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Primary & Secondary
University of
Notre Dame
English CONCEPT MAP Maths
 Read students “The Tiny Seed” by  Create a graph using the results
Eric Carle from the seed transportation
 Follow on with literacy activity/ies
design brief – the distances the
using the book:
seed transportation travelled
Vocabulary: Adjectives – Look for
the adjectives on each page, for  Create a timeline of process of
each season and try to think of other seed germination and the growth
words the author might have used of a seedling
that mean the same thing. Which
word would you choose?
 Write a recount on “How does your
plant growing using sentence
‘first…then…next…last/finally’ Concept: Life cycle of a Plant Term: 3
Weeks: 1-9
©The University of Notre Dame 2010 developed by C McGunnigle

Science / Technology & Enterprise Health & Physical Education

 Seed Transportation Design Brief  Fruits & Vegetables – how they are grown and their
 Representation of the life-cycle of a plant on using ICT health benefits
such a Book Creator or iMovie

The Arts
 Comic strip of the plant life cycle
 Painting of a flower – label the part of a

TERM/WEEKS: 9 YEAR LEVEL: 4 LEARNING AREA/TOPIC: Science – life cycle of a plant

General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural Understanding
thinking Competence
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

5E’s- ENGAGE (1-2 lessons)

(include learner diversity)
Science Science as Science
Understand a Human Inquiry
ing Endeavour Skills
(ACSS 1. Students Introduction/Motivation:
(ACSI DIAGNOSTIC Introduce students to the topic of the lesson ‘Life Cycle
What do
U072) S071) will plants need
Observational of Plant’.
represent Assessment: Students will use their iPads to engage in a whole class
to grow?
ideas about brainstorm. This will be performed with the use of ICT.
plants in Marking Students use their iPads to scan a QR code which is Where do https://padlet.
their lead to a collaborative note pad on Padlet. we find com/
science Students write what they think they know about the life
science journals to plants?
cycle of a plant. Teacher will prompt students with KEY
journals identify QUESTIONS. After completion the of the brainstorm,
students’ prior the teacher will explain the what will be covered in this What are iPads, smart
2. Students knowledge for unit of work beginning with an explanation of the plant some board.
life cycle through a Prezi – Plant life cycle: life-cycle of examples of
will write further most plants start with a seed and ends with a fully
planning. plants we
one thing grown plant.
might see? https://prezi.c
they would
Anecdotal Activity: Garden Walk om/
like to learn Inform students that as a class they will be going on a
in this unit notes during
garden walk (10 mins) around the school. Students are For
of work. discussions instructed to take a pencil and their science journal
and students’ Conclusion
with them. During the walk students will observe and
engagement record:
What do
 Plants are growing – name or draw the plants plants look
Marking exit  What do the plants look like/feel like? like? –
slip to check  The environment in which the plants are name some
student growing in? features.
understanding  What jobs/activities do people do to look after
the plants? How do
 Striving plants vs thriving plants (may need plants
explicit teaching prior to garden walk) grow?
Once back from the garden walk, teacher leads
discussion based on student’s findings of plants:
What are
- What did you see? the basic
- Could you name nay of the plants? things that
- How have these plants been cared for? all plants
- What plants were striving / thriving? need to
- What environment were the plants you found grow?
- Teacher Identifies native plants to Australia Why are
from around the garden walk and explores the plants
characteristics of these plants and the use of important?
them in indigenous culture.

Students will watch a video on ‘How plants work’ from
ABC website. What kind of
Students will engage in a class discussion; the teacher plants grow
will prompt with KEY QUESTIONS. Students can also in Australia
ask questions they have. ? Smartboard:
Students complete exist slip based on questions they
have for this upcoming unit of work on the plant cycle,
something they would like to learn and how they are education
feeling towards this unit of work. website
Safety Considerations:
 Sunscreen and hat for garden walk.
 Touching plants with care – teacher informs
students prior to walk to only touch a plant if
instructed by the teacher and touch with care
(not to damage/rip out plant)
 Be aware of where you are walking, keep within
the boundaries the teacher states.

