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In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirement for the Degree

Submitted to:


Internship Adviser

Submitted by:

Emmanuel Jude C. Enconado

Student Trainee

May 2019

The internship opportunity I had with RG Processing Plant was indeed a great
chance for learning not just in fulfilling my thirst for knowledge but also taught me to
build my professional development. Therefore, I consider myself as a very lucky
individual as I was provided a lot of knowledge within their company. I was able to teach
some of the things what a Production staff does. I am also grateful for working with
employee who treats me as their colleague, a friend and a family even though I was an

The knowledge, experience and memories that I gained with the company is one
of the best part of being student trainee. I would like to thank the Polytechnic University
of the Philippines Santa Maria Bulacan Campus for having this kind of activity for
student to learn the actual field of business. And also to our beloved Professors who
grandly teach us and give us a new idea about the coursed where we are in lined.

I owe my deep gratitude to my intern supervisor Mr. Joseph Cruz who took keen
interest and guided me all along, till the completion of my intern by providing all the
necessary information that need to my task.

I perceive of this opportunity as a big milestone in my career development. I will

use my gained knowledge in my future career in life as a best experience that I had to
my internship period.


Emmanuel Jude C. Enconado


“You will never CHANGE your life

Until you CHANGE something you do DAILY.
The secret of your success is found
On your daily ROUTINE.”
-John Maxwell

I wholeheartedly dedicate this terminal report especially to my beloved family, who

support my financial needs to complete my On the Job Training (OJT) and motivate me;

To all my professors that teaches me how would be the world within the industry and
giving me an opportunity to have this kind of experience, memories and learning that I
can use someday;

To all of my classmates/friends who are my co-ride to the company and my lunch break

To the RG Processing family for accepting me to be part of their Intern it’s an honor to
work with them and helping me and giving me a one of the best memories that I can
bring in my success;

And to my brain who help me decide, solve and finish this internship.

An internship enables you to gain first-hand exposure of working in the real

world. It also allows students to harness the skill, knowledge, and theoretical practice
they learnt in university. You can acquire endless amounts of education in your life;
however, that knowledge doesn't always translate to the working life. The great thing
about internships is that it teaches young professionals about the specific industries and
companies they are interested in. Even the experience of trying something new is
extremely beneficial. A lot of people get stuck in routines, staying in the same town,
attending the same schools or surrounding themselves with the same people. Doing an
internship exposes you to new people in a more controlled and stable environment. An
intern isn't thrown into the wolves but rather given proper training, assignments, and
duties without the added pressure. Internships provide a nice learning curve for
students with little experience of the professional world.

Internship is a part of college curriculum that aims to train and give a professional
learning experience that offers meaningful, practical work related to a student’s field of
study or career interest. An internship gives a student the opportunity for career
exploration and development, and to learn new skills. It offers the employer the
opportunity to bring new ideas and energy into the workplace, develop talent and
potentially build a pipeline for future full-time employees.

RG Meat processing plant is committed to offer quality products and services that
would exceed customer expectations. Our paramount goal is not only to satisfy the
customer buy providing them value for what they buy, but also give extra service to
make them feel important and treasured.

RG adopts the 3C’s model of business strategies – Company, Customer and

Competitors. The company invests in up to date industry leading facilities to bring out
the best in poultry processing. Along with are empowered internal suppliers equipped
with technical knowhow in meat processing. The company also enjoys the double AA
accreditation by the National Meat Inspection Services. RG strives to fully understand
the customer quality expectations from excellent production output preferred
scheduling, accurate documentation and disease free status of the product. The
company guarantees to provide sustained competitive advantage. Being a competitor-
oriented firm, we deliver consistent and effective product or services and determined to
meet the quality standards and specifications of our customer.
The company facilities, quality products and services and continuous process
improvement are guarantees that our customer will realize the potential and reward of
the production of quality products.

The internship was conducted from April 22, 2019 to May 27, 2019, Mondays to
Fridays, 8:00am-5:00pm, at RG Processing Plant located at Looban Barangay Loma De
Gato, Marilao Bulacan. The business is a chicken dressing who top priority customer
are the Bounty Fresh Corporation.

The duties that I performed during my internship period are the following;

 Preparation of daily monitoring reports, documents and paper works

 Receiving live birds / document details of withdrawal authority at clients /
record all details coming from farm records
 Checking/recording withdrawals of chicken..
 Monitoring of daily production report / accomplishments of daily turnover


A. Importance of Practicum
B. Objective of Practicum
C. Time and Place of Practicum
A. Corporate/ Agency Background
1. Nature of the Agency
2. Vision
3. History/Background of the Agency/Office
4. Organizational Chart
B. Work Experience
1. Duties Performed
2. Experience, Feedback and Comment about Internship
3. Problem Encountered
A. Summary and Conclusion
B. Recommendation
Chapter I


On-the-job training, also known as OJT, is a hands-on method of teaching the

skills, knowledge, and competencies needed for student to perform a specific job within
the workplace. Students learn in the environment where they will need to practice the
knowledge and skills obtained during training.

