Norman Robinson Learning Map PPT Week 4 Itl 510

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The Learning Map Paradigm

(Emphasis on First Grade)

My First Grade Experience:
Ms. Espinosa’s Class at Allison Elementary

Why I chose this first-grade class? The Three Mice: ILP, ELL, and
Conduct Issue
 The students are very distinct in my mind. I spent a  The three students I am using as case study examples
year with them teaching every Friday. During the were difficult and the most fun teach at the same time.
2018-2019 school year. Their regular teacher took an  Mauricio- He was a troubled 8 year old whose
unusual form of FMLA that allowed her every Friday parents were both in prison. He was a great
off to spend with her newborn. Therefore, I was given student but a constant conduct problem.
her classroom instruction and ran with it.  Ja’Dore- She was 7 and did could not write her
 I got to know and deal with the students learning letters. She was very precocious and needed a lot
weaknesses and strengths it was eye opening. I of work on both English and math. She should
enjoyed watching them learn and improve their basic have had an ILP.
literacy skills.  Leo- He did not speak much English, 7 years old,
 We worked on phonemic awareness, phonics, reading, he was old enough to disrupt class, other students
writing, word wall, letter sounds, vowels, and and this poor substitute. He spoke only Spanish
consonants. at home. His parents were nice and well meaning
 My focus for this assignment is just phonemic but had no clue as to how to correct his bad
awareness and phonics. behavior. He was my ELL student.
Learning Map Functionality

 Target and Academic Standards  English Language Arts

 Identify Common Core Standards  Phonics and Phonemic Awareness
 Spell untaught words phonetically,
drawing on phonemic awareness and
spelling conventions.
 “Demonstrate command of standard
English grammar and usage when
writing or speaking.”
 Ability to spell unknown words
using phonics, drawing on phonemic
The Learning Chart/Map a Functional format
Planning Stage

 Planning (Target Continued)  Big Questions:

 Instructional practice (daily)
 Recite Word Wall (posted on window)
 Recite word sounds with animal
pictures (posted on white board)
 Recite vowels, and consonants
 (posted below white board)
 Knowledge:
 The students are tasked with learning their
sounds, and being able to repeat sounds
going forward.
 Skills:
 Basic repetition (daily)
 Use (magic wand) a pointer to obtain
 Group recitation through rhyme and sing-
Planning Stage Continued

 Learner  Student Social-Emotional Goal

 Ability to repeat the phonemic sounds on
their own without help.
 Barriers to Learning
 ELL student will have difficulty just
repeating words, or unknown phrases
 Some students will not follow along with
recital of phonics, distracted easily in first-
 Common Misconceptions (Learner and
 Misunderstanding of English language by
the one ELL student.
 General readiness after recital, are the
students absorbing the material?
Teaching Stage

 Classroom Composite (Ms. Espinosa’s First-  My three example students are from Ms.
Grade Class): Espinosa’s class and each a perfect
 I had a total of 21 first-graders in my representation of the broader classroom:
classroom substituting for Ms. Espinosa.  Learner: Mauricio
 7 were boys 7-8 years old  Conduct issues, Mauricio would loose
 14 were girls 7-8 years old curiosity, interest and passion in
 One very stubborn ELL student
Spanish speaker  Learner: Ja’Dore
 Three ILP students  Inability to follow direction material
too difficult, needs ILP. How much
 Three conduct issue students
input data can Ja’Dore handle? Often
 All have very diverse backgrounds looses place doing repetitive work
 Learner: Leo
 Student is ELL name is Leo (the Lion)
needs UDL type format to keep him
active and learning a second language.
Occasional conduct issues as well.
Teaching Stage Continued
(Learning Map sequence day one and beyond)

 Daily Agenda to manage daily instruction:  What materials will you use?
 Teacher will ask and review with students
Word-Wall, sounds and the daily goal.  Word-Wall on window
 Teacher will pass out pointers  Poster boards for letters
 Teacher will use rewards (stickers) for
compliance  Poster boards for sounds
 Teacher and class will recite the entire 100  White board-marker
word Word-Wall together
 Teacher will choose two assistants to point  Magic wands (pointers)
to the words  Teacher assistant pointers daily
 Classroom will transition to sound chart
repetition (ch, th, ng, igh, sh, ar)
 Then new assistants chosen and class will
repeat the letter sound chart with pictures.
 Focused vowel repetition and individual
award for repetition (public speaking in
front of class).
Poster- Letter, Sounds, with Pics
Reflecting Stage

 The evidence of the student understanding

 Multiple methods
 Audio recording of their current
phonics use
 Photos of sound animals
 Conversations of students
 Observation and cognitive
 Collecting and reflection on data regarding
student progress with phonics and
phonemic awareness.
 Need multiple pieces of evidence along the
way to track student understanding.
Application Stage
(Final Analysis)

 New info on student preference?  Evaluating my own teaching practices:

 I was left with a profound understanding
 Mauricio likes volunteer work, Ja’Dore of how little I knew to get through to the
likes direct help, Leo needs occasional students.
native language assist.  New understanding about teaching practices:
 In the future I plan to key in on the students  National University has helped with tools
info and likes to get them to learn. (as above) like scaffolding, modeling and Learning
Map process.
 Was the lesson effective?  What have I learned as a teacher?
 After an entire year, both Ja’Dore and  My biggest mistake was not appealing to
Mauricio were advanced to a second grade their likes and supplementing the existing
level of understanding of phonics. reward system for academic progress to be
Unfortunately, Leo needed more direct
 Bottom line: These are first-graders not
language assist and did not grasp the high school students!
sounds (phonics).  As a professional learner I am on the
correct path, I need to continue National’s
training regimen.
Elements (Core)

 Learner, Target, Instruction,  Focus Student #1 ELL

Management, Accommodations,  My ELL student Leo would need native
language reading to be translated by Spanish
Adaptations, Intervention, and Teaching: speaking staff for him. This would have to be
 Two focus students arranged, but is not impossible. Leo the ELL
 Having an ELL student is a challenge, student would then have help comprehending
the phonics in the story. Also, have Leo the
but one must remember “A language ELL student sit close to me for assistance
difference is not a learning disability” and correction with sounds.
(Souza. How the Brain Learns?)  Focus Student #2 ILP
 My ILP student did not have an ILP but  Ja’Dore doesn’t have an ILP and needs one.
needed one. Parent was resistant to helping My first goal is to create an ILP she can
perform on a daily basis with the rest of the
student with structural changes.
class. Perhaps a chart that everyone gets, but
is really meant for her that has the sounds
and pictures for the Word-Wall like a mini-
Multiple Means of Representation, Engagement, Expression, and Management
of Class Environment
(Teacher, Learner, Target, Assessment, Instruction, and Management)

 Representation  Expression
 Teacher will model the sounds and  Students will be tasked with repeating
cadence of repetition. words in oral test, that test will be taken
 Class will stand and sing the Word-
 Students will work in groups to string
Wall as a group. together words in W-W for a sentence.
 Video will be shown on Word-Wall  Students will practice daily out loud.
and sounds.  Class Environ
 Engagement  Students will be tasked with daily
 Students will be asked questions repetition in group and as a class with
teacher in lead.
about what words mean and feel free
to engage with teacher regarding W-  Students attention will be obtained by
calling “Waterfall!” Then the student
know to respond with “shhhhhh” the
waterfall sound.

 Evidence Based Learning Map. National University. 2019
 Sousa, D. A. How the ELL Brain Learns. [National University]. Retrieved

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