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4/6/2019 The Homebrewery - NaturalCrit

Introduction to the class 2
Surgebinding 2
Spren 2
Stormlight 2
Surges and Radiant Orders 2
Design Notes 3
Full vs Half Caster 3
D6 vs D8 vs D10 Hit Dice 3
Surges adaptation 3
Transformation 3
On the player's side 3
On the DM's side 3
Surgebinder 4
Class Features 4
Radiant Order 7
Order of the Windrunners 7
Order of the Skybreakers 8
Order of the Edgedancers 9
Order of the Truthwatchers 9
Order of the Lightweavers 10
Order of the Elsecallers 10
Breaking the Ideals 11
Multiclassing 11
Spells 12
Windrunner Spells 12
Skybreaker Spells 12
Edgedancer Spells 12
Truthwatcher Spells 12
Lightweaver Spells 13
Elsecaller Spells 13
Spell Descriptions 13
Spell Rules 15
Credits 15
Changelog 15

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Introduction to the class

his class is based on Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight is a radiant energy given off by highstorms (a
Stormlight Archive, a book series with 3 tomes storm of huge dimensions and power) that can be stored in
released. If you plan on reading the series, this gemstones and then later used by Surgebinders. It is a source
section, and most of the document, may of light and power and is used to power technology.
contain spoilers. Read carefully. Gemstones are much better at holding Stormlight than other
objects because the light can remain within them for weeks.
Usually, those gemstones kept in spheres, can be infused
with Stormlight by leaving them outside during a highstorm.
Surgebinding Infused spheres can also be obtained from money
Surgebinding is a magic system which involves ten different exchangers. Stormlight leaks quickly when held by a
types of power sources or surges, which represent the Surgebinder or infused into an object other than a gemstone,
fundamental forces of nature. Some creatures can use though persons can slow the leakage by holding their breath
Stormlight to bind surges. Those creatures are called (which they can do for an extended time while holding the
Surgebinders. Stormlight is normally drawn from infused light).
gemstones, but can be absorbed from any source that has
Stormlight. Surges and Radiant Orders
By the final days of the Era of Solitude, after the las
Desolation, knowledge of Surgebinding is all but totally lost. Radiant Order Surges
Its effects haven't been seen for millennia and histories from Windrunners Adhesion and Gravitation
times of the Heraldic Epochs, when Surgebinders fought Skybreakers Gravitation and Division
during the Desolations and formed the orders of the Knights
Radiant, are all but nonexistent. Most who are aware of it Dustbringers Division and Abrasion
know it mainly from inaccurate legends. Edgedancers Abrasion and Progression
There are 10 different Knights Radiant Orders. In order for
a creature to turn into a Surgebinder and join a Radiant Truthwatchers Progression and Illumination
Order, they must bond a spren. It's important to note that it is Lightweavers Illumination and Transformation
the spren who chooses the Surgebinder and not the other Elsecallers Transformation and Transportation
way around. One may not be aware that a spren is analysing
them or trying to bond them until they breathe Stormlight for Willshapers Transportation and Cohesion
the first time. The spren type determines the Radiant Order, Stonewards Cohesion and Tension
each having their own spren. Bondsmiths Tension and Adhesion