Learner Diversity:
 Students with low literacy levels can use their
iPads to record or take photos of their
observations onto their seesaw portfolio
 Students can observe and record with a partner
collaboratively or independently
 Modify science book to students’ literacy level
5E’s- EXPLORE (2-3 lessons)
 To provide hands on, shared experiences of XXXXX
 To support students to investigate and explore ideas about XXXXX
 Formative assessment

(include learner diversity)
Science Science as Science
Understand a Human Inquiry
ing Endeavour Skills
(ACSS 1. Label
(ACSI FORMATIVE Introduction/Motivation: What is TWLH (What
U072) S071) diagram of Teacher uses a TWLH Chart on large poster this? we Think we
the inside of notes: paper. As a whole class complete T & W of the know, What
a bean Teacher will chart. What’s we Want to
(ACSI Displays for students in 5 groups a bean seed inside a learn, What
seed observe
S065) and one bean seed cut half. Teacher explains bean seed? we Learned,
correctly students
during class the parts of the seed, using How we
discussion and Is a seed Know?)
2. Complete a
activity, Students go to their designated group to alive?
scientific hearing observe what they are seeing. Students will be Bean seeds
diagram – students on provided with the tools such as a mini What things
accurate their microscope to attached onto an iPad to look have Cut open
drawing, knowledge. into the bean in their preferred way. seeds? bean seeds
correct Students use their science book to write an
labels Checklist of observation and draw a picture of the bean. What is the Mini
showing the requirements purpose of a attachable
main needed to be Once finishing exploring the bean students seed? microscopes
met on follow safety procedures to pack away.
students iPads
arrows to
diagram Students participate in an explore more of the
bean activity. Science
label to the Teacher puts posters of living, non living, and Why is a books
feature title. not sure around the classroom. seed living?
Teacher ask the question “Is the seed of a
bean living or non living?” Living/non
Student’s pick a poster to stand by. Teacher living posters
ask students to justify their answer.

Activity: Label a Seed

Teacher puts a labelled seed on the smart
board and describes each section of the seed.
Students follow in their science book and label Why is
the seed they have drew previously. water
important in
Conclusion: germination
Students add their information to the TWLH as process?
individually followed by completing
the question “is a bean seed living or non
living?” in science journal justifying their

Teacher introduces the term “germination”

and explains that the process of a soaking a What
seed is the first step to the germination of a happens to a
seed which will be continued in the next seed when
lesson. you wet/soak
it with water?
Safety Considerations:
 Students will be informed that they may not How do
eat the seed. seeds grow?
 Be gentle when handling the seed.

Learner Diversity:
 Students partnered up, high-level with low
 Ensure students on IBMP are partnered
with someone they will work effectively
5E’s- EXPLAIN (1 lesson)
 To support students to develop explanations for experiences and make representations of developing conceptual understandings
 Formative assessment

(include learner diversity)
Science Science as Science
Understand a Human Inquiry
ing Endeavour Skills
(ACSS (ACSH (ACSI 1. Students What’s in a
3 E061) S071) demonstrate FORMATIVE Introduction/Motivation:
U072) Teacher introduces the stages of Germination https://www.y
an Observe
Understanding students’ by showing students a video on Germination How does a
(ACSH (ACSI seed grow?
E062) S064) of seed sciene inquiry from YouTube. Explain to students that watch?v=ro8
germination skills through germination is the part of the life cycle of a What is Z9qIlWjM
(ACSI through using
anecdotal plant – it is how a plant grows. TWLH chart will germination?
S065) language and
notes be filled in as a class. Quick review of iPads for
visual What are the
procedure texts. needs for a seed photos
to grow?
s Mark students
science Activity: The Germinator! Procedure
What are the
journals to Students will be following a step-by-step main parts of a Sheet for
2. Measure procedure where they will plant seeds in a plant? each group of
growth of check student
understanding plastic bag and watch them grow for a period students
shoot and root What are the
over time on
of 2 weeks. Explain to students they will be four important
recording working in collaborative learning teams but factors of the Role badges
sheet. each team member will have their own bag plant life cycle?
and beans. Each team member will be What changes Ziploc bags
3. Describe
allocated a role: Materials Manager, Facilitator, occur in a
Director and Technician. germinating Paper towel
changes and seed?
stages in Brief Explanation of procedure:
germination 1. Material Manager collects team equipment How does the Labels
process in 2. Take a piece of paper towel, fold it in half. orientation
science book. (placement of
Using a sharp pencil, make three small holes the seed affect Seed for
along the fold of the towel, equally spaced the growth of the each student
root and shoot
apart. and the
germination of
3. Place the seeds over the top of the holes. the seed?
4. Fold the paper towel back, stapling up the side
to make a pouch. How could you
determine the
5. Place the paper towel into a Ziploc bag and top/bottom of
pour a small amount of water into the Ziploc seed?
bag (the paper towel should end up damp). Why must the
Leave the bag open. seed be kept
6. Students place their name and date on a label
and stick to top right/left side of Ziploc bag.
7. Place experiment on the wall in a bright
location, but not in direct sunlight.
8. Watch over the coming weeks as the seeds
germinate and begin to grow.

