;r:
Ccmcressen s giien because (5 cemmen re (he IBi (280)
rndustry and can easi)y be measured during spark p(ug 123 (250)
inspecuen These preventiva maintenance checks can
be rjsed te men(cr va)ve and ring cenditron
1654 (240)
585 (230)
15i6 (220)
A cornmen resut el a ubricatien cd prebiem is a stuck
pisten ring(s) Pistan ring prebfems wi(! raise cyhnder
447 (110)
0375 (100)
309 (lsD)
b[ewby which deterierates the el) qurckly. 1240 (lSD)
1171 (170)
1122 (160)
Crankcase biewby 5 measured with (he Ca(erpiliar 034 (lSD)
SF2700 ndcater Greup The typrcat biawby rata ter 665 (040)
(he G3400 engines within (he tirs( 1500 heurs sheu[d 7l S.l 9:’ 10l 11:1 12:1
(aH in (he range cf 22 te 37 L/Bkwhr ( 6 te 1 0 cu
tt/Bhp hr) 00 071953
Retar te SEHSS7 12. Usng (he 8T2700 B!ewby/Airt!ew
Y = Pressure in kpa (psi) al nerma) cranking speed.
Indicaler Greup. The Speciat (nstructien 5 previded wi(h X = Engine cempressien rata,
(he btewby measurement indica(er. Recerd (he cylinder (1) = Norma) range.
pressure en (he Exhaust Vave Data Sheet Reter (e (he
Exhaus( Va)ve Swm Pre)ectien tepic it an adverse cenditien is identified by cd analysis and
blewby measurement, me engine sheuld be
Fha cyhnder pressure reading can hep rdenWy (he mmediately schedu(ed fer inspec(ien The pisten with
cylinder with (he ring preblems, etc Refer te (he (he stuck ring(s) sheu!d be repaired er rep(aced.
lelbwng graph ter lypica) cyhnder pressures Recerd (he va(ues ter each cyhnder en (he Exhaust
Va(ve Dala SheeL

Refer (e the Service Manual er yeur Ca(erpiflar dealer

ter mere inferma(ien
Maintenance Section
Every 750 Hours

Exhaust Valve Stem Projection Measure/Record

fleasure and recard each va F.c srem Qfl aboye tre
Base Fine ehausf vaive stem proecton meaSuremenFs
snouid De taken St inhai startup of the engine or St least top deok of the cvhrder head
al he first oit change interval (Frst 750 Hours) ‘Phis
mantenanoe 5 important lo determine Top End The ehaust valva stem orDiechon Shou1d De flfl:.Dred
periodicaiFv until fha aive stem proiect1on is 70 ceroenl
mantenance lar CateroiFar gas enmnes
fhe23OrmiCgQ.n mIt determn “rm TorEro
martenarce Aher resonna 70 ceroen he
i:m1i it 60 mmi 053 nit CVnQe’ resa ser.oe snc ce
soheduea and exraust vaive s:em croe;t
measuremerts are la be maoe Ever; Mon:n unh.
End maintenance s performea

Cyhnder head maintenance snoud ce scheouec ana

work shoutd be comr1eted befare fha measiirçmerlf
reaches the mt of 230 mm 090 nF
optimum Tor End maintenarce interval. monitor Inc
exhausi vaive Siam prOect1On en a soheciuFe cosed
.o1ve ‘.vear rafe as delned c he tohav.rg orar:

Use he Exnausl VaFve Dafa Sneet o r000r•j elnausi ear

crankcase bowb1 and cylirder pressure The calo sbee!
shoutd be duptcated in arder to maritan a conhnucus
record The feakage method o deierm’ne cylinder
condition s the preferred method

.000 000 L000 4.000 1.004 LOCO 0.000 lOCO tOGO II 000 dOC!


Schedules A, 8, and C.
Y = Valve stem proection measurement in mm Qn).
X = Maintenance measurement interval in serwce hours.

Schedule A, 8, and C are average values which hefp to

determine wear rafe and valve stem pro1ection. Basad on
fha initial measurement at the hrst oil change interval, the
next valva stem protection measurement interval can be
determinad by using ene of the three schedutes.

For exampte. acccrd’ng to Schedufe C, it at 1500 Hours

your measurement s0254 mm (.OtOO in). you should
schedute ycur next measurement ntervat aL 5000 Hours
Maintenance Section
Every 750 Hours

Exhaust Valve Data Sheet

Engine Model Customer Identifier_____

Serial Number Arrangement Numbec_.

Model Hours-Last Measurement

Valve Stem
Cylinder Exhaust Valve Projection Cylinder
Number Closest To Current minus Initial = Wear Pressure
ns[de (Pushrod)
Outsde (Exhausi Mardod)

2 ¿nsde (Pushrod)
Outside (Ehaust v1andød)

3 nsdo (Pushrod)
Outsde (Exhaust Manod)
4 risde (Pushrod)
Cus,de (Exhaust Manfcd)

5 nstde (Pushrod)

Outsdc (Exhausi ManFíod)

6 [nsdo (Pushrod)
OuIsde (Exhaus Maniío{d)

7 nsrde (Pushrad)
Ousde (Exhausi Manilaid)

8 Inside (Pushrod)
Outsde (Exhausi Mandod)

9 nsde (Pushíad)
Qulside (Exhausi Mandod)

ID Insde (Pushred)
Qulside (Exhaust Manitod)

11 Ins,de (Pushrod)
Duts!de (Exhaust Maniloki)

Insrde (Pushrod)
Outscde (Exhaust ManIod)
M&ntenance Section
Every 750 Hours

Valve Bridge, Valve Lash NOTICE

Operabon of Caterpiflar engines wth un proper valve
Check/Adjust adjustments will reduce engine effic’ency. This re
duced effidency could result ir excessve fuel usage
Due lo nWaI wear and seat:ng el vave train
and/or sbortened engine component lite
cornpcnents. rna initial varve rash adjustrnent ‘a
reccmmended al the trrst scheduled Dr] change rnterv Only qualifled service personnel should perform this
maintenance. Refer to the Service Manual or your
Caterpillar ¿ealer lar me complete valve lash adjust
Naturally Aspirated Engines ment procedure.
Altar the india] valva lash check and adustment. the
valva ash cheok and adustment rs schedu]ed Every
1500 Hours or Two MenIha (every other cr1 change
interva]) lar naturafly aspirated engines.
Be sure the engine cannot be started while this
Turbocharged Engines
maintenance is being performed. To prevent possi
The :ave ash check and ad1ustment a soreduted bie injury, do nol use the starling motor to turn fue
Every 750 Hours or Mcnlh[y (every ci change ntervar) flywheel.
lcr turbacharged engines
Hol engine components can cause burns. AIIow
additional time br the engine lo cool betore mea
Valve Bridge suring/adjusting valve Iash clearance.

