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Narrative Story

I am in the cafe, looking out through the windowsill. Everything seems to be similar to those days where I
had been sat here with her - unless, she is not here. My peppermint tea started to cooled by time. The sky was full
of cotton-wool clouds. It was the part she like the most among her saddest days, to have a sit with me in this cafe,
drank some hot peppermint tea that warmed her after enduring situations that freeze her into an ice cube although
in this hot September's summer.

She was a fine girl with a heart-shape face, ruddy. She has very nice almost-shaped eyes with a dark
green lens Her hair tamed and lustrous. In my eyes, she was a beauty that born as a Cinderella. Her life was a
succession of heartbreaks. I had used to be the one who sits beside her, lending her a shoulder when she needed
just so much. Before I go to a longer description about her, I would like you to know her name - Oh Young.

It was September and of course, summer. Her father was home from Birmingham. He was a teacher that
worked in Birmingham while Oh Young and her mother were left in Buffalo, New York. People will think that a
person, who has a life in this big city, would be the most pleasure, completely has a misconception. When the
summer came and the school was off for a month, Oh Young's father will return to visit Oh Young and her mother
- the moment when Young hate the most!

Young wished she never had a father or at least, her father had died or something so she never need to
suffer as much as when he was around. Young's father was a hot-tempered man. He never curves a smile to
anyone yet he still loves Young. He cares for Young with his life but Young's mother will be thrashed if she had
done something that was irritating him - something that Young never did me could ever understand. No one knew
what his problem was. How could he love his daughter without loving the woman who had given a life to the

I still remember the night when Young tapped on my windowsill when the rain pelted down from the sky.
She was drenched with rain pours. My room was already off from light as I was about to sleep but Young
canceled it for me. I opened up my sliding door, letting her to step in to my room. Fortunately, I have a stairway
to my room from outside the house so she could come over easily without my parents noticing it. She was
shivering and quickly, I enveloped her with a nice and comforting towel. I asked her what was happening until
she had come here, in this weather.

"My father ..."

Then, I put her in my arms and comforted her by stroking her hair. I knew she needs it to let her blurted
out everything in her mind.

"He had killed her."

Then, she burst out into tears, a heavy one. I was shocked, adrenaline was pumping. My face was out of
blood. I was loos of words. I gave Young a tight hug and let her cried as much as she wanted while I could not
ever believe what she had said before.

I gave her a change and let her sleep on my bed with me sleeping besides her. She told me that her father
had hit her mother on the head and suddenly, blood spurts around the floor. Her mother had collapsed on the
floor. She added tenderly, "I didn't know what was happening. He moved to my side and told me not to be scared
of him. How crazy that idea was?! But then, he took out his cellphone and called the police and told them he had
killed his own wife."

She could not continue anything and started to cry over again. She felt that the world was collapsed upon
her. The cold night had pierced her every bones.
On the next day, Mr. Oh, Young's father was on the first page of the newspaper. He was caught by the
police and jailed until the end of his life. Young was free from him but also lost her mother, a person where she
had been depending on so far. I let her to stay in my house for a while before everything return back to normal -
although I never know when.

I told Young that I was out to the kitchen to take something for her to eat She nodded. Her eyes were
puffy and red after all the crying. Downstairs, I took out bunch of chocolate bar and brought them to her in my
room. I opened the door and everything was quite, more quite than usual. I looked for her every inches of the
room but she was not there! She was gone! Then, I grimed when my eyes spotted the opened sliding door. A note
was left on my study table, filled with her neat hand writing saying,

"Drenched in my pain,

Becoming who we are,

As my memory rest,

I never forget what I lost,

Wake me up when September ends.

Thanks, Mira. We will meet up later (not September, for sure)"

It was 'Wake Me up When September Ends' by Green Day, a favorite of hers. The song was totally into
her, telling the world how much she hate September and how she wished for September to just go away. She
might had let her mother gone, buried under the earth in the casket but she will never forget that she had lost her.
And that was the last note I ever received from Young until now. She was gone of nowhere.

Today is my birthday, the 23rd. I could not believe I had reach this age with success and cheers while my
other partner, Young had put her life into something I never know what.
Write a story starting with: “The widow had to work hard to bring up her little son alone...”

The widow had to work hard to bring up her little son alone. This was after her husband‘s early death. She
and her son lived in a wooden house. It was a small house with only one bedroom and a kitchen.

Mariam wanted Sam to study hard to get good result. So she would not let Sam help her do any household
chores or wash his own clothes. The years flew by. Sam sat for his SPM examination and pass with flying
colours. His mother was very happy. She went round telling her friends, ―My Sam will be leaving for the city to
study in a college. He will become a Manager one day. I‘ll move to live with him in the city. Then, my struggle is
worth it.‖

So Mariam continued to work hard to send money to Sam who was studying a business degree. For
Mariam, it was a tough life. Meanwhile, Sam kept on phoning home to ask for more money. Mariam even had to
borrow from her neighbours and friends to send her son the money.

Three years Sam stopped calling home. He did not even let his mother where he was. When she phoned
the faculty, they told her that he had graduated and left for job. However, they could not her more. Mariam was
baffled. Where was Sam? She was so sure he would come back and fetch her for city. So, she started to pack
some of her bags and boxes.

