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Describe in your own words, what attracts you to South Australia (why do you

want to live in South Australia)?

The government of South Australia welcomes all the skilled new migrants by helping
them get employed or establish a new business. The government also ensures that we
settle in quickly by providing all the essential information and help needed. There are
many programs specially designed for the new migrants which provide assistance in
seeking employment.

lmmigration to South Australia is the most crucial and esteemed decision in my life.
I want a change in lifestyle. I want to provide my family a far upgraded and a worthy
lifestyle and also a good living like what is there in South Australia. SA is a fabulous
place to work and raise a family, with a very rich food culture, multi-cultural activities,
great schools, long beaches, old churches, beautiful landscapes, adventurous holiday
destinations like the kangaroo islands, parks, advanced architecture, attractive shopping

The basic infra structure needed for daily living such as electricity, gas and water is
available in adequacy. The SA government makes sure that everyone has a healthy
living by providing a clean environment, a foul proof drainage system and medical
facilities that are higher technological standard. The art of transport system is in such a
way that it is safe and very much affordable to travdi. at any time of the day. Moreover
it is hassle free to travel to office and back without much tension and that's the reason
Adelaide is fondly called '20 minute city'.

SA has a very good education system with'many world reputed institutes in and around
Adelaide like Carnegie Mellon university, Cranfield university and University of Adelaide
College, which is why SA attracts students from all over the world irrespective of their
age, and also education is lot more cheaper in Adelaide than in any other cities in
Australia so I don't have to worry about providing good education to my kids and family.

The weather is one of the main reasons for easy going life prevailing in SA. The season
varies from warm summers and mild winter, whicll is very much like the same climate
in Bangalore, where I am staying for 6"fears. So it is easy to follow our daiiy routine
without much of change.

Adelaide's cost of living is comparatively less than any other cities in the list of world's
10 most livable cities by the Economist magazine. Housing rentals are affordable than
any other city in Australia with the option of living in the city or the hill side. lt feels great
to move into a city which is one among the top 10 livable cities in the world.

It was over whelming to know that many of the top most chefs have restaurants, pubs,
caf6s, bistros and hotels at Adelaide which includes the award winning or hatted
restaurants. Variety of cuisines from all over the world is available at Adelaide and all
are widely accepted.

The important part which attracted me the most was the rich and amazing culture SA
itself has, and the way people from other cultural background are accepted and made
comfortable to merge in. As my research data states 20% of the SA residents are born
overseas in around 200 countries. So it will be a great learning experience for my kids
and family to grow and lead life in a multi-.cultural state such as SA and it is because of
the friendly culture and attitude of the residents, one feels welcome in this country.

As far as the job opportunities are conceFned SA has tremendous job opportunities
with abundant openings, be it for people from ICT industry or medical industry of any
other industry. South Australia's ICT sector with 1 ,100 companies employing more than
19,000 people and generating annual revenue of about $5 billion is one of the State's
niche growth industries. lt is great to know that the employment rate is quite high. So
financial well being is taken care of by which I can provide my family a sustained top
class life.

After a lot of research work it was great to knour that the government of SA was
contributing its best for the well being bf each and everyone in SA be it the new
migrants or the residents. Every small work which is supposed to be done by the
government is done then and there. All the.departments work on first come first serve
basis which is surprising to know.

We as new migrants take life-changing decisions which will flourish into a prospering
investment in future. Keeping in mind the kind of fabulous and worthy lifestyle prevailing
in South Australia, the way new migrants are treated and accepted as one among
them. Am looking fonruard to reach there, merge in, contribute and start a new life at the

To sum it up broadly some of the key factors why I choose to settle

down in South Australia are:
r A change in lifestyle which is enviable.
o Very good infrastructure provided, which is important for a top quality of life.
o Great educational facilities from world reputed institutes.
o Better governing bodies with proper legal system.
. Abundant job opportunities which in turn will provide a good financial well being
for me and my family.
o Career groMh.
. Cost of living which comparativety less than other cities in Australia.
. Quality of tiving which second to none of the other major cities.
r Governments focus and contribution for citizens well being.
. Rich food culture
. Warm and helpfulattitude of the community.
o Excellent climate.
o Beautiful holiday destinations and natural'landscapes.
r Comparatively lower cost of living for a high lifestyle standard.

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