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Tensor Products

Positive Self Adjoint Maps

Gram Matrices

Positive Definite Mappings

Kevin James

Kevin James Positive Definite Mappings

Tensor Products
Positive Self Adjoint Maps
Gram Matrices

Suppose that U, V are vector spaces over a field K . Then, we define the
tensor product U ⊗ V of U and V as follows
1 Set H = a (u
1≤j≤s jk j ⊗ v k ) | s, t ∈ N; u j ∈ U; v k ∈ V

Kevin James Positive Definite Mappings

Tensor Products
Positive Self Adjoint Maps
Gram Matrices

Suppose that U, V are vector spaces over a field K . Then, we define the
tensor product U ⊗ V of U and V as follows
1 Set H = a (u
1≤j≤s jk j ⊗ v k ) | s, t ∈ N; uj ∈ U; v k ∈ V
 

 (u1 + u2 ) ⊗ v − u1 ⊗ v − u2 ⊗ v , 
u1 , u2 , u ∈ U,
 
u ⊗ (v1 + v2 ) − u ⊗ v1 − u ⊗ v2 ,

2 N = Span  v1 , v2 , v ∈ V ,
 

 α(u ⊗ v ) − (αu) ⊗ v , α ∈ K

α(u ⊗ v ) − u ⊗ (αv )
 

Kevin James Positive Definite Mappings

Tensor Products
Positive Self Adjoint Maps
Gram Matrices

Suppose that U, V are vector spaces over a field K . Then, we define the
tensor product U ⊗ V of U and V as follows
1 Set H = a (u
1≤j≤s jk j ⊗ v k ) | s, t ∈ N; uj ∈ U; v k ∈ V
 

 (u1 + u2 ) ⊗ v − u1 ⊗ v − u2 ⊗ v , 
u1 , u2 , u ∈ U,
 
u ⊗ (v1 + v2 ) − u ⊗ v1 − u ⊗ v2 ,

2 N = Span  v1 , v2 , v ∈ V ,
 

 α(u ⊗ v ) − (αu) ⊗ v , α ∈ K

α(u ⊗ v ) − u ⊗ (αv )
 

3 U ⊗ V = H/N.

Kevin James Positive Definite Mappings

Tensor Products
Positive Self Adjoint Maps
Gram Matrices

Suppose that U, V are vector spaces over a field K with bases
{u1 , . . . , un } and {v1 , . . . , vm } respectively. Then the tensor product
U ⊗ V is a vector space over K with basis {ui ⊗ vj }1≤i≤n,1≤j≤m .


Kevin James Positive Definite Mappings

Tensor Products
Positive Self Adjoint Maps
Gram Matrices

Suppose that U, V are vector spaces over a field K with bases
{u1 , . . . , un } and {v1 , . . . , vm } respectively. Then the tensor product
U ⊗ V is a vector space over K with basis {ui ⊗ vj }1≤i≤n,1≤j≤m .


Suppose that U ∼
= Span(1, x, . . . , x n ) and V ∼
= Span(1, y , . . . , y m ). Then
U ⊗V ∼ k `
= Span(x y }0≤k≤n;0≤`≤m .

Kevin James Positive Definite Mappings

Tensor Products
Positive Self Adjoint Maps
Gram Matrices

Suppose that U, V are vector spaces over a field K with bases
{u1 , . . . , un } and {v1 , . . . , vm } respectively. Then the tensor product
U ⊗ V is a vector space over K with basis {ui ⊗ vj }1≤i≤n,1≤j≤m .


Suppose that U ∼
= Span(1, x, . . . , x n ) and V ∼
= Span(1, y , . . . , y m ). Then
U ⊗V ∼ k `
= Span(x y }0≤k≤n;0≤`≤m .

dimK (U ⊗ V ) = dimK (U) dimK (V ).

Kevin James Positive Definite Mappings

Tensor Products
Positive Self Adjoint Maps
Gram Matrices

The map φ : U ⊗ V → Hom(U 0 , V ) defined by φ(u ⊗ v )(`) = `(u)v ,
where ` ∈ U 0 is an isomorphsim.