Cneck me valve br:dge helera settrng me valva íash

Ensure thaI the valve brrcge 3 sesEad equa]ly en bern
valva stems. Ad;ust the valve bndge r nacessary)
balote setung Fha valva iash
Maintenance Section
Every 750 Hours

Valve Lash

Tne fcHow:ng charts list me vaive ash settng ard ihe

crankshaft pcsmcns for valve asf, se:t:ng.

Valve Lash Sefling

lnlet 038 mm ± 0.08 mm (0.015 in, ± .003 in)

Exhausi 1.02 mm ± 0.08 mm (0.040 po, ± .003 rn)
Adustment 5 nol necessary when Ihe valve tash c)earance mea
sures wpthpn the tolerante.

Crankshaf 1 Positions For

VaNe Lash Seuing

1 CheckjAdjust With No.1 Pistan on:

03408 Engine TC
Compression Stroke Exhaust Stroke
SAE Standard (Counterclockwise) Rotation Engines
as Viewed lrom Flywheet End
lnpet VaNes 1 1-2-5-7 3-4-6-8
Exhausi VaNes 1-3-4-8 2-5-5-7
i Check/Adjust With Nol Piston orn’
03412 Engine . TC it
Compressian Slroke . Exhaust Stroke
SAE Standard (Counterclockwise) Rotation Engines
as Viewed from Flywheel End
lníet VaNes 1-3-4.5-7-12 2-5-8-9-10-11
Exhaust VaNes 1-4-5-8-9.12 2-3-5-7-10-li
Place the No.1 pisten al Iha top center (TC) position and make
pdentpfpcatpon lcr Inc corred stroke, MIer the top center posi
ben br a partcuIar stroke 5 bound and adjustments are made
br the corred cylinders, remOve the tming boíl and turn me
tlywhee) 350 degrees in the directpon ob normal engine rotation.
This wW put the No. 1 pisten al top center (70) postion en the
next stroke. Install Inc tming boíl o the llywheel and complete
Inc adjustments br the cylinders mat reman.
Maintenance Section
Every 1500 Hours

Every 1500 Hours

You must read and understand the warnings 1. Remce twe!ve nuts, wasners and cap scre.s (3)
and instructions con tained in the Safety section and vent p[ug (1) trcm ccver (a).
of this manual, before pedorming any opera tion
or maintenance procedures. 2. Rer. ove Dover E1) Oc caE damage •:oe’ casket 6

Auxiliary Oil Filter System A WARMNG

Repíace Filter Elements
Possible injury can result when removing nut, re
E! equipeec wrtn Caterpwar auxihary cd fL!ter system. tainer and hoid down spring.
rep!ace auxhary ci! ti!ter eEernents Every 1500 Hcurs Dr Spring torce wiII be released when nut and retainer
TwcMonths (every cther ci! cnarge). Perfcrm thjs are removed. Be prepared to hoid the retainer as
maintenance víhen [he engine crankcase cd and the mit 15 loosened.
engine cd tiL!ers are rep!aced.

Pertcrm this maintenance aher [he ci! has been 3. Remcve nul (5). spring relamer (8) and hctd dcwn
drarned !rcm [he auxihary ci! hher canister Pe!er te [he spring (9). Sprmng !crce wm!! be rei,eased when nut (5)
Lubrcahcn System Dram OH topt and retamner (8) are remcved Be orecared te hoEd [he
retamner as [he nut is Eccsened.

4. Remcve spmder be!! (ID), Remcve washer and

spmder (11). Remove hc!ddcwn p!ate assemb!y (12).

5. Remcve [he cm! fd!er elernenta. Ctean [he she!!

assemb!y thcrcugh!y wmth a c!ean c!c!h

!nspec! [he ci! MIer e!ements ter meta! debrms An

excessmve amcunl ci debrms mn !he cm! !m!ter e!ements
may be mndmcatmve cf a pendmng !adure Due [e ncrma!
wear. frmctmcn, etc, it is no! uncommon [o [md sma!!
amounts e! debris mn [he cm! imher e!ernents Ccnsu!t
ycur Caterpd!ar dea!er te arrange ter turlher ana!ysms it
an excessmve ameunt cf debrms 5 tcund ifl the Ci! mEter

1 11

6. Ensure [ha! standpmpe p!ugs (7) are tmght!y sea!ed

7. !nsta!! dram p!ug (2) Tmghten dram p!ug (2) te 70 ±

14 N•m (50 ± 1Db ít)

8. !nsta!I new auxm!mary cm! fm!ter e!ements, Seven cm! fm!ter

e!ements are requmred.

Ensure that [he batt;e en [he hcld-dcwn piale assem
b!y is in front cf [he in!et openmng.

