GAS Carrier

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Original Studies

Group A Streptococcal Carriage and Seroepidemiology in

Children up to 10 Years of Age in Australia
Helen S. Marshall, MD,*†‡ Peter Richmond, FRACP,§¶ Michael Nissen, MB BS,‖** Stephen Lambert, PhD,‖**
Robert Booy, MD,††‡‡ Graham Reynolds, FRACP,§§ Shite Sebastian, PhD,¶¶ Michael Pride, PhD,¶¶
Kathrin U. Jansen, PhD,¶¶ Annaliesa S. Anderson, PhD,¶¶ and Ingrid L. Scully, PhD¶¶

Key Words: Group A streptococcus, carriage, anti-streptococcal C5a pepti-

Background: Group A streptococci (GAS) and other β-hemolytic
dase gene, GAS vaccines, acute rheumatic fever, children
­streptococci (BHS) cause pharyngitis, severe invasive disease and seri-
ous nonsuppurative sequelae including rheumatic heart disease and post (Pediatr Infect Dis J 2015;34:831–838)
streptococcal glomerulonephritis. The aim of this study was to assess
­carriage rates and anti-streptococcal C5a peptidase (anti-SCP) IgG levels
and identify epidemiologic factors related to carriage or seropositivity in
Australian children.
Methods: A throat swab and blood sample were collected for microbio-
logical and serological analysis (anti-SCP IgG) in 542 healthy children aged
G roup A Streptococcus (GAS) and occasionally other
β-hemolytic Streptococcus species (BHS) are the etiologic
agents of the common childhood infections, streptococcal phar-
0–10 years. Sequence analysis of the SCP gene was performed. Serological yngitis and impetigo. GAS and other BHS [which include Group
analysis used a competitive Luminex Immunoassay designed to preferen- B Streptococcus (GBS)] occasionally cause more severe disease,
tially detect functional antibody. such as septicemia, pneumonia, scarlet fever, necrotizing fascii-
Results: GAS-positive culture prevalence in throat swabs was 5.0% (range tis, toxic shock syndrome and immune-mediated sequelae, such
0–10%), with the highest rate in 5 and 9 years old children. The rate of as glomerulonephritis and acute rheumatic fever.1,2 Over the past
non-GAS BHS carriage was low (<1%). The scp gene was present in all 22 3 decades, there appears to have been a resurgence of severe inva-
isolates evaluated. As age of child increased, the rate of carriage increased; sive GAS infections, such as streptococcal toxic shock syndrome
odds ratio, 1.14 (1.00, 1.29); P = 0.50. Geometric mean anti-SCP titers and necrotizing fasciitis with high-case fatality rates at 36% and
increased with each age-band from 2 to 7 years, then plateaued. Age, geo- 24%, respectively.3 The reason for this is unknown but may partly
graphic location and number of children within the household were signifi- be because of emergence of more virulent strains.4–6
cantly associated with the presence of anti-SCP antibodies. Globally, there are over 100 million prevalent cases of pyo-
Conclusions: Children are exposed to GAS and other BHS at a young age, derma and over 600 million new cases of GAS pharyngitis each
which is important for determining the target age for vaccination to protect year.2–7 The burden of disease with regard to pharyngitis impacts
before the period of risk. both developed and developing countries equally. However, the

