Chapter Test Matching Type

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Match Column A to Column B by writing the letter of your answer before the Number.

__________1. Also known as distracters or foil a. Choices/Options

__________2. Is correct answer b. Stem
__________3. Represents the problem or question usually expressed in c. Selection Type or

completion form or question form Objective Test Item

d. Incorrect Options or
__________4. is used to measure knowledge outcomes and other types of
learning outcomes such as comprehension and
e. Knowledge
f. Distracters
__________5. The multiple-choice test, matching type test and the true or
g. Comprehension
false type test are _________.
h. Objective and
__________6. It should be listed vertically not horizontally. Subjective Test Item
__________7. This should be written in question form or completion i. Multiple-choice Test
form. j. none of the above and
__________8. This should be equally popular to all examinees. all of the above
__________9. The two general types of test item to use in achievement k. Keyed Option

test using paper and pencil test. l. Kinds of Objective

Type Test
__________10. Is defined as one for which the scoring rules are so specific

that they do not allow scorers to make subjective

inferences or judgments.
Match Column A to Column B by writing the letter of your answer before the Number.

_____Incorrect Options or Alternatives_____1. Also known as distracters or foil

____Keyed Option______2. Is correct answer
_____Stem_____3. Represents the problem or question usually expressed in completion form or question
_Multiple-choice Test___4. is used to measure knowledge outcomes and other types of learning outcomes
such as comprehension and applications.
___ Kinds of Objective Type Test ______5. The multiple-choice test, matching type test and the true or
false type are the ______.
____Choices/Options____6. It should be listed vertically not horizontally.
_____Stem____7. This should be written in question form or completion form.
_____Distracters____8. This should be equally popular to all examinees.
_____ Objective Test Item and Subjective Test Item____9. The two general types of test item to use in
achievement test using paper and pencil test.
____Selection Type or Objective Test Item____10. Is defined as one for which the scoring rules are so
specific that they do not allow scorers to make subjective inferences or judgments.

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