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Acidebase physiology: new produced by the body can be thought of as either volatile or non-

concepts Volatile acid is mainly carbonic acid (H2CO3) which is produced

by the hydration of CO2:
Tom Hickish
Andrew D Farmery CO2 þ H2 O#H2 CO3 #Hþ þ HCO3 

Therefore, although CO2 is not itself an acid as it does not contain

Abstract a hydrogen ion to donate, it can instead be thought of as repre-
The traditional approach to acidebase physiology is based on the Hender- senting a potential to create an equivalent amount of carbonic
soneHasselbalch equation which is derived from the CO2 =HCO3  buffer acid. At rest (with a CO2 production of 200 ml/minute) the daily
system. However, it is becoming increasingly recognized that this is an load of CO2 is at least 15,000 mmol/day.
incomplete analysis as it focuses on only one of the six reactions involving
Hþ and can lead to the incorrect assumption that CO2 and HCO3  are inde- Non-volatile acids contribute much less to daily acid production
pendently adjusted factors that ultimately determine pH. In 1983, Stewart, with a net production of 1e1.5 mmol/kg/day or 70e100 mmol of
a Canadian physiologist, proposed that a fuller understanding of acid Hþ per day in an adult. These acids are produced by the
ebase physiology required consideration of biological fluids as a complex incomplete metabolism of carbohydrates (e.g. lactate), fats (e.g.
dynamic system, taking into account the interactions of all the chemical acetoacetate, b-hydroxybutyrate) and proteins (e.g. sulphate,
species involved. He showed that the true independent variables control- phosphate). Note that these are actually bases rather than acids.
ling the pH of any given fluid compartment are: the difference in the concen- However this terminology is common place because they have
tration of ‘strong ions’, the total concentration of ‘weak acid’, and the PCO2. been formed by the liberation of an Hþ from their parent acid.
Importantly, Hþ and HCO3  are dependent variables and it is incorrect to It is clear that these amounts are several orders of magnitude
think of them as being specifically regulated to manipulate pH. This review greater than the normal body Hþ concentration and thus robust
will discuss the importance of pH homeostasis and highlight the implica- defence mechanisms are essential for conditions compatible with
tions of the Stewart approach in our understanding of acidebase control life.
mechanisms and disorders. In particular, the true mechanisms by which
the kidney regulates plasma pH will be discussed, emphasizing key miscon- Defence mechanisms
ceptions that have been propagated as a result of the traditional approach.
The traditional approach to acidebase balance is that there are
Keywords Acidebase physiology; acidosis; Stewart approach
two component defence mechanisms:
Royal College of Anaesthetists CPD Matrix: A101.  physicochemical buffering
 acid excretion from the lungs (as CO2) and the kidneys.
In order to understand these mechanisms it is first necessary
Importance of HD to understand the principles of buffer systems within the body.

Maintenance of plasma pH (log10 [Hþ]) within the range 7.35e Physicochemical buffering
7.45, which corresponds to an intracellular pH of neutrality (where A buffer is a solution that resists changes in pH when an acid or
[Hþ] ¼ [OH]; wpH 6.8 at 37 C), is an essential requirement for base is added to it. A buffer consists of an undissociated weak
life. But why should an ion that is only present in nanomolar con- acid (HA) and its conjugate base (A) and can be represented by:
centrations be so critical? The answer is twofold: firstly, metabolic
intermediates are completely ionized at neutral pH and therefore HA#Hþ þ A
are maximally trapped within the cell; secondly, the activity of all
proteins (including enzymes) is exquisitely sensitive to changes in A buffer typically consists of a solution which contains a weak
Hþ concentration as their binding characteristics are determined by acid HA mixed with the salt of that acid (e.g. NaA). The principle
their net charge. Therefore the Hþ concentration is tightly regulated is that the salt provides a reservoir of A to replenish [A] when
to provide conditions for optimal intracellular function. A is removed by reaction with Hþ. The body has a huge
buffering capacity and as this process happens instantaneously,
physicochemical buffering provides a powerful first defence
Problem against acidebase perturbations.
The main problem faced by the homeostatic control mechanisms The main buffer systems in the different fluid compartments
is the defence against a massive daily acid load. The acid of the body are as follows:
 haemoglobin: HHb # Hþ þ Hb
 bicarbonate: H2CO3 # Hþ þ HCO3 
Tom Hickish BA BM BCh is Foundation Doctor at East Sussex Health Trust,
 interstitial fluid
UK. Conflicts of interest: none declared.
 bicarbonate: H2CO3 # Hþ þ HCO3 
Andrew D Farmery BSc BCh MA MD FRCA is Fellow and Tutor in Medicine  intracellular fluid
and Physiology at Wadham College, Oxford, UK. Conflicts of interest:  proteins: HPr # Hþ þ Pr
none declared.  phosphate: H2 PO4  # Hþ þ HPO4 2

