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For at least three decades, the Psychobiology response-produced shock-maintained behavior,

Laboratory at Harvard Medical School was rate-dependency, and much more.
a major center of discovery in behavior During its tenure, the Psychobiology Labo-
analysis. In the three articles that follow, the ratory was a powerfully stimulating training site
principals of this laboratory, Peter Dews, for many postdoctoral students, medical and
William Morse, and Roger Kelleher, are each graduate students, Research Fellows, and
the subject of retrospective appreciations visiting scientists from around the world
focusing on their contributions to behavior (e.g., Jonathan Katz, the current Behavioral
analysis. Collectively, these papers celebrate Pharmacology Editor for JEAB is an alumnus).
the unique discoveries of one of the most I had the privilege of being a Research Fellow
creative trios in the history of our field. Yet, to there in the late 1960’s, a particularly rich era
many of the current generation of behavior of discovery. Dews was exploring the complex
analysts, the names of Dews, Morse, and dynamics of fixed-interval schedules and
Kelleher may seem only vaguely familiar. Morse and Kelleher the conditions under
Perhaps some would correctly associate these which response-produced shock could main-
researchers with the early history of behavioral tain behavior. All three were testing the limits
pharmacology, but their contributions to of the rate-dependency effects of drugs, one of
behavior analysis itself may not be so easily the pillars of behavioral pharmacology. In
identified. collaboration with Al Herd in Physiology, an
With the view that the history of our field is intense program of research was underway to
the field itself, I solicited these papers by determine the potential role of contingencies
Barrett, Branch, and Zeiler in an effort to in the development and control of hyperten-
bring into the present those backgrounds to sion. A laboratory at the New England Primate
fundamental discoveries of how contingencies Center also was being established, in part, to
work and their role in understanding concepts explore drug-maintained behavior in chim-
such as reinforcement, punishment, and dis- panzees. Because visiting researchers in the lab
criminative control, as well as how contingen- had virtually complete freedom to explore
cies can modulate—indeed, determine—how their own interests, there were dozens of other
imposed consequent events affect behavior. projects ongoing. My office mate at the time,
As Zeiler’s title characterizes, the works of Jim McKearney, was then establishing himself
Dews, Morse, and Kelleher reflect a golden age as one of the most creative researchers in the
of discovery of basic phenomena in behavior history of behavioral pharmacology. Later he
analysis. The patterns and successes in their was to be a mentor to two of the contributors
work depended in part on the trio’s extremely of this set of papers, Jim Barrett and Marc
close and sensitive monitoring of ongoing Branch.
behavior, uncanny intuition about how behav- In addition to the intellectual enrichment
ior–consequence relations might work, and an inherent in the lab itself, the Medical School
unbridled willingness to try novel procedures. and the Harvard-MIT environment provided
The results of such talent, skill, and imaginative more than anyone could even begin to absorb.
dedication are revealed in the papers to follow Particularly memorable were lectures in the
and include developments and findings in shap- Physiology and Pharmacology courses in the
ing, behavior dynamics, second-order schedules, Medical School presented by David Hubel,
Torsten Wiesel, David Potter, and Ulrich
Address correspondence to: M. Jackson Marr, Georgia
Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0170 (e-mail:
Trendelenberg. Peter Dews accompanied his pharmacology lectures to the medical students
doi: 10.1901/jeab.2006.22-06 by a very simple demonstration of stimulus


