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The foremost Ayurvedic pregnancy conception tip is the healthy body and mind of both-

the woman who wants to get pregnant and her husband. Ayurvedic pregnancy
conception concept also advocates for a healthy relationship among the couple
because when Ayurveda answers the question- how to conceive a baby- it stresses on
conceiving baby naturally that is healthy in all respects- physically, mentally, emotionally
and spiritually. Ayurveda considers food the primary and most important means to
achieve good health. Also the food we eat ultimately gets converted into 'shukra dhatu'
and 'ojas' and in turn plays an important role in enhancing the reproductive capacity of
both men and women that is important for pregnancy conception. Apart from diet,
Ayurveda also lays emphasis on some lifestyle changes as well as herbs to increase
fertility of both men and women in order to achieve pregnancy conception and to
conceive baby naturally.

Know about shukra dhatu and ojas and their importance in conceiving baby naturally
by reading 'Ayurveda on Pregnancy Conception'

Ayurvedic Diet Tips for Pregnancy Conception

Two types of food called 'Vrishya' and 'Bringhana Diet' are recommended by Ayurveda
for achieving an ultimate healthy body that will also have fine reproductive capacities for
pregnancy conception. The Vrishya foods as well as some herbs included in it increase
shukra dhatu in both men and women. Bringhana diet includes fresh, organic fruits and
vegetables, whole grains and cereals, and healthy dairy protein like paneer (cottage
cheese), milk, and yogurt.

 Have such foods as asparagus, broccoli, milk and milk products. They improve the
quality and quantity of sperm and ovum necessary for pregnancy conception.

 Milk shakes including milk-date shake, milk-mango shake, and rice pudding are also
good for enhancing reproductive capacity leading to pregnancy conception.

 Certain spices included in Vrishya food are ajwain (carrom seeds), cumin, turmeric, and
black cumin. Take them in small quantities in food. Cumin is believed to purify uterus in
women and the genitourinary tract in men. Turmeric improves the interaction of
hormones and targeted tissues responsible for reproduction and conceiving baby
naturally. It also enhances the binding of estrogen and progesterone that helps in
pregnancy conception.

 When desirable of pregnancy conception, Ayurveda suggests avoiding coriander as it is

not nourishing to shukra dhatu.

 Although basil herb is very useful for other things, large quantities of basil is better
avoided by couple who wants to conceive baby naturally as it does not support the
shukra dhatu.
 Apart from the above two herbs, both men and women must also avoid eggplant,
tomato, and bell pepper as these vegetables clog the channels restricting the chances
of pregnancy conception.

 Avoid too hot or spicy food or foods that are too heavy and cold, like ice-cream.

 Quinoa seeds help in enhancing estrogen activity in women and support the hormonal
activity of both men and women. As such, quinoa, sometimes referred to as a type of
grain, should also be taken by couple who desire of pregnancy conception. It can be
cooked with a little ghee (clarified butter), salt, and spices like cumin and black cumin.

 Eat fruits like papaya and pineapple (especially women should have them as they help
in strengthening the ovum leading to healthy pregnancy conception).

Couple Having Healthy Food

 Men should particularly have asparagus that has testosterone-enhancing quality.
Almonds and dates are recommended by Ayurveda for enhancing sperms in men.

 If anyone from the couple trying to conceive baby naturally, has intolerance for dairy
products, s/he should get enough protein from beans, pulses, and nuts as the body
needs certain amino acids in order to work properly and to create healthy shukra dhatu
that are crucial for pregnancy conception.

 Have sweet, juicy fruits such as mangoes, peaches, pears, and plums as well as dry
fruits like as dates, figs and raisins.

 Have a stewed apple for breakfast. It will lead to a healthy body, the basis of pregnancy

 If the digestive fire or agni is strong, one should cook a banana in ghee (clarified butter),
season it with cinnamon and cardamom before having it. It increases fertility and leads
to pregnancy conception.

 Split black gram or urad dal can also be taken. However, it is heavy so it should be
cooked with spices that enhance agni or digestion fire but at the same time do not
aggravate Pitta dosha. Therefore, cook urad dal with spices such as turmeric, cumin,
and fennel.

Other Ayurvedic Pregnancy Conception Tips

The couple who desires conceiving baby must also bring certain lifestyle changes for a
healthy pregnancy conception. The reproductive organs or the genitourinary tract is
governed by Vata dosha, particularly by the sub-dosha Apana Vata. Vata is naturally
cool and excessive heat that accumulates in genitourinary tract, might create
imbalance. Shukra dhatu also needs a cool environment in order to support fertility and
pregnancy conception. Too much heat destroy the quality as well as quantity of sperm
and ovum that hampers conceiving baby naturally. Therefore, reproductive area should
be kept cool by taking certain measures.

 Don't eat too hot and spicy food that can lead to lesser quantity and quality of sperm
and lesser motility of the spermatozoa in men as well as low quality of ovum in women.

 Don't skip meals as it aggravates pitta dosha.

 Avoid drinking too much alcohol, smoking cigarettes, or taking drugs. They can disturb
shukra dhatu and also the production of semen and ovum resulting in lower chances of
pregnancy conception.

 Avoid packaged, canned or frozen foods as also leftovers, foods with vinegar, excessive
amounts of citrus foods, pungent foods with chemicals and preservatives as they all
increase Pitta.

 Wear lose fit garments. Tight elastic waists and polyester-blend fabrics can damage the
reproductive system as they hold the heat in. The reproductive area of the body must
allow the heat to flow out because overheating can damage the sperm.

 Avoid sitting for longer periods as it restricts the flow of energy and clogs the Vata
channels. As a result heat does not get released properly, and builds up in that area,
disturbing the overall health of semen and ovum. If you must sit for longer, take breaks
frequently by getting up from your seat and walking for a while.

 As the groin area always releases heat, take steps to cool the area, especially if you sit
for longer in office. When at home after a day's work, try to release the heat by sitting in
cool water in a bathtub, and patting the genital area with a herbal bolus. To make the
bolus, take one part dried rose buds and four parts rolled oats in a cheesecloth. Tie the
ends of the cloth and dip the rounded part in the cool bath water. Pat the genital area for
five or ten minutes. This releases the extra heat, and creates a cool, soothing and
calming effect before you go to bed.

 Avoid stress as it can inhibit pregnancy conception. Take to meditation, aromatherapy,

or light breathing exercises for getting relief from physical, emotional and mental stress.

Happy Couple
If you want to conceive baby with pregnancy planning, take herbs under expert
supervision for internal cleansing, and for increased fertility. Shatavari for women and
Ashwagandha for men, apart from other herbs have been identified by Ayurveda as
increasing fertility and chances of pregnancy conception. The couple going for
pregnancy conception should start the detoxification program three months before trying
to conceive baby naturally. Ayurveda does not recommend having more sex for
pregnancy conception. However, it is recommended at the time of ovulation. To have
sex every two or three days is more effective as it lets the males sperm count to
replenish itself.

 Women trying to conceive baby naturally must keep track of her menstrual cycle
by counting it from the first day when it begins. The most fertile days are
considered to be during tenth and sixteenth days. Having sex on these days
(though not daily) can help in natural pregnancy conception.

 The chances of pregnancy conception increase if the woman keeps lying on her
back after intercourse and draws her knees up to the chest. This allows sperm to
move toward and pool around her cervix that helps to conceive baby naturally.

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