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 16:11 578 Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

The main buffer system in the extracellular fluid is bicar-  carbon dioxide and associated ions (volatile)
bonate/carbonic acid:  weak acids (non-volatile) which are mainly protein and
inorganic phosphate
CO2 þ H2 O#H2 CO3 #Hþ þ HCO3   strong ions e strong ions are ions which are fully disso-
ciated in biological solutions (e.g. Naþ, Kþ, Cl, lactate).
Since the concentration of carbonic acid is very low compared to That is their dissociation equilibria have a pK far removed
the other components, the acid moiety of the system is CO2 and from the local pH.
so the above equation can be simplified to: Stewart created a model of human solutions by adding each of
these constituents in turn and solving simultaneous equations
CO2 þ H2 O#Hþ þ HCO3  based on the dissociation equilibria of all the reactions involving
Hþ. In his analysis he emphasized that the concentrations of the
Indeed, it is from this equation that the HendersoneHasselbalch various chemical species present are the variables of the system,
equation is derived: which can be of two types:
pH ¼ pK þ log HCO3  ðaPCO2 Þ
Dependent variables have values that are determined internally
  by the system. They are determined by the equations (chemical
so; pH is a function of HCO3  PCO2
equilibria) which determine the system and can be altered only
by changes on the values of the independent variables.
The HendersoneHasselbalch equation forms the basis of the
traditional approach to acidebase balance: it is used to show
Independent variables have values that are determined by
that, for the CO2 =HCO3  buffer system to be sustainable, the
processes or conditions which are external to the system; they
body must ultimately regulate ½HCO3   and PCO2.
are imposed on the system rather than being determined by it.
It has therefore been taught that the longer-term control of
From his analysis, Stewart showed that that [Hþ] in a physi-
acidebase homeostasis is achieved by respiratory control of
ological solution is in fact a function of three independent
plasma PCO2 through changes in alveolar ventilation (occurs
over minutes), and by the control of HCO3  excretion by the
 The strong ion difference (SID) / the total concentration
kidneys (occurs over hours to days). Importantly, the traditional
of fully dissociated cations in solution minus the total
approach views these two variables as independently adjusted
concentration of fully dissociated anions in solution ¼
factors that ultimately determine pH.
{[Naþ] þ [Kþ] þ [Ca2þ] þ [Mg2þ]}  {[Cl] þ [lactate]}
z [Naþ] þ [Kþ]  [Cl] / controlled by the kidney. For
Alternative approach: the Stewart method the mathematical reader, proof of the dependency of [Hþ]
However, in 1983, the Canadian physiologist Peter Stewart pro- on SID is shown in the Appendix.
posed an alternative approach to acidebase regulation. He pro-  Total concentration of weak acid ([ATOT]) / predomi-
posed that a full understanding of acidebase physiology requires nately phosphate and proteins such as albumin (controlled
consideration of biological fluids as a complex dynamic system: by the liver) and Hb (controlled by the haemotopoetic
one needs to consider all the chemical species involved and how system).
they interact chemically with each other.  PCO2 / controlled by the lung.
He made the argument that the traditional approach only fo- Therefore, in a given body fluid compartment, any changes in
cuses on one of six reactions that involves Hþ ions, and ignores pH must be because of a change in one of more of these inde-
the other five: pendent variables. Crucially, it is misleading of the traditional
 water: H2O # Hþ þ OH approach to think of HCO3  as being specifically regulated
 ‘weak’ acids in water (mainly protein and inorganic to manipulate pH as HCO3  cannot be individually or
phosphate): HA # Hþ þ A primarily altered. Stewart concluded that ½HCO3   is a marker for
 carbonate: CO32 þ Hþ # HCO3  acidebase disturbances rather than a causative factor.
 bicarbonate: HCO3  þ Hþ # CO2 The Stewart approach and the traditional approach both agree
 electrical neutrality equation: [SID] þ [Hþ] ¼ ½HCO3   þ on the role of the lungs in regulating acidebase balance through
[A] þ ½CO3 2  þ [OH] CO2 excretion and manipulation of arterial PCO2. However, it is
 conservation of mass for ‘A’: [ATOT] ¼ [HA] þ [A] the role of the kidney that is disputed. Using the Stewart
Stewart employed the fundamental principles of physical approach, we can discover the true mechanisms by which the
chemistry to derive the factors that must determine [Hþ]. He kidney regulates plasma pH, and can appreciate key mis-
applied the principles of electroneutrality, conservation of mass, conceptions that have been propagated as a result of the tradi-
and the law of mass action (the requirement that all equilibriums tional approach.
must be simultaneously satisfied) to the various components
which constitute body fluids: Role of the kidneys in regulation of plasma pH
Conventionally, the kidney is viewed as regulating plasma pH by
 weak ions e weak ions are produced from substrates
regenerating HCO3  with the net effect of excreting Hþ. How-
which only partially dissociate when dissolved in water.
ever, Stewart shows that moving Hþ ions between compartments
These can be classified into two groups:
does not actually change pH because it does not alter any of the

