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Introduction to Machine Design Process


Design is essentially a decision-making process. If we have a problem, we need to design a solution.

In other words, to design is to formulate a plan to satisfy a particular need and to create something
with a physical reality. Consider for an example, design of a chair. A number of factors need be
considered first

(a) The purpose for which the chair is to be designed such as whether it is to be used as an easy
chair, an office chair or to accompany a dining table.
(b) Whether the chair is to be designed for a grown up person or a child.
(c) Material for the chair, its strength and cost need to be determined.
(d) Finally, the aesthetics of the designed chair.

Almost everyone is involved in design, in one way or the other, in our daily lives because problems
are posed and they need to be solved.

Steps involve in Machine design Process

Basic Concept of Machine Design

Decision making comes in every stage of design. Consider two cars of different makes. They may
both be reasonable cars and serve the same purpose but the designs are different. The designers
consider different factors and come to certain conclusions leading to an optimum design.

Market survey gives an indication of what people want. Existing norms play an important role. Once
a critical decision is made, the rest of the design features follow. For example,once we decide the
engine capacity, the shape and size, then the subsequent course of the design would follow. A bad
decision leads to a bad design and a bad product.

Design may be for different products and with the present specialization and knowledge bank, we
have a long list of design disciplines e.g. ship design, building design, process design, bridge design,
clothing or fashion design and so on.

Here we are concerned with machine design. We now define a machine as a combination of
resisting bodies with successfully constrained relative motions which is used to transform other
forms of energy into mechanical energy or transmit and modify available energy to do some useful
work. If it converts heat into mechanical energy we then call it a heat engine.

In many cases however, the machines receive mechanical energy and modify it so that a specific
task is carried out, for example a hoist, a bicycle or a hand-winch.
This modification or transformation of energy requires a number of machine elements, some small
and some large. Machine design involves primarily designing these elements so that they may
transmit the forces safely and perform their task successfully. Consider the following simple
(a) Hand winch (b) Small press operated by a power screw..
In each one of these mechanisms some useful work is being obtained with certain combinations of
a number of machine parts. Designing these mechanisms would involve firstly designing these
elements and then assembling them in order.

Types of design
There may be several types of design such as

Adaptive design
This is based on existing design, for example, standard products or systems adopted for a new
application. Conveyor belts, control system of machines and mechanisms or haulage systems are
some of the examples where existing design systems are adapted for a particular use.

Developmental design
Here we start with an existing design but finally a modified design is obtained. A new model of a car
is a typical example of a developmental design .
New design
This type of design is an entirely new one but based on existing scientific principles. No scientific
invention is involved but requires creative thinking to solve a problem. Examples of this type of
design may include designing a small vehicle for transportation of men and material on board a ship
or in a desert. Some research activity may be necessary.

Factors to be considered in machine design

There are many factors to be considered while attacking a design problem. In many cases these are
a common sense approach to solving a problem. Some of these factors are as follows:

(a) What device or mechanism to be used? This would decide the relative arrangement of the
constituent elements.
(b) Material
(c) Forces on the elements
(d) Size, shape and space requirements. The final weight of the product is also a major concern.
(e) The method of manufacturing the components and their assembly.
(f) How will it operate?
(g) Reliability and safety aspects
(h) Inspectibility
(i) Maintenance, cost and aesthetics of the designed product.

What device or mechanism to be used- This is best judged by understanding the problem
thoroughly. Sometimes a particular function can be achieved by a number of means or by using
different mechanisms and the designer has to decide which one is most effective under the
circumstances. A rough design or layout diagram may be made to crystallize the thoughts regarding
the relative arrangement of the elements.

Material- This is a very important aspect of any design. A wrong choice of material may lead to
failure, over or undersized product or expensive items. The choice of materials is thus dependent
on suitable properties of the material for each component, their suitability of fabrication or
manufacture and the cost.

Load- The external loads cause internal stresses in the elements and these stresses must be
determined accurately since these will be used in determining the component size. Loading may be
due to:
i) Energy transmission by a machine member.
ii) Dead weight.
iii) Inertial forces.
iv) Thermal effects.
v) Frictional forces.

In other In other ways loads may be classified as:

i) Static load- Does not change in magnitude and direction and normally increases gradually to a
steady value.
ii) Dynamic load- a) changes in magnitude- for e.g. traffic of varying weight passing a bridge.
b) Changes in direction- for e.g. load on piston rod of a double acting cylinder.

Size, shape, space requirements and weight- Preliminary analysis would give an approximate
size but if a standard element is to be chosen, the next larger size must be taken. Shapes of
standard elements are known but for non-standard element, shapes and space requirements must
depend on available space in a particular machine assembly. A scale layout drawing is often useful
to arrive at an initial shape and size. Weight is important depending on application. For example, an
aircraft must always be made light. This means that the material chosen must have the required
strength yet it must be light. Similar arguments apply to choice of material for ships and there too
light materials are to be chosen. Portable equipment must be made light.