Spren Surge Description

Spren are creatures of nature. They have a common Adhesion The Surge of Pressure and Vacuum. Can
presence all over the world and tend to be ignored, or remain be used to bind objects onto others.
unseen. Spren are not fully understood. They take different Gravitation The Surge of Gravity. With it, the
shapes and forms, appearing around certain events, ideas, or Surgebinder is able to change the
abnormalities. Some types of spren have taken on cognitive direction of his/her gravitational pull and
ideals or concepts which have taken on literal personification its magnitude.
over time. Spren live in Shadesmar, the Cognitive Realm. A Division The Surge of Destruction and Decay. It is
plane of existence in which the spren adopt their true form able to cause spontaneous combustion.
and live in societies. Abrasion The Surge of Friction. With it, the
Surgebinder can make the touch of their
Stormlight body near friction-less.
Progression The Surge of Growth and Healing, or
Spheres value in SP Regrowth.
Gem Chip Mark Broam
Illumination The Surge of Light, Sound, and Various
Diamond 1 5 20 Waveforms. It's used to create illusions,
both visual and auditory.
Garnet, heliodor, topaz 5 25 100
Transformation The Surge of Soulcasting. Initially bonded
Ruby, smokestone, zircon 10 50 200 to the Ten Essences, it can be used to
Amethyst, sapphire 25 125 500 transform any object into anything.
Emerald 50 250 1000 Transportation The Surge of Motion and Realmatic
Transition. Used to instantaneously
transport someone to another location.
Cohesion The Surge of Strong Axial Interconnection.
Tension The Surge of Soft Axial Interconnection.
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Design Notes
Full vs Half Caster In the books, the Transformation Surge can turn anything
This was the main problem when I started to design the into anything as the Surgebinder wants. This is very
class. If I follow the book series exactly, the Surgebinder has problematic with how D&D works. Comparint
to be a full caster class in order to emulate their amazing Transformation to Transmutation magic, it would be really
powers and progression. But, after all, the Knights Radiant overpowered. If the Surgebinder from the beginning can turn
were fighters/warriors/knights/whatever you want to call it. A blood into water at will they would overshadow
full caster class wouldn't be able to emulate their huge Transmutation Wizards by far while beign half casters
martial power, and that is, in my opinion, what makes them instead of full casters. That's why I treat Transformation as
different. Transmutation in this class. Basically, I had to nerf both
Elsecallers and Lightweavers hard in order for them to work
D6 vs D8 vs D10 Hit Dice along other D&D classes.
D6: the Surgebinder cannot have a d6 hit Dice. That
would be the best way to emulate the full caster aspect, On the player's side
but that would leave them without Extra Attack
(completely obligatory when building a class with martial Resources: keep track of your resources. Early in the
power) and low health (lackluster when they are gonna be game, you need to be careful since you have tons of
mostly melee). options an few Stormlight points, but your mid-late game
D8: this is, in my opinion what fits the Surgebinder better. is really powerful. Remember all the time what features
They are first normal people. They don't choose to be you can use and keep track of your spells. Remember that
Knights Radiant, so they shouldn't be meat shields. Also, this class is very powerful with a well-handled Action
they are gonna have more feature-power than Paladins or Economy.
Rangers, so a lower Hit Dice allows me to dictate better Spren: remember that you have your spren with you all
what are the pros and cons of the class. Additionally, in the time and that no one can see it (excepting true vision
the books Knights Radiant aren't described as people who things). Your spren is a very powerful RP tool and you can
could stand lots of hits, but as people who regenerate at use it creatively to do almost anything.
the same rate as they receive damage. The d8 Hit Dice Stealth: your shardblade is shiny, your shardplate is shiny,
also allows me to give the Surgebinder a strong healing you are shiny! Stealth, if you are not a Dex build or an
feature that will make them bulkier in combat when Edgedancer, is very complicated. Most of the times, even
expending their resources on it, but easily handled when being an Edgedancer is not enough.
targeted with lots of damage.
D10: this would have bring the class way closer to the On the DM's side
Paladin than I wanted. Yes, they are quite similar in the Health: even if a Surgebinder is powerful and can
way they receive their power, but Surgebinders work very mantain themselves alive a long time by healing, they can
differently. The d10 Hit Dice also would mean that the be handled easily. If you feel your Surgebinder is
class must be limited in some way since the higher health highlighting over the rest of the party, maybe you need to
pool means less feature-power. They can be built in this throw hordes (Surgebinders usually are mediocre at
way, yes, but I don't think is optimal. handling groups of enemies) and healing-reducing effects.
Spren: you will need to adapt to every spren's personality.
Surges adaptation I included a little description of the sprens per Order in
My first iterations of the class had a completely new spell every Radiant Order. The spren are always analyzing their
system with lots of new spells. Well, that doesn't work if I bonded Surgebinder and examine their acts closely. If you
want to bring the class closer to D&D. Thats why I had to see that your Surgebinder strays far from their Ideals, the
modify how some surges work (Transformation, gonna talk spren can choose to break the bond. If the spren doesn't
about it later). Even so, I wanted to retain the "use Stormlight break the link, they may end up dying because of the
points in order to cast spells" feature instead of the actions of their Surgebinder. Keep than in mind! A
traditional spell slot system. I based myself here on the Way Surgebinder that loses their spren is condemned. They
of the Four Elements Monk, using ki to cast spells. This way lose their powers and no spren will want to bond them
the Surgebinder is gonna be able to cast more spells per day again.
than other half-casters, but also must spend Stormlight
points in their class features in order to be efficient. This is
one main reason to use the d8 Hit Dice. More spells means
more power, so a d10 Hit Dice would mean the class would
be overpowered.
Finally, spell slots combined with Stormlight points as I
designed it would mean a problematic for the player when
managing resources. Mixing both spells and features in one
makes it simpler.

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An alethi boy rides the winds of a Highstorm surrounded by
windspren. He's looking for possible threats in the area while
his friends are training.
Stopped in the middle of a battlefield, the young herdazian
observes nervously how his battalion is fading. Suddenly, he
spots an enemy running towards the defendless ardent.
Without thinking, he blocks the attack, blue eyes glowing, a
bright yellow radiance coming out of his body.
Hidden in the town sewers, the azish girl focuses on the
voices of her persecutors. When she knows they are close
enough, she smiles with malice and summones her blade. A
white light dances around the edge of her weapon as the
group aproaches her, not knowing the mistake they made.
Their eye color doesn't matter, nor does their origin or their
culture and religion. Surgebinders are the first-line defense of
humanity and they always act in unity. Always paired with
their spren, they have an almost unlimited source of power.
Quick Build
You can make a surgebinder quickly by following these
suggestions. First, Dexterity or Strength, followed by
Charisma, should be your highest ability score if you plan on
being a Windrunner, Wisdom if you plan on being a
Skybreaker or Edgedancer. If you plan on beign a
Lightweaver, Truthwatcher or Elsecaller, your Charisma,
Wisdom or Intelligence (respectively) should be your highest
ability score, followed by Constitution. Second, you have
freedom choosing your background as every Order is way
different from the others.

Class Features
As a surgebinder, you gain the following class features.
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per surgebinder level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier.
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution
modifier per surgebinder level after 1st.
Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields.
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons.
Tools: None.
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution.
Skills: choose two between Acrobatics, Intimidation,
Investigation, Perception, Persuasion and Survival.

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The Surgebinder
Proficiency Stormlight Stormlight
Level Bonus Features Points Consumption Spell Level
1st +2 Stormlight, Spren, Stormlight Healing 2 1 —
2nd +2 Radiant Order, Spellcasting, Fighting 3 1 1st
3rd +2 Shardblade 4 2 1st
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 2 1st
5th +3 Extra Attack 8 3 2nd
6th +3 Radiant Order Feature 8 3 2nd
7th +3 Powerful Shardblade (+1) 8 4 2nd
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 10 4 2nd
9th +4 — 16 5 3rd
10th +4 Radiant Order Feature 16 5 3rd
11th +4 Shardplate 20 6 3rd
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 20 6 3rd
13th +5 Powerful Shardblade (+2) 24 7 4th
14th +5 Radiant Order Feature 24 7 4th
15th +5 Improved Shards 29 8 4th
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 29 8 4th
17th +6 Powerful Shardblade (+3) 38 9 5th
18th +6 — 38 9 5th
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 44 9 5th
20th +6 Radiant Order Feature 44 9 5th