Three months later, there was still no news or call from Sam. One day, Mariam‘s niece, Kate, came to talk
to her about Sam. She told her aunt, ―Auntie, a friend of mine met Sam in a bank. He‘s the branch manager. This
is his address.‖

Early in the morning, Mariam took the first bus to the city. At the bus station, she took a taxi and showed
the taxi driver the bank address. On the way there, she told the driver about Sam and what a filial son he was. The
driver stopped his taxi in front of a tall building. She got out of the taxi and smiled at him happily. This was the
moment she was going to meet Sam. She imagined him showing surprise and delight at meeting his mother.
Inside the building, a security guard asked her who she was looking for. She told the guard Sam‘s name.

The bank staff saw an old lady holding a worn-out handbag. They were wondering, ―Who is this woman?
Why is she asking for our manager?‖ Meanwhile, Sam pretended he did not know his mother. Feeling disgusted
and ashamed, he asked the security guard to ask her to leave. Mariam was shocked to hear that! She looked Sam
in a disappointed feeling ever, and ran out of the bank.

Back in her house, Mariam cried the whole night. She cried and cried till she had no more tears. The next
morning, she was sitting by the window with Sam‘s photo on her lap. She saw him walking towards their house.
Soon she was shouting and crying, ―My Sam is back! My Sam is back!‖ Sam ran towards her and hugged Mariam
as he never let go. He was so sorry and regretted the way he behaved. His colleagues were the one who made him
realized his big mistakes neglected his mother. The neighbours heard her. They too shouted and cheered, feeling
happy for her.
Write a story with an ending, “then with tears in her eyes, she hugged me tightly.”

It was the wettest December I had ever experienced. The torrential rains had ruined my holiday plans as
floods continued to wreak havoc in several states. I had pleaded with dad to allow me to go to the east coast with
my friends but he had been unyielding. The thought of having to stay indoors for the next two weeks was not only
depressing but also unbearable. Television did not excite me anymore. I was fed up of watching the same old
movies on cable television. Even the other channels had nothing exciting to offer. Finally, I decided to go into the
attic to retrieve some books which I had not read for a long time.

The attic was surprisingly clean - a sign that mum had finally completed the chore that she had kept
putting off. I looked around and noticed a teak chest that I had never seen before. Curiosity got the better of me
and I walked towards it. I lifted the lid slowly and was pleasantly surprised to see a variety of things in it – all of
them reminders of my childhood. I looked nostalgically at the clothes I had worn as a child and the toys I had
played with. ‗Bobo‘ the teddy bear, which I had slept with until I was ten, had been dry-cleaned and kept in a box
which also contained the first Mother‘s Day card that I had made myself. I was not prepared for what I saw next.
Lying at the bottom of the cardboard box was an old black and white photograph of a young woman. I stared at it
incredulously. It was as if I was looking at a female version of myself. All sorts of questions and dreadful
thoughts flooded my mind. I held the photograph tightly in my hand and dashed out of the attic, only to bump into
my mother.

―Mum....who is this?‖ I asked in a quivering voice.

From the look on her face, I knew it was a question she did not want to answer. Quietly, she held my hand
and led me towards the study where dad had been working all morning. She knocked on the door once before
opening it. Dad looked up, and his expression of annoyance disappeared when he saw the photograph in my hand.
What I heard that day is something I will never forget for the rest of my life. The woman in the photograph was
my mother, my biological mother — Lily Lee.

―Son, Lily loved you very much; just as much as Janet here loves you.‖

My biological mother was six months pregnant when the incident happened. She had been walking
towards her office when a motorcyclist came from behind and grabbed her handbag before speeding off. As a
result of the sudden assault, she had lost her balance and fallen on the kerb. The head injuries she had sustained
had a devastating effect on her health. The only option was to perform surgery, but due to her condition, this
option was risky. The doctors had wanted to terminate her pregnancy to save her life but she had refused. A
month later she fell into a coma. Although the doctors had given up hope, Lily continued to live, though in a
comatose state. It was as if she was not giving up on life till her baby was born. When the doctors deemed it safe,
they performed an emergency C-section. Lily breathed her last the moment I was born into this world.
Dad sobbed softly as he finished relating the heart-wrenching story. All sorts of emotions consumed me. I
was sad, confused and angry. Was I adopted? What about my father? Who was he? Had he abandoned me? After
a while, I braved myself and stated what I thought was obvious.

―So, that means you are not my real parents. I am adopted!‖

―No, son. You are not adopted. I am your father. Lily was my first wife. She made me promise her that I
would marry her younger sister, Janet, so that you would not grow up motherless.‖

The sense of relief that I felt at that moment was indescribable. I looked at mum and I saw the pain and
anguish in her eyes, as though she was anticipating rejection. Quickly, she looked down. Slowly, I got up from
my chair and walked towards her. I went down on my knees and held her hands in mine. Her eyes remained
downcast, fearful of rejection.

―Mum, I know I am only seventeen but I am more mature than you think. You might not have given birth
to me but you are and will always be my mother.‖ I comforted her as much as I comforted myself.

