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Introduction to the

Swiss Constitutional System

Embassy of Switzerland in Indonesia

Lukas Eberli
Team Diplomatic Tasks
Embassy of Switzerland in Indonesia

Embassy of Switzerland in Indonesia

Lukas Eberli, Team Diplomatic Tasks

• 1. The constitution of Switzerland

• 2. The system and form of Swiss government
• 3. Political parties and the election system
• 4. Democratic participation rights
• 5. The court system
• 6. The Education System & Scholarships

Embassy of Switzerland in Indonesia

Lukas Eberli, Team Diplomatic Tasks
1. The constitution of Switzerland
- Principle of subsidiarity (Art. 3 and 5a; Federal State principle)
- More details in Art. 42-53)
- 4 national languages (Art. 4; German, French, Italian, Romansh)
- Fundamental rights (Art. 7-36)
- Enumeration of federal competences (Art. 51-135)
- Political Rights (Art. 136-142)
- Popular Initiative (Art. 138-139b)
- Referendum (Art. 140-141)
- Federal Authorities (Art. 143-191c)
- Parliament & its election (Art. 148-173)
- Federal Council & Administration (Art. 174-187)
- Federal Courts (Art. 188-191c)
- Additional provisions regarding constitutional revision (Art. 192-195)
- Transitional provisions (Art. 196-197)
Embassy of Switzerland in Indonesia
Lukas Eberli, Team Diplomatic Tasks
2. The system and form of Swiss government

Establishment of the Swiss Confederation in 1848

 Confederation of States  Swiss federal State

3 federal levels
- Federal government (“Bund”)
- Regional entities (“Cantons”; today 26 Cantons)
- Municipalities

Federal law > law of the Cantons > municipal law

Embassy of Switzerland in Indonesia

Lukas Eberli, Team Diplomatic Tasks
2. The system and form of Swiss government

Parliament (Legislative)
- National Council (popular representation)
- 200 national council members
- Council of States (representation of regions)
- 46 representatives
- 2 per Canton, 1 for “semi-Cantons” (through historic separation)

- Federal Council (Executive)

- 7 members
- President of the Federal Council (“primus inter pares”)

-- Federal Court
-- No constitutional jurisdiction (Art. 190 Swiss Constitution)
- Parliament
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Lukas Eberli, Team Diplomatic Tasks
3. Political parties & the election system

Elections (on the federal level only Parliament)

- All 4 years  next 20 October 2019
- Both National Council and Council of states are directly elected by
the people
- The voting districts are the Cantons
- Council of State representatives are elected by majority vote
- National Council members are (usually) elected by proportional vote

- Federal Council & Federal judges are elected by both chambers of

Parliament in majority vote

- The Canton and municipal level reflect the federal level but foresee
the direct election of the executive and usually also judiciary by the
Embassy of Switzerland in Indonesia
Lukas Eberli, Team Diplomatic Tasks
3. Political parties & the election system

Political Parties in Federal Parliament (based on federal

elections 2015)

- Schweizerische Volkspartei (SVP; national conservatives; 29,4%)

- Sozialdemokratische Partei (SP; social-democratic; 18,8%)
- Freisinnig-Demokratische Partei (FDP; market-liberal; 16,4%)
- Christlichdemokratische Volkspartei (CVP; conservative democratic;
- Grüne Partei Schweiz (GPS; green-left; 7,1%)
- Grünliberale Partei (GLP; green-liberal; 4,6%)
- Bürgerlich-demokratische Partei (BDP; conservative; 4,1%)

 Principle of consociationalism («Konkordanz»)

Embassy of Switzerland in Indonesia
Lukas Eberli, Team Diplomatic Tasks
3. Political parties & the election system

Political Parties in the Federal Council

- Alain Berset (SP; President (always for 1 year)

- Ueli Maurer (SVP; Vice-president (always for 1 year)
- Doris Leuthard (CVP)
- Simonetta Sommaruga (SP)
- Johann Schneider-Ammann (FDP)
- Guy Parmelin (SVP)
- Ignazio Cassis (FDP)

 Principle of collegiality
 Principle of “primus inter pares”

Embassy of Switzerland in Indonesia

Lukas Eberli, Team Diplomatic Tasks
4. Democratic participation rights

- Active and passive right to vote

- 18 years old
- 1 Canton foresees 16
- Swiss citizen
- Some municipalities provide local voting rights to long-
term foreign residents
- Swiss abroad are entitled as well
- Referendum
- Popular Initiative

All these instruments are foreseen on the Federal and the Canton
level, most even on the municipal level

Embassy of Switzerland in Indonesia

Lukas Eberli, Team Diplomatic Tasks
Referendum (Art. 140-141)
- mandatory (Art. 140)
- Amendments to the Federal Constitution
- Accession to organizations of collective security or to supranational
communities (e.g. NATO, EU)
- Emergency federal acts that are not based on a provision of the
Constitution and whose term of validity exceeds one year

- optional (Art. 141; 50’000 signatures)

- Federal acts
- Emergency federal acts whose term of validity exceeds one year
- Federal decrees, provided the Constitution or an act so requires
- most international treaties

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Lukas Eberli, Team Diplomatic Tasks
Popular Initiative (Art. 138-139b; to change the
- partial or total revision
- legal proposal (no real limits to content)
- Consistency of form
- Consistency of subject matter
- Does not infringe upon mandatory provisions of international law
(“ius cogens”)
- 100’000 signatures by Swiss citizens required to be initiated
- Government has option of counter-proposal
- indirect (law)
- direct (constitution)
- adoption
- requires a majority of the people
- and the Cantons
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Lukas Eberli, Team Diplomatic Tasks
- 461 popular initiatives since 1874
- 1/3 fails to achieve 100’000 signatures
- Only 4,% get approved by the people
- ¼ is withdrawn in favor of a counter-proposal
- ø 45% voter turnout


Next vote:
25 November 2018

Embassy of Switzerland in Indonesia

Lukas Eberli, Team Diplomatic Tasks
5. The court system

Based on Federal Law

- Federal court of 1 instance
- Federal Supreme Court

Based on Canton or municipal law

- District Court
- Canton Supreme Court
- Federal Supreme Court

 ECtHR (based on ECHR)

Embassy of Switzerland in Indonesia

Lukas Eberli, Team Diplomatic Tasks
6. Education & Scholarship
- Competence of Cantons (therefore different systems)
- HarmoS (minimum uniform standards)
- Federal competence for polytechnic universities
- Primary school (6 years; starting age 7)
- Secondary school (3 years)
Apprenticeship (3-4 years; vocational training & education)
Vocational high-school-diploma
Studies at University of Applied Sciences
 High School (4-6 years)
Studies at University

Specialties of Swiss Education System:

- High permissibility
- Close matching of education and job market
 High innovation, low unemployment
Embassy of Switzerland in Indonesia
Lukas Eberli, Team Diplomatic Tasks
Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship
- PhD
- Post-Doc
- Art students
- Alternative: university-specific scholarships

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Lukas Eberli, Team Diplomatic Tasks
Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship

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Embassy of Switzerland in Indonesia

Lukas Eberli, Team Diplomatic Tasks

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