The spren can move freely and with no distance limit and
Equipment will always follow you unless you say the opposite. However,
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the you must be within 120 feet of the spren in order to be able to
equipment granted by your background: absorb Stormlight. If you are under the effects of Stormlight
(a) a spear, (b) a warhammer or (c) any simple melee and the spren moves more than 120 feet away from you or
weapon. viceversa, you automatically expel all the Stormlight you had
(a) a martial weapon or (b) a shield. in your body.
(a) a studded leather armor or (b) a scalemail.
(a) an explorer's pack or (b) a dungeoneer's pack. Stormlight
Two daggers and spheres worth 10 Stormlight points. You have the capacity to absorb Stormlight. If you can breath,
you can use your bonus action to fill yourself with Stormlight.
Spren As long as you are under the effects of Stormlight, you gain
A spren has formed a bond with you and accompanies you to the following benefits:
wherever you go. You aren't able to discern the type of spren You emit bright white light in a 10 feet radius and dim
that is following you, but it gives you power and you pay it light in another 10 feet.
back with consciousness. The spren cannot be touched and You cannot gain exhaustion levels. Every exhaustion level
can only be seen by you unless you order it to show itself to you have is lost while you are under the effects of
other beigns. It has no Hit Points, cannot do any actions in Stormlight. Every exhaustion level you had before
combat but talking and it has a flying speed equal to your absorbind Stormlight returns when your body doesn't
current movement. You discover the type of spren when you have any Stormlight left.
enter a Radiant Order. You don't have the need to breathe, so you cannot be
drowned. You still need to breathe in order to absorb more
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The maximum amount of Stormlight your body can hold up Spellcasting
at the same time is determined by the value shown in the
Stormlight Points column in the Surgebinder table. That At 2nd level, as long as you are under the effects of
number also represents the maximum amount of Stormlight Stormlight, you can cast spells, powerful effects that allow
Points you can inhale before taking a long rest. You may you to stand out in any situation. See Spells Rules in the
expend Stormlight points in spells or class features, but you PHB for the general rules of spellcasting and the Spells
cannot expend a number of Stormlight points superior to the section for the surgebinder spell list later in this document.
number in the Stormlight Consumption column in the
Surgebinder table. Spells Known of 1st Level and
You can end the effects of Stormlight by expelling it out of Higher
your body (it doesn't require any action). Aditionally, for every
hour you spend under the effects of Stormlight you lose one The Surgebinder table shows how many Stormlight points
Stormlight point. It also ends early if you are knocked you have to cast your surgebinder spells. To cast one of your
unconscious. surgebinder spells of 1st level or higher, you must expend
You need a Stormlight source in order to absorb Stormlight points equal to the spell’s level or higher.
Stormlight. The Stormlight value of sources other than You know a numer of surgebinder spells equal to your
spheres is determined by the DM. You can absorb Stormlight Order modifier + half your surgebinder level, rounded down
from an unlimited amount of sources, but they must be (minimum of one spell) of your choice. Each of these spells
storing Stormlight at the moment you want to inhale it. must be of a level for which you have spell levels. For
instance, when you reach 5th level in this class, you can learn
Spheres value in Stormlight one new spell of 1st or 2nd level.
Sphere type Stormlight Points For example, if you know the 1st-level spell link and have
Chip 2
1st-level and 2nd-level spells available, you can cast link using
either 1 or 2 Stormlight points. You can't upcast your spells to
Mark 5 a higher level than the determined by the Spell Level column
Broam 12 in the Surgebinder class table.
Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can
The DM can forgo this rule if Stormlight doesn't fit the choose one of the surgebinder spells you know and replace it
setting of the campaign. Instead, you can activate the with another spell from the surgebinder spell list, which also
Stormlight feature whenever you want and you always gain must be of a level for which you have spells.
the maximum amount of Stormlight points you can at that Spell cost in Stormlight points
moment. Spell level Stormlight points
Stormlight Healing 1st 1
You use your Stormlight to regenerate your wounds. At the 2nd 2
start of each of your turns, you may consume one Stormlight 3rd 3
Point to regain hit points equal to your Constitution modifier 4th 4
(minimum of 1) if you have no more than half of your hit
points left. You don’t gain this benefit if you have 0 hit points. 5th 5
When you reach 10th level on this class, you may regain hit
points even if you have more than half of your hit points left Spellcasting ability
and you add your Order modifier (minimum of 1) to the
healing. Your spellcasting ability for your surgebinder spells is
Additionaly, you may ignore this feature and use your determined by your Order. You use your Order modifier
bonus action to consume Stormlight and heal. You gain Hit whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In
Points equal to 5 times the amount of Stormlight points you addition, you use your Order modifier when setting the
consumed. saving throw DC for a surgebinder spell you cast and when
making an attack roll with one.
Radiant Order Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Order
Starting at 2nd level, you have sworn your fist Ideal. Life modifier
before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your
destination. This Ideal is the beginning of your jorney and Order modifier
what allows you to join a Radiant Order. Choose one Radiant
Order which suits your ideals, aspirations and personality:
Windrunners, Edgedancers, Truthwatchers, Lightweavers or
Elsecallers. Your choice grants you features at 2nd level and
again at 6th, 10th, 14th and 20th level.

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Fighting Style Powerful Shardblade