She looked up slowly, her eyes searching my face for sincerity. Then with tears in her eyes, she hugged
me tightly.
Write a story ending with „… my heart bleeds and I cried‟

Living in a serene village near the pristine sea was a real treasure for me as its tranquility and refreshing
atmosphere with a picturesque sea was a really perfect getaway whenever my head was on the verge with all of
the schools‘ works and pressures. Every day, my best friend, Razman and I would go to the sea to watch the sun
sets as the invigorating coolness of the sea breeze caressed our skins. Ever since we were in the kindergartens, we
had done the same thing. In the eye of the fishermen there, Razman and I are kindred spirits and our genuine
camaraderie could never be separated by hooks or crooks.

One day, I was feeling a little bit under the weather. My head was spinning and my body was soaking wet
with perspirations. So, I decided to take a nap in order to recuperate my illness. Out of the blue, Razman came
visiting me. He asked me to accompany him to the ice cream‘s stall near the beach. I refused his tempting request
almost instantly as my condition was not permissible. But, he kept begging me and his constant chatter was really
irascible that I thought my head was going to explode. I tried to control my temper but I failed. I shouted at him,
―Just go there by your own self and stop annoying me!‖ Razman remained speechless upon hearing my yells.

―Sorry, I did not mean to disturb you. I promised that I will not do it again in the future‖, Razman said

I felt guilty watching him cycling away from my house with a crestfallen face. Nevertheless, about one
metre from my house Razman turned his dimpled face to look at me and I was at sixes and sevens when he gave
me an unexplainable gaze. He smiled at me and I tried to smile at him back but my lips did not cooperate well
with my mind causing me to stand there poker – faced. So, I just retreated into my bed room and decided to wait
until I am hale and hearty enough before I went to meet Razman and asked for his forgiveness. Quickly, I
swallowed down two Paracetamol‘s tablets before going to the bed. The clock was tinkling 11 a.m. by the time I
dosed off into my own imaginary world of dream.

I could see Razman lying unconscious on the white bed. His face was pale and his legs had been
amputated. I tiptoed towards him. Suddenly, when I am near enough he woke up. He grabbed my shirt‘s collar
and shouted in a coarse voice which was very unlikely him ―You must pay for what had happened to me!‖ I gaped
for air and tried to struggle away from him but for a sick person that had just been out of comma, Razman was
strong enough. I was lack of oxygen. I blinked my eyes rapidly and suddenly I woke up from the dreadful dream.
―It was only a dream‖, I whispered to myself as my heart was racing. My head was no longer aching and I could
feel my body‘s temperature had been back to normal. So, I quickly took a bath and dressed to meet Razman.

By the time I was on my bicycle, I could see people running and shouting. It was like something had
chased them away from the beach. I heard the word ―Tsunami‖ being pronounced loudly but I could not make any
sense about its meaning. Then, I saw my mother. She was a hawker at a food‘s stall near the beach and she was
running too. She recognized me at once, ―Run son! Run to the hill and saved your life!‖ I stood rooted to the
ground as my teacher‘s words about what tsunami is echoed in my mind. I remembered Razman said he was
going to the beach. I tried to search for his figure but he was not anywhere to be found. At the same time, my
brothers were dragging me to the hill.

My whole family was safe during that unexpected tragedy as we managed to climb the hill before the
waves swept us. On the next day, the government had sent the Air Forces‘ helicopter to bring us out to our
momentary shelter. There, I went all nook and cranny to find Razman but my search had come to no end.
Razman‘s mother was crying days and nights. His 5-year old sister was always asking me to bring back her
Abang Man and tears were strolling down my cheeks upon seeing her as she resembled much of Razman‘s
features. But, we did not have to wait long as three days after that, Razman‘s body returned without its life. My
heart bleed and I cried.
Start a story with "I could not sleep throughout that night..."

I could not sleep throughout that night. Not even a minute. It was just because I might miss the ships or
boat that passed by the island. I was shivering in cold even it was just a gentle breeze. I thought to myself that
things would have been different if I did not take part in that vacation. Never in my wildest dream that a
spectacular vacation on a cruise ship at the beginning turned out to be a nightmarish affair.

The day before was a joyous one. I embarked on a three-day vacation trip on a cruise ship. The vacation
was amazing. The scenic view was splendid across the horizon of the sea as far as the eyes could see. The sea
water was crystal clear and the sky was a magnificent azure. My blissful day did not stop there. The dusk thrilled
me as I sat on a chair. The sky gave its golden appeal and the Sun looked like it was sinking into the sea as night
began to unfold. Then, the golden yellow background of the sky changed to twinkling stars. I was staggered to see
the view of the opulent God's magnum opus.

As the night grew older, something totally different started to appear up to the sky. The sky was too dark.
It darkens so much as the glimmering stars started to disappear. To my instinct, something bad would happen any
time soon, but I just could not figure it out. I went into my room and soon dived into a deep slumber.


"This is your captain speaking. Abandon the ship! This ship is about to sink!"

The loud ringing sound really woke me up from my comfort bed and I was taken aback to hear the
announcement. To my horror, the ship was in topsy-turvy. High jinks enshrouded the air. Then I realized, there
was a storm happening outside. To my flummox, I dragged myself outside and saw people running higgledy-
piggledy as they did not know what to do. As for me, the only thing I could remember is that a huge wave came
crushing upon the ship and then everything seemed to darken.

