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Preservice teacher: Student first name, year level, context:

Daniella Caceres Callum B
1.1: Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students 1.3 Students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic
Graduate level: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of physical, social and backgrounds Graduate level: Demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that are
intellectual development and characteristics of students and how these may affect responsive to the learning strengths and needs of students from diverse linguistic,
learning cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds
4.1 Support student participation 5.2 Provide feedback to students on their learning
Graduate level: Identify strategies to support inclusive student participation and Graduate level: Demonstrate an understanding of the purpose of providing timely
engagement in classroom activities. and appropriate feedback to students about their learning.
Beginning placement observation:
 Completes all his work
 Doesn’t ask questions
 May not fully understand concepts being taught

Interpretation of observation (student needs):

 Student need to be re-directed
 Check in with student to see if he understands concept

Pre-service teacher action:

 Questions student during class discussion and guide his answers to build his confidence
 Checked in with student during the lesson and did one-on-one to re-teach

Mid-placement observation:
 Student works well with peers other than his close friends
 Is starting to stay a lot more focused
 Pretends he has understood the learning or task, still not asking for help and is making up his work.

Interpretation of observation (student needs):

 Student needs to be checked on at the beginning, middle and end of lesson
 Pair him with a peer that he will work effectively with

Pre-service teacher action:

 Constantly checked on student during lessons
 I have paired him with Lucas, Kerim and Jade (has changed partner each week)

End placement observation:

 Student still needs to be reminded to stay on task but has improved a lot.

Interpretation of observation (student needs):

Pre-service teacher action:

Student outcomes:
Supervising Teacher sign/date Pre-service teacher sign/date

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