At 2nd level, you adopt a style of fighting as your specialty. At 7th level, your shardblade gains a +1 bonus to attack and
Choose one of the following options. You can’t take a Fighting damage rolls done with it. Aditionally, if you summon a shield,
Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose it grants you an extra +1 bonus to your AC.
again. This bonus increases to a +2 at 13th level and to a +3 at
Defense While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus 17th level. Also at 17th level, the bonus applies to spell attack
to AC. rolls too.
Dueling When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand
and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls Shardplate
with that weapon. Starting at 11th level, your oaths and bond are strong enough.
Great Weapon Fighting When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage You can summon a shardplate using an action as long as you
die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are are using no armor or light armor. You are proficient with the
wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use shardplate and it has the following characteristics:
the new roll. The weapon must have the two-handed or
versatile property for you to gain this benefit. It has an AC equal to 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your
Protection When a creature you can see attacks a target Order modifier.
other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your The shardplate can store a number of charges equal to 5.
reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You must This armor increases your movement by 5 feet for every
be wielding a shield. charge it has up to a maximum of 25 extra feet.
If it has at least 1 charge, you have advantage on every
Shardblade Strength (Athletics) and Dexterity (Acrobatics) check you
By 3rd level, you are able to summon your own shardblade. make.
As a bonus action, your spren transforms into a weapon or It loses 1 charge if you receive a critial strike from a
shield you are proficient with as long as you have a free hand. weapon attack.
The shardblade then only disappears if you chose so (doesn't The shardplate regains 1d4 charges for every 24 hours
require an action), if you are incapacitated or if you die. The you don't summon it.
shardblade has the following characteristics: The shardplate emits bright light in a 10 feet radius and
It deals the same damage as the weapon it copies, but it is dim light in another 10 feet. The color of this light depends
radiant type. on your Radiant Order.
It counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming Aditionally, you may add your Order modifier to any
resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage roll you make with your shardblade.
It can only be summoned if your spren is within 30 feet of Improved Shards
you. When you reach 15th level, your shardplate grants you
The shardblade emits bright light in a 5 feet radius and advantage on any saving throw against spells as long as it has
dim light in another 5 feet. The color of this light depends on at least 1 charge or more.
your Radiant Order. Additionally, it doesn't leave any injuries Also, when you use your action to cast a spell, you can
in the creatures you hit with it, nor does ever get dirty. When make one weapon attack with your shardblade as a bonus
you kill a living beign with it, its eyes burn into black smoke. action.
When you are using your shardblade, you can communicate
with your spren telepathically. Radiant Order
Ability Score Improvement Being a Surgebinder implies swearing a series of Ideals
which bond your soul to a spren. The first Ideal is common
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and between the Orders, but every Order differs from the others
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice in their second, third, forth and fifth Ideals. Surgebinders act
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by in unison and collaborate in their assignment of protecting
1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 humanity from darkness.
using this feature.
Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking this Order of the Windrunners
feature to take a feat of your choice instead.
Being part of the Order of the Windrunners means protecting
Extra Attack everyone in needs. Founded by the Herald Jezrien, the
Windrunners were one of the Radiant Orders with more
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, members. That, mixed with their capacity of flying, made
whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. them the symbol of the Knights Radiant. They always act
grouped and organize in a specific hierarchy.

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Characteristics Order of the Skybreakers
Ideals. Protection, Honor and Leadership. They base their Law is their life and justice their only objective. Created by
oaths in compassion, forgiveness and defense of the helpless. the Herald Nale, The Judge, the Skybreakers swear to make
Any Windrunner that steps away from these words is justice and follow the law. The Order focuses on obeying the
breaking their oaths. law, regardless of wether it is just or fair. A Skybreaker mught
Gem and color. Sapphire, blue color. have their goals, but they will always obey the laws of a land
Order Spellcasting. Charisma is your spellcasting ability. regardless of whether it aligns with their specific thinking.
Spren Characteristics
Your spren type is the Honorspren. Honorspren are blue and Ideals. Just, Confident. A Skybreaker is there to obey the law
with a humanoid form. They can choose which person can and make people obey it. If they fail on their purpose, they
see them and they are very similar to humans in their may break their bond.
customes and manners. Usually they are born with names. Gem and color. Smokestone, grey color.
Order Spellcasting. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability.
You learn the following spells at the surgebinder levels listed. Spren
Spells Your spren type is the Highspren. Highspren espouse the
Surgebinder level Spells
following the letter of law and other legal codes, rather than
doing what one feels is right. Highspren are described as
2nd link looking like black slits in reality, with white glowing stars
5th spider climb shining through.
9th fly Spells
13th launch You learn the following spells at the surgebinder levels listed.
17th alter gravity Spells
Surgebinder level Spells
Bonus Proficiencies 2nd zephyr strike
When you join this Radiant Order at 2nd level, you gain
proficiency in the Athletics skill. 5th levitate
9th fly
Wind's Grace
Starting at 6th level, you have advantage on initiative rolls. 13th launch
Additionally, you have advantage on any weapon attack roll 17th steel wind strike
you make against any creature that hasn't taken a turn in the
combat yet. Bonus Proficiencies
When you join this Radiant Order at 2nd level, you gain
I'll protect those who can't proficiency in the Insight skill.
When you reach 10th level, you can adopt a defensive stand
to protect your allies from ranged attacks. When an ally that Decaying Strikes
is within 15 feet of you is attacked by a ranged attack that Starting at 6th level, your melee weapon attacks deal an extra
requires an attack roll, you can use your reaction and expend 1d6 damage while you're imbued by Stormlight. The damage
2 Stormlight points to spray your body with Stormlight. Until type is necrotic or fire damage if the ojective has blood and
the beginning of your next turn, you gain a bonus to your AC fire damage if they don't. This damage increases to 1d8 at
equal to your Order modifier (rounded down) and every 10th level, 1d10 at 14th level and 1d12 at 20th level.
ranged attack that requires an attack roll and travles within
15 feet of you is redirected towards you. I'll put the law over everything else
At 10th level, your proficiency bonus is doubled for your
Nimble Fighting Insight skill. Additionally, you may add your Order modifier to
At 14th level, while under the effects of Stormlight, your your spell damage rolls.
speed increases by 10 feet and opportunity attacks made
against you have disadvantage. Payment
When you reach 14th level, when a creature hits you an
Wind Resonance attack, you can make a weapon attack against that creature
When you fight, wind currents surround you, enhancing your as a reaction if it is in range. Also, creatures have
abilities. When you reach 20th level, you gain a flying speed of disadvantage on Charisma checks against you
60 feet and wind effects don't count as dificult terrain for you
when you are under the effects of Stormlight. Justice Resonance
Additionally, when you inhale Stormlight, wind gales You are the law and you impart justice. When you reach 20th
surround you. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon level, while you are under the effects of Stormlight, when you
attack, you may throw a strong burst of wind. The creature make a melee weapon attack, you attack any number of
you hit and every creature in a 15 feet cone in a straight line creatures within the weapon's reach.
must succeed a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
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Order of the Edgedancers Nature Resonance