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 16:11 579 Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

independent variables present. [Hþ] will be maintained by a CO2 and H2O. Carbonic anhydrase in the luminal cell membrane
change in the dissociation of water to reverse any [Hþ] fluctua- ensures that this dissociation occurs rapidly. The CO2 passively
tions: the water dissociation equilibrium is able to provide an diffuses into the cell where it is hydrated and converted back to Hþ
essentially inexhaustible source or sink for Hþ ions. Therefore, and HCO3  by intracellular carbonic anhydrase. The reabsorbed
the Stewart approach proposes that the true mechanism by HCO3  passively exits the cell across the basolateral cell mem-
which the kidney regulates plasma pH is by changing the flux of brane in exchange for Cl. Therefore, secondary active Hþ secre-
strong ions across the renal tubules: the kidney alters the SID. A tion into the lumen keeps luminal [Hþ] high and intracellular [Hþ]
key question is which strong ion? [Naþ] is tightly controlled to low. This drives the reaction in the lumen to produce CO2 and H2O,
maintain osmolarity and control plasma volume, and [Kþ] needs and the reaction in the cell to produces HCO3  and Hþ. The Hþ
to be tightly controlled to ensure appropriate cardiac and ions thus undergo a futile cycle to reabsorb the filtered HCO3  .
neuromuscular function. Therefore, the kidney alters [Cl] to However, under normal conditions, the kidney already re-
regulate acidebase balance. absorbs the entire filtered load of bicarbonate. Therefore, this
In order to understand this process more fully, we shall process can only protect against a metabolic alkalosis, but it
discuss the commonly taught mechanisms of renal acidebase cannot correct for a metabolic acidosis: the kidney cannot reab-
handling, but will reconcile misconceptions derived from the sorb more bicarbonate than is filtered. Therefore, the kidney
traditional approach with a more accurate perspective based on must employ other mechanisms.
the Stewart approach.
The kidney plays two important roles: Regeneration of HCO3L and excretion of HD?
 reabsorption of filtered HCO3  The traditional approach teaches that the kidney is also able to
 excretion of Cl and increase in the SID (traditional regenerate the bicarbonate that has been depleted during the
approach focuses on concomitant regeneration of buffered buffering of non-volatile acids, with the subsequent excretion of
HCO3  ). an equivalent amount of Hþ in the urine.
The theory for this process is shown in Figure 2 and takes
Reabsorption of the filtered HCO3L place in the intercalated cells of the distal tubule and collecting
Approximately 4e5 mol/day is filtered through the glomerulus duct. Intracellular Hþ is formed through the same process as
and all of this is reabsorbed. This process takes place mainly in described in the proximal tubule and the Hþ is actively trans-
the proximal tubule and is mediated mainly by Naþ-driven sys- ported into the distal tubular lumen via an Hþ-ATPase pump. In
tems (secondary active transport). The mechanisms for this order for there to be a net excretion of Hþ, unlike in the proximal
process are shown in Figure 1. tubule, the secreted Hþ must not react with tubular HCO3  as
Intracellular Hþ, formed from the reaction between H2O and otherwise the CO2 formed within the tubular lumen would be
CO2, is secreted into the tubular lumen mainly by passive Nþ/Hþ returned to the cell, effectively recycling the secreted Hþ.
exchange using a protein carrier. Secreted Hþ ions combine with Unbuffered Hþ cannot account for much acid loss because the
HCO3  in the tubular lumen to form H2CO3 which dissociates to minimum urinary pH is only about 4.5: we would need to pass

