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3/5/2019 IPA Source Tenor

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Tenor Arias

Bu o Tenor Charaktertenor
Light Lyric Tenor Spinto Tenor
Full Lyric Tenor Dramatic Tenor
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The high male voice, in addition to being classi ed by weight, allows for the consideration of comic ability. The Spieltenor or bu o tenor is a very busy man in the German opera house,
singing both small and large roles in opera and operetta. He must have excellent command of the German language and be a exible, singing-actor. Physically he may not have the
leading-character looks or appropriate size, being either too small or too heavy. If the voice is a large instrument capable of dramatic singing, the comic tenor may later move into, the
Charaktertenor Fach. The Lyrischertenor must have both the good looks, high notes and stamina to sing a wide variety of literature. The true leading tenor of the German theater is the
Jugendlich-Dramatischertenor. This is the American spinto tenor but with a more metallic quality than we are used to hearing in the Italian repertoire lending itself perhaps better to
the German literature at least in coloration. The Heldentenor is a rarity with a large voice and baritonal quality, heroic stage presents and excellent German.
Those arias most often heard in German Theater auditions are marked with *. Those arias heard in audition but not normally sung by the singer of this Fach in the opera house are
given in parenthesis.
Bu o Tenor
A smaller, expressive voice and and excellent actor.
The comic tenor in the German-speaking countries is a key gure in the opera and operetta. He has much more to do than the so-called comprimario in the American and Italian opera
houses. Indeed, many people will include in the category much of what is generally considered the lighter repertoire of Lyrischertenor Fach in this catagory. Language and acting skills
are often more important than singing ability. His popular roles include Pedrillo in Die Entführung aus dem Serail, Jacquino in Fidelio, David in Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, and
Wenzel in Die verkaufte Braut. In many houses he tenor who sings these roles may also be asked to sing Almaviva or Nemorino. It is quite possible for a young Spieltenor to eventually
work into the lighter Lyrischertenor Fach, the deciding factor will be the beauty of the voice and is physical appearance.
Singers: Gerhard Unger, Peter Schreier. 1/5
3/5/2019 IPA Source Tenor

Examples: Gerhard Unger,Der Rosenkavalier;  Peter Schreier, Zar und Zimmerman

Pedrillo * Die Ent ührung aus dem Serail Frisch zum Kampfe!
David * Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg Weisen-Arie
Beppo Der Bajazzo (I Pagliacci) Ständchen (O Columbina, il tenero do Arlecchin)
(Almavia) Der Barbier von Sevilla Ecco, ridente in cielo
(Don Ferrando) Così fan tutte Un' aura amorosa
Franz Ho manns Erzählungen Tag und Nacht verteil ich mich
(Nemorino) Der Liebestrank Una furtiva lagrima
(L'elisir d'amore)
Mime Das Rheingold Wer halfet mir!
Wenzel Die verkaufte Braut Ma-mein, Mü-Mütterlein
Georg Der Wa enschmied Man wird ja einmal nur geboren
Monostatos Die Zauber öte Alles fühlt der Liebe freuden
Light Lyric Tenor
A supple, exible voice with a beautiful mellow quality and extended top range.
The Fach of Lyrischer Tenor can be often divide into two separate categories: the Lyrischertenor (a tenor leggiero) and the higher Italienischertenor (America's lyric tenor). In contract
negotiations however this is most often considered one Fach. Other problems arise with the term Italienischertenor as it is often reserved for the heavier Italian spinto, the German
Judendlicher-Heldentenor. The true Lyrischertenor must have a youthful, handsome appearance. His repertoire ranges from Nemorino to Faust and containing all the Mozart and
Rossini tenors, the lighter Verdi roles of like the Duke in Rigoletto and Alfredo in La Traviata and Rudolfo in La Bohème as well as a myriad of smaller roles. When the Fach is divided,
the Lyrischertenor takes the lighter roles and the Italienischertenor the heavier. The audition aria list has been divided into two parts but should be thought of as a whole as the singer
of the Lyrischertenor Fach is often required to sing all of the repertoire listed. For auditioning, choose your repertoire according to the weight of your voice, leaving o either the lighter
or heavier works as the case may be.
Singers: Francesco Araiza, Tito Schipa, Bruce Ford, Chris Merritt, Rockwell Blake, Frank Lopardo, and Stanford Olsen 
Example: William Matteuzzi and Francesco Araiza: La Cenerentola

Una furtiva lagrimar

Almavia * Der Barbier von Sevillia Ecco, ridente in cielo
Ferrando * Così tan tutte Un' aura amorosa
Belmonte * Die Entführung aus dem Serail O Wie ängstlich / Ich baue Ganz (Die Baumeisterarie)
Octavio * Don Giovanni Dalla sua pace / Il mio tesoro
Nemorino * Der Liebes Trank
(L'elisire d'amare) 2/5
3/5/2019 IPA Source Tenor

Ernesto * Don Pasquale Com'e gentil

Alfredo * Il Traviata Trinklied (Libiamo) / De miei bollenti spiriti
Chateauneuf * Zar und Zimmermann Lebe wohl, mein andrisch Mädchen
Tamino * Die Zauber öte Bildnis-arie (Dies Bildnis ist bezaubernt schön)
Don Ramiro La Cenerentola Pegno d'amore
Fenton Die Lustigen Weiber von Windsor Ständchen (Horch, die Lerche singt im Hain)
Lionel Martha Ach, so fromm
Full Lyric Tenor
Singers: Alfredo Kraus, Richard Tauber, Fritz Wunderlich, Gosta Winbergh, David Rendall, Anthony Rolfe Johnson, Jose Carreras, Neil Shico  
Examples: Fritz Wunderlich, Die Zauber öte; Nicolai Gedda, Lucia di Lammermoor