032023 9. insta!! he! d-down ptate assernb!y (12), wasber and

spmder(11) and spmder bo!t(tO) Tmghten spmder bcEt
Maintenance Section
Every 1500 Hours

10. instail hetadewn spring (9) en spder instali Valve Bridge, Valve Lash, and
sprng retainer (8) and nut (5) en spider beit (10)
Exhaust Valve Stem Projection
11. Tighten nut (5) te cempress the he!&dewn spring Naturally Aspirated Engines
(9) untd the spring relamer bettems eut en the spmder
beit (10). DO NOT ever trghten. Due te mnmtmai wear and seating cf vaive tramn
cempenents, the initiai vaive iash adjustment 5
12. Add eH te the canister. Refer te the Auxiiiary OH
recemmended at the hrst scheduied eH change mntervai
AHer Ref mii CapacHies chart ter the ameunt oled te (di
Ihe canister Alter the inmtiai vaive bridge and vaive iash check and
adiustment, naturafly aspirated engmnes sheuid have Ihe
13. inspect cever gasket (6) lcr tears, breaks er ether
vaive bridge and the vaive iash checked and adjusted
damage. it the cever gasket a damaged. repiace the
Every 1500 Heurs er Twe Menths.
ed cever gasket wmth a new cever gasket. instafl cever
gasket (6L instail cever (4). Base hne exhaust vaive stem pro1ectmen measurements
sheuid be taken at the nmtmai startup el the engmne eral
14. instail tweive cap screws, washers and nuts (3).
ieast at the ural oil change mntervai (First 750 Heurs)
Tmghten nuts sequentiafly areund the cever unhi snug.
Terque the nuts te 100 ± 15 N•m (75 ± 11 ib It). Reter te the Vaive Bridge and Vaive Lash tepic and
reler te the.Exhaust Vaive Stem Preiectien tepmc mn INC
15. instafl vent piug (1).
Every 750 Heurs sectien.
16. Betere startmng the engmne. ensure yeur cii ievei is
wmthmn ihe cerrect eperating ievei er range en the
ENGiNE STOPPED side el me dipstmck. Reler te ttme
Lubricatien System AH tepic.

Maintenance Section
Every 4000 Hours

Every 4000 Hours

You must read and understand the warnings Driven Equipment

and ¡nstructions contained in the Safety section
of this manual, before pedorming any opera tion mir!m:ze engine crani(snaft
or maintenance procedures. bearrg prcolems and excess.e jDrat.or. Inc
ai:gnment between [nc crome ano d’ven ecuomeflI
such as generators, pumps transmssions cID. snCuLj
Magnetic Pickups be mnspec[eD Cneck ai;:gnmeni as pe 1ro CENI
specifcanons for aIF dr:ven equoment Torque alt bc:•ts
Initial magnetic pickup nspection and adjustment is [o specihcatons
recommended al the first scheduled oil change
interval (First 750 Hours).
Inspect Alignment
Subsequenl magnett pckup inspeciron and
Upon reassembly of [he drive Fine and driver unit
adjustment shoutd be performed Every 4000 Hours
check arignmen[ as ou[lmned in 52HS7653, Algnment
Magnelic p’ckups moun[ed n me Ñywheel housing General nstruc[mons, For addi[ional mnlorma[ion
funchon as speed sensors The inibal magnehc pckup regarding alignmen[. consul[ wi[h your Calerpirlar
inspectron and ad1ustment 5 performed in order lo dealer
ensure that [he magnelic pickup can operate properly
due [o initial wear of [he flywheel ring gear and [he lnspect Flexible Rubber Couplings (It Equipped)
starter pinion. Ths maintenance is performed ir order
[o prevent a bui!dup of metal parbdes which would Fnspect flexible coupling, mf equipped. for s[ress
n[errupt [he proper operation of [he magnehc pickup. damage. Replace aIF etemen[s mf [he coupling group has

lnspect/Adjust Visually inspect [he rubber couplings for obvious

fraying, deterioration or wear. lf any of [hosa conditions
are evident, replace [he rubber couplmngs Rolar [o [he
QEM ins[ruc[ions br [he procedure [o replace [he
rubber couplings

Check Spline Type Couplings (It Equipped)

Vsuarly nspec[ [he spine type couplngs br excessive
wear and proper iubrmcatmon Retar lo [he OEM
specifcalmons for drmveimne end play

It [he spline type coup!ing needs [o be lubricaled. retar

[o [he OEM mnstruc[ions [f excessive wear ms eviden[ or
[he drivelmne end ptay ms out of specification. see your
Magnetic pickups are mounted Fn [he flywheet housmng. Caterpillar dealer br mns[aIla[mon and apptication
1. Remove [he magnehc pickup from [he flywhee[
housng. Check [he condition of [he end of the Reter [O [he OEM instruciions for [he procedure [o
rnagnetic pickup Cneck for s:gns of wear and replace [he sp[ine type coup!ings

2. Clean [he metal shavings and otber debris from [he Lubricate
face of [he magnel
For lubricahon and maintenance requmremen[s rela[mng
3. InstaFl and ad1ust [he magnetic pickup as described [o driver equipmen[ such as generalors, b[owers,
in the Service Manual compressors, clu[ches and o[her equipment. retar [o
[he CEM recommenda[ions,
M&ntenance Section
Every 4000 Hours

lnspect, Rebulid, or Exchange Caterpillar Recommendation

ti there s a ccmccnent you need contad your
It [he engne 5 ocera[ed unt tne comconents Ia Caterodtar deafer ro see it [re comocreni 5 Ofiered
add;tonai engree damage can resuit Caterohar uncer Ihe Deater Excharge Component Program
reccmmends thaf these compcrents De inscected ir
order [o ensure retabie engine performance
Removal and Installation
• Jacket Wa!er Purr.D
Refer te [he estabished procedure r nc ser.ce
• Startng v1otcr
• Aiernatcr manual [o remove ar:d ns[aIl [hese componen[s Dr
ccntac[ ycur CaterpNar dealer br assistance

M&ntenance Options
Jacket Water Pump
Rebuild with New Parts Genune Caterpihar paris

are cons[anUy [es[ed and modihed lo incorporale he A taled wafer pump mght cause severe enqine
Iaiest desgn advancemenis Your Caterpiflar dealer overhea[ung probtems thai could resuil in cracks in [he
can rebuId or provde [he paris needed lcr overhauhng cylinder head. a piston seuzure or o[her po[en[at
[he componenis damage [o [he engine.

