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The different spiritual

paths of Empaths &

Narcissists [The Truth
Uncovered Series - Part
atmosblack (63) in spirituality • last year
In todays episode of „The Truth Uncovered“ we
will have a deeper look at the different spiritual
paths. To make this easier, we will go into the
details of the two main personality types out there
and what their lessons are on the spiritual path.
Then we will also have a look at some
As with many of my articles, this read may be
challenging and often evoke resistances or even
anger. Let this be there, since this is an expected
result and a sign, that this information is doing it’s

1. The Narcissist path

First let me tell you, that the word „Narcissist“ gets
thrown around way too often as a synonym for
egotism. If people want to blame someone of
selfish behaviour, they often do this by using the
name tag of „Narcissist“.
The way I use this word here is different, in the
sense, that it simply is a name for someone, who
believes he is his ego by identifying with their body
and their personality without having insights about
the true nature of their being.
The word „Narcissist“ here is not used as a
judgement, but only as a way to describe a certain
stage of development on a souls journey.

Here are some points and examples, what a

narcissist believes, his/her (spiritual) journey is all
 Empowerment
 Becoming the creator of reality
 Defining what makes one happy and working
on a plan to reach this goal
 Self-Confidence
 Managing ones life and energy
 Setting (energetic) borders
 Defining (spiritual) success and working hard
for that goal
 Achievement
 „Enlightenment“ as a final goal of liberation
 Relationships as lessons to „become better“
 Living a (spiritual) persona
 Becoming liberated later, in the afterlife or
next life
 Working on believes and patterns of thought
 Finding out „who I am“ and interest in wisdom
 Quietening the mind

And here is, what the Narcissists have yet to learn:

 That they are not their thoughts, emotions or
 The meaning of emptiness and the experience
of being empty
 That the whole journey is not about themselves
 Surrender
 Letting go
 Meditation
 Empathy
 Compassion
 Learning to love others
 Intuition
 En-Light-enment

Again, all of this doesn’t make a narcissist „a bad

person“ or is meant as a judgment, that any of this
is wrong! This is perfectly ok this way and most
spiritual teachings out there are tailor made for
this group of people.

2. The Empath path

An empath is an energetic sensitive soul, who is
aware of energies and emotion around other
people and situations. While the narcissist gets his
information through inquiry, communication and
mental processing structured around plans and
concepts, the empath knows all this without
someone even opening their mouth and without
any mental concepts or involvement. Again please
be aware, that this is no judging. When an empath
senses some emotion in someone, this is not
judged, but only perceived through an inner sense
that may appear as a feeling in the body, an inner
voice or pictures - depending on the sensory
channel the empath has as his primary gift.
Their main challenge is, that they do automatically
believe, that everything they are sensing is a sign
that something being wrong in them or that the
emotions they are feeling are theirs.

Here are again some examples of how an empath

experiences his spiritual journey:

 Dealing with an overwhelm of emotions and

 Guilt
 Victim-Consciousness
 Anxiety
 Unsecurity
 Coming into the body (grounding)
 Becoming one with everything/god
 Handling misunderstandings due to different
channels of perception
 Feeling of having to understand more or better
 Need for clarity
 Need for safety
 ….and many of the goals that are originally
part of the narcissist journey, because of a
misunderstanding I describe below

What an empath really has to learn:

 Trusting your intuition (only 100%)
 What you are feeling are not your emotions
(only 100%)
 What you are feeling is what you are healing
(the healing is in the feeling)
 You are healing/feeling for the collective
 Becoming as self-assured in your being as a
narcissist is in his doing
 Everything is here to help you
 Self-Love as the cosmic constant
 You are the breath and totally safe (only 100%)
 Oneness includes Duality
 You have already achieved, what most
spiritual paths have set as a distant goal
The big misunderstanding in
Now to the most important point. The point that
causes the most confusion in the world of
spirituality - especially for empaths.
Since most spiritual paths are made for narcissists
(=people who have yet to discover all above),
empaths are most likely to meet spiritual teachers
and paths, where they are told that they have to
reach a goal, that they have already accomplished
(without knowing so).

To put it in other words: There are nearly no

teachings out there („new paradigm teachings“)
that are also a fit for the empath.
For example: An empath is naturally
compassionate and aware that he is not the body
and mind. If this empath follows a spiritual path,
where he is told, that he still needs to become
compassionate and realize, that he is not the body,
the empath by nature will assume, that this is a
goal that he needs to strive for. Empaths are totally
insecure by nature, because they have such a wide
array of information flowing towards them and
innocently believe what they are told or feeling, in
the need to bring clarity into their experience.
The result of this is someone who is in search for
their glasses, while the glasses are sitting on their

It is also very disappointing. Imagine an empath

being born in the letting-go state and following a
path where he is told, that he needs to let go.
This empath will feel like a failure and struggle his
whole life trying to learn the „10 golden rules of
letting-go“, all the time wondering what is being
talked about and not being able to understand.
What empaths really need, is an explanation and
description of what is going on here, and where
they stand on their journey.
Since Love is the cosmic constant and soothes the
overstimulated nervous system of the empath, it’s
also the prime remedy.

Empaths need confirmation more than a ready

made plan or path.
They need to learn, that they have totally different
goals and tasks to accomplish here on earth. They
already come fully en-Light-ened and bring this
Light into the 3D plane.
Another way of putting it is, that the empath is
following the path of embodiment, while the
narcissist is following the path of enlightenment.
Or while the narcissist is about to learn to
transcend his ego, the empath must learn, how to
live with an ego and be a spiritual guide to it and
the body.
This is the up and down of life - the Yin and Yang.

Since there are not many teachings out there yet

that are „empath teachings“, the reverse „danger“
for narcissists to become involved in an empaths
paths is minor.
This would for example mean, that a teaching
about self-confidence for empaths would lead to
pure arrogance and real egotism for a narcissist.
As I said, this is not likely to happen…

This is only a very small excerpt of what could

easily become many books on this topic. I hope I
could (at least a tiny bit) explain these different
paths and you are getting the main points.
As an empath who has followed many narcissist
paths (since there were no alternatives) myself, it’s
my passion to bring this knowledge to as many
people as possible. Also most of my articles have
this basic difference as a (hidden) topic and
involve deeper reflections on its parts.

Please let me know in the comments, if I managed

to bring some clarity to it or you are now more
confused than ever before.  

Here you can find the other parts of „The Truth

Uncovered“ series:
Part 1 „It’s not all love & light. The real meaning of
the shadow.“
Part 2 „The Power of Intention“

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