They may not be the biggest or most important Order, but the At 20th level, your powers strengthen yourself. When using
Edgedancers are powerful and polyvalent fighters. Founded your Stormlight Healing feature to regain hit points at the
by the Herald Vedel, the Edgedancers are known to be one of start of your turn, you don't need to expend Stormlight
the most refined and elegant Orders, always ignoring things Points.
of great import in favor of smaller things, as some would see Additionally, you can use your Stormlight Healing feature
it. on other creatures you can touch.
Characteristics Order of the Truthwatchers
Ideals. Love, Memories and Healing. Their ideals are based The Truthwatchers are the most esoteric Radiant Order.
on the love of the least important things, always trying to Silent and secretive most of the time, they preferred to stay
avoid them falling into oblivion. appart from the other Knights Radiant. Founded by the
Gem and color. Diamond, white color. Herald Paliah, they are the most mysterious Order.
Order Spellcasting. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability.
Spren Ideals. Learning and Charity. Their oaths are based on
Your spren type is the Cultivationspren. They are the spren of research and care about the others.
nature and they take the form of a vine that grows rapidly. Gem and color. Emerald, green color.
They can form the appearance of a face by curling vines Order Spellcasting. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability.
around one another. After a time, the vine trail they leave
behind solidifies, becoming like crystal before crumbling into Spren
dust. Your spren type is the Cultivationspren. They are the spren of
nature and they take the form of a vine that grows rapidly.
Spells They can form the appearance of a face by curling vines
You learn the following spells at the surgebinder levels listed. around one another. After a time, the vine trail they leave
behind solidifies, becoming like crystal before crumbling into
Spells dust.
Surgebinder level Spells
2nd alter surface Spells
5th pass without trace
You learn the following spells at the surgebinder levels listed.
9th plant growth Spells
Surgebinder level Spells
13th freedom of movement
2nd healing word
17th tree stride
5th lesser restoration
Bonus Proficiencies 9th mass healing word
When you join this Radiant Order at 2nd level, you gain 13th death ward
proficiency in the Stealth skill.
17th scrying
Increased Roughness
Starting at 6th level, you can use your action and expend 1 Bonus Proficiencies
Stormlight Point to touch a creature and give them climbing When you join this Radiant Order at 2nd level, you gain
speed equal to their speed for 1 minute. proficiency in the Medicine skill.
Natural Growth Lecture
At 10th level, you are inmune to poison and disease. At 6th level, your bond with your spren allows you to predict
Additionally, difficult terrain doesn't cost extra movement to your enemies' intents. As a reaction when you are hit by an
you. attack or fail a saving throw you can expend 1 Stormlight
point and force the attacker to reroll the attack with
Slipery disadvantage or reroll the saving throw with advantage
When you reach 14th level, you have advantage on any yourself.
Dexterity saving throws. Additionally, when you make a Once you've used this feature, you can't do so again until
melee attack against a creature, you don't provoke you finish a short or long rest. You can use this feature twice
opportunity attacks from that creature for the rest of the turn, between rests at 10th level, three times at 14th level and four
whether you hit or not. times at 20th level.

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Reality Bonus Proficiencies

Starting at 10th level, you have mastered your insight skills. When you join this Radiant Order at 2nd level, you gain
You now have resistance to psychic damage. Additionally, you proficiency in one type of artisan's tools of your choice and
have advantage on any check to discern illusions from reality. disguise kit.
Visions Malleable Illusions
When you reach 14th level, you can pull visions from the near Starting at 6th level, when you cast a spell that creates an
future. Choose a creature or object with which you've spent at illuson and has a duration of 1 minute or longer, you can use
least 1 minute and consume 2 Stormlight points. your action to change the nature of that illusion (using the
As you do so, visions from the creature's or object's near spell’s normal parameters for the illusion), provided that you
future invade you. The visions appear in a 30 foot cube can see the illusion.
around you and you see one possible outcome of what the
next 24 hours of the target's time might be. The DM chooses Light beign
how accurate these visions are, but they must have at least At 10th level, you can see and hear through any illusion you
some little truth or clues of what is really gonna happen. have active in the moment using your bonus action until you
Once you've used this feature, you can't do so again until end this effect (doesn't require action) or the illusion ends.
you finish a long rest. Aditionally, you can cast spells taking any of your active
illusions or your spren as their origin point.
Divination Resonance
As a Truthwatcher, your vision and capacity to read Illusory Reality
everything around you has no rival. At 20th level, you gain a By 14th level, you have learned the secret of weaving shadow
120 feet True Sight when you are under the effects of magic into your illusions to give them a semi-reality. When
Stormlight. you cast an illusion spell of 1st level or higher, you can choose
Furthermore, you now have advantage on saving throws one inanimate, nonmagical object that is part of the illusion
agains illusion spells. and make that object real. You can do this on your turn as a
bonus action while the spell is ongoing. The object remains
Order of the Lightweavers real for 1 minute. For example, you can create an illusion of a
bridge over a chasm and then make it real long enough for
Enigmatic, the Lightweavers were formed in their majority by your allies to cross.
people gifted with the best artistic skills. These illusionists The object can't deal damage or otherwise directly harm
are capable of molding Stormlight into visual and sound anyone.
effects. Founded by the Herald Salash, they are sincere
people who base their Ideals on truth. Lie Resonance
Characteristics Your power and training allow you to make almost perfect
illusions. When you reach 20th level, any creature that makes
Ideals. Creativity and Honesty. Their oaths are based on art a Wisdom (Insight) check to discern if one of your illusion is
and sincerity, being the only Order that doesn't pronounce a real or not makes it with disadvantage.
set number of words, but reveal their secrets to others in Additionally, if a creature has to do a saving throw against
order to grow in strength. any of your illusion spells makes them with disadvantage.
Gem and color. Garnet, garnet color.
Order Spellcasting. Charisma is your spellcasting ability. Order of the Elsecallers
Spren The Elsecallers were an Order fully dedicated to knowledge.
Your spren type is the Cryptic. They are the spren of lies. They can travel between reality and other realms only known
Cryptics manifest in the Physical Realm as a complex to them, making the members of this Order powerful
geometric pattern that is constantly shifting, slightly raised surgebinders. Founded by the Herald Battar, the Elsecallers
off a surface or object. On occasion they can also manifest as are benevolent and like to be surrounded by spren and
a floating three-dimensional mass of twisting lines. They protect them.
cannot make themselves invisible to others, but can Characteristics
camouflage with ease and mimic voices and sounds.
Ideals. Wisdom and Careful. Their oaths are based on
Spells knowledge and the protection of reality and spren.
You learn the following spells at the surgebinder levels listed. Gem and color. Zircon, grey blue color.
Order Spellcasting. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability.
Surgebinder level Spells
2nd silent image
5th alter self
9th major image
13th hallucinatory terrain
17th seeming