New Componenis Replace worn or taihng

— Visuaty inspec[ [he wa[er pump lcr leaks It teakung 5
components w,lh new compcnen[s. observed. replace aIf seals. Reber o ihe Service Manual
lcr [he disassembly and assembly procedure
Repair Kits —Che ki[s can be cbtained from ycur
Caferpiltar deater and include ah [he necessary parIs Inspec[ [he componen lcr wear, cracks, pr holes and /
and instructions lo repair [he components, in either he propor operaton Reter [o [he Service Manual or
owners maintenance shop or a[ a Ca[erpdlar servicrng consut[ with your Ca[erpiffar deafer uf repaur or
deaters tacihty Repar ki[s simphty paris crdering, help repfacemen[ 5 needed.
speed repairs and reduce paris cos[.

Exchange This cos[culting service permi[s you [o

— Starting Motor
exchange worn enqine componenis lcr quali[y
Caterpilar Remanufac[ured or Ca[erpiilar dealer rebuili The ffywheet ring gear and the starter pinion musE be un
components on an overthecoun[er basis goed condituon un order lcr Ehe engune lo start and
operate prcperfy. The engne wulf not siarl uf [he s[arfer
Befcre decding whch meihod is best, make sure ah of pin:on does nor eneaga Ring gear Eeeth and s[arter
the opfions and cosEs associated with repair have been pintn teeth can be chpped because of irregular
considered Sorne consderahons are siarter sotenod operation.

• the cos[s associa[ed with using separate parts frcm Inspeci [he s[ar[ung motor lot proper operalon. Check
inventory versus [he cosi of a repar kit and ctean aII efec[ricat connechons Listen tor a
• downtime cosEs while [he producE is beng rebuili or grindung sound when startung [he engune Inspec[ Ehe
repaired llywheel ring gear and s[arter punuon lcr wear Check
• total parEs and tabor costs lcr repairs versos the lcr wear patterns on [he gear teeth, Check lcr broken
actual Remanutacured COSE and chipped teeth.
• remanutactured components trcm Caterpiflar (u
avadable) are ccvered by a standard. factcry warraniy II damaged tee[h are !ound, replace the ring gear and
star[er pinon The slarter sclenoud may cIsc need [o be
replaced Reler lo Ehe Service Manual or consull with
ycur Caterpullar deater uf repair or replacement 5
Maíntenance Section
Every 4000 Hours

Alternator Transformers
Caterpdlar recommends a schedufed inspechon of the
aternator [nspect the alternator lar cose connectLons
and proper battery chargng. lnspect the ammeter
gauge dunng engine operaban lo ensure the baltenes Ignition systems can cause electrical shocks.
and/or electncal system s performLng correctly. Make Avoid contacting ignition components and wiring
repaLrs as necessary. Refer lo the Service ManuaL unless the Engine Control Switch (ECS) is in 11w
STOP or OFF/RESET position. This wiIl immediately
Cheok Ihe alternalor and battery charger lar praper discharge 11w ignition system when the ignition har
operaban. It Ihe batterLes are prcperly charged, ness is reconnected. DO NOT inspect valve me
ammeter readLng should be very near zero. Al batteries chanism or transformers while the engine is run
should be kept charged. The balterLes should be kept ning. Personal injury or death may result.
warm because temperature affects the cranking power.
It the battery 5 loo cold, LI wLlI not crank the engLne,
even tIbe engLne LS warm.
When the engine LS nol run ter long perods of ILme or Test Resistance
run lar short periods, Ihe balteries may not fully
recharge. Ensure Ihe alternator perlcrms properly te The Egnition transformer causes an morcase of the
charge the battery and lo help prevent the battery trom magneto voltage. Far goad operaban, Ihe cannections
ireezing. (terminafs) must be olean and tight. The negative
transtormer terminals, with(—)mark. tor each
transformer are connected together and lo ground.

Check Ihe ignilion transformers lcr loase connection,

moisture, short or open circuits Check Ihe 0w and
high tension wiring resistance using the procedures in
the Service Manual, or contad your Caterpillar dealer.
Maintenance Section
Every Twa Years

Every Two Years

You must read and understand the warnings Cooling System (Conventional HD
and ¡nstructions contained in the Safety section Coolant/Antifreeze OnIy)
of this manual, befare performing any opera tion
or maintenance procedures. Drain/Clean/Replace Cooiant
Ciean/Flush the caahng systern befare the
Cooling System (Extended Lite recamrnended maintenance ntervai
Cootant OnIy) e the caaiant is heaviiy cantarnnated
e the engine averheats frequentiy
Add Extender
e faarnng is abserved

Caterpiflar Extended Lite Caaiant (ELC) daes nat • the cii ceder has faiied, ailawing cii ta cantaminate
requre the trequent Supp!ernental Caatant Additive the caaiant
e fuel has entered the caaiing system and
(SCA) addtians assac’ated with the present
canvenflanal caalants. Oniy a ane brn& caalant cantaminated the caaiant
Extender is required.

Extender shauld be added te ELC aher 3000 service NOTICE

haurs ar twa years, whichever carnes hrst. Use of commercially available cooling system cleaners
may cause damage lo cooling system cornponents.
Check the caaling systern aniy when the engine 5 Use anly caoling system cleaners that are approved
stapped and ccci, fon CaterpiHar engines.
1. Loasen the caaiing system 1 ilter cap siawiy in arder (
te reheve pressure. Rernave the caakng systern Mier
cap. NOTE; A gaad time te inspect the water pump, repiace
the thermastat, and repiace hases is when yaur
2. it rnay be necessary te dram enaugh caaiant frarn engines caahng system has been dramned,
the caai[ng system te aiiaw ter the addittan of ihe
3. Add Extender accarding te the requtrements lar 1. Stap the engine and aflaw the engine te caai, Clase
yaur engine’s caahng systern capacity. Refer te the the SCAC water iniet, Loasen the caaling systern fuer
Reí it Capacities chan in this rnanuai ter the caahng cap siowiy te relieve any pressure, and remove the
systern capacity far yaur engine. Reten la the Caaiant caahng system filien cap.
Speciíccatians in this manual far the Calerpdiar ELC
Extender Additians chart, 2. Open the caoiing system dran vaive (if equipped).
4. Ciean the coahng systern filier cap. Inspect the
caaling system 1 ilier cap gaskets. it Ihe gaskets are
darnaged. replace ihe aid caaling system filien cap with
a new caaiing systern fdier cap. Clean the caakng
system filien cap receptacie. Instail the coaiing system
fiiler cap.
Maintenance Section
Every Two Years