Care must always be taken to ensure that the designed elements may be manufactured with ease,
within the available facilities and at low cost.

How will it operate

In the final stage of the design a designer must ensure that the machine may be operated with
ease. In many power operated machines it is simply a matter of pressing a knob or switch to start
the machine. However in many other cases, a sequence of operations is to be specified. This
sequence must not be complicated and the operations should not require excessive force. Consider
the starting, accelerating and stopping a scooter or a car. With time tested design considerations,
the sequences have been made user-friendly and as in any other product, these products too go
through continuous innovation and development

Maintenance, cost and aesthetics

Maintenance and safety are often interlinked. Good maintenance ensures good running condition
of machinery. Often a regular maintenance schedule is maintained and a thorough check up of
moving and loaded parts is carried out to avoid catastrophic failures. Low friction and wear is
maintained by proper lubrication. This is a major aspect of design since wherever there are moving
parts, friction and wear are inevitable. High friction leads to increased loss of energy. Wear of
machine parts leads to loss of material and premature failure.
Cost and aesthetics are essential considerations for product design. Cost is essentially related to the
choice of materials which in turn depends on the stresses developed in a given condition. Although
in many cases aesthetic considerations are not essential aspects of machine design, ergonomic
aspects must be taken into considerations.

1 )Define machine design

2) What is an adaptive design?

3) Suggest briefly the steps to be followed by a designer with practical Example

4) Discuss ‘factor of safety ‘ in view of the reliability in machine design.

Engineering Materials
Choice of materials for a machine element depends very much on its properties,cost, availability and
such other factors. It is therefore important to have someidea of the common engineering materials and
their properties before learningthe details of design procedure. This topic is in the domain of material
science ormetallurgy but some relevant discussions are necessary at this stage.
Common engineering materials are normally classified as metals and nonmetals.

Metals may conveniently be divided into ferrous and non-ferrous metals.Important ferrous metals for
the present purpose are:
(i) cast iron (ii) wrought iron (iii) steel.

Some of the important non-ferrous metals used in engineering design are:

(a) Light metal group such as aluminium and its alloys, magnesium andmanganese alloys.
(b) Copper based alloys such as brass (Cu-Zn), bronze (Cu-Sn).
(c) White metal group such as nickel, silver, white bearing metals eg.
SnSb7Cu3, Sn60Sb11Pb, zinc etc.

Ferrous materials

Cast iron- It is an alloy of iron, carbon and silicon and it is hard and brittle.Carbon content may be within
1.7% to 3% and carbon may be present as freecarbon or iron carbide Fe3C. In general the types of cast
iron are (a) grey castiron and (b) white cast iron (c) malleable cast iron (d) spheroidal or nodular cast
iron (e) austenitic cast iron (f) abrasion resistant cast iron.

(a) Grey cast iron- Carbon here is mainly in the form of graphite. This type ofcast iron is inexpensive and
has high compressive strength. Graphite is anexcellent solid lubricant and this makes it easily
machinable but brittle. Someexamples of this type of cast iron are FG20, FG35 or FG35Si15.
Thenumbers indicate ultimate tensile strength in MPa and 15 indicates 0.15%silicon.

(b) White cast iron- In these cast irons carbon is present in the form of ironcarbide (Fe3C) which is hard
and brittle. The presence of iron carbideincreases hardness and makes it difficult to machine.
Consequently thesecast irons are abrasion resistant.

(c) Malleable cast iron- These are white cast irons rendered malleable byannealing. These are tougher
than grey cast iron and they can be twisted orbent without fracture. They have excellent machining
properties and areinexpensive. Malleable cast iron are used for making parts where forging isexpensive
such as hubs for wagon wheels, brake supports. Depending on themethod of processing they may be
designated as black heart BM32, BM30 orwhite heart WM42, WM35 etc.
(d) Spheroidal or nodular graphite cast iron- In these cast irons graphite ispresent in the form of
spheres or nodules. They have high tensile strengthand good elongation properties. They are designated
as, for example,SG50/7, SG80/2 etc where the first number gives the tensile strength in MPa
and the second number indicates percentage elongation.
(e) Austenitic cast iron- Depending on the form of graphite present these castiron can be classified
broadly under two headings:Austenitic flake graphite iron designated, for example, AFGNi16Cu7Cr2
Wrought iron- This is a very pure iron where the iron content is of the order of99.5%. It is produced by
re-melting pig iron and some small amount of silicon,sulphur, or phosphorus may be present. It is tough,
malleable and ductile andcan easily be forged or welded. It cannot however take sudden shock. Chains,
crane hooks, railway couplings and such other components may be made of thisiron.