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Spren You must take a long rest before being able to cast Plane
Your spre type is the Inkspren. Inkspren appear as human- Shift again.
shaped figures dressed all in black. They have been described
as being coated in what seems to be oil, and as having a Breaking the Ideals
mother-of-pearl or prismatic quality to their look. Unlike The Knights Radiant are broken people that have sworn a
certain other bond spren, they cannot make themselves number of oaths that not only strengthen their bond with their
invisible to humans. They can, however, change their size spren, but grant them power. This drains a lot of energy,
drastically, allowing them to shrink to the point where they physical and mental, and most of the times a Knight Radiant
cannot be seen. They tend to be attracted to people who are
logical and willing to think through their decisions as will encounter obstacles in their journey in the form of fear,
opposed to acting on instinct. hesitation and weakness.
If a Knight Radiant breaks its oaths, their spren dies,
Spells depriving them of the capacity of absorbing Stormlight and
You learn the following spells at the surgebinder levels listed. summon their shards. This also means that they have lost the
creature that accompanies them in their journeys, most of the
times their best friend. For a Knight Radiant, losing their spren
Surgebinder level Spells
can mean a really hard breakdown.
2nd absorb elements
A Surgebinder that breaks its Ideals loses all its Surgebinder
5th misty step levels and cannot access forever. No spren is gonna ever trust
9th elemental weapon them, because they will never know if the Surgebinder is
13th dimension door gonna betray its Ideals one more time.

17th passwall
Bonus Proficiencies
When you join this Radiant Order at 2nd level, you gain Prerequisites. Strength or Dexterity 13.
proficiency in the Arcana and History skills. Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the
Surgebinder class you gain the following
proficiencies: light and medium armor, shields and
Planar Movement simple and martial weapons.
Starting at 6th level, when you reduce a creature to 0 Hit
Points, you can use your bonus action to instantly teleport up
to 15 feet to an empty space you can see. You can use this
feature a number of times equal to your Order modifier
before you finish a short or long rest.
The range of Planar Movement increases to 30 feet when
you reach 14th level on this class.
Planar Displacement
When you reach 10th level, you can try to displace a creature
expending one Stormlight point. Choose an objective within
30 feet of you. If the creature is not willing, it must succeed a
Constitution savind throw or be teleported 30 feet to an
unoccupied space you can see.
You can use this feature once before taking a short or long
Realmatic Conjunction
At 14th level, your connection with the Cognitive Realm
allows you to resist death. When your hit points are reduced
to 0 and you are under the effects of Stormlight, you instead
consume every Stormlight you have in your body. You regain
half your Surgebinder level (rounded down) hit points per
Stormlight point used and vanish into the Ethereal plane. You
then reapear at the start of your next turn where you fell
Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest
before using it again.
Travel Resonance
By 20th level, you can expend 7 Stormlight points and cast
Plane Shift, but only affecting yourself if you are the one
travelling to another plane.
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his chapter describes the most common spells Some spells that have been taken from the Dungeons &
in the world of Roshar. The chapter begins Dragons spell list are marked. That means that they have
with the spells lists of the surgebinding classes been modified in order to adapt them to this class.
divided by surges. The remainder contains
spell descriptions, presented in alphabetical
order by the name of the spell.
Windrunner Skybreaker Spells Edgedancer Truthwatcher
Spells 1st Level Spells Spells
1st Level Expeditious Retreat 1st Level 1st Level
Divine Favor Feather Fall Alter Surface Color Spray
Expeditious Retreat Inflict Wounds Cure Wounds Cure Wounds
Feather Fall Jump Detect Poison and Disease Detect Magic
Heroism Longstrider Ensnaring Strike Detect Poison and Disease
Jump Searing Smite Entangle Ensnaring Strike
Link* Thunderous Smite Expeditious Retreat Healing Word
Longstrider Wrathful Smite Longstrider Purify Food and Drink
Shield of Faith Zephyr Strike Purify Food and Drink Silent Image*
Thunderous Smite Zephyr Strike
2nd Level 2nd Level
Zephyr Strike
Aganazzar's Scorcher 2nd Level Gentle Repose
2nd Level Branding Smite Barkskin Healing Spirit*
Aid Levitate Gentle Repose Lesser Restoration
Earthbind Pyrotechnics Healing Spirit* Locate Animals and Plants
Gust of Wind Shatter Lesser Restoration Locate Object
Hold Person* Spider Climb Pass Without Trace Mind Spike
Levitate Zone of Truth Protection from Poison Mirror Image*
Redirect* Spike Growth Protection from Poison
3rd Level
Spider Climb
Warding Wind
Blinding Smite 3rd Level 3rd Level
Daylight Aura of Vitality Aura of Vitality
3rd Level Elemental Weapon Blinding Smite Blinding Smite
Blinding Smite Fireball Daylight Daylight
Daylight Fly Life Transference Major Image*
Fly Haste Plant Growth Mass Healing Word
Haste Thunder Step Revivify Revivify
Thunder Step Speak with Plants Speak with Plants
4th Level Water Walk
Wind Wall
Blight 4th Level
4th Level Elemental Bane 4th Level Arcane Eye*
Freedom of Movement Fire Shield Aura of Life Aura of Life
Launch* Freedom of Movement Aura of Purity Aura of Purity
Staggering Smite Launch* Death Ward Death Ward
Storm Sphere Staggering Smite Freedom of Movement Divination
Wall of Fire Grasping Vine Locate Creature
5th Level
Alter Gravity*
5th Level 5th Level 5th Level
Circle of Power Alter Gravity* Commune with Nature Greater Restoration
Control Winds Destructive Wave Grater Restoration Holy Weapon
Hold Monster* Flame Strike Holy Weapon Legend Lore
Holy Weapon Holy Weapon Mass Cure Wounds Mass Cure Wounds
Steel Wind Strike* Immolation Raise Dead Raise Dead
Tie up* Steel Wind Strike* Tree Stride Scrying

