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benefit the RCC enjoyed was merely

(a) If you were the counsel of XX, expound incidental to the said secular objectives.
on his arguments. (5 points)
Hence, commemorative issuance is not
SUGGESTED ANSWER: unconstitutional.

The commemorative issuance is

unconstitutional. 2.
(a) If you were the judge, would you dismiss
The Constitution is very clear that the the case? (5 pts.)
separation of the Church and the State shall
be inviolable and that no law shall be made SUGGESTED ANSWER:
respecting an establishment of religion. It
likewise provides that no public money shall NO, I would not dismiss the case.
be used, directly or indirectly, for any
sectarian purpose except if the beneficiary is Ordinarily, a suit against an unincorporated
assigned to the armed forces, or to any penal government agency performing a
institution, government orphanage or governmental function is a suit against the
leprosarium. state. However, if such agency implements a
project for which a sum of money has already
In this case, the commemorative stamps, been appropriated as a standard procedure,
which were issued using public funds, were a collection suit arising from the
primarily designed to honor Pope Francis, the implementation thereof may be filed against
head of the Roman Catholic Church (RCC). it. This is no longer a suit against the state
This breaches the supposed wall of without its consent as there is no more
separation between the Church and the State affirmative act that the government needs to
and in effect establishes—or favors and perform to comply with the relief prayed for in
benefits—the RCC. The favor given to, or the complaint.
benefit derived by, RCC is not merely
incidental to a secular objective as the design In this case, it is reasonable to presume
of the stamps focuses on the pontiff himself. based on standard government practice that
It therefore promotes the leader of the RCC, there is already an existing sum of money
not per se the Philippines as his destination. appropriated for the DA project. The
collection case filed by AZ no longer requires
Thus, the commemorative issuance is the government to set aside anew a sum of
unconstitutional. money. The only issue here would be
whether the DA is obliged to release the
budgeted sum to pay for AZ’s delivery.
(b) If you were the lawyer representing
Philpost, give your counter-arguments. (5 Thus, if I were the judge, I would not dismiss
points) the case.

(b) Assume that the DA is suable and there
The commemorative issuance is not is already a final decision finding it liable to
unconstitutional. AZ. May AZ now validly cause the execution
of the money judgment in its favor?
The norm that the separation of the Church
and the State shall be inviolable does not SUGGESTED ANSWER:
mean that they are separated by an iron wall
absolutely barring all forms of interaction. YES, AZ may now validly cause the
Also, the establishment clause only means execution of the money judgment in its favor.
that the State should be neutral and should
not favor or discriminate against any religion. As a rule, suability is not equivalent to liability,
Finally, Aglipay v. Ruiz teaches that as long in the same manner that consent to be sued
as public fund is used for a secular purpose, is not consent to the execution of a judgment
any incidental sectarian benefit derived against the state. However, where there is
therefrom would not render such use prior appropriation of a sum of money
unconstitutional. intended for a particular project, execution
may lie in a collection case arising from the
In this case, the purpose of the issuance was implementation of such project.
decidedly secular: (1) to honor Pope Francis,
not just as the head of the RCC but more In this case, a sum of money has been
importantly as the head of state of the appropriated specifically for the
Vatican, and (2) more importantly to raise implementation of the project. Thus, no
funds from the sale of the limited edition consideration of public policy will bar the
commemorative stamps. Whatever indirect execution of the money judgment in favor of
AZ against the DA fund specfically both de jure and de facto, the government of
appropriated for the said project. PGMA. It was de jure because it had legal
title by virtue of a valid succession under the
Ergo, AZ may now validly cause the Constitution. It was also de facto because it
execution of the money judgment in its favor. was in actual control of the whole country. On
the other hand, during the Japanese
occupation, we had two governments: the de
3. jure Commonwealth Government and the de
(a) Is the government of President GMA at facto Japanese-sponsored government.
the precise moment of her succession to the Thus, at that time we had concurrently two
Office of the President in February 2001 a presidents—one for each government.
revolutionary government? (5 points)
Thus, the situation of the Philippines in the
SUGGESTED ANSWER: immediate aftermath of EDSA People Power
2 was not similar to the situation of the
NO, the government of President GMA at the Philippines during the Japanese occupation.
precise moment of her succession to the
Office of the President in February 2001 was
not a revolutionary government. 4.
(a) Is the contention on the non-self-
A revolutionary government is established in executing nature of provisions under Article II
derogation of the existing legal order. It is correct? (5 points)
extra-constitutional in the sense that it comes
into being in complete breach of the SUGGESTED ANSWER:
prevailing constitutional norms.
NO, the contention on the non-self-executing
In this case, the government of PGMA was nature of the provisions under Article II is not
established by way of succession when the correct.
Office of the President became vacant upon
the resignation of President Estrada. This is As a rule, provisions of Article II are non-self-
in accordance with, and not in derogation of, executing because they are merely
the 1987 Constitution, which states that if the statements of principles and state policies.
Office of the President becomes vacant, the However, jurisprudence teaches that there
Vice President shall succeed as President. are provisions in Article II that the Supreme
Court finds self-executing, such the right to a
Thus, the government of President GMA was healthful and balance ecology (implied in
not revolutionary. Oposa v. Factoran).