control in the pigeon—the three-term contin- me a kind of epiphany regarding the beauty of
gency. He easily spoke for an hour on the behavior analysis and control as revealed by
implications of this demonstration, emphasiz- a master. In addition, as Associate Editor of
ing the role of stimulus control both in the J EAB at the time, Bill was also instrumental in
physician’s efforts at diagnosis and the ability teaching us the skills of reviewing experimen-
of patients to report their symptoms. Bill tal papers. In congruity with his skill in
Morse had major responsibility for the phar- shaping, one of the lessons he taught was to
macology labs which included behavioral give special encouragement to a young re-
experiments as well as demonstrations. One searcher, in part through being less critical of
compelling demonstration involved pigeons certain flaws. In contrast, he emphasized that
that had been trained on fixed-ratio schedules we should be particularly careful when review-
of food presentation. Bill would inject a dose ing experienced researchers—don’t let them
of pentobarbital that essentially put the birds get away with anything.
to sleep. Outside the operant chamber, he Roger Kelleher was the perfect foil for Bill,
could place a pigeon on its back on a table and the two of them had a kind of intellectual
where it would remain. Picked up and placed resonance that resulted in some of the most
in the operant chamber, however, the pigeon important discoveries ever made in behavior
would immediately begin key pecking at a very analysis. I recall Roger walking into the lab in
high rate, indeed, a rate higher than without the mornings and immediately saying to Bill,
the drug (see, e.g., Barrett, Figure 1). Thus, as ‘‘I had some good ideas last night; let’s talk
he instructed, blanket drug descriptions such about them,’’ and off they would go to Bill’s
as ‘‘depressant’’ or ‘‘stimulant’’ may have little office. One reason I had gone to this lab was
value in the face of variations in context and my interest in second-order schedules and
behavioral history. Roger was the pioneer in this area. Discussions
One of the many highlights of life in the lab with him were immensely valuable and he had
was the regular Friday afternoon ‘‘pigeon a gentle, affable, and humorous manner
meetings’’ in Peter Dews’ spacious office. Mike coupled with an enormous breadth of knowl-
Zeiler from Wellesley and Mike Harrison from edge and a penetrating intelligence. He was
Boston University were frequent attendees, very free with ideas and readily encouraged
along with occasional other notables who our own. Even after all this time, some of his
happened to be in or passing through the insights live on in my memory. Sadly, in the
Boston area. One of us might be asked to late 1970’s Roger developed a brain tumor
present the results of some current project that brought his brilliant career to a close. I
(typically, there were lots of cumulative re- have always felt that Roger’s work has not
cords unfolded for detailed inspection); the received the recognition it truly merits. Marc
discussion was often lively and certainly always Branch’s paper is, I think, a partial redress of
valuable and supportive. that lamentable condition.
But mentoring by each member of the trio Peter Dews was an utterly commanding
was in no way confined to such relatively presence, assuming immediate intellectual
formal occasions; it was a daily treat. Bill control of all around him. This had nothing
Morse, in particular, took us under his wing to do with aggressiveness or arrogance; he was
in his often subtle and cryptic manner. He had very friendly and engaging. Rather, such
a powerful economy of expression and some- control emerged from one of the most
times you were unsure if he had made formidable intellects in my experience. He
a statement or posed a question for you to appeared to grasp the most complex of
consider—either way, you knew it must be situations instantly, reducing them to the
significant. As Zeiler’s paper emphasizes, Bill simplest possible terms and making spot-on
had a special genius with shaping. I often judgments. His work has a special beauty and
watched him ‘‘play’’ with behavior as he stood elegant simplicity about it—like a fine classical
in front of a relay rack (a programming Japanese print with nothing out of place and
apparatus of old) changing some parameter not a single superfluous line. He tended to
while watching the cumulative record, or work alone and say little about any of his
shaping the performance of a squirrel monkey experiments until they were finished, then
with adroitly delivered shocks. This brought to reveal often startling results.

To most in the field, Peter would be exploring this principle, he taught us much
considered the father of behavioral pharma- about both drugs and behavior.
cology, and, as Barrett’s paper shows, the line I want to express my special thanks to the
between pharmacology and behavior for him authors of the following papers. In giving us
was blurred. He understood the deep symme- a vivid portrait of the extraordinary contribu-
try between the role of behavior in under- tions of Dews, Morse, and Kelleher, they have
standing the action of drugs and the actions of performed an invaluable service to the history
drugs in revealing properties of behavior. In of behavior analysis.

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