cr nfcrma[tcn regarding dsccsat and recyclrng ci

uSCD ccclant

Contad Caterpuar Serv:ce Tecnncicgy Grcuo

Curado l!incrs i800•542•TOOL
lns:de HUnos t800.541.TOCL
Canada: 1 800523TCOL

1. Fiush [he 000lng system w;th ciean iater o
remove any debns

2. Ciose [he ccchng system dram valve (it ecupoed)

Olean [he cooling syslem dram p)ugs Olean [he
cooling syslem dram plug ti[[ings InstalI [he coohng
sys[em dram plugs. Refer [o [he Torque Specdicatons
section in [Ha manual.

Oooling sys[em dram plug locations: under [he oil cooler Fui the cooling sys[em no faster [han 19 L (5 US gal)
bonne[ (1). on elbow (2), on [he ou[le[ elbow of [he SOAO per minute [o avoid air Iocks.
pump (it equipped) (3), and on elbow(s) 4.

It not equipped with a cooling sys[em dram valve,

remove the cooling sys[em dram plugs. Be sure lo 3. FilI [he coohng system with a mixture of olean water
dram alI of [he cooling sys[em componen[s: and Caterpillar Fas[ Ac[ing 000ling Sys[em Oleaner
Add .5 L (1 p[) of cleaner per 15 L (4 US gal) of cooling
• expansion tank or radia[or sys[em capaoty. InstalI the cooling system tdter cap
• wa[er pumps
e atler000ler 4. Start and run [he engine for a minimum of 30
e thermostahc valve minutes w,[h a coolan[ [emperature of a[ Ieast 82°C
• engIne block (180°F) S[op [he engine and arow [he engine [o cccl
• all coolant wa[er Unes
5. Loosen [he ccoling syslem filler cap slowly [o
It freezing emperatures are expec[ed, dram [he Une reheve any pressure, and remove [he coohng sys[em
between [he hea[ exchanger and [he SOAO water filler cap. Open [he cooling sys[em dram valve (it
pump in order [o dram [he af[ercooler housmng. equipped) or remove [he coohng sys[em dram plugs.
AIIow [he cleaning solution [o dram. Flush [he cookng
Allow the coclant [o dramn syslem wilh clean wa[er until [he draining wa[er is
olear Olose the cooling sys[em dram valve (it
equpped). Olean [he cooling sys[em dram piugs
NOTICE Clean [he cooling system dram plug ¶ittmgs, lnstall [he
Dispose of used engine coolant properly or recycle. cooling sys[em dram plugs Refer to [he Torque
Various me[hods have been proposed to reclaim used Specificahcns sec[ion in Ihis manual.
coolant for reuse in engine cooling systems. The tuN
distillation procedure 15 the oniy method acceptable by
Caterpillar to reclaim the used coolant.
Maintenance Section
Every Two Years

Coaling Systems with Heavy Deposits or 3. Chean me coohng syslern fifler cap. Clean me
Plugging coohng system fdher cap receptacie. Inspecl the
coohng system fUher cap gaskets ib Ihe gaskets are
NOTE Por the foHowing procedure lo be effective,
damaged, repface Ihe ohd coohing syslem fifler cap wilh
Ihere must be sorne active flow through Ihe coohng
a new coohng syslem fihler cap, It Ihe gaskels are nol
system cornponenls.
damaged. use a 95-8140 Pressurized Pump Group lo
Foflow the same steps as outhned aboye, with Ihe pressure lest Ihe coohng system fifler cap. The corred
fo] Iowing modifications lo steps 3 and 4: pressure is slamped on Ihe face of Ihe coohing syslern
fifler cap. It Ihe coohng syslem fifher cap does not hohd
3. AH the coohng systern wilh a mixture of dean water Ihe corred pressure. insta]] a new coohing system fiHer
and Caterpiflar Fast Acting Cooling System Cleaner. cap
Add .5 L (1 pt) of cleaner per 38 lo 7.6 L (1 lo 2 US
gal) of cookng system capacily. InstaN Ihe filter cap. 4. InstaN Ihe coohing systern filler cap. Slart Ihe
engne. Inspect br cooianl leaks and proper operatrng
4. Start and tun Ihe engine for a minimum of 90 temperatura
minutes with a coolanl lemperalure of al leasl 82°C
(180°F). Slop Ihe engine and allow Ihe engine lo cool,

Refer lo Ihe Coolant Specificahons for ah informatron
regarding acceplable water, cooianl/anhfreeze, and
supp]emenlaf coohanl additive requiremenls. Refer lo
Ihe Refin Capacihes chart br Ihe capacity of your
engines coohng syslem

Fui the coohing system with the coolant solution at a
rale of 1 9 L (5 US gal) or leas per minute in order lo
avoid air locks.

1. FuI the syslem wilh Ihe recornmended

coolant/anlifreeze mixture.