H+ secretion and HCO3– reabsorption in the tubular cells


–HCO + NHE3 H+ + –HCO3

Cl– H2CO3

Na+ H2CO3
ATP anhydrase
K+ H 2O
CO2 CO2 + H2O

Interstitium Tubular fluid

From Bruno CM, Valenti M. Acid-base disorders in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease:
a pathophysiological review. J Biomed Biotechnol 2012; 2012: 1–8.
ATP, adenosine triphosphate; NHE3, sodium/hydrogen exchanger.

Figure 1

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 16:11 580 Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Titration of non-volatile acids. H+ secreted into the tubular fluid combines

with phosphate and a new HCO3 – is generated within the cell


K+ ATP +HPO42–
–HCO + H+ K+/H +

H2CO3 H2PO4–

H 2O NaH2PO4

Tubular fluid

From Bruno CM, Valenti M. Acid-base disorders in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease:
a pathophysiological review. J Biomed Biotechnol 2012; 2012: 1–8.
ATP, adenosine triphosphate.

Figure 2

thousands of litres of pH 4.5 urine to excrete the daily non- that at both extracellular and intracellular pH, it is present almost
volatile acid load. The alternative is for the secreted Hþ to bind entirely in the acid form NH4þ, which is not a useful buffer.
to urinary buffers of which phosphate is the most important as it The real answer is that, under acidotic conditions, it is
is present at significant concentrations. At the prevailing pH ammonium (NH4þ) excretion itself that fulfils this regulatory role
values in most biological systems, monohydrogen phosphate as, unlike phosphate, its excretion can increase markedly as
ðHPO4 2 Þ and dihydrogen phosphate ðH2 PO4  Þ are the two urine pH falls. As shall now be discussed, in order to understand
species present: the physiology of this mechanism, it is vital to adopt the Stewart
Hþ þ HPO4 2 #H2 PO4 
Ammonium excretion
The pKa of this reaction is 6.8. Under normal conditions the pH Ammonium is produced predominantly within the proximal tu-
of the glomerular ultrafiltrate is 7.4 (that of plasma), meaning bule cells from glutamine by the action of the enzyme gluta-
that phosphate will initially be predominantly in the mono- minase. The expression of glutaminase is controlled by the
hydrogen form and so can combine with more Hþ in the renal prevailing pH as the mRNA involved in its transcription is more
tubules. However, the capacity of the phosphate buffer system is stable under acidotic conditions. Glutamine enters the cell from
limited under acidotic conditions for two reasons. Firstly, the both the peritubular capillaries (80%) and the filtrate (20%).
amount of phosphate present in the distal tubule cannot be The majority of the ammonium is involved in a process
varied significantly. Secondly, as the urinary pH falls to less than known as ‘medullary cycling’ which maintains an increasing
5.5 the phosphate buffer system becomes fully saturated. interstitial concentration of ammonium from cortex to medulla
Therefore, although this ‘titratable acidity’ is an important part of and low concentrations of ammonium in the distal tubule fluid
excretion of non-volatile acids under normal circumstances, it (in a way analogous to the familiar cortex to medulla sodium
cannot be an important mechanism in acidebase regulation chloride osmolality gradient, and using a similar kind of coun-
when the ability to increase renal Hþ excretion is required. tercurrent multiplication). A model of ammonium handling and
It is a common misconception that ammonia (NH3) provides excretion by the kidney is shown in Figure 3. The ammonium
this extra urinary buffer capacity: it is thought that lipid soluble produced in the proximal tubule cells is secreted into the tubular
NH3 is produced in the tubular cell and diffuses into the tubular lumen by replacing Hþ on the Naþ/Hþ exchanger. This proxi-
fluid where it is effectively trapped by buffering secreted Hþ and mally produced ammonium is reabsorbed from the tubular fluid
being converted to water-soluble ammonium (NH4þ). However, in the medulla as it passes along the thick ascending limb of the
this has to be incorrect: the pKa for ammonia is so high (w9.2) loop of Henle by replacing Kþ on the triple transporter (Naþ/Kþ/