Streaks steaks of light awaken me found out that I was on a beach. At last I thought that my misery had
ended. But a little exploration did not bring much hope. There was no one there. So, being an optimistic person, I
built up a settlement near the beach. I laid upon my leaves bedding. I wondered. Could I survive? Did my family
know that I loved them? For how long did I have to wait?

Out of the blue, an abrupt siren was heard from afar. Swiftly, I arose from my leaves bedding and ran
nearer to the beach. I shouted for my life while waving my hands up on the air.

"Help! I'm here! On the island! Help! Help! I'm here!"

Then, the siren became louder and louder. At the moment, I knew they had noticed me. Unexpected, tears
of joy started to drop from my eyes. Before I even thought my life was over, now the door back to my life was
widely opened. By the moment I stepped into the rescue boat, I know that it was the time for me to go home.
Unexpected, tears of joy started to drop from my eyes. Now, looking back to what had happened to me I realised
that I am surviving alone at a deserted island. Not everyone could say that they slept on leaves bedding and have
the sky as the roof. It was truly an experience of a lifetime.
Write a story with the ending, "If only I had been more careful, that wouldn't have happened"

Tonight was a cold and stormy night. The doors slammed shut as the rustling sound of the leaves could be
heard. The storm had been like this for the past three days. I sat on my bed thinking if I had upset the Gods above
in heaven. As I lay my head down soft and gently on my comfy pillow, I wondered if mom and dad were ok.
They had gone for a vacation to the Bahamas and I had to stay back because of my exams. I wasn't worried about
it as I've stayed alone many times.

Suddenly, the lights went out. My heart raced in agony as the storm got worse. I could see lightning
lashing onto my gate and the roaring sound of thunder that came along. I pulled myself together and realized I
needed to light some candles. So I headed downstairs with my trusty torchlight and worked my way to the storage
room. I found the candles and begun to light them all over the house. I couldn't stand the fact that the darkness
was playing games with my mind.

An hour had passed till I realized something wasn't right. I felt as if something else besides me was in the
house. I panicked. My mind filled with fear but I had to be sure I was right. So, I searched all the rooms on the
same floor and found nothing. So I carefully walked down staircase. As I was walking, I realized all the candles
that I had lit were put out. I was surprised but aware that there could be someone else in the house. My mind
pondered as to how i was going to sneak around without alerting the possibly dangerous stranger.

Then, it happened. As I hid behind one of the room's doors. I saw someone walk by me. He was a huge
muscular guy who wore a beard and had hair that was so curly a fly could get stuck if it went through it. I was
puzzled. Why someone would want to break into my house, I asked myself. I noticed the man had a huge revolver
on his belt. The same one the cops used. I didn't want to stick around and ask questions. I had to call the cops. So I
crept towards the phone and thank God it was still working. I made a distressed call and the cops said they would
be at my house in five minutes.

As I crept back upstairs, I accidently knocked over a small lamp and it broke. By this time I knew the
stranger had been alerted. I was scared and feared for my life. My fears turned into my worst nightmare as I heard
a loud noise. I was shot in the chest. I could feel blood oozing all over my shirt. The stranger walked towards me
while mumbling words I just couldn‘t understand. I thought I was a dead man. Then a miracle happened just as
the stranger was about to finish me off. I heard a second gunshot and the stranger was down. It was the cops who
had arrived.

I was rushed to the hospital and the doctors commenced emergency surgery on me to remove the bullet. I
was then transferred to the Intensive Care Unit(ICU) as the bullet had hit my lungs and I was unable to breathe
properly. My parents rushed back as soon as they got the news. I was lucky to be alive. The doctor had explained
that if the bullet had hit me a bit more to the left , it would have hit my heart and I would be dead. Nobody knew
who the stranger was or what he wanted. If only I had been more careful, that wouldn't have happened.
Write a story ending with “I never saw her again after that”

The gaunt figure that inched its way slowly towards the medicine counter looked old and haggard. Her
dreary looking outfit did nothing to conceal her bleak and depressing demeanour. Anyone who looked at her
would have thought she carried the world‘s burden on her shoulders. Quietly, she sat on one of the chairs and
waited patiently, like the rest of us, for her number to be flashed on the digital screen.

I was rattled. I knew I had seen her somewhere before – a younger, happier version. There was no way I
could be wrong. Like an arrow released from its bow, the buried and forgotten memories pierced my heart with an
unknown intensity. It had to be Mary Anne, my best friend in secondary school. Then again, this person looked
old, much too old to be twenty-nine. Anyway, I summoned enough courage and went towards her. Hearing my
footsteps, she looked up slowly. The flash of recognition in her eyes told me I was not wrong.

―It is you, Mary Anne Danker, is it not?‖

She nodded her head silently as if embarrassed.

―Hello, John? You are looking good.‖

Her remarks reminded me of how beautiful she had been once. Mary Anne had been the school beauty.
Everyone had admired her for her looks, her brains and her beautiful character. Many had said, rather enviously,
that God had worked overtime with her – making her one of his best masterpieces.