Inform students that every three days they will
write in their science reflection journals to
reflect on their own learning. Students will
write individual journal entries, using the
following questions to help along the way:
What happened during this activity? What did I
learn? What problems did I experience during
this investigation? What would I do differently
next time? One important fact I learned when
doing this investigation was...

Safety Considerations:
 Students will be informed that they may not
eat the seeds
 Students must be gentle with the seeds and
display appropriate behaviour when
preparing the bean seed.
 Students to wash their hands after
 Students to display bean seed in specific
area instructed by the teacher.

Learner Diversity:
 Students to be put in groups of mixed
 Ensure students on IBMP are partnered
with someone they will work effectively

5E’s- ELABORATE (1-2 lessons)

 To challenge and extend students’ understandings in a new context or make connections to additional concepts through a student planned investigation
 To use investigative/ inquiry skills
 Summative assessment of science inquiry skills

(include learner diversity)
Science Science as Science
Understand a Human Inquiry
ing Endeavour Skills
(ACSS (ACSI 1. Formulate a
SUMMATIVE- Introduction/Motivation: What factors Children’s
4 U072) S064) hypothesis Reflect on journal observations of bean seed and affect seed Picture book:
Science Inquiry its growth dispersal?
– prediction “The Tiny
(ACSI Skills Investigate conditions for plant growth by reading Seed” by Eric
S065) Their students the ‘The Tiny Seed’ by Eric Carle. Carle
2. Plan and transportation As a class fill in TWLH chart
(ACSI conduct model
Present students with an explanation of what seed
S066) investigatio dispersal is through PowerPoint: Two key points of TWLH Chart
n of the impacts and migration of seed germination.
(ACSI conditions PowerPoint
S068) that affect Lesson: Seed Dispersal design brief Presentation
plant See appendix 1 for Design brief and steps.
(ACSI growth Design Brief
S069) Conclusion:
Students will watch a video on “The Secret Growth What did you Smartboard:
of plant” showing an example seed dispersal. like/didn’t like ABC
What would
Think, pair and share – key questions you change?
Class discussion - emphasis on “living things What will I website
have life cycles” change? http://educati
Safety Considerations: variable) /home#!/medi
 Students will be informed that they may not What will I a/1520091/
keep the
eat the seed. same?
Learner Diversity: variable)
 Students are grouped in mixed ability level – What will I
higher academic students can assist lower measure?
academic students (Dependent

5E’s- EVALUATE (1 lesson)

 To provide opportunities to review and reflect on their learning about XXXXX and represent what they know about XXXXX
 Summative assessment of science understanding

(include learner diversity)
Science Science as Science
Understand a Human Inquiry
ing Endeavour Skills
(ACSS (ACSH (ACSI 1. Use correct
5 E062) S071)
SUMMATIVE- Review engage lesson and discuss findings on How do
U072) scientific garden walk and unit of work of the plant life plants
terms and cycle. grow?
Understanding Complete TWLH chart from over the unit of
Marking rubric: work. Based on TWLH chart Students How can I
Students have participate in a Graffiti wall activity to present present an
2. Students met certain their knowledge and understanding of the plant accurate
will be able requirements – life cycle. As a class highlight frequently and creative https://kahoot.i
to represent correct occurred statements or words. life-cycle of t/
a sequence sequence of Graffiti wall will be used as a display of what a plant?
of events events, correct the students have learnt.
for the life-
scientific What have I
vocabulary, Lesson: The Flourishing Life Cycle learnt
cycle of
creativity. Students are given the task of representing the throughout
plants using
ICT life cycle of their chosen plant through the use this unit?
Science of ICT (iMovie / Book Creator). https://bookcre
journal to be Steps: Why are
3. Reflect on marked for 1. Teacher gets students to randomly pick the plants
student name of a plant from out of hat. important to
understanding. 2. Students are given 35 minutes to research: humans and
through  What does it look like? animals?
final  How does it grow?
 Characteristics
science 3. Students begin their story of a life cycle of a
journal plant.
Once completed students present their
findings and provide the teacher of a copy
of their completed work.

Teacher assigns students into groups.
Teacher displays QR codes around the class
room, in a rotation having groups start on a
different question.
Groups scan the QR code and use their
knowledge to answer the question.

Challenge: complete in silence, students have

to communicate in a way were not vocals are
used. All questions reflect on the unit of work
students have just completed.

Safety Considerations:
- Appropriate handling of ICT tools
- No running around the classroom.

Learner Diversity:
 Mixed ability for QR code conclusion

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