Using Youtube: How To Use Youtube To Promote Your Business Using Video

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How to use YouTube to promote your business using


2 April 2012
Version 1.0
Using YouTube


Contents 2

Introduction 3

Skill Level 3

Terminology 3

Video Tutorials 3

Getting Started with YouTube 4

Create an Account 4

Customise your Channel to Match your Brand 5

Configure Your Account 7

Creating & Uploading Videos 8

Create a Video for YouTube 8

Upload your Video to YouTube 9

Using and Promoting your Videos 12

Include Your Video on your Website 12

Post a Video to your Facebook Page 13

Get Customers to Subscribe to your Channel 13

Monitoring Traffic 14

Monitor Traffic for your Channel 14

Monitor Traffic for a Particular Video 15

Advanced YouTube Functionality 17

Create a Playlist 17

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Using YouTube


Videos are a very powerful way of delivering a message on the internet and are becoming more
and more popular by users. YouTube is owned by Google and is the largest video sharing site in
the world with, on average, over 500 million visitors each month. Even if you plan on using your
videos on other sites (e.g. your website) it is still a good idea to keep YouTube as your central
area for all your videos. This guide shows you how to set up an account on YouTube and share
out your videos.

Skill Level
The majority of the topics in this guide are suitable for anyone who has basic
PC knowledge. Towards the end of the guide there are a few more advanced topics that are more
suitable for intermediate users.

You will come across the following terminology in this guide which you need to be familiar with:

Term Explanation

Channel A channel is a location on YouTube where you can store all your videos in one
place. If anybody is interested in your videos they can subscribe to your channel
and will get notified of any updates.

Playlist A playlist is a way of grouping videos in your channel. Similar to creating a

playlist of your favourite songs, you can create a playlist of similar videos.

Tag To help YouTube find the most relevant videos based on searches you are asked
to ‘tag’ your videos. This allows you to index your videos using terms you would
use to describe them.

Video Tutorials
Indicates a video tutorial. Click on the icon to watch the video. These videos
demonstrate how to carry out a particular task. In order to watch the video
tutorials in this guide, you will need to have Adobe Flash Player v9.0.28 or above
installed on your computer.

Note: When you go to watch the video, a check is done to make sure you have the correct
software installed. If you do not have the correct version installed you will be provided with a
prompt to download and install the correct version.

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Using YouTube

Getting Started with YouTube

Before you can start uploading videos to YouTube, the first thing you need to do is create an
account. When you create an account on YouTube a ‘channel’ is automatically created for you.

A channel is a place where you can group your videos together. The advantages of having a
channel are:

• Videos are grouped together in one place

• You can create a profile for yourself and link back to your company

• You are creating a mini website, and as you add videos it will become more and more
interesting for people.

Create an Account
Go to and select the Create Account option in the top right hand corner of
the screen. As YouTube is a Google service you will need to create a Google account. Once you
have done this you are returned to YouTube where you are logged in using your new Google

The first thing you need to do is create your Username and Channel. It’s important to pick a good
username as this will be the name of your channel and therefore will form part of your web
address, e.g.<username>. As this will be an account for your business you
should use the name of your business as the username.

To do this, click on the person icon in the top right hand corner of the screen, as shown. This will
display some options. Click My channel.

You are then asked to enter your username. Enter the name of your business as the username
and select Check Availability to see if it is already taken. If it is, YouTube will suggest some

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Using YouTube

Note: You cannot change your username afterwards, so choose wisely.

Once you find a suitable Username, your channel will be created and you are brought to your
main YouTube page, where you will now see your new username in the top right hand corner of
the screen.

Customise your Channel to Match your Brand

When you first login to YouTube after creating your account you are taken to your YouTube Home
page, which lists details such as Recent Activity, Subscriptions and your YouTube Inbox.

But let’s look at what other people will see by going to your YouTube Channel. To go to your
channel click on your username in the top right hand corner of the screen, as shown, or click on
the My Channel link on the left.

You are now brought to your channel page, which at the moment looks a bit plain. YouTube
enables you to brand and customise your channel by changing the background and choosing an

The following example shows

you what a branded channel
looks like. You can place
whatever image you want in
the background surrounding
the channel so it is important
to put in something that
matches up with your brand
(e.g. correct colours, logo,
and so on).

On the top right hand side of

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Using YouTube

the screen click your username, to display your account menu. Select My Channel and then click
the Edit Channel button.

On the Appearance tab:

• Upload an avatar that will visually represent your company (e.g. your logo).

• Choose an image or colour to be displayed in the background for your channel.

TIP: If your image does not stretch the width of the screen then select one of the Repeat
options so that your image will be repeated and therefore fill up the background.

Click Finished Editing to save any changes.

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Using YouTube

Configure Your Account

In the Info and Settings section, enter more information about your channel and configure how
you want it to behave. The following gives you some guidelines on configuration.