Accepted for publication February 12, 2015. Roche, Sanofi, GlaxoSmithKline group of companies, Novartis, Baxter
From the *Vaccinology and Immunology Research Trials Unit, Women’s and and Pfizer to conduct sponsored research, educational grants or to attend
Children’s Hospital, †School of Paediatrics and Reproductive Health, ‡Rob- and present at scientific meetings. R.B. also received honorarium for
inson Research Institute, University of Adelaide, North Adelaide, South delivering educational presentations. Any funding received is directed
Australia, Australia; §School of Paediatrics and Child Health, University to a research account at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead and is not
of Western Australia, ¶Vaccine Trials Group, Wesfarmers Centre of Vac- personally accepted by R.B. P.R. has received institutional funding for
cines and Infectious Diseases, Telethon Kids Institute, Subiaco, Western investigator-initiated research from GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, Novar-
Australia, Australia; ‖Queensland Paediatric Infectious Diseases Laboratory, tis, Pfizer and Merck and received travel support from Pfizer and Baxter to
Queensland Children’s Medical Research Institute, **Royal Children’s Hos- present study data at international meetings. M.N. previously directed the
pital, University of Queensland, Herston, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; Queensland Paediatric Infectious Diseases laboratory that has performed
††National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance of Vaccine the Meningococcal Antigen Testing System assay on Australian isolates
Preventable Diseases, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Westmead, causing invasive meningococcal disease on the behalf of Novartis. M.N.
‡‡Marie Bashir Institute, The University of Sydney, Sydney, New South is now an employee of GlaxoSmithKline. He has received travel support
Wales, Australia; §§Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, ANU from GSK and Pfizer for conference attendance and presentation of data of
­Medical School, The Canberra Hospital, Canberra, Australian Capital Terri- independent research at international meetings; honoraria from bioCSL,
tory, Australia; and ¶¶Pfizer Vaccine Research, Pearl River, New York. Novartis and Pfizer for educational lectures; institutional funding for
Michael Nissen, MB BS is currently at GlaxosmithKline and University of investigator initiated research from Abbott Australasia as well as been an
Queensland, Herston, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. principal investigator on vaccine and epidemiological studies sponsored
This study did not require registration on a clinical trials registry as it did not by a range of vaccine manufacturers, and in this role has received support
meet the WHO ICMJE definition for registration. for conference attendance, presentation of data and membership of vac-
H.S.M., P.R., M.N., R.B. and G.R. declare their institutions received funding cine advisory boards. M.N. is the current Chair of the Australian National
from Wyeth (now Pfizer) to complete the work disclosed in this manu- Verification Committee for Measles Eradication and a past member of
script. H.S.M. is a member of the Australian Technical Advisory Group on ATAGI. S.L. and G.R. report no other conflicts of interest. S.S., M.P.,
Immunisation and the Therapeutic Goods Administration Australian Influ- K.U.J., A.S.A. and I.S. are employed by Pfizer (Vaccine Research) and as
enza Vaccine Committee. H.S.M.’s institution (Women’s and Children’s such may own Pfizer shares. Pfizer was the funding source for the study
Hospital) has received research grants from GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, conduct. The microbiological and serological analyses were conducted by
Sanofi Pasteur and Pfizer for independent investigator led studies and on Pfizer employees. The statistical analysis and modelling of predictors was
occasion travel support for H.S.M. to present research findings. She has conducted by the non-industry investigators. No funding was provided for
previously been a member of vaccine advisory boards for GlaxoSmith- the costs associated with the development and the publishing of the pres-
Kline and Novartis. H.S.M. has not accepted or received any personal ent manuscript, which was drafted and completed by the first author with
payment. R.B.’s institution has received funding from CSL, Hoffmann–La contribution from all authors.
Address for correspondence: Helen S. Marshall, Vaccinology and Immunology
Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. Research Trials Unit, Women’s and Children’s Hospital, 72 King William
ISSN: 0891-3668/15/3408-0831 Rd, North Adelaide, 5006 South Australia, Australia. E-mail: Helen.mar-
DOI: 10.1097/INF.0000000000000745

The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal  •  Volume 34, Number 8, August 2015 | 831

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Marshall et al The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal  •  Volume 34, Number 8, August 2015