One day, Mary Anne had stopped coming to school. Devastated, I had gone to her house, only to find it
all locked up. Checks with neighbours proved futile. No one knew where the Danker family had gone and why
they had left so suddenly. Taking a seat next to her, I wondered what had happened to the ravishing beauty I had
once known.

―Why did you leave so suddenly, Mary Anne? Why?‖

She looked at me nervously while clasping and unclasping her hands in her lap. I could sense that she was
rather reluctant to talk, reluctant to expose a part of her life which had probably caused her a great deal of pain
and suffering. A prolonged silence ensued. Finally, she inhaled deeply and started telling me her story.

Her mother had been diagnosed with end-stage cancer and there was nothing the doctors could do. They
said that she had only three months to live. Her father thought it best to return to their hometown, to let her live in
peace in the surroundings she had grown up in. Her father, devastated by his wife‘s death, started to neglect his
own health and three months later, he too died of a broken heart, leaving Mary Anne in the care of relatives.
Tears rolled down Mary Anne‘s cheeks as she related the difficult years with her aunt. The old widow
treated her badly, forcing Mary Anne to quit school and to work as a dishwasher in a restaurant. The cruel old
lady often beat her, and her cousins jealous of her beauty were more vicious than their mother.

Now that the aunt was old and suffering from cancer, her five children had deserted her when they
realized that she needed taking care of. Despite her aunt‘s ghastly treatment of her, Mary Anne felt sorry for the
pitiable state her aunt was in.

―I cannot leave her. She has no one else,‖ she said. ―I have promised to take care of her till the end of her

I looked at Mary Anne and saw her goodness. Instead of seeing a gaunt and weary figure, I saw an
amazingly beautiful human being. My heart went out to her.

Just then her number was flashed on the screen. She got up, and collected the medicine, which I
understood, was for her aunt. Never had I felt so helpless and wretched. Her story reminded me of something my
late grandfather often used to say, ―Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you

Before leaving, she turned and smiled sadly at me. I never saw her again after that.
Write a story ending with "...They looked at each other and smiled meaningfully."

I remember the time when Mum and Dad were still happy together. My family was fine. My parents
sometimes do fight, but recently, the fights became all too often. I remember the day when I saw Mum crying...

It was a Saturday morning when it all happens. I was sleeping in. On Saturdays, I would sleep until 10,
wakes up by then, take a big bowl and filled in with my favourite cereal, Honey Stars and catch my favourite
cartoons on TV. I remember one particular Saturday morning, I was still sleeping soundly. I remember waking up
to the sun rays shining through the blinds of the curtains. The sun shone onto my eyes. I rubbed my eyes and
stretched. I gave a big yawn. Suddenly, I heard Mum and Dad arguing on the first landing. They were shouting
very loudly. Suddenly, a loud bang was heard. I tiptoed towards my bedroom door. I was lucky that my bedroom
door left a small gap for me to peek through. I peeked through and was shocked to see Mum crying on the floor. I
was very scared by the sight of Mum crying. Since that day, the fights increased. And that was not the last time I
saw Mum crying. I hoped Mum and Dad will apologize and be good to each other again.

Many times I saw or heard Mum and Dad arguing. Always it ended with Mum crying and Dad shouting
at the top of his lungs. Dad would sometimes also scold me or beat me really hard when he is really mad.
Sometimes, I don't know why he does that. I didn't do anything wrong. But at other times, Dad can be very nice to
me. One day, Dad brought me out for ice cream. Dad drove me down town to the ice cream parlour for my
favourite strawberry sundae. On the way back home, dad told me, "Lily, I am going to move away..." I stared at
him while he concentrated to drive. "You are leaving me and Mummy?" I asked. "No, I'm not leaving you, I just
want to get away from Mummy, and I want you to follow me..." I suddenly felt worried. "Daddy, are you and
Mummy going to have a divorce?" I asked cautiously. "Yes, Lily. And I want you to follow me..." he replied.
"No, I don't want..." There was an awkward silence in the air. I hung my head low. Dad kept quiet. I cried silently
throughout the whole journey back home.

One day, I was near Mum's study. I accidentally kicked my ball onto Mum's study table and a bunch of
papers fell onto the floor. I bend down and picked them up. An envelope caught my eye. The envelope had Mum's
medical centre logo stamped on with her name on. I was curious and decided to open it. It was a long letter from
Mum's doctor. I tried reading the letter but the words were very hard for my eight year old mind. But one word
caught my attention. 'Brain tumor'. Then suddenly, it struck me. Mum had brain tumor. I quickly put the letter in
and ran straight to my room. I closed the door behind me. I ran up to my bed and pulled the covers above my head
and cried. I prayed Mum would get well soon.

