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Sample Questions on International Humanitarian Law

1. Discuss the role of Non-State Actors in the Application of International Humanitarian

Law (IHL).
2. Explain the various provisions under the Geneva Conventions of 1949 dealing with
national implementation mechanisms.
3. Define International Criminal Court. Discuss its salient features and jurisdiction.
4. International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) plays a pivotal role in protecting
detainees and restoring family links. Discuss.
5. Discuss the state responsibility under International Humanitarian Law (IHL).
6. Explain the importance of Additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions, 1949.
7. Discuss the reasons for the growth of International Criminal Courts. .
8. Write a note on the evolution of International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC).
9. Discuss the provisions of International Humanitarian Law which deal with Return of
10. How are Hybrid Courts different from the Ad-Hoc-Courts and International Criminal
Court? What are the shortcomings of the Hybrid Court? Discuss.
11. Discuss the principle of 'Individual Criminal Responsibility.'
12. Discuss the role of ICRC in protection of civilians and detainees during war.
13. Write a note on Red Crescent movement.
14. Discuss the responsibility of armed forces in application of IHL.
15. What are the methods of implementing IHL ? Describe briefly.
16. What is International Humanitarian Law? Discuss the conditions in which it is
17. Critically examine the main features of the four Geneva Conventions of 1949.
18. What are the Protective Amblems? How are they protected under the IHL?
19. What are the circumstances under which captivity can legitimately be terminated as
per the provisions of Geneva Convention of 1949 ?
20. Discuss the relationship between International Humanitarian Law and Refugee Law.
21. Discuss the various institutional mechanism available for the application of
International Humanitarian Law.
22. What is NGO? Discuss the Role of NGO’s in peace making and conflict prevention
23. Discuss the role of ICRC in protecting civilians and detainee during war.
24. Discuss the “Just War Doctrine’ as limit to the means and method of Warfare and
protection of environment under the traditional Asian humanitarian Law.
25. Write a detailed note on International Humanitarian Law and the Protection of
Cultural Property
26. Write an elaborative note on Protection of Civilian Population
27. Discuss the issues Relating to the Evolution of Proportionality in Attack
28. Discuss the problem of Child soldiers in South Asia.
29. Discuss the role of UN Security Council in upholding IHL Principles during Non-
international Armed Conflicts during last Decade.
30. Write short notes on the following topics:-
1. National Implementation of IHL.
2. Nuremberg Principles.
3. Rome Statute.
4. Ethinic Cleansing.
5. Ottawa Treaty.
6. Watchdog function of ICRC.
7. Challenges faced by ICRC.
8. Leiber Code
9. Reparations.
10. Individual Criminal Responsibility.
11. International Criminal Law.
12. International Crimes.
13. The International Commission of Jurist
14. Define the term 'Genocide.'
15. Central Tracing Agency.
16. International Non - Governmental Organisations (INGOs).
17. Protection of cultural property.
18. Hybrid Courts.
19. Nuremberg Tribunal.
20. Military Necessity.
21. Spy.
22. Principle of Distinction.
23. Principle of Inviolability.
24. The Guardian Angel functions of ICRC.
25. Common Article 3 of Geneva Conventions.
26. Role of Amnesty International.
27. Ad Hoc Tribunals.
28. Role of ICRC in Dissemination of IHL to Arm and Security Forces
29. Child Soldiers.
30. Hindu Religion and IHL.

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