Steel- This is by far the most important engineering material and there is an enormous variety of steel to
meet the wide variety of engineering requirements.The present note is an introductory discussion of a
vast topic.Steel is basically an alloy of iron and carbon in which the carbon content can beless than 1.7%
and carbon is present in the form of iron carbide to imparthardness and strength. Two main categories
of steel are (a) Plain carbon steeland (b) alloy steel.

(a) Plain carbon steel- The properties of plain carbon steel depend mainly on the carbon
percentages and other alloying elements are not usually present in more than 0.5 to 1% such as
0.5% Si or 1% Mn etc. There is a large variety of plane carbon steel and they are designated as
C01, C14, C45,C70 and so on where the number indicates the carbon percentage.
Following categorization of these steels is sometimes made forconvenience:
Dead mild steel- upto 0.15% C
Low carbon steel or mild steel- 0.15 to 0.46% C
Medium carbon steel- 0.45 to 0.8% C.
High carbon steel- 0.8 to 1.5% C

Detailed properties of these steels may be found in any standard handbook but in general
higher carbon percentage indicates higher strength.

(b) Alloy steel- these are steels in which elements other than carbon areadded in sufficient quantities to
impart desired properties, such as wearresistance, corrosion resistance, electric or magnetic properties.
Chiefalloying elements added are usually nickel for strength and toughness,chromium for hardness and
strength, tungsten for hardness at elevatedtemperature, vanadium for tensile strength, manganese for
high strength inhot rolled and heat treated condition, silicon for high elastic limit, cobalt forhardness
and molybdenum for extra tensile strength. Some examples ofalloy steels are 35Ni1Cr60, 30Ni4Cr1,
40Cr1Mo28, 37Mn2. Stainless steelis one such alloy steel that gives good corrosion resistance. One
importanttype of stainless steel is often described as 18/8 steel where chromium and
nickel percentages are 18 and 8 respectively.A typical designation of astainless steel is 15Si2Mn2Cr18Ni8
where carbon percentage is 0.15.

A number of systems for grading steel exist in different countries.The American system is usually termed
as SAE ( Society of AutomobileEngineers) or AISI ( American Iron and Steel Industries) systems.
For anexample, a steel denoted as SAE 1020 indicates 0.2% carbon and 13%tungsten.
In this system the first digit indicates the chief alloying material.

Digits1,2,3,4 and 7 refer to carbon, nickel, nickel/chromium, molybdenum and tungstenrespectively.

More details may be seen in the standards. The second digit orsecond and third digits give the
percentage of the main alloying element and thelast two digits indicate the carbon percentage. This
therefore explains that SAE 71360 indicates an alloy steel with 0.6% carbon and the percentage of main
alloying material tungsten is 13.In British system steels are designated by the letters En followed by a
numbersuch as 1,2…16, 20 etc. Corresponding constituent elements can be seen fromthe standards but
in general En4 is equivalent to C25 steel, En6 is equivalent toC30 steel and so on.

Non-metallic materials are also used in engineering practice due to principallytheir low cost, flexibility
and resistance to heat and electricity. Though there aremany suitable non-metals, the following are
important few from design point ofview:

Timber- This is a relatively low cost material and a bad conductor of heat andelectricity. It has also good
elastic and frictional properties and is widely used infoundry patterns and as water lubricated bearings.

Leather- This is widely used in engineering for its flexibility and wear resistance.It is widely used for belt
drives, washers and such other applications.

Rubber- It has high bulk modulus and is used for drive elements, sealing,vibration isolation and similar

These are synthetic materials which can be moulded into desired shapes underpressure with or without
application of heat. These are now extensively used invarious industrial applications for their corrosion
resistance, dimensional stabilityand relatively low cost.

There are two main types of plastics:

(a) Thermosetting plastics- Thermosetting plastics are formed under heat and pressure.
It initially softens and with increasing heat and pressure, polymerisation takes place. This results in
hardening of the material.These plastics cannot be deformed or remoulded again under heat and
pressure. Some examples of thermosetting plastics are phenolformaldehyde (Bakelite), phenol-furfural
(Durite), epoxy resins, phenolicresins etc.

(b) Thermoplastics- Thermoplastics do not become hard with the applicationof heat and pressure
and no chemical change takes place. They remainsoft at elevated temperatures until they are
hardened by cooling. Thesecan be re-melted and remoulded by application of heat and
pressure.Some examples of thermoplastics are cellulose nitrate (celluloid),polythene, polyvinyl
acetate, polyvinyl chloride ( PVC) etc.


1) Classify common engineering materials

2) What are the advantages of malleable cast iron over white or grey castiron?

3) A standard alloy steel used for making engineering components is 20Cr18

Ni2. Statethe composition of the steel.

4) Name two important copper alloys and give their typical compositions.

5) State at least 5 important mechanical properties of materials to be considered in machine


6) Define resilience and discuss its implication in the choice of materials inmachine
7) What are the steps include in selection of materials in design of machine element

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