burden of serious complications or sequelae is concentrated in chil- wall and tonsillar region by a trained research nurse or doctor. The
dren in developing countries and in indigenous children in devel- throat swabs were immediately streaked onto horse blood agar
oped countries.7–12 plates within the study center microbiology departments, which
Development of a broadly effective GAS vaccine has been were then incubated at 37°C overnight and examined for the pres-
challenging. There is considerable strain diversity within and ence of colonies with zones of hemolysis typical of BHS. More
between countries, and the epidemiology of GAS is dynamic, with than one colony was checked for the presence of BHS, unless all
shifts in serotype prevalence within populations.11,13,14 The GAS M colonies appeared identical. The identity of β-haem colonies was
protein is a major virulence factor and target for vaccine develop- confirmed using the Phadebact Streptococcus Test (MKL Diag-
ment.15,16 However, the diversity of M types in circulation around nostics, Stockholm, Sweden). The Phadebact tests use the coag-
the world makes this vaccine approach difficult to enable sufficient glutination technique for confirmation of streptococcal group.
coverage. Limited data indicate that unlike what is observed in Antibodies, raised in rabbit and specific against groups A, B, C,
high-income countries in North America and Europe, there appear D, F and G streptococci, are bound to Protein A on the surface on
to be wide diversity with no dominant M types in the low-income nonviable staphylococci. When a sample containing streptococci
and middle-income countries of Africa, Asia and the Pacific.17 The belonging to one of these groups is mixed with its reagent, the spe-
26-valent M protein-based vaccine, which contains M peptides cific antigens on the surface of the streptococci bind to the corre-
from the most common serotypes in North America, is likely to sponding specific antibodies. A coagglutination lattice is formed,
provide high coverage in high-income countries, but poor coverage visible to the naked eye.
in Africa and the Pacific and only intermediate coverage in Asia and Phadebact Streptococcus tests, Strep A test, Strep B test,
the Middle East.17,18 In addition, although M proteins are present Strep D test and Strep F test are intended for the identification of
in non-GBS BHS [Group C Streptococcus (GCS)/Group G Strep- BHS belonging to groups A, B, C, D, F and G.
tococcus (GGS)], they are diverse, rendering a broadly protective Any positive culture result was reported to the treating phy-
M-based approach challenging.19–21 Therefore, other approaches sician for follow-up. BHS isolates were tested by Pfizer for the
for development of a broadly protective vaccine have been con- presence of and sequence of the scp gene. Streptococcal DNA was
sidered.22 One of a number of promising vaccine candidates is the prepared using the Qiagen DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit (Valen-
recombinant streptococcal C5a peptidase (SCP) antigen,23 which is cia, CA) with the addition of 10 mg/mL lysozyme and 100 μg/mL
conserved across BHS, and has shown preclinical efficacy against mutanolysin to the lysis buffer. A ~3.5-kb scp polymerase chain
GAS and GBS.24,25 reaction amplicon that spans the protease through the Fn3 domain
This study aimed to acquire nationally representative epide- of the open reading frame was generated using the bacterial DNA
miological data on GAS in Australia to scope the appropriate age template, oligonucleotide primers 5′-CAAATACTGTGACAGAA-
for vaccination with a potential candidate vaccine to prevent GAS GACACTCCTG-3′ and 5′-TTTGTTTTAAAGATATGA GCTAC-
infection in children. Our objectives were to describe anti-SCP TAATCCCAAG-3′, PrimeSTAR HS DNA polymerase (TaKaRa
serum IgG antibodies in relation to age and BHS carriage status in Bio, Mountain View, CA) and 30 amplification cycles (98°C × 10
children aged 0 to 10 years and to determine any epidemiological seconds/57°C × 15 seconds/72°C × 4 minutes). Polymerase chain
factors associated with carriage or seropositivity to SCP antigen to reaction products were purified using Agencourt AMPure XP
inform GAS vaccine development. beads (Beckman Coulter, Brea, CA). DNA sequence was gener-
ated using the Big Dye Terminator V3.1 sequencing kit and the
METHODS ABI 3730 sequence analyzer (Applied Biosystems, Carlsbad, CA).
The deduced amino acid sequence of SCP (residues 89–1029) was
Study Population aligned using MegAlign (DNASTAR Lasergene software).
Healthy children aged 0–10 years were recruited from 5
pediatric research centers in capital cities in Australia [Adelaide, Blood Sample Collection for Serology
South Australia (SA), Perth, Western Australia (WA), Brisbane, Blood samples were collected, and anti-C5a peptidase anti-
Queensland (Qld), Sydney, New South Wales (NSW), Canberra, body concentrations were measured using an SCP competitive
Australian Capital Territory (ACT)] between March 2007 and Luminex Immunoassay (cLIA) at Pfizer laboratories. The single-
November 2009. The study aimed to recruit 550 children, with plex SCP cLIA is a serology assay capable of detecting antibodies
each center enrolling 10 children from each year of age from 0 to to the SCP protein present in serum samples. This assay is based
10 years, with no more than 70% of the participants being male on Luminex technology platform and utilizes spectrally unique
or female. Exclusion criteria included a prior history of culture carboxylated microsphere coated with the SCP protein. Briefly,
confirmed invasive streptococcal disease, rheumatic heart disease, the SCP-coated microspheres are incubated overnight at 4°C with
glomerulonephritis, confirmed streptococcal pharyngitis or impe- appropriately diluted serum samples, controls and reference stand-
tigo within preceding month, antibiotics in the previous 3 days and ard serum. A phycoerythrin labeled mouse monoclonal antibody
known/suspected immunodeficiency condition. specific to SCP is then added to the microsphere/serum mixture,
Children were randomly recruited from the community, and following a 2-hour incubation at ambient temperature, the rea-
or children undergoing minor surgical procedures (excluding ear, gents are transferred to an opaque filter plate, where the unbound
nose and throat procedures) were recruited from a day surgical unit. components are washed using vacuum through the filter plate. The
Informed consent was obtained from parents, and demographic and fluorescent protein coupled to the SCP monoclonal antibody allows
medical history details were collected. for the measurement of antibody bound to the antigen (SCP) coated
microspheres by the Bio-Plex reader. Signals are expressed as
Collection and Testing of Pharyngeal Swabs median fluorescence intensities and read against a reference stand-
Pharyngeal swabs were collected from all enrolled partici- ard. This is a competitive assay, and the magnitude of the fluores-
pants and cultured for GAS and other BHS in the microbiology cent phycoerythrin signal is inversely proportional to the amount of
departments of participating hospitals following a standardized Ag-specific antibodies in the sample. For cLIA, the median fluores-
protocol agreed by all investigators. To collect pharyngeal sam- cence intensity data for unknown test sera and controls were gener-
ples, a dry flocculated swab was wiped across the post pharyngeal ated and converted to units per milliliter using 4-parameter logistic