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Lightweaver Fear* Elsecaller Spells Blink

Hypnotic Pattern Create Food and Water
Spells Major Image*
1s Level
1st Level Create or Destroy Water
Phantom Steed* Stinking Cloud
Charm Person Detect Magic
Tidal Wave
Color Spray 4th Level Floating Disk
Tiny Servant
Command Ice Knife
Fabricate Thunder Step
Compelled Duel Identify
Greater Invisibility*
Create or Destroy Water Inivisible Servant 4th Level
Guardian of Faith*
Dissonant Whispers Searing Smite
Hallucinatory Terrain* Banishment
Illusory Script Thunderous Smite
Phantasmal Killer* Dimension Door
Silent Image* Wrathful Smite
Staggering Smite Fabricate
Stone Shape Locate Creature
2nd Level 2nd Level
Staggering Smite
Alter Self* 5th Level Branding Smite
Stone Shape
Blindness/Deafness Darkvision
Creation* Stoneskin
Blur Dust Devil
Holy Weapon
Invisibility* Hold Person* 5th Level
Mirror Image Locate Animals or Plants
Passwall Banishing Smite
Phantasmal Force Locate Object
Seeming* Cloudkill
See Invisibility* Maximilan's Earthen Grasp
Transmute Rock Far Step
Misty Step
Wall of Light Hold Monster*
3rd Level See Invisibility*
Holy Weapon
Blinding Smite Web
Teleportation Circle
Create Food and Water Transmute Rock
3rd Level
True Sight
Blinding Smite
You spray with Stormlight a 20 feet square of solid terrain
Spell Descriptions from a point in range. Choose one of the following two
The spells are presented in alphabetical order. effects.
Slippery. The terrain transforms into a very slippery zone,
Alter Gravity considered difficult terrain. Any creature in the area must
5th-level gravitation succeed a Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. A creature
that enters the area or ends its turn in the area must also
Casting time: 1 action succeed a saving throw or fall prone. When you walk through
Range: Touch the slippery terrain, for every foot of movement you use, you
Cost: 5 Stormlight Points move 2 feet.
Components: S Sticky. The terrain turns into a extremely viscous zone,
Duración: Concentration, up to 1 minute considered difficult terrain. Any creature in the area must
You spray Stormlight on a creature you touch with any part succeed a Strength saving throw or see its movement
of your body. If the creature is not willing, it must succeed a reduced to zero. Any creature neutralized by the sticky terrain
Constitution saving throw or have its gravity altered. can make a new saving throw in their turn using their action
Choose one direction. That direction is now what the to free themselves. You can move normally through the sticky
creature considers down, beginning to fall in that direction. terrain.
If some solid object (such as a ceiling) is encountered in
this fall, falling objects and creatures strike it just as they Launch
would during a normal downward fall. If the creature reaches 4th-level gravitation
a distance of 100 feet from you without striking anything, it Casting time: 1 action
remains there, oscillating slightly, for the duration. Range: Touch
Cost: 4 Stormlight points
Alter Surface Components: S
1st-level abrasion Duration: Instantaneous
Casting time: 1 action You imbue with Stormlight an object or creature not larger
Range: 30 feet than 10 feet.
Cost: 1 Stormlight point
Components: S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