Kevin James Positive Definite Mappings

Tensor Products
Positive Self Adjoint Maps
Gram Matrices

The map φ : U ⊗ V → Hom(U 0 , V ) defined by φ(u ⊗ v )(`) = `(u)v ,
where ` ∈ U 0 is an isomorphsim.

 U =K and V = K m
 we have

u1 v1 v1
 ..   ..   . 
 .  ⊗  .  7→  ..  [ u1 ... um ]
un vm vm

Under this map ei ⊗ ej maps to Eij .

Kevin James Positive Definite Mappings

Tensor Products
Positive Self Adjoint Maps
Gram Matrices

If U, V are Euclidean spaces, we note that U 0 = U and we may define an
inner product on L(U,PV) which is isomorphic to U ⊗ V by
(M, L) = tr(L∗ M) = i,j `¯ji mji .

Kevin James Positive Definite Mappings

Tensor Products
Positive Self Adjoint Maps
Gram Matrices

If U, V are Euclidean spaces, we note that U 0 = U and we may define an
inner product on L(U,PV) which is isomorphic to U ⊗ V by
(M, L) = tr(L∗ M) = i,j `¯ji mji .
Then ||M|| = ij |mij |2 .

Kevin James Positive Definite Mappings

Tensor Products
Positive Self Adjoint Maps
Gram Matrices

If U, V are Euclidean spaces, we note that U 0 = U and we may define an
inner product on L(U,PV) which is isomorphic to U ⊗ V by
(M, L) = tr(L∗ M) = i,j `¯ji mji .
Then ||M|| = ij |mij |2 .

In the above situation, {Eij | 1 ≤ i ≤ n, 1 ≤ j ≤ m} is an orthonormal
basis for L(U, V).

Kevin James Positive Definite Mappings

Tensor Products
Positive Self Adjoint Maps
Gram Matrices

A self-adjoint map H : X → X is positive or positive definite if
(x, Hx) > 0,∀x 6= 0. It is nonnegative or positive semi-definite, if
(x, Hx) ≥ 0. We express these as H > 0 and H ≥ 0 respectively.

Kevin James Positive Definite Mappings

Tensor Products
Positive Self Adjoint Maps
Gram Matrices

A self-adjoint map H : X → X is positive or positive definite if
(x, Hx) > 0,∀x 6= 0. It is nonnegative or positive semi-definite, if
(x, Hx) ≥ 0. We express these as H > 0 and H ≥ 0 respectively.

Let X be a Euclidean space.
1 The identity map I is positive.
2 If M, N > 0, then M + N > 0 and if a > 0, aM > 0.
3 If H > 0 and Q is invertible, then Q ∗ HQ > 0.
4 H > 0 if and only if all of its eigenvalues are positive.
5 If H > 0, then H is invertible.
6 Every positie map has a unique positive square root.
7 The set of positive maps is an open subset of the space of
self-adjoint maps.
8 The boundary points of the set of positive maps are the nonnegative
maps that are not positive.
Kevin James Positive Definite Mappings
Tensor Products
Positive Self Adjoint Maps
Gram Matrices

We define a partial order on the set of self-adjoint maps as follows. We
say that M < N provided that N − M > 0.
We say that M ≤ N provided that N − M ≥ 0.

Kevin James Positive Definite Mappings

Tensor Products
Positive Self Adjoint Maps
Gram Matrices

We define a partial order on the set of self-adjoint maps as follows. We
say that M < N provided that N − M > 0.
We say that M ≤ N provided that N − M ≥ 0.

1 M1 < N1 and M2 < N2 ⇒ M1 + M2 < N1 + N2 .

2 L < M < N ⇒ L < N.

3 M < N and Q, invertible ⇒ Q ∗ MQ < Q ∗ NQ.

Kevin James Positive Definite Mappings

Tensor Products
Positive Self Adjoint Maps
Gram Matrices

We define a partial order on the set of self-adjoint maps as follows. We
say that M < N provided that N − M > 0.
We say that M ≤ N provided that N − M ≥ 0.