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The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal  •  Volume 34, Number 8, August 2015 GAS Epidemiology

regression plots of the standard reference sera with assigned anti- and serological analysis (pharyngeal swab and blood sample availa-
body titers (10,000 U/mL) using SAS 9.1 software (SAS Institute, ble). The majority (82%) of children were Caucasian, with 4.0% of
Cary, NC). The quantitative limits of the SCP cLIA ranged from Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander (Aboriginal) origin (Table 1).
50.4 to 5895.5 U/mL.26 One center (Brisbane) enrolled a significantly higher proportion of
Aboriginal participants (10.9%; 12 of 110) than the remaining four
Statistical Analysis centers (10 of 422; 2.4%; P = 0.001)). Demographic factors includ-
Presence of potential risk factors for GAS was sought ing gender, age, history of prematurity and passive smoking were
including a history of prematurity, household tobacco smoke expo- consistent across centers.
sure, number of children in the household and previous diagnosis of
streptococcal infection in a household member. A sample size of 30 BHS isolation
participants per age-band was estimated to be sufficient to evaluate Twenty-seven children (5.0%) had GAS isolated from their
the serum antibody mean and variance. As the study was descrip- pharynx with a median age of 6 years (interquartile range: 4, 9). Non-
tive in nature, no formal sample size estimation was conducted. GAS BHS was identified in 6 children. GAS-positive culture preva-
With 5 centers participating and 50 participants enrolled in each lence ranged from 0% to 12%, with the highest values in 5 (9.6%) and
age-band, the sample size was sufficient to describe and compare 9 (12.2%) year-old children (Table 2). Positive cultures were found in
anti-SCP serum IgG antibodies in children in relation to age and each season with a predominance in spring (n = 13: summer, n = 5;
GAS carriage status. Immunogenicity and carriage data analysis autumn, n = 8; winter, n = 1). There was some variability in enrolment
were performed for descriptive purposes. Comparisons between during each season at each center, although samples were collected
groups are based on the point estimates and corresponding 95% all year round. The only age-band showing no evidence of GAS car-
confidence intervals (CIs) for each individual age group. riage was the 1 year olds; however, 2 children in this age-band had
For the immunogenicity analysis, all participants who had GGS identified. In total, 3 GGS isolates (from SA, WA, ACT) and 2
at least 1 anti-SCP IgG measurement were included in the immu- GCS isolates (from ACT) were identified. The carrier prevalence of
nogenicity analysis population. For the carriage analysis, all par- BHS was 5.7% (n = 31 of 542), with 5.0% carrying GAS (n = 27 of
ticipants who had at least 1 carriage evaluation were included in 542), 0.4% carrying GCS, 0.5% carrying GGS and no GBS isolates
the carriage analysis population. Carriage variables on throat swab identified in this cohort (Table 2). The highest GAS carriage preva-
testing included (1) GAS-positive, (2) BHS-positive (any BHS; lence occurred in SA (8.2%) and ACT (8.9%) with the lowest carriage
GAS, GCS, GGS), (3) Non-GAS BHS-positive (GCS, GGS) and prevalence of isolates identified in children enrolled in NSW (1.8%).
(4) BHS-negative. All isolates received, and from which DNA was obtainable were
Categorical variables were compared between subgroups by sequenced. Isolates (n = 20 GAS, 2 GCS) were characterized for the
using χ2 or Fisher’s exact test as appropriate. Univariate and multi- distribution and diversity of SCP. All isolates contained the gene, and
variable logistic regression was used to assess potential risk factors the minimum sequence identity between isolates was 98%. Eleven
for anti-SCP IgG seropositivity and univariate logistic regression unique alleles were detected; there was no correlation between geo-
for GAS carriage. Associations were expressed using odds ratios graphic location and SCP sequence, although numbers were small.
(OR) and 95% CIs.
Reverse cumulative distribution curves for anti-SCP con- Risk Factors for GAS carriage
centrations were determined. Statistical analyses were performed Season and age were significantly associated with GAS car-
using SAS Version 9.3 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC).27 riage on univariate analysis (Table 3). The odds of GAS carriage
This study was approved by the respective human research were 9.5 times higher in spring than winter (P = 0.031). As age
ethics committees of the participating centers. of child increased, the rate of carriage increased; OR, 1.14 (1.00,
1.29); P = 0.05. There was a trend apparent for increased risk of
RESULTS GAS carriage associated with parental smoking inside the house
[OR, 2.74 (0.89, 8.46); P = 0.078].
Total Study Population
A total of 542 healthy children aged 1 month to 10 years 5 Prematurity
months were enrolled in the study with 542 evaluable for carriage Fifty-nine infants (10.9%) were premature with a gesta-
(pharyngeal sample available) and 517 evaluable for both carriage tional age of 25–36 weeks, slightly above the proportion of preterm

