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Assignment #2: Leadership

Public Figure: Muhammad | By: Desi Yuliana (107077427)

Human capital has been the most crucial current topic of this modern life. Competition in
business and industry requires human resource that spells excellence, knowledgeable,
discipline and visionary. In the time of market-driven where the product as well as the producer
diversify, many have concluded that the highest competitive advantage can be achieved by
simultaneously reconstruct the moral consciousness (Jusoff, et al, 2011). Therefore, the moral
as the core of business strategy and leadership is an absolute necessity to win the race. This is
exactly the strategy used by the most influential leader ever life on the face of earth by the
measurement of Michael Hart.

The Most Influential Human

Hart (1978), a prominent astrophysicist and American author, assigned Muhammad as the first
figure in the list of the world's most influential persons in his phenomenal book “The 100: A
Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History”. The reason behind this controversial
choice is because Muhammad was the only man in history who was supremely successful on
both the religious and secular levels. According to Hart, because of Muhammad leadership
style, his achievements can be categorized into three main aspects; value, culture, and

Hart (1978) further explains that, not like other figures with his caliber, Muhammad is the
center of change and influence. Muhammad is the center of ethical and moral value changes in
Islam religion which improve the organizational behavior of his core team called as-sahabah
or his companion. Furthermore, all of these values are well documented in holy book of Islam,
called Qur’an, which widely used as reference, studied and memorized by Muslim from the
time it is introduced in 7th century until today. His leadership influencing permanently from
Iraq to Morocco, not only the conquest of region but also spread of languages, cultures, and
others. There is nothing like it in the history of human being. It is even more astonishing
considering Muhammad humble beginning.

Knowing Muhammad
Muhammad, was born in the city of Mecca, southern Arabia, on 29th August, 570. He started
a humble beginning as a shepherd in the middle of Sahara, far away from Roman (most of
Europe) and Sasanian (Iran) empire which are two most advanced civilization at the time. At
that time Mecca was a backward area of the world, far from the centers of trade, art, and
learning. Orphaned at age six, has a noble lineage but from poor tribe, and a shepherd at young
age who turned as the export-import trader when he turned 20s. Islamic tradition tells us that
he was illiterate. Nevertheless, as he approached forty, there was little outward indication that
he was a remarkable person, but he is well known throughout Mecca as al-amin which mean
“faithful, trustworthy”.

In his forty, he called for religious practice change from believing in many God to only one
God by testifying that “there is only one God called Allah, and he Muhammad as God’s
messenger”. After 13 years, this preaching received by around one or two hundreds of one
thousand people of the whole Mecca population, while another 90% despise it with hostile and
violence. In 622 he exodus to a city called Yasrib or Medina, 200 miles north of Mecca, where
he is given the authority as the leader of several tribes there. 10 years later he become the leader
of the whole Arabian Peninsula, transforming not only religious belief system from paganism
to monotheism called Islam, but also moral and ethics value, culture, language, trading system,
and also the way of governing.

Muhammad Leadership Style

Al-Olaqi (2015) said that Muhammad excellent pattern (of behavior) is the main reasons behind
his leadership success. He is soul of kindness, pure, and have a simple life. In 23 years of his
preaching, he transformed the whole Arabian Peninsula from tribalism to solidarity and
cohesion, from lawlessness to discipline living of overall aspect, from moral bankruptcy to
highest standard of moral excellence and integrity. This is what in leadership theory called
transformational-leadership which focusing on knowledge and character transformation
(Robbins and Judge, 2018).

For the Knowledge-centric leadership, not like many leaders who use religion as the opium for
the masses, Muhammad first command is iqra’ which translated as read. This is the intellectual
stimulation which makes-up the foundation of Islam as the religion of both reasoning and
revelation. It is the command for him and also for all his followers, to get educated not only by
reading the written one, but also to read and understand the surrounding signs. By reading, in
a broader term, one can be educated and use intellect as the way of navigation in live. But it is
not merely the worldly and seen knowledge, but also the unseen sign or as Qur’an coined the
term, “ilm ghaib”, the knowledge of unseen such as God guidance through angel, judgment
day, hell and heaven, and etc.

In term of character-centric Leadership, there are several virtues characters encouraged by

Islamic holy Book, Qur’an; truthfulness and integrity, trustworthiness, justice, benevolence,
humility, kindness, and patience. It is recorded in history where Muhammad was offered the
wealth and power in order to stop his preaching, but he refused it. This shows his integrity and
trustworthiness (Beekun, 2012). He also exhibited the highest level of kindness and patience
when he treated both his companions, guest, or even his enemy with proper compassion.
Muhammad known for his compassion which makes him fair to anybody beyond the societal-
status or wealth possession. He also prioritizing those who have compassion as their value.
This also makes him a leader with individual consideration and attention toward his followers.

Besides all of these characteristics, he is also a visionary leader. He has a clear goal-centered,
realistic, far-sighted, courageous, willpower, and responsibility-driven leader. There were
many times when it is only logical for him to give up for life-threatening situation or when
there were worldly offering for him to change his vision, but he refused all of it and keep
making progress toward his vision (Al-Olaqi, 2015). The vision certainty helps it easy for his
followers to understand, contribute and improve their moral spirit toward the cause or goal.

Muhammad is also, what Beekun (2012) said, a servant leader. He focused on providing vision
for other, and then gain credibility and trust from their followers. He focusing on service before
self in which sees beyond power and wealth, but the well-being of others. This character, in a
broader sense, also makes him a good listener and not anti-critique and input from others. There
are many occasions where he would seek consultation from his followers before deciding

Al-Olaqi, Fahd Mohammed Taleb Saeed. 2015. The Prophet Muhammad's Leadership: An
Islamic View. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, Vol. 2, No. 9, 59-70

Beekun, Rafik I. 2012. Character Centered Leadership: Muhammad (PBuH) as an Ethical Role
Model for CEOs. Journal of Management Development, Vol. 31, Issue 10, 1003-1020

Hart, Michael H. 1978. The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History. New
York: Hart Pub. Co.

Jusoff, Kamaruzaman., Nor, Mohd Roslan Mohd., Suliaman, Ishak. 2011. Prophetic Best
Practices in Business for Human Capital Development. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, Vol.
1, Issue 1, 7-14

Robbins. S.P., Judge.T.A. 2018. Organizational Behavior. England: Pearson

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