2. Start and run Ihe engine with the cooling system 7...
filler cap removed. AlIow the cooIanl lo warm, Ihe
thermoslat to open and Ihe coclant level lo stabihize.
Check Ihe cooIant ievel. Add coolant mixture if
necessary lo bring Ihe coolant lo wilhin 13 mm (½ in)
below Ihe botlom of Ihe ful tube or Ihe correct level on
lhe sighl glass (uf equipped).
Maintenance Section
Every Four ‘(cara

Every Four Years

You must read and understand the warnings ti rol eqLnpped wilh a 000Lrg systern dran valve.
and ¡nstructions contained in the Safety section remove [he 000hng syster orain pluos. Be sure lo
of this manual, befare pedorming any opera tion dran att of the coohng sys:em components
or maintenance procedures.
• expansion tank or radia[cr
• water pumps
• alter000ter
Cooling System (Extended Lite • thermostat.o va.e
Coolant OnIy) • engine biock
• alt coctani water res
Drain/Flush/Replace ELC
ti ireezing [em.peralures are expected cran he .rc
OnIy otean wa[er r needed lo otean and Uush me belween me hea[ exchanger and Dic SCAC water
cooting syslem when ELC is drained and reptaced. pump in arder to dram [he aftercooler housmng.

1. Stop [he engine and altow [he engine [o cool Clase Dispose of used engine coolant properly or recycle.
me SCAC wa[er intel, Loasen [he 000ting sys[em tiller Various methods have been proposed [o reclaim used
cap slowly [o relieve any pressure. and remove [he coolan[ lar reuse in engine cooling systems. The luli
cochng system htler cap. distillation procedure is Ihe only me[hod acceptabie by
Caterpillar [o reclaim [he used coolan[.
2. ‘Dpen he cootmng sys[em dram valve (f equipped)

For informal:on regarding disposal ard recyclina of

used coolant, con[ao[ your Caterpillar dealer or con[ac[
Caterpiltar Service Tochnology Group

Oulside Illinois 1800542TOOL

Inside Illinois: 1800541 ‘TQOL
Canada, 1’800523.TCOL

1. Flush [he cooling system w;[h otean wa[er [O
remove any debris

2. Clase [he coohng system dram valve (it equipped

Clean [he cooling syslem dran p!ugs Clean me
cooling sys[em dram plug recep[acles Instali [he
oooling sys[em dram plugs. Refer [o [he Torque
Specmtica[ions section mn this manual,
3. FUl [he cooling system wi[h olean water. Instail [he
coolmng system fmller cap. Operate [he engmne unlil [he
Cooling system dram p[ug loca[ions: under [he oil coaler lempera[ure reaches 49 [o 66°C (15010 120°F).
bonnet (1), an elbow (2), on [he out[e[ elbow of [he SCAC
pump (it equipped) (3). and on elbow(s) 4.
Maintenance Section
Every Four Years

4. Slop ¡he engne and aUow me ena:ne Lo cooL

Loosen ¡he cooling system hUer cap sowiy Lo reheve
any pressure. and remove ¡he coohng system fiher cap
Open ¡he coohng system dram valve Qf equicoed) or
remove ¡he coolmng sysiem dram plugs. AHow ¡he water
Lo dramn Fiush ¡he coohng systern wmth clean waler

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4


FiN the coohng system with ¡he coolant solution at a
rate of 19 L (5 US gal) or less per minute in order ¡o
avoid air Iocks.

1. Close ¡he cooling system dram valve (it equipped).

InstaIl ¡he cooling syslem dram plugs. Fui ¡he coohng
system wuth ELC Refer Lo ¡he Rol uN Capacuties chart
br ¡he amount of ELC needed lo rol It your system.

2. SLart and run ¡he engune wulh ¡he coolung syslem

fuher cap removed Allow ¡he ELO Lo warm, ¡he
thermoslat Lo open, and ¡he coolant level ¡o stabuluze.
Add ELC it necessary Lo brung ¡he coolant Lo ¡he
proper evel

3. Olean ¡he coolung sysLem fulier cap. Olean ¡he

coohng sysiem fuller cap receptacle. Inspect ¡he
coolung system fdler cap gaskets. It ¡he gaskels are
damaged. replace ¡he oid coolung system fuller cap wulh
a new coohng system fdler cap II me gaskets are not
damaged. use a 95•8140 Pressuruzed Purnp Group Lo
pressure Iest the coohng syslem luller cap. The corred
pressure ‘5 slamped on ¡he face of ¡he cooling system
fuller cap. It ¡he cooling system filler cap does not hold
¡he correct pressure, unstail a new cooling system tuller

4. InstaN ¡he coolung system filler cap. SLarL ¡he

engine. Inspecl br coolant Ieaks and proper operating
Maintenance Section
Top End and Overhaul

Top End and Overhaui

You must read and understand the warnings Top End and Overhaul Chart
and ¡nstructions contained in the Safety section
of this manual, be (ore pedorming any opera tion Tbe Tco End and C’,erhat: :rart can ce usei
or maintenance procedures. estimale the Top End and Overnaul maintenance
intervals Use the cran only fuel consumpbon
informaban is no? aailable for your engrne. The char?
Estimating Overhaul Intervais apples only br arenes operatng on dry natural gas
wtth a 10w heat va e (LHVI of 33 72 kJ/L 9Q5 B?ucu
Top End involves rernovaL inspecton and rework
(rebuild or exohange) of the cyhnder head components
This manrenance interval is dependent Qn load Top End and Overhau! Chart fnstructions:
sensitive tems
1. Locate your angina modal in fha ‘Model column
Qverhaul is dehned as fha nterval a? which the majar
wear items in tbe engine should be replaced. The 2. Locate fha engines estimated output rn me
overhaul interval represents a’ierhaul of worn engine ‘Estimated Outpur column
ccmponenls aL a pianned maintenance nterval. in
other words. Ihe engine s berng rebWt wIh certan 3. Select the Top End Qn O’. erhauf ntervaf trom lhe
new parts rep!aong wcrn parts. The ma1or wear iterns aoproprate column
inciude pston rings, engtne rod and matn bearings,
valves, and valve seats, etc. Cbock hours, votume of fuel consumad, and megawalt
hours producad are listad bar Ihe Top End and
This section conlains informaban about estimabng Overhaul intervals Megawalt hours produced is ob ten
overhaul intervals Three methods are discussed easier fo keep reccrds on han millcans of cubic meters
(cubic beet) ob fuel consumad Ib this is fha case, use
1. Selectng predelermined ntervals from a char? megawati hours produced
2. Calcuia?ing Top End and Overhaul ntervals usng
fuel consumpf:on rafes Pelar lo lhe Serv:ca Meter Muitpker Charts top;c n this
3. Top End interval delermined by exhaust valva alem manual fon nslruc000s fo calculare actual clock haura
pro;ecbon measuremen?. from service meter units.

