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IIT/ O.A/ Hardware
Date: 06/06/2010 Final Exam Time 
: 1.5 Hours
Max Marks :-100 Min Marks:-50
Note: - Attempt all questions.

Q. NO.1 Tick ( ) the correct answer.

i) IT stands for __________________________.
(a) Information Telecom (b) International Technology (c) Information Technology
ii) We can make partitions of hard disk by ____________ software.
(a) Ms-Word (b) D.M (c) Ms-Excel (d) Ms-Access
iii) Speakers are ________________ device.
(a) Output (b) Input (c) Storage (d) None of All
vi) Formula Bar is the component of _______________.
(a) Ms-Word (b) D.M (c) Ms-Excel (d) Ms-Access
v) Task pane is present __________ of the MS-Word interface.
(a) Top (b) Left (c) Right (d) Bottom
vi) Ms-Access is __________________ application software.
(a) Utility (b) Spreadsheet (c) Database (d) Presentation
vii) In MS-Excel columns are generally denoted by __________.
(a) Alphabets (b) Numbers (c) Symbols (d) None of All
viii) _____________ is an operating system.
(a) Ms-Word (b) Windows (c) Ms-Excel (d) Mspaint
ix) With ________ shortcut key you can save your document..
(a) Ctrl+L (b) Ctrl+J (c) Crl+S (d) Ctrl+E
x) Rj-11 connector connects into ____________.
(a) LAN card (b) Modem (c) Mobile (d) None of All
xi) With ________ shortcut key you can print your documents?
(a) Ctrl+L (b) Ctrl+P (c) Crl+S (d) Ctrl+E
xii) DB-15 connectors possess _______ rows of five connection points.
(a) One (b) two (c) Three (d) Four
xiii) Which is an Excel’s Function?
(a) MAX (b) MIX (c) MAXY (d) MOX
xiv) Spelling can be check through _______ function key .
(a) F6 (b) F8 (c) F7 (d) Shift+F7
xv) Usually Centrionics-36 connector is present on ___________.
(a) Printer (b) Mouse (c) Modem (d) LAN card
xvi) Expansion Slots are used to attach extra ___________ to the computer.
(a) Peripherals (b) Modems (c) Soft wares (d) None of All
xvii) Processor having frequency of 2 GHz is said to be Pentium __________ computer.
(a) One (b) Two (c) Three (d) Four
xviii) Modem and LAN Card’s ports are said to be __________ ports.
(a) Parallel (b) Printing (c) Communication
xix) EEPROM is ______________ memory.
(a) Permanent (b) Erasable (c) Both (d) Volatile
xx) RAM is ____________ memory.
(a) Permanent (b) Erasable (c) Both (d) Volatile

Q.NO.2 Write in full form of the given abbreviations. (Any Ten) (20)

i) USB ______________________________ ii) IT____________________________

iii) IC___________________________________iv)

v) RAM _______________________________vi) DSL__________________________

vii) DDR ______________________________viii) Rj____________________________

ix) CMOS______________________________ x) BIOS_________________________

xi) FDD______________________________ xii) HDD_________________________

Q.NO.3 Define any five terms. (10)
i) I.T ii) Hardware iii) Mother Board
iv) ROM v) Heat Sink vi) Rj-45
vii) Power Supply viii) Cache

Q.NO.4 What is connector and define any 4 types of connectors? (10)

Explain any three components of mother board?

Q.NO.5 State Briefly the function of following application programs of MS Office Suite. (20)
i) Microsoft Word ii) Microsoft Excel iii) Microsoft Power Point
iv) Microsoft Access
Write down complete procedure/steps of Windows installation in your own words?

 The End

∗ Attach Extra Sheets for descriptive questions.
∗ Mobile phones or other communication devices are not allowed.
∗ Any evidence of cheating will disqualify you from exam.
∗ Answer Descriptive questions in English, Urdu or Sindhi Language.

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