In this case, the respondents made a

(b) Was the situation of the Philippines in the sweeping generalization that all provisions
immediate aftermath of EDSA People Power found in Article II, including the rights to life
2 similar to the situation of the Philippines and to health, are not self-executing. This is
during the Japanese occupation when we erroneous because the rights to life and to
had two presidents, one for the de jure health are so fundamental and vital that they
government and another for the de facto need not even be enshrined in the
government? (5 points) Constitution to be self-executing. It cannot be
seriously argued that there is a need for
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Congress to enact an implementing law
before people can invoke their right to life and
NO, the situation of the Philippines in the right to health.
immediate aftermath of EDSA People Power
2 was not similar to the situation of the Thus, the contention is not correct.
Philippines during the Japanese occupation.

Under normal times when the presidential (b) If you were the judge, rule on the
succession is in accordance with the opposing contentions. (5 points)
procedure enshrined in the Constitution, the
government of the new President is both de SUGGESTED ANSWER:
jure and de facto. On the other hand, when a
state is under a belligerent occupation, the I will rule that the law is not unconstitutional.
government established by the belligerent
occupant is considered de facto while the Laws are presumed constitutional. He who
rightful government, which is not in power in challenges the constitutionality of a law has
the meantime, is de jure. the burden of proving his case by clear and
convincing evidence.
In the case of the Philippines in the
immediate aftermath of EDSA People Power In this case, the RH Law is attacked on the
2, we only had one government, which was ground that it violates the right to life and right
to health enshrined in Article II. But there is there is a revolution and the existing legal
no clear showing that the provision on post- order is overthrown, the Filipinos are bound
abortion treatment and counseling violate the to comply with the plebiscite requirement
said rights. Neither is there a showing that they themselves agreed on in the Basic
indeed hormonal contraceptives, IUDs and Charter.
injectables are abortifacient other than the
petitioner’s bare assertion to that effect. In In this case, the 1987 Constitution is
fact, the reverse may be argued more categorical that a plebiscite is required to
plausibly: The assailed provisions are ratify proposed amendments or revision
consistent with the recognition by the state of thereto. The sovereign Filipino people have
the right to life and to health of women. bound themselves to comply with this rule
when they ratified the 1987 Constitution;
Hence, I will rule that the law is not thus, the fact that sovereignty resides in them
unconstitutional. cannot be used as an excuse for such non-

5. Thus, the argument of the respondents is

(a) Was there a valid ratification of the only partially correct.
proposed constitution in this case? (5 points)


NO, there was no valid ratification in this


Under the 1987 Constitution, there is only

one way to ratify a proposed amendment or
revision thereto: By way of a plebiscite
specifically called for that purpose.

In this case, the scheduled plebiscite was no

longer held because the President submitted
directly to the people the questions (1)
whether they approve of the proposed new
constitution; and (2) whether a plebiscite is
still needed to ratify it. Even assuming that
the people overwhelmingly voted in the
affirmative on the first question and in the
negative on the second question, still this is
not the form and procedure of ratification
enshrined in the 1987 Constitution, a social
contract binding upon all sovereign Filipinos.
In fact, the proclamation itself only said the
people already accepted the proposed
constitution. Implicit therefrom is a
recognition of the non-compliance with the
ratification procedure in the Constitution.

Thus, there was no valid ratification in this


(b) Regardless of your answer to question

(a), comment on the argument of the
respondents. (5 points)


The argument of the respondents is only

partially correct.

It is true that sovereignty resides in the

people. However, if the sovereign Filipino
people themselves covenanted that any
amendment or revision to the existing
Constitution shall be ratified in accordance
with the procedure laid down therein, they are
legally bound to comply therewith. Unless

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