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Creature. A creature you touch must succeed a Constitution Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
saving throw or be pushed 30 feet in a direction you choose. You spray a 30 feet square from a point you can see in
If the creature impacts with anything, it receives 1d8 range with Stormlight. Any creature in the area must succeed
bludgeoning damage for every 5 feet they travelled and fall a Strength saving throw or be restrained for the duration.
prone. If they impact with another creature, this has to Any creature that enters the area or starts its turn in the area
succeed a Dexterity saving throw or receive the same amount must also succeed the saving throw, even if they succeeded it
of bludgeoning damage and fall prone. If it succeds the saving earlier. A creature affected by this effect must use their action
throw, it receives half damage and doesn't fall prone. Once in the following turns making the saving throw again.
the creature pushed hits something, the effect ends. Additionally, any flying creature that moves over the area
Object. You push a solid object 30 feet in a direction you starts to fall at a rate of 60 feet per round until they touch the
choose. If this object impacts with a creature, it must succeed ground.
a Dexterity saving throw or receive 1d10 bludgeoning A creature in the area cannot be teleported.
damage for every 5 feet the object has travelled and fall
prone. If it succeeds the saving throw, it receives half damage
and doesn't fall prone. One the object pushed hits something,
the effect ends.
Additional Stormlight. When you cast this spell using 5 or
more Stormlight points, any creature or object you launch is
pushed an extra 10 feet for every extra Stormlight point
above 4.
1st-level adhesion
Casting time: 1 action
Range: 5 feet
Cost: 1 Stormlight point
Components: S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You imbue with Stormlight an objective you can see within
range, which can be a creature or object. When the zone
sprayed with Stormlight touches another creature or object,
they stick instantly. A creature that is linked to another
creature or object must succed a Strength saving throw or
stay sticked for the duration. A creature can make the saving
throw at the beginning of their following turns.
Additional Stormlight. When you cast this spell using 2 or
more Stormlight points, you can target 1 more creature or
object for every extra Stormlight point above 1.
2nd-level gravitation/adhesion
Casting time: 1 reaction, which you take when you are hit by
any type of attack
Range: Self
Cost: 2 Stormlight points
Components: S
Duration: 1 round
You spray with Stormlight your shield or something that is
in contact with you. The Storlight attracts any attack that you
receive. Until the beginning of your next turn, any attack that
you receive is done with disadvantage. If someone attempts
to make a melee weapon attack and fails, they must succeed
a Strength saving throw or the weapon they used to attack
sticks to the Stormlight, disarming them, including the
triggering atack.
Tie Up
5th-level adhesion
Casting time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Cost: 5 Stormlight points
Components: S
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Better wording in the effects that stablish the maximum
amount of Stormlight points the surgebinder can use in
Spell Rules them. They don't overlap the Stormlight Consumption
Components value.
Better wording in the Stormlight section refering to the
Spell's components, excluding somatic, are replaced with the Stormlight sources.
Stormlight points cost (Illumination spells act differently). Shield proficiency.
Now Shardplates only lose 1 charge when hit by a magic
Illumination Spells weapon. They now don't lose charges when hit by normal
Any spell that involves illusion (such as alter self, weapons.
invisibility...) marked in bold has an extra component: M (a 1
hour description of the illusion you make, which may be any Changelog v0.3
form of art, such as a drawing or script). Guardian of Faith is Changed shardblade's damage from psychic to radiant.
considered an Illumination spell. Shardblade reworded. It now specifies that it doesn't leave
injuries and that it emits light.
Arcane Eye Spell Improved Shards effect changed. Now it gives advantage
You don't create an invisible eye, it is your spren who allows on attack rolls made with the shardblade against
you to receive the mental information. creatures with no magic armor.
Starting equipment updated.
Creation Spell Spren reworded. It now specifies that you must be within
60 feet of the spren in order to be able to absorb
You take material from Shadesmar instead of Shadowfell. Stormlight.
Healing Spirit Spell Changelog v0.4
You don't call a spirit, but use your spren to heal the Light Being reworded.
wounded. They still cannot see it, but a ball of light (color Added a Surges Known section. Testing a half class level +
depending of your Radiant Order), appears instead. Charisma modifier known surges. If that doesn't work, the
next aproach will feature a set known surges.
Hold Person and Hold Monster Surges known per Order reduced to 1 from 2.
Spells Surge Modifications section renamed as Surge Rules.
The target must succeed a Constitution saving throw instead Surge Rules section now applies modifications to more
of a Wisdom saving throw as the effect is not mental, but surges.
made through Stormlight. Surgebinder now can choose surges from the Surge list of
their Order. This makes the class less telegraphed and
See Invisibility Spell brings it closer to the rest of half casters.
Starting equipment updated with initial Stormlight points.
You see into Shadesmar instead of the Ethereal Plane. Soulcasting surges reworded. Now they specify that the
Surgebinder needs to succeed a Charisma (Persuasion)
Steel Wind Strike check in order to soulcast.
If you use your shardblade to cast this spell, it deals radiant
damage instead of force damage. Changelog v0.5
Surges renamed to spells. This way the class is closer to
Credits D&D and avoids confusions.
Elsecaller's 6th level feature changed. It now allows them
"A Figure of Light" by @verlibird (/u/solarpines) to teleport up to 15 ft when they reduce a creature to 0 Hit
( Points.
"The Path to Hearthstone" by @verlibird (/u/solarpines) Shardblade reworded. Now it doesn't specify that your eye
( color changes and mechanics and flavour have been
The Coppermind separated.
( Elsecaller's 14th level feature changed to Conjunction
With Shadesmar. They can heal themselves and avoid
Changelog v0.2 death once per day.
Added a Spell Level column in the class table to better
Starting equipment updated. clarify the half-caster part of the Surgebinder.
Radiant Order moved to level 2.
Gave the class proficiencies and removed them from the
Now, the Orders give bonus proficiencies at level 2.
Fixed translation issues.

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Lightweaver Major Illumination replaced with Illusory
Changelog v0.6 Reality. Added Lie Resonance as capstone.
Added Reactive Shard feature at 3rd level. The Travel Resonance added as Elsecaller's capstone.
surgebinder can use their reaction to summon a shield Shardplate now gives advantage on Athletics and
and benefit from its AC. Acrobatics checks while equiped and with at least 1
14th level Windrunner feature moved to Improved Shards charge.
feature. Now it doesn't give advantage on shardblade Shardplate now only loses charges when hit with a critical
attacks agains enemies wearing non-magical armor. strike from a weapon attack. Charges reduced to 5.
Stormlight Healing changed. Now the surgebinder regains Charges regained per day without summoning it reduced
hit points at the start of their turn. They can forgo this to 1d4.
feature and heal as always using a bonus action. Added the Skybreaker Radiant Order.
10th and 14th level Edgedancer features changed. Truthwatcher's 6th, 10th and 14th level features changed.
Elsecaller's Planar Movement now increases its range at The Order was way simpler and straight forward than the
14th level. 10th level feature changed. Conjunction With rest and think it needed a little push to be on par with the
Shadesmar nerfed. other Orders.
Updated spell lists and Elsecaller's extra spells.
14th level Windrunner feature changed to Improved
Stormlight feature changed. Now it doesn't remove
exhaustion points forever, now it only does it for its
Added propper spren descriptions.
Added an alternative rule at the Stormlight section to
explain that a DM can forgo the Stormlight sources rule
and how that works.
Changelog v0.7
Windrunner's Severe Impact changed to Wind's Grace.
Windrunner's Improved Reflexes renamed to Wind
Better wording.
Conection with Shadesmar renamed to Realmatic
Added the Steel Wind Strike to the Spell Rules section
with an added effect.
Changelog v1.0
Document created finally. That means cover, Index,
general information and design notes that I have been
making since the beginning of the development.
Minor wording fixes.
Changelog v1.1
Stormlight Points udpated. Stormlight Uses removed.
Saving throws proficiency changed. Now Constitution and
Strength instead of Constitution and Charisma.
Orders determine now the surgebinder's spellcasting
Reactive Shard removed.
Shardplate's AC lowered to 10 and reworded.
Powerful Shardblade now scales with level.
Knight Radiant removed.
Orders now have a 20th level feature.
Windrunner's Wind Reflexes moved to Wind's Grace.
Previous Wind's Grace iteration removed. Nimble
Fighting added as 14th level feature and Wind Resonance
as capstone.
Edgedancer's Increased Roughness tweaked. Added
Nature Resonance as capstone.
Added Divination Resonance as Truthwatcher's capstone.

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