On-the-job training (OJT) helps develop the career of the student and the
prosperous growth of the organization. On the job training is a form of training provided
to student at the workplace. During the training, students are familiarized with the
working environment they will become part of. Students also get a hands-on experience
using machinery, equipment, tools, materials, etc. Part of (OJT) is to face the
challenges that occur during the performance of the job. An experienced employee or
manager is executing the role of the mentor who through written or verbal instructions
and demonstrations is passing on his/her knowledge and company-specific skills to the
OJT student. Executing the training on at the job location, rather than the classroom,
creates a stress-free environment for the employees. On-the-job training is the most
popular method of training. Its effectiveness is based on the use of existing workplace
tools, machines, documents and equipment, and the knowledge of specialists who are
working in this field. On-the-job training is easy to arrange and manage and it simplifies
the process of adapting to the new workplace. OJT is highly used for practical tasks. It
is inexpensive, and it doesn’t require special equipment that is normally used for a
specific job. Upon satisfaction of completion of the training, the employer is expected to
retain student as regular employees

Meaning of internship

An Internship is a period of work experience offered by an organization for a

limited period of time.[1] Once confined to medical graduates, the term is now used for a
wide range of placements in businesses, non-profit organizations and government
agencies. They are typically undertaken by students and graduates looking to gain
relevant skills and experience in a particular field. Employers benefit from these
placements because they often recruit employees from their best interns, who have
known capabilities, thus saving time and money in the long run. Internships are usually
arranged by third-party organizations which recruit interns on behalf of industry groups.
Rules vary from country to country about when interns should be regarded as
employees. The system can be open to exploitation by unscrupulous employers.
Internships for professional careers are similar in some ways, but not as rigorous
as apprenticeships for professions, trade, and vocational jobs. The lack of
standardization and oversight leaves the term "internship" open to broad interpretation.
Interns may be high school students, college and university students, or post-graduate
adults. These positions may be paid or unpaid and are temporary.

Typically, an internship consists of an exchange of services for experience between the

intern and the organization. Internships are used to determine if the intern still has an
interest in that field after the real-life experience. In addition, an internship can be used
to create a professional network that can assist with letters of recommendation or lead
to future employment opportunities. The benefit of bringing an intern into full-time
employment is that they are already familiar with the company, their position, and they
typically need little to no training. Internships provide current college students the ability
to participate in a field of their choice to receive hands on learning about a particular
future career, preparing them for full-time work following graduation.

A. Importance of Internship

The opportunity to learn more about yourself. The experiences we go through are
what shape us. Your internship will not only encourage personal development, but also
a greater understanding of self. To know yourself is to know your goals and how to best
achieve them. Finding this level of clarity is difficult, but sometimes all it takes is trying
someone new, out of your comfort zone. For example, take a Business Marketing
student who decides to do an internship related to his field of study. That internship will
give them a chance to explore what a career in business marketing would be like.
Sometimes, reality does not meet expectations. At this point, the student is given a
chance to decide whether they wish to continue with their current career path or try
something else.

Get Connected and Develop Your Professional Network. Networking is an exchange

of information between people, with the ultimate goal of establishing acquaintances and
relationships to advance your professional career. Sure, you can attend a networking
event without doing an internship, but you would be limiting yourself.

Partaking in an internship allows you to establish deeper relationships than you

normally would talk to a stranger one-on-one. Being an intern gives you more
opportunities to build connections with company professionals that can be very
beneficial for your future career.
According to Timothy Butler, a professor at Harvard Business School, "The biggest
mistake that people make networking is that people don't do it."•

Even if you think you don't need it, it's always good to have a backup plan. Life is
unpredictable and a time may arise when a network may come in handy.

B. Objective of Internship

 Apply business concepts and theories to real-world decision-making;

 Increase proficiency in specific business disciplines; such as human
resources management, operations management, marketing, accounting,
statistics, economics, finance and business law;
 Develop and improve business skills in communication technology,
quantitative reasoning, and teamwork;
 Observe and participate in business operations and decision-making;
 Meet professional role models and potential mentors who can provide
guidance, feedback, and support;
 Expand network of professional relationships and contacts;
 Develop a solid work ethic and professional demeanor, as well as a
commitment to ethical conduct and social responsibility;

C. Time and Place of the Internship

My internship office hour started at 8:00AM to 5:00PM while some of regular

employees are in the nightshift. Their office located at Barangay Loma De Gato
Marilao, Bulacan.
Chapter II


A. Corporate/Agency Background

1. Nature of the Agency

RG Meat processing plant is committed to offer quality products and

services that would exceed customer expectations. Our paramount goal is not
only to satisfy the customer buy providing them value for what they buy, but
also give extra service to make them feel important and treasured.

