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PLANI MËSIMOR 2018-2019 Shtepia botuese “express



Lenda Anglisht
Klasa V
Struktura e programit
35 javex 3 ore = 105 ore 100%
Njohuri te reja 54 ore 69%
Perpunim njohurish 36 ore 31% (10o.l)

By the end of chapter 0 the pupil will be able:

-to tell the time and numbers
-to learn common phrases used in the classroom

By the end of chapter 1 the pupil will be able:

-to learn school subjects and days of the week
-to understand timetables and ask and answer Where? Questions
-to introduce themselves
-to know the subject and object pronouns
-to write an e-mail to a pen pal
By the end of chapter 2 the pupil will be able:
-to create sentences using demonstrative pronouns and the verb “have got”
-to ask and answer questions about a person’s appearance
-to act out a dialogue
-to improve the reading skills
-to practice grammar through exercises
By the end of chapter 3 the pupil will be able:
-to learn ordinal numbers and possessive adjectives
-to use “some\any” correctly
-to identify registers and speakers
-to be familiar to role playing
By the end of chapter 4 the pupil will be able:
-to describe their family members
-to infer information from a picture
-to talk about daily routine using the present simple
-to consolidate vocabulary and sentence structure through role-playing
-to improve pupil’s speaking and writing skills
By the end of chapter 5 the pupil will be able:
-to use correctly the adverbs of frequency
-to talk through pictures
-to learn new vocabulary and practice pronunciation
-to prepare a short quiz about insects
By the end of chapter 6 the pupil will be able:
-to make the # between present simple and continuous
-to say by heart the months and the seasons
-to consolidate vocabulary and grammar through writing an e-mail
-to describe clothes
By the end of chapter 7 the pupil will be able:
-to ask and answer questions using the past simple
-to identify sequence words in a biography
-to write a short biography
-to research information
-to practice grammar through exercises
- To practice the use of past simple tense.
By the end of chapter 8 the pupil will be able:
-to know the past simple irregular verbs
-to create dialogues using the countable\uncountable nouns
-to enrich their vocabulary on the food and drink
-to develop research skills
By the end of chapter 9 the pupil will be able:
-to consolidate understanding of everyday English by translating the texts into their native language
-to learn new vocabulary about types of films
-to write a film review
-to read a map and identify location of shops
-to learn the leisure activities
By the end of chapter 10 the pupil will be able:
-to use correctly the future forms” going to\present continuous”
-to write about their plans for the weekend
-to read signs and practice “can\can’t: must\mustn’t”
-to understand the use of the informal language
-to consolidate understanding of the use of the present continuous through role-playing
- to write a leaflet about endangered animals

Tabela përmbledhëse e programit analitik

35 jave x 3ore = 150 ore
Njohuri te reja = 54 ore
Perpunim njohurish = 36 ore
Ore te lira = 10 ore

Nr. i Kapitulli Tema mësimore për çdo orë mësimi Lloji Komente

1 Module 0 Starter – Welcome to shcool

2 Numbers And Colours
3 Module 1 Unit 1:School days + School
4 First day
5 Write soon + Culture corner
6 Hello+ Curricular cut
7 Self check
8 Activity book
9 Module 2 Unit 2My favorites + Favorite character
10 Vocabulary
11 My things
12 Plurals
13 My collection Ol.1
14 This/ That
15 Souvenirs
16 Here you are!
17 English speaking countries
18 Self Check
19 Module 3 At Home in England
20 What’s it like?
21 Some, any
22 Possessive adjectives
23 My Bedroom
24 Prepositions of Place

25 Free hour 1 Project 1 Topic Brainstorming Ol.2

26 Haunted Castles of Britain

27 Let’s go in
28 Art and Designe
29 Self Check
30 Activity Book
31 My Family / Can, possessive
32 Module 4 Day in, day out / present simple
33 Famous People
34 Prepositions of Time
35 American Tv Families
36 Who’s who?
37 My Family
38 Self Check
39 Activity Book
40 World animals/ Adverbs of frequency
41 Module 5 Wild animals/ Question words
42 My Pet
43 Furry Friends
44 Activity book
45 What’s the matter ? Ol 3
46 Science
47 Self Check
48 Activity Book
49 Reinforcement / Revision of Knowledge
50 Test
51 Year After year
52 Module 6 Present Continuous
53 Dress Right / Present Continuous questions
54 It’s fun / Pr Simple VS Pr Continuous
55 The Alaskan Climate / Sounds Great
56 What weather
57 Self Check
58 Activity book
59 Project 2– Save the Lofty trees (gathering information) Ol 4
60 Module 7 Hall of Fame
61 Was / Were
62 Mythsand legends
63 Grammar- past simple
64 Stars
65 Past Simple – Questions
66 Activity Book
67 Celebrations/ Irregular verbs
68 Festive Food
69 Countable & uncountable nouns
70 Project 3 Save the Lofty Trees Organizing Ideas OL5
71 It was fantastic!
72 Thanksgiving
73 Enjoy your meal
74 Activity Book
75 Danger, keep out!
76 Self Check
78 Activity book
79 Project 4 Presentations OL6
80 Module 8 Going Shopping
81 Articles a/an & the
82 Lets Go !
83 Must, Mustn’t
84 Don’t miss it
85 London Landmarks
86 Activity book
87 Turn Left
88 Citizenship
89 Self check
90 Activity Book
91 Revision of knowledge
92 Module 9 Travel and leisure
93 Project 5 Presentations OL7
94 Grammar – Going to
95 The imperative
96 Safety first
97 See you
98 Grammar Consolidation OL 8
99 Activity Book
100 Module10 Can / Can’t , permission
101 Scotland
102 Join Me

103 Safe Camping & Self Check

104 Revission of Knowledge OL 9

105 Final Test OL 10

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