The first and second methods should be used only NOTE: Multtply cuQcc fee? by 0.283 lo obtain cubic
when montMy monitoríng of exhaust vave wear, meters.
crankcase blowby, and S0S oil analysis resulta
have not been recorded.
Maintenance Secflon
Top End and Overbaul

G3400 Gas Engine Top End and Overhaul Intervais for Dry Natural Gas
[LHV 33.72 kJ/L (905 Btu/cu ft)}
__——Estimated_Output—— ——Top_End Intervais—— ——Overbaul Intervais——
Engine Engine Gen Clock 1Fuel1 Megawatt Clock Fuel’ Megawatt
Model kW hp kW Hours m’ (It’) Hours Hours m’ (It’) Hours
G3412 500 670 470 800O1,3 (451) 3700 16000 2.6 (90.1) 1 7400
430 580 400 9000 [ “ 3600 18,000 7200
380 510 350 10,000 3500 20,000 “ 7000
330 440 300 11,000 3300 22,000 6600
270 360 250 12,000 3000 24,000 “ [ 6000
220 290 200 13,000 2600 26,000 “ 5200
160 220 150 15.000 1 “ 2300 30,000 “ 4500
G3408 330
0.8 (28,3) 2500
1.6 (56.6)

270 360 250 10,000 2600 20,000 “ 4900
240 330 225 11,000 2600 [ 22.000 “ 4700
220 290 200 12.000 2600 24,000 4600

j “

190 250 175 13,000 2500 26,000 4300


j “

160 220 150 15,000 “ 2100- 30,000 4200

The luel consuniption is hsied n mWons of cubic meiers (ni’) and cubic feet (It’).

Calculating Top End and Overhaul 1. Estimate (he percent load of (he rated engine or
generator set oulput
Intervais Using Fuel Consumption
2. Refer lo (he specification sheet to determine (he
Fue) consumption 5 (he mosl mportanl chteria br
cubic meters/hour (cubic ieet/hour) br (he estimaled
determining when Top End or Overhaul maintenance
percent load. Use this value in (he Overhaul lnterval
should be performed because fuel consumption
compensates for application and engine loads. It (he
total cubic meters (cub{c feet) of fuel consumed has
NOTE: For engines operating at less (han 50 percent
not been recorded, use (he following Overhaul Interval
load, use (he 50 percent load luel consumption rate lo
formula lo estimate (he Top End and Overhaul clock
determine lhe Top End or Overhaul hour interval.
hour inlerval, The bormula may also be used (o estimate
intervals br new engines.
Adjusting the Chart for Fuels With a Different
Overhaul Interval (hours) = cubic meters (from the Low Heat Value (LHV)
chart) ÷ cubic meters/hour (fuel consumption)
The hours intervals and “cubic meter (cubic feet)” listed
or on (he chart applies only (o engines operaling on
preferred fuels as defined in (he Gas Specilication
Overhaul Interval (hours) = cubic feet (from the Section of this manual. The consumption volume listed
chart) ÷ cubic feet/hour (fuel consumption) was established for dry natural gas wilh a 10w heat
value of 33.72 kJ/L (905 Btu/cu It).
• Use actual fuel records f available, lf lhe actual cubic
meters (cubic beet) per hour is not avadable. use (he
steps that follow (o estimate (he fuel consumption rate,
Maintenance Section
Top End and Overhaul

our engtne a operahng on ancther preferred lucE

with a different low heal vaue (LHV), ¡he total volume
Top End interval Determined by
of fuel consumed must be ad1usted Perform ¡he Measure of Exhaust Valve Wear
foliowing steps lcr both the Top End and Overhaul
nier:as. M onitcring exhausi valve wear bv measunng ;a-.e
alem prolecuon and cranRcase blowbv can heto
1. Select ¡he cuDc melera (cubc feet) fr-Dm ¡he determ:ne when Tao End mantenance ‘a requred
Base hne exhausi vaive proection measurements
Example: A G3412C engine overhaul occurs at 2.6 shculd be taken al minal start-up cf ¡he engine Dr al
million cubic meters (90.1 mliion cubic feet). least al ¡he Firsi 750 Hcur nierval The valve take•up
should ¡hen be monitared Every 1500 Hours n ercer te
2. Calculate ¡he adjustment ¡actor by d;viding 33 72 maintain a record of ¡he vaive wear over time
kJ/L (905 Btu/cu ft) by ¡he 0w heal value of ¡he gas
being caed Measuring each vale alem pro1eci,on and recording
¡he adjustment will he]p ¡o determine ¡he Top End
Example: 905 Btu/cu U ÷ 750 Btu/cu ft = 1.2. maintenance interval,

3. Multmpfy ¡he cuba melera (cuba feel) from Step 1 The Top End manienance shoud be scheduled when
by adiusimeni factor trom Step 2 ¡he vaive adjustment ¡ake-up ¡Dial reaches 178 mm
(070 n) The mamnienance work should be compieted
Example: 90,1 mitflon eubEo feet 1.2 = 108.12 befcre ¡he ¡otal measuremeni reaches 2.90 mm (.090
million cubic feel. n)

This adjusted total volume can be used ¡o estimate ¡he Refer lo ¡he Exhausi Valve Dala Sheet in this manual
Top End and Overhaul intervais in clack hcurs. Apply lar ¡he lorm ¡o record valve wear, crankcase btcwby
¡he adjusted total volume ¡o ¡he Qverhaui nierval and cyknder preasure
Refer to ¡he Servmce t1anua; or consuli w,th your
II ycur engmne is operaiing on a fuel other ¡han a Caterpdlar dealer lcr moro inlormation on ¡his
preferred fuel, contact your Caterpillar dealer lar procedure
assstance Your CaterpUlar dealer can help determine
¡he effect of ¡he fuel en enomne servce ile.
Maintenance Section
Top Bid and Overhaul