TABLE 1.  Participant Demographic Characteristics and BHS Carriage Status at Each Center

Parameter Adelaide Brisbane Perth Canberra Sydney Total

Number enrolled 110 110 110 101 111 542

Median age (interquartile range) 5 (2–8) 5 (2–8) 5 (2–7) 5 (2–8) 5 (2–8) 5 (2–8)
Gender: male, % 61.8 55.5 50.9 61.4 54.9 56.8
Ethnicity: Aboriginal/ 3.6 10.9* 2.7 1.0 1.8 4.1
Torres Strait Islander, %
History of prematurity, % 9.1 15.5 10.1 7.9 18.9 12.4
GAS isolated, % 8.2 2.7 3.6 8.9 1.8 5.0
Any BHS isolated. % 9.1 4.6 4.6 10.9 1.8 6.1
No. children in household; 2.4 (1.2) 2.5 (1.2) 2.7 (1.3) 2.3 (0.9) 2.4 (1.1) 2.4 (1.2)
mean (SD)
Previous streptococcal infection 7.3 20.0* 10.9 11.9 3.6* 10.7
in household member, %
Household member smokes inside
At least 1 smoker in household, % 36.7 29.1 26.4 42.6 33.3 33.3
*Statistically significant difference in proportion compared with other 4 centers.

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Marshall et al The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal  •  Volume 34, Number 8, August 2015

TABLE 2.  Distribution of Isolates by Age of Participant (Years)

No BHS Isolate
Age (yr) n GAS, N (%) Non GAS BHS, N (%) N (%)

<1 48 1 (2.1) 0 (0.0) 47 (97.9)

1 to <2 51 0 (0.0) 2 (GGS) (3.9) 49 (96.1)
2 to <3 49 2 (4.1) 1 (GGS) (2.0) 46 (93.9)
3 to <4 49 2 (4.1) 0 (0.0) 47 (95.9)
4 to <5 48 3 (6.3) 0 (0.0) 45 (93.8)
5 to <6 52 5 (9.6) 0 (0.0) 47 (90.4)
6 to <7 53 1 (1.9) 1 (GGS) (1.9) 51 (96.2)
7 to <8 46 2 (4.3) 0 (0.0) 44 (95.7)
8 to <9 49 3 (6.1) 0 (0.0) 46 (93.9)
9 to <10 49 6 (12.2) 1 (GCS) (2.0) 42 (85.7)
10 to <11 44 2 (4.5) 1 (GCS) (2.3) 41 (93.2)
Unk 4 0 0 4 (100.0)
All 542 27 (5.0) 6 (1.1) 509 (93.9)

TABLE 3.  Risk Factors Associated with GAS Carriage in Children

Variable OR Lower 95% CI Upper 95% CI P Value

Number of children in household* 1.10 0.80 1.51 0. 552

Gender female vs. male 0.90 0.41 1.98 0.794
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander — — — —
Age category ≤3 vs. > 3 years 0.39 0.14 1.03 0.058
Age in years* 1.14 1.00 1.29 0.050
Previous diagnosis household 0.63 0.15 2.76 0.547
member yes vs. no
Inside smoking yes vs. no 2.74 0.89 8.46 0.078
Born premature yes vs. no 0.56 0.13 2. 44 0.443
Season‡ 0.175
 Autumn vs. winter 6.56 0.81 53.17 0.078
 Spring vs. winter 9.52 1.23 73.73 0.031
 Summer vs. winter 8.79 1.01 76.72 0.049
*Fitted as a continuous variable in the logistic regression model.
†Model did not converge because of no ATSI children with GAS.
‡Global P value comparing all categories quoted in first row.