Rudolfo * La Bohème Che gelida mania

Lenski * Eugen Onegin Wohin, wohin seid ihr entschwunden?
(Duke) * Rigoletto La donna è mobile / Parmi veder le lagrimi
Steuermann Der egenden Holländer Steuermannlied
Ho mann Ho manns Erzählungen Zusammen sein
Edgardo Lucia di Lammermoor Fra poco a me ricovero
Linkerton Madama Butter y Addio orito
Johnson Das Mädchen aus dem goldenen Westen Ch'ella mi creda
Des Grieux Manon Ah! fuyez douce image
Faust Margarethe (Faust) Salut! demeure chaste et pure
Sänger Der Rosenkavalier Italienische-arie
Zwischenfach voice with ne characterization ability.
This voice type is a product of the German theater tradition. It is large with plenty of metal an capable of clear declamation. The Charaktertenor must have the acting ability of a
Spieltenor and often the cutting power of the Heldentenor. Along with a number of smaller roles such as Dr. Cajus in Falsta , Spalanzani in Ho manns Erzählungen, and Gerardo in
Gianni Schicchi, The Charaktertenor has the task of portraying Herodes in Salome and Loge in Das Rheingold.
3/5/2019 IPA Source Tenor

Spinto Tenor
A metallic voice with noble tenoral quality, that can sing both lyric and dramatic passages.
This Fach is the dividing line between the lyric and dramatic tenor voice. It is quite conceivable that someone would sing all the roles of the Lyrischertenor Fach but it is unlikely that
anyone would sing both the Lyrischertenor and Jugendlicher-Heldentenor Fächer. The voice demanded is one which has great metal and ring, a secure top and a considerable amount
of staying power. This category includes the heavier Italian and French tenor roles of Radames in Aïda, Manrico in Der Troubador, Cavaradossi in Tosca, Don Jose in Carmen, and Canio
in I Pagliacci. The key to understanding the color and temperament of the Jugendlicher-Heldentenor is the role of Max in Der Freischütz. Jugendlicher-Heldentenor translates as
youthful heroic tenor which is an accurate de nition of this Fach as it indicates someone, who, like a good Max may well develop into a Tristan or Florestan. The color of the voice is
likely to be more slanted toward the German metallic singing than the Italian sound of the heavy spinto tenor. Both Walther in Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg and Lohengrin belong
to this Fach. There must be an implication of a potential God-character to the tenor singing many of these roles.
Singers: Nicolai Gedda, Franco Corelli, Enrico Caruso, Beniamino Gigli, Jussi Bjorling, Giuseppe di Stefano, Carlo Bergonzi, Franco Corelli, and the Americans Jan Peerce and Richard
Tucker, Luciano Pavarotti and Placido Domingo. 
Examples: Nicolai Gedda: Oberon; Franco Corelli, Aida

Radames * Aïda Celeste Aïda

Canio * Der Bajazzo (I Pagliacci) Vesti la giubba
Carlos * Don Carlos Io lo vidi
Don Jose * Carmen Blumen Arie (Flower Song)
Max * Der Freischütz Durch die Wälder
Lohengrin * Lohengrin In fernem Land
Walter * Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg Preislied (Morgenlicht leutet')/ Am stillen Herd
Cavaradossi * Tosca Recondita armonia / E lucevan le stelle
Turiddu Cavalleria Rusticana Mamma, quel vino e generoso
Ho mann Ho manns Erzählungen Zusammen sein
Erik Der iegenden Holländer Willst jenes Tag's du nicht mehr entsinnen / Cavatina
Alvaro Die Macht des Schicksals O, tu che in seno agli angeli
Faust Margarethe (Faust) Salut! demure chaste et pure
Riccardo Ein Maskenball Di tu se fedele / Ma se m'e forza perderti
Parsifal Parsifal Amfortas, die Wunde
Manrico Der Troubadour Di quella pira / Ah si, ben mio coll'essere
Calaf Turandot Nessun dorma
Hans Die verkaufte Braut Wie war's denn möglich
Sigmund Die Walküre Winterstürme
HELDENTENOR (earlier called Tenorbariton) (B to b') 4/5
3/5/2019 IPA Source Tenor

Dramatic Tenor
A large metallic voice with a baritonal quality with well developed middle and low registers.
Although many tenors of the Jugendlicher-Heldentenor Fach move on to sing the roles of the true Heldentenor, it remains a true specialty Fach that demands an impressive and
distinctive dramatic quality with plenty of size and metal and a commanding appearance.  
Singers: Jon Vickers, Lauritz Melchior, Wolfgang Windgassen, James King, Siegfried Jerusalem, Gary Lakes and Ben Heppner.
Examples: Wolfgang Windgassen, Parsifal, Jon Vickers, Fidelio

Canio * I Pagliacci Vesti la giubba

Florestan * Fidelio Gott! Welch dunkel hier
Siegfried * Götterdämmerung Siegfrieds Tod
Lohengrin * Lohengrin In fernem Land
Othello * Othello Ora e per sempre addio
Siegfried * Siegfried Schwert- und Schmiedelieder
Parsifal Parsifal Amfortas, die Wunde
Herodes Salome Salome, komm, trink Wein mit mir
Tannhäuser Tannhäuser Der Tone Lob / Zum Heil den Sündigen zu führen 5/5

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