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 16:11 581 Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Schematic representation of ammonium handling and excretion by the kidney

Glutamine Expression is
HCO3– pH sensitive

Na+ NH4+

Interstitium 2Cl–
NH4+ NH4+ NH4+


Expression is
NH4+ pH sensitive
NH4+ accumulation NH +

Figure 3

2Cl). This means that the amount of ammonium entering the thus allowing the body to retain the strong ions Naþ and Kþ. It is
distal tubule is small. Some of the interstitial ammonium returns this excretion of Cl without an equivalent amount of strong ion
to the late proximal tubule and enters the medulla again (i.e. that is the true cause of the correction of plasma pH as it results
recycling occurs). The net effect is that there is a large ammo- in an increase in the SID.
nium concentration gradient between the medullary interstitium
and the luminal fluid of the medullary collecting duct. Classification of acid-base disturbances using the Stewart
This provides a mechanism by which the amount of ammo- approach
nium excretion can be highly regulated simply by altering the
As discussed, the Stewart approach shows that disturbances in
permeability of the collecting duct to ammonium (analogous to
plasma pH can occur only via changes in the independent vari-
how anti-diuretic hormone regulates water homeostasis by
ables: pCO2, the SID, and [ATOT].
altering the collecting duct water permeability). The molecular
Therefore, as with the traditional approach, respiratory aci-
mechanisms for this process are only just being elucidated, but it
doses or alkaloses are those in which the primary disturbance is
seems that specific membrane proteins from the family of Rhesus
the PCO2. However, for metabolic acidoses and alkaloses,
glycoproteins play an important role in regulating the transport
whereas the traditional approach focuses on primary distur-
of ammonium down its concentration gradient into the collecting
bances in HCO3  , the Stewart approach shows that the true
duct. Importantly, this mechanism is pH sensitive: it has been
primary disturbance must in fact be in the SID or [ATOT]. Primary
shown that the expression of the Rhesus C glycoprotein (RhCG)
respiratory disturbances are compensated by metabolic re-
in the collecting duct increases in the presence of a prolonged
sponses, and primary metabolic disturbances are compensated
metabolic acidosis, thus leading to an increase in ammonium
by respiratory responses.
But how does ammonium excretion correct a metabolic
Respiratory acidosis is a process caused by a rise in arterial PCO2
acidosis? Certainly, excretion of NH4þ per se does not excrete any
which is proportional to VCO2/VA (where VCO2 is the amount of
protons in the traditional sense (as discussed above). However
CO2 produced by the body and VA is alveolar ventilation).
NH4þ is a weak anion that when excreted is accompanied by Cl,