infants delivered in Australia (8%).28 Although prematurity was not likely to have detectable SCP antibodies than children aged >3 years
significantly associated (Fisher’s exact P = 0.760) with a higher (OR: 0.15; 95% CI: 0.10, 0.23, P < 0.001), and each additional child
likelihood of GAS carriage, non-GAS BHS was isolated from a within the household increased the odds of the enrolled participant
greater proportion of premature children (3 of 59) than non-prema- having detectable SCP antibodies (OR: 1.51; 95% CI: 1.21, 1.88;
ture children (3 of 466; Fisher’s exact P = 0.020). Because of the P < 0.001). Children from Qld and WA were approximately twice
small number of children positive for GAS carriage (n = 25), pre- as likely to be seropositive compared with children from NSW,
maturity could not be included in the multivariate logistic regres- even when adjusted for age and the number of children within
sion model. household (Table 5).

SCP Seropositivity Carriage and Anti-SCP Antibody Titers

Of the 517 children enrolled with immunogenicity data Anti-SCP titers were significantly higher (P < 0.001) in chil-
available, 338 (65.4%) had measurable (above the lower limit of dren with GAS-positive throat cultures (2215.8 U/ml) compared
detection) anti-SCP antibodies (Fig. 1). Geometric mean anti-SCP with those with GAS-negative throat cultures (269.9 U/mL; Fig. 3).
titers increased with each age-band from 2 years (96 U/mL) to 7
years of age (1339 U/mL) and then plateaued (Fig. 1). Anti-SCP DISCUSSION
titers during the first year are likely reflected maternal antibody This study provides important information on GAS car-
(Fig. 2). riage, identification of the SCP gene in isolates and seroepide-
Univariate logistic regression identified age, geographic miology data in children, with evidence of age related trends in
location and the number of children within the household as vari- anti-SCP antibody and a strong association between GAS carriage
ables significantly associated with the presence of anti-SCP anti- and antibody titre. Our study identified that healthy children who
bodies (Table 4). Significant univariate predictors of seropositiv- carry GAS have significantly higher anti-SCP titers than GAS-­
ity were included in a final logistic regression multivariable model negative children, and that carriage isolates consistently contain the
(Table 5). Age category and number of children were independent SCP gene. This finding raises the possibility that anti-SCP may be
predictors for the presence of anti-SCP antibodies in Australian behaving either as an acute phase reactant or potentially like antist-
children aged 0–10 years of age. Children aged ≤3 years were less reptolysin O, as an indicator of recent infection with the possibility

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The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal  •  Volume 34, Number 8, August 2015 GAS Epidemiology

TABLE 4.  Risk Factors Associated with GAS Seropostitivity

Variable Odds Ratio Lower 95% CI Upper 95% CI P Value

Number of children in household* 1.74 1.42 2.12 <0.001

Gender female vs. male 0.99 0.68 1.42 0.934
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander 1.84 0.67 5.08 0.237
Age category ≤3 vs. >3 years 0.14 0.09 0.21 <0.001
Age in years† — — — —
Previous diagnosis in a household 1.48 0.80 2.77 0.214
member yes vs. no
Inside smoking yes vs. no 1.72 0.76 3.89 0.196
Born premature yes vs. no 0.91 0.53 1.55 0.705
Season‡ 0.314
 Autumn vs. winter 0.76 0.46 1.26 0.291
 Spring vs. winter 1.07 0.65 1.76 0.797
 Summer vs. winter 0.69 0.38 1.27 0.229
Site‡ 0.039
 Adelaide vs. Sydney 1.15 0.67 1.99 0.616
 Brisbane vs. Sydney 2.0 1.13 3.53 0.018
 Perth vs. Sydney 1.88 1.07 3.32 0.029
 Canberra vs. Sydney 1.03 0.58 1.84 0.922
*Fitted as a continuous variable in the logistic regression model.
†Model assumptions violated when age in years treated as a continuous predictor, so results not presented.
‡Global P value comparing all categories quoted in first row.