RG adopts the 3C’s model of business strategies – Company, Customer

and Competitors. The company invests in up to date industry leading facilities
to bring out the best in poultry processing. Along with are empowered internal
suppliers equipped with technical knowhow in meat processing. The company
also enjoys the double AA accreditation by the National Meat Inspection
Services. RG strives to fully understand the customer quality expectations
from excellent production output preferred scheduling, accurate
documentation and disease free status of the product. The company
guarantees to provide sustained competitive advantage. Being a competitor-
oriented firm, we deliver consistent and effective product or services and
determined to meet the quality standards and specifications of our customer.

The company facilities, quality products and services and continuous

process improvement are guarantees that our customer will realize the
potential and reward of the production of quality products.
2. Vision and Mission

“If we don’t take care of our customers, someone else will”

To achieve the utmost satisfaction of our customer, we adopt the Total

Quality Management (TQM) philosophy in doing business.

3. History/Background of the Agency/Office

The company also enjoys the double AA accreditation by the National

Meat Inspection Services. RG strives to fully understand the customer quality
expectations from excellent production output preferred scheduling, accurate
documentation and disease free status of the product. The company
guarantees to provide sustained competitive advantage. Being a competitor-
oriented firm, we deliver consistent and effective product or services and
determined to meet the quality standards and specifications of our customer
RG Meat processing plant is committed to offer quality products and services
that would exceed customer expectations. Our paramount goal is not only to
satisfy the customer buy providing them value for what they buy, but also give
extra service to make them feel important and treasured

4. Organizational Chart

B. Work Experience

1. Duties Performed

 Preparation of daily monitoring reports, documents and paper works

 Receiving live birds / document details of withdrawal authority at clients /
record all details coming from farm records
 Checking/recording withdrawals of chicken..
 Monitoring of daily production report / accomplishments of daily turnover

2. Experience, Feedback and Comment about Internship

My experience on my internship period at RG Processing Plant was I able to

experience the real world on the production area, it’s hard for a first timer to be in this
field but it is a great training for me to learn the things that my professors taught me in
the school and I may bring on my life as my best memories in a company and should be
my basis for having this experienced.

3. Problem Encountered

The problem that I encountered during my internship is when there is a lacking of

manpower because you have to act like their regular employees to meet the daily
quota. Its is hard but challenging part of my internship.
Chapter III

A. Summary and Conclusion

At the end of the on-the-job training period, I experienced many things and learned from it. I
gained knowledge about the work in a Production company. I learned how competition happens among
chicken dressing company, their strategies, on how to conduct a survey, and I also learned how to
operate the GMP in the production. It is very important to learn these things because these are the
things essential for me to know about this kind of work. Throughout the training, I experienced dealing
with different kind of people around us, with the clients, bosses and most especially with our co-
workers. It is important to a group of workers to have camaraderie so that they can work well and attain
their goal. Through this OJT, I saw the difference when you are in school and in the real world. Most of
the time you just learn theoretically in school while in real world, you actually experience and apply
what the trainers taught to you.

B. Recommendation

To the company the students should experience the job descriptions that they will be
performing on their future job.

To the school and the company partner should have a proper agreement about the
functions of the students in the workplace area.

The students must evaluate based on the specific performance that they should learn
during the On the Job Training.

To the RG Processing Plant, I gladly recommend to hire more employees for not having
a lacking of manpower in the production the plant needs a hand to hand work so to
improve the quality of work and the efficiency of the employees I recommend more

The school, student and the company must have proper communications to avoid
conflict during the OJT.

A. Curriculum Vitae
B. Endorsement Letter
C. Parent’s Waiver and Consent
D. Certification of Completion
E. Evaluation sheet for Internship
F. Daily Time Record (Attendance Report)
G. Weekly Performance Report
H. Company Location Map
I. Company’s Organizational Chart
J. Photo Documentation
K. Other Supporting Document
Appendix A
Curriculum Vitae
Appendix B
Endorsement Letter
Appendix C
Parent’s Waiver and
Appendix D
Certification of
Appendix E
Evaluation Sheet for
Appendix F
Daily Time Record
(Attendance Report
Appendix G
Weekly Accomplishment
Appendix H
Location Map
Appendix I
Company’s Organizational
Appendix J
Photo Documentation
RG Sport Fest 2019
Paper Works
Dirty Line
The starting point of production
Packing Area
The process
Appendix K
Other Supporting

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