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 16:11 582 Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Therefore respiratory acidosis occurs during alveolar hypo- HCO3  cannot affect plasma Hþ or HCO3  concentrations unless
ventilation (e.g. asphyxia, neuromuscular disease, chronic pul- changes in the independent variables also occur. Although the
monary disease, opiate toxicity) or increased CO2 production by traditional approach remains the most widely used in everyday
the body (e.g. during exercise, malignant hyperthermia). clinical practice, it fails to understand the true mechanisms of
acidebase disorders and pH homeostasis. A
Respiratory alkalosis is a process caused by a fall in arterial
PCO2 and is always due to alveolar hyperventilation (e.g.
excessive minute ventilation if mechanically ventilated, physio- Appendix
logical response to hypoxia, anxiety attacks, salicylate
intoxication). The dependency of [Hþ] on SID is not necessarily intuitive.
However, this can be proven from consideration of just two of
Metabolic acidosis is a process caused by either a decrease in the the conditions listed in the bullet point list on page 579; namely
SID, or by an increase in [ATOT]. A decrease in the SID may be the dissociation equilibrium of water, and the preservation of
caused by either the generation of organic strong anions (e.g. electroneutrality.
lactate following a hypoxic insult, or ketone bodies in diabetic Consider the dissociation of water:
ketoacidosis), by the loss of strong cations (as with the loss of Kþ
and Naþ in severe diarrhoea), by the mishandling of strong ions H2 O#Hþ þ OH
(as with renal tubular acidosis), or by the addition of exogenous
strong anions (as with iatrogenic acidosis or poisoning). The iat- At equilibrium, the Law of Mass Action dictates that ½Hþ  ½OH 
rogenic metabolic acidosis that results from the infusion of saline ¼ Kw ½H2 O where Kw is the dissociation constant for water.
provides an elegant example of how changes in the SID disturb Given that the concentration of water is effectively constant,
acidebase balance. Saline does not contain any significant quan- this can be re-written as:
tity of Hþ ions and therefore by the traditional approach it would
not be expected to alter pH. Whilst it is true that the pH of saline   K0 w
OH ¼ þ where K0 w is another constant: Equation A1
solution may be 6, which in physiological terms is too acidic to ½H 
sustain life, the Hþ load it presents is trivial. If Hþ were the only
consideration, we would need to administer 1000 litres of saline to Now consider the conditions required for electroneutrality of a
increase a patient’s ‘base deficit’ by just 1 mmol/litre. solution of sodium chloride in water:
However, saline is a ‘SID zero’ solution and thus causes the ½Naþ  þ ½Hþ  ¼ ½Cl-  þ ½OH- , which re-arranges to:
extracellular fluid SID to decrease: saline causes [Cl] to increase  þ  
proportionally more than [Naþ] as Cl is normally present at a Na  ½Cl-  ¼ ½OH-   Hþ
lower concentration (extracellular [Cl] ¼ 110 mM; extracellular
[Naþ] ¼ 140 mM). This causes a relative hyperchloraemia and a Given that the difference in the strong (fully dissociated) cations
decrease in the SID, with a subsequent acidosis. In contrast, and anions is SID, we have:
Hartmann’s solution has a SID much closer to the SID of extra-  
cellular fluid and thus does not have as profound an effect on SID ¼ ½OH-  - Hþ Equation A2
plasma pH.
Now recall equation A1, and substitute the [OH] term in
Metabolic alkalosis is a process caused by either an increase in equation A2 with K0 w/[Hþ] from equation A1 to get:
the SID, or a decrease in [ATOT]. An increase in the SID may be
K0 w  þ 
caused by the loss of more strong anions than strong cations (as SID ¼ - H
with diuretic therapy, or from the loss of Cl following vomiting ½Hþ 
of gastric secretions in pyloric stenosis or nasogastric aspiration)
or by the administration of more strong cations than strong an- Now multiplying both sides by [Hþ] gives:
ions (as with infusion of NaHCO3 or large volumes of blood  þ 2  
containing sodium citrate). A decrease in [ATOT] can result from H þ SID, Hþ - K0 w ¼ 0 Equation A3
causes of hypoalbuminaemia such as the nephrotic syndrome or
liver failure. Equation A3 is seen to be a quadratic equation which can be
solved for [Hþ] in terms of SID and K0 w, hence SID is an inde-
Conclusion pendent determinant of [Hþ].

In the words of Stewart, the conventional understanding of acid

ebase balance is ‘cluttered with jargon, chemically meaningless FURTHER READING
derived equations, a misunderstanding of what is really
happening, and an artificial use of the HendersoneHasselbalch Kellum JA, Elbers PWG. Stewart’s textbook of acidebase, 2nd edn. 2009.
equation as the only equation determining acidebase balance in Lulu Enterprises Ltd, UK.
any body fluid’. This review has emphasized how the Hþ and Sirker AA, Rhodes A, Grounds RM, Bennett ED. Acidebase physiology:
HCO3  concentrations are dependent variables whose values are the traditional and the modern approaches. Anaesthesia 2002; 57:
determined by the SID, [ATOT], and pCO2: movement of Hþ or 348e56.

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 16:11 583 Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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