• Title – create a title for

your channel that reflects
your business. The title
must be less than 30
characters. Be as
descriptive as you can.

• Description – put in a
description that describes
the type of information
you will be including in
your channel. Also
include a link back to
your website.

• Tags – enter the keywords that you would like to be used to index your channel. Tags
should be separated by a space

For example, in the case of Plaza Hotels you might enter:

• Title – “Plaza Hotels - Irish Luxury”

• Channel Tags – “Luxury Hotel Ireland Plaza friendly 5-star”

Alternatively, if you owned an adventure centre you might enter something like this:

• Title – “McDougalls Adventure, Galway, Ireland”

• Channel Tags – “Adventure Sports Kayaking Mountaineering”

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Using YouTube

Creating & Uploading Videos

Before you can start uploading videos to YouTube to need to get out there and start creating

Try to keep your videos short and snappy and also try to make them interesting and engaging.
For example, adding some humour and your own personality to it will make it more appealing.
People love to put a face to a business so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there.

How long should my Videos be?

You should aim for your video to be around 2 to 3 minutes long. If it goes beyond this make sure
it’s very captivating. If you think you have 15 minutes of video why not split this up into multiple

What type of video camera do I need?

It depends on the quality of the video you want to shoot and how professional you want it to
be, however, generally a combined camera/video camera that is small and easy to carry
around is the easiest way of capturing video.

For example, the Canon PowerShot SD790, which costs around €150, provides great quality
videos and pictures. Make sure the camera has lots of memory as video takes up a lot of
space (e.g. one video can be as large as 2GB or even more).

Create a Video for YouTube

The following gives guidelines on how to create a video using your camera. Most cameras are
pretty similar and record great quality videos that are perfect for YouTube at a very reasonable

• Step 1 – Configure your camera to take the video in the recommended size (or resolutions)
for YouTube. This is either 1280 x 720 (16:9), 640x480 (4:3). Refer to the user manual for
you camera for details on how to do this.

• Step 2 – Record your video.

• Step 3 – Connect your camera to your PC. Most PC’s will recognise the camera as an extra
hard drive and will display a folder with the files in it. Click on this and locate the video you
have just recorded.

• Step 4 – Copy the video to your hard disk. Rename it to a more meaningful name.

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Using YouTube

• Step 5 – If you wish to edit the movie you can either use the YouTube Editor or a program
such as Windows Movie Maker (comes free with Microsoft Windows).

• Step 6 – When your video is ready login to your YouTube account and click on the Upload
button. See the section that follows for details on uploading.

After a view minutes your video will be uploaded and you can then pass around the link to it to all
your clients/customers and embed the video on your website.

Upload your Video to YouTube

To upload a video, click on the Upload option in the top right corner of the screen. If you are not
already logged in you will be prompted to do so.

This allows you to select a video from your machine and upload it. YouTube can accept almost
any video format for upload.

Be Careful: Before uploading a video to YouTube make sure you have permission of the
owner to upload this video. If it is entirely your own work then you have nothing to worry
about as you are the owner, however, if you got the video from someone else, then be
careful. See for more details.

Once you have located your video click on OK. If the video is quite large then this may take a bit
of time. Once the file has been uploaded, you are given the option to enter some details about
the video so that it can be easily found within YouTube. Some of this information is also
important if you want your video to be found on Google searches.

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Using YouTube

• Title – Enter a good descriptive title for the video. If location is important to your business
make sure to include this. For example, “Swimming Pool at the Plaza Hotel in Dublin,

• Description – Put in a more detailed description of your video.

• Tags – If you were indexing this video in a library what words would you index it on. Try
and think of keywords that people would use to search for businesses like yours.

• Category – Mark in the most appropriate category for this video. The most relevant
category for the tourism industry is Travel & Events.

• Privacy – leave this set to Public.

• Licence – leave this set to YouTube license unless the video you have uploaded has a
Creative Commons licence.

The following screen shows an example of what you might enter in these fields for a video about
the new swimming pool at a hotel. Click Save Changes when you are done.

Note: It may take a few minutes for your video to be processed by YouTube before it is

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Using YouTube

You can add some additional information about your video after it has been uploaded. For
example, you can add annotations and callouts to your video, you can apply some enhancements
to it (e.g. rotate it, trim the video or apply visual and audio effects). You can also specify the
location on Google maps where the video was taken. To edit your video, click on the dropdown
next to your username in the top right corner of the screen and select the Video Manager
option. On the resulting list click the Edit button for the video you want to update.

Tell Everybody!

When you upload your video make sure you let people know about it, e-mail all your friends
and clients, include details in your newsletter, display it within your website (see the section
later in this guide to find out how you do this).

VIDEO: Uploading a Video to your Channel

This video takes you step by step through the process of uploading a video to
your YouTube channel and entering important details about the video to help
people find it on YouTube and on Google searches.