Overhaul Information Caterpillar Recommendation

To minimize downlime and provide you wiih the lowest
Overhaul Before Failure cosi and highest value, Caterpillar reccmmends tnat
ihe engine be scheduled lcr an overhaul wiih ycur
Ycur Caterpillar dealer may be olfering a varieiy of Caterpillar dealer
cptions regarding overhaul programs. A planned
overhaul may be your besi value, because you can NOTE Overhaul programe vary frcm dealer lo dealer
Theretore, Caierpillar reccmrnends thai you confer with
• Avoid costly unplanned downtime your dealer to obtain specitic information regarding the
• Reuse as many original paris as standards permit types of programs offered and overhaul services
• Extend your engine’s service Ile withoui the risk of a provided lcr extending ihe service lite of your engine.
malor caiasirophe had you continued to operate lo
• Gel the best cosI/value relationsh’p per hour of After Failure Overhaul
extended lite
II you experience a malor engine failure which requires
removal of the engine, ihere are also many After
Overhaul Programs Faílure Overhaul opiions available. An overhaul should
Fiat Pate Overhaul be performed it your block or crankshafi needs lo be
repaired. It ihe block and/or crankshafi 5 repairable,
Te furiher control your overbaul cosis, Caterpillar ihen ihe cosi of an overhaul should be beiween 40 and
recommends thai you contad your dealer br 50 perceni of Ihe cosi of a new engine (wiih like
information regarding ihe availabiliiy of a Fiat Rate exchange core).
This lower cosi can be atiributed to Caterpillar
Fiat rate prices on preventiva maintenance programs or “designed in” features thai include:
malor repair options are available from many dealers
tor all Caterpillar engine models. • Regrindable crankshaft
• Undersize bearings
Overhaul Options • Caterpillar dealer and Caterpillar Remanufactured
exchange componenis
Caierpillar Dealer Contad your Caterpillar dealer io

schedule a Belore Failure Overhaul, Dealer Exchange Components This 5 exchanging

worn engine componenis br quality Caterpillar dealer

Overhaul Kit This useful kii was developed br those
— rebuili componenis on an overihe-counter basis.
users thaI prefer lo perform their own overhaul. This kit
includes a combination of new, reused and Caterpillar Remanufactured Components —

remanulactured paris. Also included 5 a siepbystep Manufacturing techniques and processes are used lo
insiruction regarding how lo perform an overhaul. An restore componenis to “like-new” performance
Overhaul Kit simplifies paris ordering, helps speed capabiliiies, conborm lo original functional
repairs and reduces paris cosis. specificahons and ihe remanufactured componenis are
exchanged br your existing paris.
Coniaci your local Caterpillar dealer br informaiion
regarding ihe Overhauf Kit,
Maintenance Section
Top End and Ovemauf

Remanutactured (R) components currenfly being

QUered by Caterpifiar in many ceuntnes include

• Shcrt bicck
• Cylinder head bare

• Cyhnder head assembly and group

• Connecting rcds
• Cylinder pack’

Caterpi!]ar cylinder packs contain beth remanutactured

and new pistens, cennecting rods, cylinder liners,
pisten pins. snap nngs and pisten rings. Caterpdlar
cyhnder packs can be removed and instafled as ene

• Crankshaft undersized

• Crankshalt upgrade te new

• Complete turbocharger
• Turbocharger cartridges
• Waler pumps
• Of pump
• Oil ceder and afterccofer cores
• Alternater
• Starting meter
• Gevernor and Carburetor
• Gas Pressure Regulator

NOTE It the carnpenent yeu need 5 not ial cd here.

centact yeur Caterp:llar dealer te see it Ihe ccmponent
¡5 effered under a dealer exchange compenent

*Curreni Parts Manuafs will asterisk a part number

when a Remanulactured (R) unit a oflered by

Caterpillar Recommendation
Te turfher control your overhaul cesta. Caterpifar
recemmends lhat ycu centact yeur dealer lcr
informat:on regarding me avaifabifity of a FIat Rafe Alter
Failure Overhauf
Maintenance Section
Top End

Top End

You must read ano’ understand the warnings Rebuild or Exchange

ano’ ¡nstructions con temed in the Safety section
of this manual, before pedorming any opera tion Cylinder Mead Assembly, Gas ReguIatDr,
or maintenance procedures. Carburetor. Starting Motor, Turbocharger,
SCAC Water Pump and Thronle Body
Top End nvo[ves rernovaL nspecton and rework
(rebudd or exchange) of the cyhnoer head cornponents. These components shcu]d be inspecied acccrdng te
Ths mantenance interval is dependenl en Foad ihe nstruchons fcund n ‘.a’ous Caterpflar reusabihty
seflstre terns pucitahons. Te deiermne the reusaD’ty pubicat;ons
needed lcr nspechng ycur paris. refer 10 ihe
SEBF8O29, index Of Pubhcat’ons Qn Reusabdiiv Or
Top End Overbaul Instructions Salvage Of Used Parts

it you eiect te perform a top end overhau) yourseit, The 6udehne For Peusabe Parte and Saivage
without havng a CaterpBar deafer perform the overhaui Operatcons 5 part of an estabhshed Caterpifiar paris
lcr ycu, or wtthout us’ng an overhaui kt, ihen you reusabhty program. These gudehnes were deveoped
shouid perform the marntenance that toiiows, lo assist Caterpifiar deaiers and customers reduce
coste by avoding unnecessary expendtures lcr new
parte when exLsilng parte can be used as e, repaired
or saivaged.

it ycur paris are not within spec’ficaitn, then ihey

shouid be salvaged, repared or repiaced Failure lo
saivage. repair Dr repiace cut-ot-spec parte wifl resuit in
unscheduied downtime and couid resuit in cocUy
repairs caused by potenhal damage lo oiher engine

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