Later on, Mum decided to agree on the divorce, on one condition. That Dad carried Mum out from their
bedroom to the living room every morning for a month, to signify that Dad carried her out from her marriage, like
how Dad carried Mum into the marriage. Dad said it was a ridiculous but eventually agreed to it. So the first
morning, Dad carried Mum. They looked so funny, Dad carrying Mum. I squealed in delight when Dad lifted
Mum up. Dad was so clumsy when he carried Mum. The nearly broke the antique vase in the living room. They
looked awkward like that. I watched them everyday. Day by day, Dad could carry Mum with ease. They don't
look so awkward doing so. But as days passes, Mum look skinnier and more fragile. I wonder does Dad notice
During the last week of the month, I asked Dad, "Daddy, do you love me?" He ruffled my hair and
replied, "Yes dear, of course I do..." I smiled widely, "Then, do you love Mummy?" I saw his brows were knitted
together in frustration, "Yes, I do love your Mummy..." I grinned even wider, "That means that, you and Mummy
aren't going to have the divorce?" Dad bends down to look at me, "No Lily...we are still going through the

"Why?!" I asked. I suddenly started crying. "Why do you still want to hurt Mummy, even when she is so
sick? Why Daddy, why!"I couldn't contain my tears any longer and started with large sobs. Dad's eyes changed
from frustration to anxiety. He held my shoulders firmly and asked, "Lily, what are you saying? Mummy is sick?
How do you know? Lily, tell me!" I could see from his face that he was very scared. "I, I accidentally read
Mummy's letter, from the doctor. In the letter, it said, th...that Mummy has brain tumour..."

Once Daddy understood my words, he took out his cellphone and dialed a number. "Lauren, I'm not going
through the divorce. Yes, I'm sure with my decision. No, I've changed. Never call this number again." and he
hung up. Dad carried me up to Mum's bedroom. In her bedroom, Mum was on her bed. She looked so fragile, so
weak. Her face had that sunken look. She gave a small smile when we came into her room. Dad put me down
beside her bed. "Is it true? That, you are sick?" Dad asked. I saw tears in Mum's eyes. She held onto Dad's hand,
"I'm so sorry for not telling you...I didn't want you both to get worried..." Dad wiped her tears off her eyes and
kissed her on the forehead. I smiled to myself. Dad and Mum are being good to each other again. I turned to look
at both of them. They looked at each other and smiled meaningfully.
Write a story with the following ending: "... I felt I was the luckiest person alive."

Sunlight filtered through the window blinds and as I took a peek at the world outside, the skies were
charmingly blue. It was as if Mother Nature was welcoming me home after a long stay in the hospital. A sudden
gush of emotions swept through me as I packed my bags together with my family members to leave the hospital.
My excitement was hard to contain as I took my first step into the outside world.

It took one accident to change my perspective of life. The day it happened was my birthday, 21 st June.
After having a grand celebration together with my family and friends, I drove back home alone. As I was driving
smoothly on the paved road, a truck suddenly swerved into my path and the vehicles collided with much force.
Later, someone said that I was thrown forward while the truck driver was unhurt. It was the truck driver who sent
me to the hospital to receive treatment.

The next day, I woke up with my mother sitting at my bedside. The hospital had contacted her the
previous day. She caressed my hair and told me I had crushed ribs and a broken femur. I had to be hospitalised for
a few months. After delivering the news, mum comforted me and gave me words of strength. Knowing that I
would like to have some time alone, she patted me on my shoulder before leaving the ward.

As soon as mum had left, tears started flowing uncontrollably when the harsh fact sank in. I was going to
spend a few months of my life here in the hospital, unable to work or travel. My life was too short to do anything
really bad and I am a good person, why must God treat me like this? These thoughts kept swirling in my head and
depression soon followed suit. Family members and friends noticed the drastic change in my personality and tried
to life my spirits, but their attempts were futile. I was in a world of my own, with misery as my only companion.

One day, as I peered down the streets and admired the lives of people outside the ward, a family of four
begging caught my eye. They wore ragged clothings and looked thin and scrawny. This sight brought me to my
senses. Why should I waste my life and let depression chain my soul? If there are many less fortunate people in
the world and yet they can go on with their lives, why should not I feel grateful for all that I have?

Since then, I started to appreciate all the small yet wonderful things happening around me. The soft rays
of the sunlight, the blooming flowers outside the window and the swaying of trees outside in sync with the wind
soothes my senses. The beauty of Mother Nature mesmerised me and kept me in high spirits. Then, I had caring
nurses, supportive family members and friends to help me go through this rough patch of my life. I became
grateful for all that had happened to me and believed that the accident was a life lesson that ought to be learnt.

Besides, my time in hospital was spent beneficially reading self-help books. These books not only
increased my knowledge but also helped me to gain wisdom. As such, I felt an enthusisastic spirit in me ready to
return to the challenging world of the 21st century. I was more prepared mentally to resume my life as a
university student.

My dream finally came true. I was finally discharged from the hospital. Although I did not fancy the
healing process, valuable life lessons were learnt. As I walked into the outside world together with the ones I
loved, I could only conclude that everything happens for a reason. I felt I was the luckiest person alive.
Write a story beginning with "Tia was nervous as she opened the envelope..."

Tia was nervous as she opened the envelope the contents of which might change her life forever. Her
hands were shaking and trembling so much so that she dropped it on the floor. Her parents looked at her
anxiously. Madam Rita, her mother, had tears in her eyes; she felt helpless as she watched Tia opening the
medical report.

Tia took out the letter and stood stock still after reading it. Tears welled in her eyes. She was devastated
and slumped to the floor as soon as she comprehended that she had a tumour in her brain. The tunour was
malignant and was at stage three. Her parents' were broken hearted Tia their only daughter had contracted this
dreaded disease. They went to the best doctors and consulted them but they told them there was nothing they
could do to help.

