AIR Commands

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AIR Commands and Ab Initio

air lock set

air lock release

air lock break

air lock show -project

air lock show -user

air object ls

air object rm

air object cat

air object versions

air project export

air project import

air project show

air project modify

air sandbox status

air tag ls

air tag list



1) Air object ls <EME Path for the object - /Projects/edf/.. > --- This is used to see the
listing of objects in a directory inside the project.

2) Air object rm <EME Path for the object - /Projects/edf/.. > -- This is used to remove
an object from the repository. Please be careful with this.

3) Air object cat <EME Path for the object - /Projects/edf/.. > --- This is used to see
the object which is present in the EME.

4) Air object versions -verbose <EME Path for the object - /Projects/edf/.. > --- Gives
the Version History of the object.
5) Air project show <EME Path for the project - /Projects/edf/.. > --- Gives the whole
info about the project. What all types of files can be checked-in etc.

6) Air project modify <EME Path for the project - /Projects/edf/.. > -extension
<something like *.dat within single quotes> <content-type> --- This is to modify the
project settings. Ex: If you need to checkin *.java files into the EME, you may need to
add the extension first.

7) Air lock show -project <EME Path for the project - /Projects/edf/.. > --- shows all
the files that are locked in the given project

8) Air lock show -user <UNIX User ID> -- shows all the files locked by a user in
various projects.

9) Air sandbox status <file name with the relative path> --- shows the status of file in
the sandbox with respect to the EME (Current, Stale, Modified are few statuses)

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