Metaphyseal Bands in Osteogenesis Imperfecta

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Metaphyseal bands in osteogenesis

SS Suresh, John K Thomas1
Department of Orthopaedics, Ibri Regional Referral Hospital, PO Box 46, Ibri 516, 1Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, Al-Khod,
Sultanate of Oman

Correspondence: Dr. S. S. Suresh, Department of Orthopaedics, Ibri Regional Referral Hospital, PO Box 46, Ibri 516, Sultanate of Oman.

An increasing number of patients with osteogenesis imperfecta are undergoing pamidronate therapy to prevent the incidence of
fragility fractures. The authors herein report a child aged 3 years who received five cycles of pamidronate, resulting in metaphyseal
bands, known as “zebra lines.”

Key words: Osteogenesis imperfecta; pamidronate; zebra lines

Introduction in the orthopedic department with a pathological fracture

of the right subtrochanteric region due to trivial trauma
Osteogenesis imperfecta, a disease characterized by brittle [Figure 1].
bones, is caused by a defect in the amount or structure of
Type I collagen. The disease is characterized by fragility Radiographs of the lower extremities revealed transverse
fractures, which may sometimes occur even during normal sclerotic bands in the metaphyses of the proximal tibia and
handling of the child by the mother, in severe forms of the fibula as well as the distal femur [Figure 1]. Five bands
disease. Although there is no specific treatment for the were visible in the iliac metaphysis as well and there were
condition, various management strategies have evolved transverse bands in the proximal femur and distal tibia
over the years in an attempt to improve the quality of [Figure 2]. Similar abnormalities were also seen in the wrist
bone and to improve the well being of the patient. These [Figure 3] and the spine [Figure 4].
include the use of calcium supplementation, calcitonin
and oral nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates.[1] As oral Discussion
bisphosphonates cause gastric irritability, physicians have
started using intravenous bisphosphonates. The beneficial Bisphophonates are widely used in the management
effects of intravenous pamidronate in osteogenesis of children with osteogenesis imperfecta to reduce the
imperfecta were first reported by Astrom and Soderhall incidence of fractures and subsequent deformity. Because of
in 1993.[2-4] the associated gastric intolerance, researchers started using
intravenous pamidronate after Astrom and Soderhall[4]
Case Report presented their first series of cases in 1993, showing
successful management of osteogenesis imperfecta with
Our case was a 3-year-old child, a known case of pamidronate. Since then, there have been many reports
osteogenesis imperfecta type III, who presented with of the usefulness of pamidronate therapy in moderate-to-
a history of multiple fragility fractures. Both lower severe osteogenesis imperfecta, resulting in a reduced rate
extremities were deformed due to these fractures. In view of fractures and deformity.[2-4]
of the osteopenia and the susceptibility to fractures, the
child was started on intravenous pamidronate. The child With the increasing use of bisphosphonates, there have been
received a total of five cycles of pamidronate 1.5 mg/kg reports of abnormal radiological findings in the growing
body weight/day in three-day cycles. The cycles were skeleton. Sclerosis of the epi-, apo- and metaphyseal
repeated at an interval of 3 months. The child presented areas of the appendicular and axial skeleton has been
reported due to the administration of nitrogen-containing
DOI: 10.4103/0971-3026.59752 bisphosphonates, [1] with band-like areas of increased
42 Indian J Radiol Imaging / February 2010 / Vol 20 / Issue 1
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Suresh and Thomas: Osteogenesis imperfecta

Figure 2: Frontal radiograph of the pelvic bones shows zebra lines

involving the iliac crest (white arrow head)

administration, the growth of the child and the bone

studied. The number of lines correspond to the number of
cycles of treatment the child has received,[3] with the lines
Figure 1: Frontal radiograph of both femurs shows a subtrochanteric being closer if the patient has received frequent doses. The
fracture (black arrow head) with metaphyseal lines (zebra lines)
distance between the zebra lines correlates with the rate of
involving both distal femoral and proximal tibial metaphyses (arrows)
bone growth and the age of the child. However, the lines
are seen only in children during the growing age, whereas
the lines merge into one another in children nearing the
opacity in the growing bones. This is most marked in the prepubertal growth spurt. Zebra lines progressively move
distal metaphysis of the femur and proximal metaphyses away from the physis, indicating growth disturbance in
of the tibia and fibula.[1,5] the physis, and disappear as they reach the diaphysis.
The bands are seen as early as 2 months after the first
Osteoclastic activity is inhibited during the cycle of treatment. [2] Metaphyseal bands are found to migrate away
pamidronate therapy, resulting in increased bone into the diaphysis on discontinuation of therapy. The bands
mineralization, which is seen on the radiographs as stop appearing after physeal closure, even if therapy is
narrow lines parallel to the growth plate. The bands are continued.[1,5]
the result of the failure of remodeling of the primary
spongiosa into the secondary spongiosa in the physis. It has also been observed that pamidronate therapy
Further growth of the physis results in the appearance does not prevent the future occurrence of fractures,
of normal bone, which results in the bands. Muderis although a sense of well being does increase in patients
et al. coined the term “zebra lines” for these radiographic on pamidronate therapy, [2,4] along with a marked
findings.[5] The lines tend to be perpendicular to the axis reduction in chronic bone pain. [3] Fractures continue
of growth and span the width of the bone. In areas with to occur in osteogenesis imperfecta patients with
slow growth, the lines are usually finer and more densely improved mobility and greater activity, [2,3] because
spaced. the bones are not structurally stronger. Indeed, the sense
of well being due to treatment may make these patients
The patterns of these zebra lines depend on the number more activethus resulting in an increased incidence of
of doses of intravenous pamidronate, the frequency of fractures. [2,4]
Indian J Radiol Imaging / February 2010 / Vol 20 / Issue 1 43
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Suresh and Thomas: Osteogenesis imperfecta

Figure 4: Frontal radiograph of the lumbar spine showing metaphyseal

bands (white arrow heads)

Figure 3: Posteroanterior radiograph of the wrist shows zebra lines

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called growth recovery lines. Transverse bands are 3. Glorieux FH, Bishop NJ, Plotkin H, Chabot G, Lanoue G, Travers R.
Cyclic administration of pamidronate in children with severe
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Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.
1. van Persijn van Meerten EL, Kroon HM, Papapoulos SE. Epi- and

44 Indian J Radiol Imaging / February 2010 / Vol 20 / Issue 1

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