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ISMS 2019

Summary of Talks

Color definitions/notes:
Things to look up in green
uhhh...and i guess that’s it for now



Laser Cooling of Molecules: Towards Ultracold Symmetric and Chiral Species

(John Doyle, Harvard):
Atomic, molecular and optical → AMO
Why cold molecules: access discrete quantum states and also minimizes line widths. (Like
Method: buffer gas cooling (use helium gas to collisionally slow molecules). → touches on
uses of cold atoms.
Eckhart Potential
Hierarchy Problem
Degrees of cold:
1K 10−3 K 10−6 K
Matter in universe Ultracold collisions Quantum simulations


Pseudo Jahn Teller Effect Metal Alkoxides Interest from case where SO coupling much
larger than JT coupling (SO vs PseudoJT)
Vibronic structure helps explain this.
CaOCH3 (X2A1), decently high A state. SO split about 67 cm-1.
matrix constructed from PSJ coupling (off diagonal) and something else...
Use 2 approraches to simplifying hamiltonian matrix – both make 3x3 a 2x2 using replace-
ments, or make some approximations.
So in essence the theory did not account for PJT and SO, but with re-worked matrix it
agrees quite well!

Why does OH absorb broadly in IR?

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