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Yin and Yang

by Colin Smith

The Yin-Yang symbol is used to symbolize balance. It has been used in Martial arts and adopted by
pop cultures such as the surfing scene. Even if you don’t care about the philosophy, it just looks cool.
This week you are going to learn a deceptively easy way to create this symbol.

Create a new document, any size as long as its square. Ok then you want a size? Try 500X500 Pixels
Create a new layer

Choose the custom shape tool and select the registration target symbol. Make sure the draw pixels
option is chosen from the left of the options bar.

Hold down the shift key (to constrain) and draw the symbol onto the new layer.

Choose filter>Distort>twirl.
Make a selection around the center circle with the elliptical marquee tool
Make the selection slightly smaller than the circle to trim it nicely

Choose Select>Inverse
Hit the delete key to delete everything but the circle
Choose Select>Inverse again
Choose a hard black brush and fill in the extra lines

Using the magic want select on half of the shape

Fill with white

Use the brush tool with a hard edge to create the white and black dots
Put over a colored background and you are done.

There you have it for this week, something a bit different.

Have fun with this and until next time, see you at the café
Click here for more tutorials by Colin

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