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Major Topics:

1. Solving a single non-linear equation

a) Locating root of f(x) = 0.
b) Bisection Method (description and application).
c) Newton-Ralphson Methd (development and application)
d) Secant Method (development and application)
e) Regula-False Method (development and application)

2. Solving systems of linear equations

a) Gauss Elimination Method (of linear algebra) NOT PART OF EXAM
b) Iterative Methods for diagonally dominant linear systems:
i) Gauss-Jacobi Method (application)
ii) Gauss-Seidal Method (application)

3. Techniques of interpolation
a) Linear Interpolation from Calculus NOT PART OF EXAM
b) Lagrange Interpolating Polynomial (application)
c) Newton’s Divided Difference Interpolating Polynomial (development and application)
d) Newton’s Forward Difference Interpolating Polynomial (development and application)
e) Bezier Curves (second & third degree application)
f) Least Square Approximation (development and application)

4. Numerical Integration (Newton-Cote’s Formulas)

a) Trapezoidal Rule (development and application)
b) Simpson’s 1/3 formula (development and application)
c) Simpson’s 3/8 Formula (development and application)

5. Initial Value Problems

a) Simple Euler’s Method (development and application)
b) Modified Euler’s Method (development and application)
c) Runge-Kutta Methods NOT PART OF EXAM

Structure of Exam Paper:

FROM (1) ABOVE Two Questions each having 2 or 3 parts

FROM (2) ABOVE One question containing 2 parts

FROM (3) ABOVE Three Questions each having 2 or 3 parts

FROM (4) ABOVE One question containing 2 parts

FROM (5) ABOVE One question containing 2 parts


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