FIGURE 1.  Anti-SCP cLIA titers

and culture results stratified by
age (40 normal adults shown as
comparator, US data). Anti-SCP titers
were determined by cLIA. Titers
from individuals with GAS-positive
cultures are indicated in red, and
titers from individuals with non-GAS
BHS-positive cultures are indicated in
green. Geometric mean titers (GMT)
of individuals without BHS-positive
cultures are indicated.

that anti-SCP antibody may protect against infection after GAS Children 0–11 months showed lower (maternal) antibody
exposure. If anti-SCP antibody does protect against infection after titers with anti-SCP titers increasing through the age-bands and
GAS exposure, it would lend support for the inclusion of SCP and/ plateauing between 7 and 10 years of age. A trend was observed for
or other GAS antigens as components of an investigational vaccine. increasing carriage as age-band increased, which is consistent with
GAS carriage rates in our study (0–10% in each age group) were our understanding of acquisition of GAS infection or carriage.29 The
similar to carriage rates in healthy children in other countries, such implications and clinical understanding of this carrier state remain
as Croatia (6%) and Iran (11%).29,30 A previous study in 1 Australia poorly understood. Previous studies have shown similar low levels
location (Victoria) reported carriage rates between 8% and 16% of SCP antibodies in children compared with adults. It is likely that
(seasonal) in a total of 852 children aged 3–12 years. In that study, several encounters with the streptococcal antigen are required for
24% of families experienced an episode of GAS pharyngitis each adequate protection; however, the threshold of ­protective antibody
year.31 Carriage of GAS, as expected, was higher than carriage of is unknown.23
other BHS as in other studies.29 The presence of SCP neutralizing antibody facilitates chem-
otaxis and preserves the C5a-mediated inflammatory response,

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Marshall et al The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal  •  Volume 34, Number 8, August 2015

FIGURE 2.  Anti-SCP antibody titers and

positive GAS or BHS culture results from 1
to 12 months of age. Anti-SCP titers were
determined by cLIA. Titers from individuals
with GAS-positive cultures are indicated in
red, and titers from individuals with non-
GAS BHS-positive cultures are indicated
in green. Geometric mean titers (GMT) of
individuals without BHS-positive cultures
are indicated.

TABLE 5.  Multivariate Analysis for GAS Seropositivity

Variable Odds Ratio Lower 95% CI Upper 95% CI P Value

Number of children in household* 1.51 1.21 1.88 <0.001

Age category ≤3 vs. > 3 years 0.15 0.10 0.23 <0.001
Site† 0.052
 Adelaide vs. Sydney 1.24 0.66 2.33 0.497
 Brisbane vs. Sydney 2.37 1.23 4.56 0.010
 Perth vs. Sydney 2.01 1.04 3.88 0.037
 Canberra vs. Sydney 1.19 0.61 2.32 0.608
*Fitted as a continuous variable in the logistic regression model.
†Global P value comparing all categories quoted in first row.

thereby preventing establishment of infection.23 The cLIA has acquisition of Non-GAS BHS. Our isolate sample size was small,
been developed to preferentially identify functional antibody so this may represent a chance finding but nonetheless one that
through competitive binding to relevant epitopes, as opposed to deserves further investigation. Children with a history of prema-
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, which measures both func- turity are at increased risk of other infections, and our finding may
tional antibody and nonfunctional low-affinity antibody.32 Further indicate that they are particularly at risk of disease caused by Non-
opsonophagocytic investigation is required to correlate the cLIA GAS BHS.
results with functional assays, such as and adhesion assays, as well Differences in carriage rates in different locations may be
as protection against carriage or disease. because of variations in case ascertainment or recruitment methods
GAS-positive children had significantly higher anti-SCP at enrolling centers; however, our findings are supported by another
titers than GAS-negative children, suggesting carriage could be an study that identified region as a factor associated with differences
immunizing event. Although this finding supports a serum antibody in carriage rates.34 Several previous studies have shown intersite
response to carriage acquisition, this finding is difficult to interpret and intrasite variation in rates of invasive GAS infection rates,35–37
as our study was limited in its cross-sectional design with testing which can be partly attributed to differences found in circulating
at a single time point. It is still unclear as to whether anti-SCP anti- GAS strains and in the population’s susceptibility to these strains.3
bodies protect against carriage. Johnson et al33 conducted a longi- Variations may also be because of center-to-center differences in
tudinal cohort study and reported an increase in antistreptolysin O the prevalence of risk factors for GAS; however; in our study; this
antibody titers at the time of acquisition of the GAS in the carrier is unlikely as age distribution, gender, ethnicity, prematurity and
state; however, the titers remained stable over the carriage period smoking status of parents were similar between the centers. Our
and did not increase compared with active GAS infection. finding that carriage rates, as for GAS infection rates,38,39 differ by
We identified that predictors of SCP seropositivity include season, is supported by other epidemiological studies.31,40 Increased
age, geographic location and the number of children within the isolate detection in spring and summer may reflect increased inci-
household. This is the first study to our knowledge to demonstrate dence of GAS related infections, such as impetigo during these
that children with a history of prematurity are at increased risk of seasons. Laboratory methods may also have contributed to under