Tia felt as if her world was falling apart. Her 17 years of life would soon end in just about three months'
time. As she went home, she cried to sleep in the car on her mother's lap. She could not believe that this might be
the only chance to spend time with her mother and father. Before falling asleep, she whispered to her mother, "I
love you, mummy." She said this to her mother in case she might not awake forever. Both her parents felt sad and
depressed; her mother sobbed uncontrollably as if her heart was shattering into a million pieces. She did not have
the will to see her only daughter die at this young age. Her heart ached and she could not do anything but pray
that a miracle would happen.

The next day, Tia went to school. She sat in the middle of her group of best friends. They were all anxious
to know about her well-being. Tia dropped the bombshell on them. All of them fell silent. Her friends Mei Ting,
Lavitha and Zarita broke down into a flood of tears whereas the male friends looked hapless, at a loss for words
and their mouths were gaping. They were looking at her incredulously. Tia felt very touched and told her friends
not to cry because she had expected her fate and she wanted to spend her limited time on earth to the fullest.

Tia could not bring herself to tell her boyfriend, Ryan about her illness. She loved him so much that she
broke off their relationship in fear that Ryan would be broken hearted by her death. Ryan was shocked and he
continued calling and sending her text messages to ask for the reason she broke off with him. She ignored all his
calls and messages as she thought that it was for his own good. After a while. Ryan gave up on her; he stopped
contacting her as she never responded to him.

As the days flew past, Tia grew weaker and weaker. Her face was always pale and she often had spasms
of pain in her head. The doctors gave her some morphine to stop the pain but she was suffering from the
excruciating pain. She no longer went to school but all her friends visited her to keep her company. Despite being
very sick, Tia always smiled at her friends because she wanted her happy face to be imprinted in their memories.
Her friends always cracked jokes when they visited her just to cheer her up.
One day, Tia had an unexpected visitor - Ryan. He had foud out about her illness and was angry at her for
not telling him the truth. He firmly told her that he would stick through thick and thin with her. From that day
onwards, Ryan became her regular visitor. He often brought his guitar with him and sang all her favourite sonfs.
Occasionally, she would sing with him. Their eyes would reflect sorrow but both of them did not show it.
Whenever, she had a bad bout of pain, Ryan would hold her hand and murmur soothing words to her. Tia felt very
lucky to have such a truly loyal boyfriend. She was really glad to have a family to support her, friends to cherish
her and a boyfriend to comfort her.

Two months later, Tia's condition was becoming critical. She could no longer talk as she had difficulties
in breathing. She was admitted to the hospital. Her parents, Ryan and her friends surrounded her bed in the ward.
They knew that it was just a matter of time before Tia breathed her last. Tia's face was chalky while her lips were
bluish and she had dark circles unfdr her eyes. She used her little energy that was left to tell her parents to always
remember her and not to be sad with her passing. She then whispered to her friends to treasure their lives and not
waste time, not even for a minute. Finally, she looked at Ryan. Words failed her. She was gasping for air; death
was welcoming her to the afterworld.

Ryan could not control himself. He broke down into fits of sobs. Her final words to him the day before
was, "I wish I could be with you forever."

Tia died on that day. All of them present at her passing learnt a lesson to always enjoy life and fill it with
good things for death could come knocking unexpectedly, irrespective of one's age.
A Person Who Has Influenced Me

"Good morning, Mum!" I greeted.

"Good morning, and why are you so happy today?" Mum asked.

"It's Mother's Day, Mum. Happy Mother's Day!"

My mother is the best mother in the whole wide world. I would not exchange her for anything. She has
helped me through thick and thin. I may only be seventeen but I have gone through some hard times. My mum
works in Johor and I stay in Malacca. She comes back once a fortnight and I miss her every day. At school, I
always display a strong and happy front but on the inside, I am actually very sensitive and fragile.

My mum is a caring person. When I first entered primary school, I was discriminated because I was fat. I
had no friends except one, Michelle Lim. Mum always asked how my day was and I lied, saying that I had had a
great day and had made many friends. One day, I could not take it anymore and told my mum everything that had
happened in school. She went to school the next day and complained to the teacher. The latter told my friends off
and after that I easily made friends. Surprisingly, one of my best friends now is actually the one who bullied me
the most when I was in standard one! That person is Tan Yi Lin.

Besides that, my mum is also very protective. My dad is very hot tempered and always scolds me even
when I do nothing wrong. Whenever my dad scolds me, Mum will always tell him off saying, "Why are you
shouting? She has done nothing wrong." Mum will then comfort me and previously, she would buy me an
icecream after that. Now, Mum has stopped buying me icecreams because it is not easy finding clothes that fit my

My mum is also a very loving person. I have a brother and a sister who are twele and ten years older than
I am respectively. Mum loves all of us although my brother and I are troublemakers while my sister is more
obedient. My mum bakes cakes for us to eay every weekend when she is back or whenever she is free. The cakes
that she bakes are delicious. Whenever I smell the aroma of the banana cake she bakes wafting through the air, my
mouth starts to salivate.