When you are ready, click the PLAY icon to start the video.

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Using YouTube

Using and Promoting your Videos

Now that you have all the videos up there what’s next? Well, once you have categorised them all
correctly that should in itself result in more people finding you through YouTube or through
Google. However, there are many ways in which you can use your videos to help promote your
business. For example:

• Make your content available on your website (see the section that follows for details). As
shown in the section that follows, it is very straight forward to display your YouTube videos
within your website.

• When you are writing a blog post make sure to use some of your own videos.

• Ask your clients to upload their own videos to YouTube. Maybe they took a video while
staying at your hotel. Once they do you can then mark them as a Favourite which means
they will be displayed on the Favourites list for your channel.

• Comment on other videos – if you comment on other related videos (that are not yours)
this may encourage people to come and look at your videos.

• Join or create groups – by participating in groups you will share out your knowledge and
this again may encourage more people to look at your video content.

Include Your Video on your Website

When you are viewing a YouTube video, below the video you will see a box similar to the

If you want to tell people about the video copy the URL section and send this around. If you
want to include this video as part of your website, click the Embed option.

Select the options to define how you want the video to appear on your website. Then get your
website developer to copy the code displayed in the field on to the page on your website where
you want it to appear. It’s very straightforward to do and also a very useful way of promoting
your videos.

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Using YouTube

Post a Video to your Facebook Page

If you have a Facebook page you can add a post to the wall on your Facebook page and copy in
the URL as mentioned above. A thumbnail of the video will be retrieved automatically and
displayed on your wall, which users will simple have to click to view.

Get Customers to Subscribe to your Channel

When you upload videos you want your customers or potential customers to subscribe to your
channel. By subscribing to your channel they get notified of any new videos added to the
channel. This is a good way of keeping in contact with them.

To get people to subscribe make sure

to include links on your website to your
videos so that people are enticed to go
and watch them on YouTube and will
then hopefully subscribe to your

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Using YouTube

Monitoring Traffic

YouTube provides an analytics module called Insights that allows you to view details of who is
watching your videos, where they are located, what age they are, and so on. This is extremely
useful information as you can start to build a picture of who your videos are appealing to which
can then help you target your marketing efforts at a particular segment.

Monitor Traffic for your Channel

To see the analytics for traffic on your YouTube channel, click on your username in the top right
hand corner and select the Settings menu option. On the resulting screen click on the Analytics
option as shown.

The following screen is displayed showing you an overview of the activity on your YouTube

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By default you will see the details for the last 30 days but you can change the timeline you view
the data for by selecting one of the options above the Views graph. In some cases you will need
to select a larger time period (e.g. 1 month) to see details of the Demographics that have been
accessing your videos.

You can drill down a bit further on each section by selecting one of the menu options on the left.
Alternatively, you can see more detailed data for a particular video by clicking on one of the
videos listed.

Monitor Traffic for a Particular Video

To view the analytics for a specific video, enter or select the videos name in the Content field at
the top of the Analytics screen. Alternatively, click on the Stats option next to each video in the
Video Manager list, as shown.

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Using YouTube

This will show you a selection of graphs showing how many people viewed your video, where they
were from, and how they came across your video. Was it on YouTube, on a 3rd party website, or
from a Google search.

To find out more details about where people accessed your video from, click on the options above
the graphs. This displays a more detailed graph showing you the percentage of views that came
from each source.

As you can see from this graph 22.7% of the views for this video over the last year came from
external websites. To see which websites these came from, click on the External Website item in
the list.

TIP: If you find that a particular website is directing a lot of traffic to your YouTube channel
or video then you need to have a look at that site and see if there is an opportunity to
promote your business further.

Other useful information is to see what keywords people used in searches to find your video.
Once you see what the popular keywords are you can update your tags and descriptions on your
videos to increase the chances of your video being found in a Google or YouTube search.

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Using YouTube

Advanced YouTube Functionality

Create a Playlist
Playlists are a useful way of categorising your favourite videos. It allows you to group related
videos together. If viewers are interested in one type of video they may be interested in more
videos around the same topic.

To set up a playlist, login to your channel and click on the channel name in the right hand corner
of the screen. From the dropdown select Video Manager. Then click Playlists on the left.

This brings you to a screen that will show you any playlists you already have. On this screen
select the option for New playlist, as shown.

Enter the name of your playlist. Make sure it is relevant to

the videos you are going to place into the playlist.

You are then brought into a screen where you configure

your playlist:

• Title – This is the title you already created when you

set up the playlist

• Description – Enter a detailed description that

describes the playlist

• Privacy – Indicate if the playlist is private or public, as we want to promote this content we
want it set up as public.

When you have finished configuring there is an option which allows you to share the playlist.
This allows you to send e-mails to a variety of people to promote your video.

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Using YouTube

Fáilte Ireland
88-95 Amiens Street
Dublin 1
Lo-Call: 1890 525 525

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