836  | © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

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The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal  •  Volume 34, Number 8, August 2015 GAS Epidemiology

FIGURE 3.  Anti-SCP titers in GAS-positive and GAS-negative children. Anti-SCP titers were determined by cLIA and stratified
by GAS-positive or GAS-negative culture status. The geometric mean titre (GMT) of each group is indicated by an X. Anti-
SCP titers were significantly higher in GAS-positive subjects than in GAS-negative subjects.

detection of GAS. Although horse blood is used by many laborato- variant can be used in a vaccine. Additional surface antigens with
ries for GAS isolation, it may not be the most optimal medium for similar characteristics could be added to SCP to form a multivalent
identification of GAS particularly when carriage is being investi- vaccine that targets multiple virulence factors of the organism.
gated and numbers of bacteria are likely to be low. For a preventa- Ideally, a GAS vaccine would provide long-term protec-
tive strategy to be effective against GAS, ideally, children should tion against both carriage and active infection with broad coverage
be immunized before initial exposure. However, a single infection against all circulating strains, particularly, those associated with
is unlikely to induce broadly protective immunity in children, and clinically significant disease and life-threatening complications in
there are potential benefits in immunization post exposure with the children.17 However, opinion varies on this, as carriage may provide
possibility of an anamnestic response to a GAS vaccine. Our study natural boosting. These considerations are important in deciding
indicates that the onset of acquisition of GAS through nasopharyn- the scheduling of a GAS vaccine program.
geal carriage or active disease commences in the second year of
life. This suggests immunization to prevent GAS infection should
ideally commence in the second year of life or earlier, despite the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
higher incidence of pharyngitis in older children, to immunize The authors thank all the families that took part in this study.
before the period of risk. Helen Marshall is supported by an NHMRC Career Development
O’Loughlin et al3 estimated that a 26-valent GAS M pro- Fellowship (1016272). Stephen Lambert is supported by an NHMRC
tein-based vaccine could prevent 40–50% of cases and 50–60% Early Career Fellowship (1036231) and a Mid-career Fellowship
of deaths because of invasive GAS infections among children and from the Queensland Children’s Medical Research Institute and the
the elderly in the US. Development of a broadly protective vac- Children’s Hospital Foundation Queensland (50025). The authors
cine particularly for indigenous communities where strain diversity acknowledge Dr. Ying Ying Liew and Mr. Andrew Lawrence (micro-
may be different to those of developed countries has been slow.31 biological assessment) for assistance with study processes, Dr. Paul
Data from a trial of a new 30-valent M-protein-based GAS vac- Liberator and Mrs. Michelle Clarke for help with preparation of
cine have shown that antibodies produced to vaccine serotypes are the manuscript and Mr. Tom Sullivan for statistical assistance. The
cross-reactive with non-vaccine serotypes of GAS suggesting a authors thank Drs. Karen Prosser, Ruth Thornton and Anthony Keil
broadly protective vaccine may be achievable.41,42 The large number for their contribution to study conduct and microbiology assays in
of M protein variants likely required for a broadly protective vac- Perth. This research study was an Investigator led and designed study
cine has led many researchers to seek alternate strategies for iden- with funding provided by Wyeth (subsequently Pfizer) to cover study
tifying antigens to include in a GAS and/or BHS vaccine. These costs. Swabs/blood samples were collected and sent to Wyeth (Pfizer)
approaches have used bioinformatic and proteomic approaches to for analysis to detect antibodies and/or β-hemolytic streptococcus
identify highly conserved surface antigens to target. These antigens isolates. Pfizer performed serology and correlated the serology with
are then validated by epidemiologic studies, such as this one, and by GAS and non-GAS BHS detection as shown in Figures 1–3.
protection in small animal models. SCP is the second most highly
expressed protein on the bacterial cell surface (after M protein) and REFERENCES
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