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Lydia Russell

English II 1201-505

Mrs. Stalbird

26 June, 2019

Annotated Bibliography

My essay will go into depth on the importance of preventing suicide in children and

young adults. I will answer the question of how do parents and school employees prevent and

educate teens on depression and suicide. Also how does social media and peer social groups

provide a foundation to bully those who aren't apart of the acceptable social groups?

Allen, James. “Suicide Prevention—We Know What to Do, but Will We Do It?” American

Journal of Public Health, vol. 109, no. 5, May 2019, pp. 668–670. EBSCOhost,


James Allen is with the Department of Family Medicine and Bio behavioral Health and

the Memory Keepers Medical Discovery Team of American Indian and Rural Health Equity.

This piece is coming from the University of Minnesota Medical School. To address the need for

suicide prevention this author shares a success story on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation

lowering the suicide rate. After the work of the reservation suicide death rates decreased 38.3%,

with a 23% decrease among 15- to 24-yearold individuals, and suicide attempts also declined.

With the right guidance and support group people can make a difference in every community.

The Apache Indiana’s mental health practice can work for all populations if awareness is spread

of their work and success. This article will benefit my essay when addressing ways to prevent
suicide. It will also help explain ways to maintain a good mental state even with negative

attention around.

Godlasky, Anne, and Alia E. Dastagir. “Suicide Rate up 33% in Less than 20 Years, Yet Funding

Lags behind Other Top Killers.” USA Today, Gannett Satellite Information Network, 21

Dec. 2018,


Godlasky and Dastagir are both apart of USA Today and have done their research on lack

of government funding to a leading cause of death, suicide. They claim that lack of funding to

prevent suicide allows scientific researchers to see prevention of suicide “infancy” to the point

where they would rather research other causes of death instead. For example Americans are

twice more likely to die by suicide than homicide, yet you find that homicide finds its way to the

news more than the 47,000 suicides did in 2017. Five times more money is being spent on sleep

study than suicide, suicide being the 10th leading cause of death. I plan to use this article to show

the importance of acting against suicide and preventing more to come. Maybe if schools, parents,

doctors, and scientist could see the harmful spread of suicide they would began education to

prevent it more often.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. “About Suicide.” AFSP, American Foundation for Suicide

Prevention, 7 Sept. 2017,

American Foundation of Suicide Prevention is an organization that uses many different

resources to educate, prevent, and help those in need. The organization is not just for those who

need help with thoughts of suicide, but also for families, friends, teachers and more. It is there to

prevent suicide. So it has to be available to everyone, because no one is safe from being the
effects of a suicide. When visiting their website you can find statistics, personal stories, warning

signs, treatment and more. It has a wide range of resources. Schools could use this site to

education themselves and students before a life is lost. Using this as a reference will give my

essay a positive outlook on help that is accessible to minors of all ages. Majority of minors have

access to the web and this site is very easy to navigate.

“SEIZE THE AWKWARD.” Seize The Awkward - Talking to Your Friends about Mental Health

and How to Help,


Seize The Awkward is a movement that the men and women of the American Foundation

of Suicide Prevention have created for the youth. It is a spin off to their official website. This site

is made for teens and young adults. They lay out is teen friendly, and it shows real events that are

happening all around them. Seize the Awkward demonstrates moments in relationships when

you start notice someone is changing, when they isolate themselves, talk less, and become

depressed. It shows the signs and how important it is to simply ask a friend how they are doing,

or telling them that you are there for them. Simple reassurance can change someone’s outlook on

life and Seize the Awkward teachers young teens the importance of this issue. I will use this

website to explain that teens need to know about suicide and prevention in their peers in order to

help them. Also I will show that social media can be used for good in high schools and not just

an outlet for bullying.

“‘Suicide Is Preventable’: Public Health Advocates Push to End Stigma After Parkland &

Newtown Deaths.” Free Speech TV,

Suicide prevention expert Kelly Posner Gerstenhaber from Columbia University speaks

on Free Speech TV addressing the issues on waiting too late to introduce children and teens to

preventing suicide. She explains that all we have to do to help fight suicide is ask. Saying that

she is addressing we need to become less numb to suicide and depression in the United States.

Doing so we can open ours eyes and see our very own peers that are struggling. When we are

capable of that we can ask them how they are, what we can do to help. We can be there for those

in need if we are less susceptible to their mental behaviors. Young adults need to be taught the

signs and shown how to appropriately help others. When using this as a reference I can show my

peers the importance of learning, and the importance of becoming involved in the community

like Dr. Ponser in Parkland to spread awareness.

Suicide Prevention Lifeline. “We Can All Prevent Suicide.” Lifeline, Vibrant Emotional Health,

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is funded by the federal Substance Abuse and

Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and administered by Vibrant Emotional

Health. Their goal is to better our mental health though awareness, treatment, support, and

education. “Anyone could be struggling with suicide” This is the headline of the site and then

below are categories that list every different type of person that has had thoughts of suicide. With

that it shows the different types of help that each specific individual would need. Whether that be

help with bullying, home life, trauma, and or drug abuse and more. This reference is used by

anybody looking for help and guidance. Get help, learn, and get involved. I can use this reference

to show that preventing suicide is not just for those that are struggling with thoughts but the

whole community. In order to improve and save lives we all need to do our part in learning and

getting involved too.

Surachai Chaniang, et al. “Perceptions of Adolescents, Teachers and Parents towards Causes and

Prevention of Suicide in Secondary School Students in Chiang Mai.” Pacific Rim

International Journal of Nursing Research, vol. 23, no. 1, Jan. 2019, pp. 47–

60. EBSCOhost,

Surachai Chaniang has his PhD in Nursing and is a part of the faculty of nursing at

Chiang Mai University in Thailand , and Boromarajonani College of Nursing Nakhon Phanom

University in Thailand. He and his colleges have been researching suicide prevention in

adolescences. Adolescent suicide has become a major mental health concern globally, including

in Thailand. This descriptive study looked into the perceptions of adolescents, teachers and

parents towards causes and prevention of suicide in their schools. It shows us that there is a

stigma that goes along with the topic of suicide and parents and teacher’s first reactions are to be

quiet about the topic rather than spreading the word and teaching how to overcome it. Suicide is

a worldwide thing, so when doing my research I can’t just look at the United States. I have to

look at the issue and where it is happening, which is everywhere including Thailand.

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