She is also a strict disciplinarian. I once got slapped on the cheek for talking back to her. Mum taught all
three of us well. Now my brother and sister are independent working in Singapore and Korea respectively while I
am obediently studying hard to get straight A+'s in my coming examination. Mum recently confiscated my
computer because my studies were deproving.Other than that, my mum is also very good at observing things. I
had a best friend whom I had befriended for almost five years. Mum told me that she was not a good friend and
told me not to be too close to her. I did not listen to her and regretted it. My friend changed and started to leave
me for other friends. Luckily Mum and my two other friends stood by me and helped me to overcome this setback
in my life.

Last of all, what I like best about Mum is that she is a great listener and gives me good advice on almost
everything. She will listen to anything I say and help me solve all my problems. There was once I talked for
almost 15 minutes non-stop and she did not even utter a single word. The only thing she said was, "Yes, I am

My mum is the person who has helped me the most in my life. She may not be perfect but she is perfect
to me. I love her very much. On every Mother's Day, I give her a handmade card that I make with all my heart.
My mum loves travelling and shopping, so when I grow up I want to earn a lot of money so that my mum can go
shopping every week, and travelling, every year.
An Overheard Conversation

It was a very hot afternoon. I was drenched in sweat and my blouse was sticking onto my back. Beads of
perspiration trickled down my forehead. I walked slowly and began to mumble stinging expletives to myself.
How could anyone live in a place like this, I cursed. I could not take it anymore. That afternoon was exceptionally
hot and I was asked by Mrs. Lim to help with an errand. I was allowed to change and fill my stomach before I
started the job.

I headed towards the toilet with a pair of shorts and a white tee shirt in my hands. As I entered, the walls
seemed to create an eerie feeling as I could only hear my heavy breathing. I went into the one nearest to the exit
and closed the door. I began to undress and slipped on the new set of clothing. It was a relief as I felt quite
comfortable in a dry tee shirt and suddenly, it felt like there was a slight breeze running through my body. I closed
my eyes and decided to let my mind drift. I saw clear blue skies, pristine beaches and even cascading waterfalls
which were all so seemingly refreshing. My mind was brought back to its senses when the thumping of feet began
to near the exit.

I opened my eyes and started to fold my uniform quickly, feeling a little embarrassed that I could up with
silly imaginative ideas in a toilet! Anyway, as the footsteps got nearer, I heard giggles and laughing. The footsteps
stopped and I was now ready to unlock the door when I heard familiar voices.

"Hey, you did great today, the technique you taught me was first class!" someone exclaimed.

"You did well too. I guess we should have thought of it sooner," was the reply.

I did not mean to be rude, nor did I eavesdrop on purpose, but somehow my legs just refused to move. I
stood still like a statuette, and listened to their conversation. At first, it seemed like they were talking about the
English Language examination results which we had just received that morning. Then as I began to sink deeper
into what might seem like girl-talk, my eyebrows raised in disbelief and my heart stopped.

The two girls talked about how their devious plan of cheating in the English paper had paid off and how
they got away with it. The plan seemed simple enough but I thought it made the rest of the class seem stupid. The
first girl would raise her pen with the cap intact to indicate an answer while the other pretended that she was
coughing to agree or disagree. From the way they talked, I knew who they were. They were Su Fen and Amy who
were seated at the back of the class. And to think that I actually gave Amy a throat-drop, I thought angrily.

After what seemed like eternity to me, the two girls walked out feeling proud and happy at the same time.
Little did they know that their scheme was going to be exposed... by me. I began to unlock the bolt of the door
and stepped onto the wet cement floor. By now, my tee shirt was wet again but this time, I was not bothered. I
headed towards the sink and began to turn on the tap. I placed my cupped hands directly under it, collected some
water and splashed it on my face. I felt refreshed but my heart was racing. I repeatedly did that and looked at
myself in the mirror. My reflection was a worn-out, tired girl with strands of black hair out of its place but there
was a look of determination in the reflection too, which surprised even me.

Carrying the bundle of wet uniform, I headed out. My steps were now faster and before I realized it, I was
in the staff room. Mrs. Lim greeted me cheerfully and I managed to flash a faint smile. How was I to break the
news to her that I had found out some students had cheated in her paper? My breath was heavy and slow as my
mind tried hard to come up with a good explanation.

Finally I said, "Mrs. Lim, Su Fen and Amy cheated in the English paper you gave a fortnight ago."
Mrs. Lim turned around and there was a shocked expression on her face. She seemed to be searching for
more details and I explained everything to her. After ten minutes, Mrs. Lim said that she would seriously look
into the matter as she could not tolerate cheating in her class. The rest of the afternoon went smoothly as I helped
the short and chubby lady to rearrange her shelf. There were moments of awkward silence, but I did not mind
them at all. I had done the right thing, I reasoned as I continued placing books on neat piles.

The next day, Su Fen and Amy were called up and everyone was curious as to the reason why. I remained
seated and obediently started writing an essay which had just been assigned to us. Deep in my heart, I knew that
those who commit bad acts would be punished. Well, maybe I was destined to feel hot the previous afternoon.
Maybe I was the 'chosen one' to reveal such cases of cheating. Either way, I felt that I had done 'justice' to the

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