1 M1 < N1 and M2 < N2 ⇒ M1 + M2 < N1 + N2 .

2 L < M < N ⇒ L < N.

3 M < N and Q, invertible ⇒ Q ∗ MQ < Q ∗ NQ.

Suppose that 0 < M < N. Then M −1 > N −1 > 0.

Kevin James Positive Definite Mappings

Tensor Products
Positive Self Adjoint Maps
Gram Matrices

The product of self-adjoint maps is in general, not self-adjoint.

Kevin James Positive Definite Mappings

Tensor Products
Positive Self Adjoint Maps
Gram Matrices

The product of self-adjoint maps is in general, not self-adjoint.

1 2 1 −2 1
Let A = and B = and x = .
2 5 −2 5 0
1 1
Ax = , Bx = .
2 −2
So, (x, ABx) = (Ax, Bx) = −3.

Kevin James Positive Definite Mappings

Tensor Products
Positive Self Adjoint Maps
Gram Matrices

If A, B are self-adjoint, define their symmetrized product as
S = AB + BA.

Kevin James Positive Definite Mappings

Tensor Products
Positive Self Adjoint Maps
Gram Matrices

If A, B are self-adjoint, define their symmetrized product as
S = AB + BA.

(x, Sx) = (x, ABx) + (x, BAx) = (Ax, Bx) + (Bx, Ax).
It is not in general true that S > 0 whenever A > 0, B > 0. Consider the
previous example to see this.

Kevin James Positive Definite Mappings

Tensor Products
Positive Self Adjoint Maps
Gram Matrices

If A, B are self-adjoint, define their symmetrized product as
S = AB + BA.

(x, Sx) = (x, ABx) + (x, BAx) = (Ax, Bx) + (Bx, Ax).
It is not in general true that S > 0 whenever A > 0, B > 0. Consider the
previous example to see this.

Let A, B be self-adjoint. If A > 0 and AB + BA > 0, then B > 0

Kevin James Positive Definite Mappings

Tensor Products
Positive Self Adjoint Maps
Gram Matrices

If A, B are self-adjoint, define their symmetrized product as
S = AB + BA.

(x, Sx) = (x, ABx) + (x, BAx) = (Ax, Bx) + (Bx, Ax).
It is not in general true that S > 0 whenever A > 0, B > 0. Consider the
previous example to see this.

Let A, B be self-adjoint. If A > 0 and AB + BA > 0, then B > 0

√ √
If 0 < M < N, then 0 < M< N.

Kevin James Positive Definite Mappings

Tensor Products
Positive Self Adjoint Maps
Gram Matrices

Let f1 , . . . , fm be a sequence of vectors in a Euclidean space X . Define
the m × m matrix [G ]ij = (fi , fj ). This matrix is called a Gram matrix of
f1 , . . . , fm .

Kevin James Positive Definite Mappings

Tensor Products
Positive Self Adjoint Maps
Gram Matrices

Let f1 , . . . , fm be a sequence of vectors in a Euclidean space X . Define
the m × m matrix [G ]ij = (fi , fj ). This matrix is called a Gram matrix of
f1 , . . . , fm .

1 Every Gram matrix is non-negative.

2 The Gram matrix of a set of linearly independent vectors is positive.

3 Every positive matrix is a Gram matrix.

Kevin James Positive Definite Mappings

Tensor Products
Positive Self Adjoint Maps
Gram Matrices

Let f1 , . . . , fm be a sequence of vectors in a Euclidean space X . Define
the m × m matrix [G ]ij = (fi , fj ). This matrix is called a Gram matrix of
f1 , . . . , fm .

1 Every Gram matrix is non-negative.

2 The Gram matrix of a set of linearly independent vectors is positive.

3 Every positive matrix is a Gram matrix.


Kevin James Positive Definite Mappings

Tensor Products
Positive Self Adjoint Maps
Gram Matrices

Theorem (Schur)
Let A = (aij ) and B = (bij ) be positive matrices. Then M = (mij ) given
by mij = aij bij is positive.

Kevin James Positive Definite Mappings

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