Case Study IB

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Case Study 1

The Process of Strategic Planning

Global Planning Process


1) Explain the process of strategic planning provides a formal structure in
which managers
a. Analyze the company’s external environments
b. Analyze the company’s internal environment
c. Quantify goals
2) Explain the define the company’s business and mission
a. Set corporate objectives
b. Formulate strategies
c. Make tactical plans
Case Study 2
Vision, Mission and Objectives of the Organization

Figure 13.2 – The Value Chain


1) Choose one of the international companies that you know,
2) Perform analysis based on the figure above with the following dimensions;Describe the
steps in the global strategic planning process
a) Explain the purpose of mission statements, objectives, goals, and strategies
b) Describe the methods of and new directions in strategic planning
c) Explain home replication, multidomestic, regional, global, and transnational strategies
and when to use them
d) Describe the sources of competitive information
e) Understand the importance of industrial espionage
Case study 3
Competitive strategy

The relationship among International

Environment, Competitive Strategy, and
Organizational Structure


Global Corporate Form

• Product

• Geographic

Global Corporate Form

• Matrix Organizations

– Matrix overlay
• An organization in which top-level divisions are required to
heed input from a staff composed of experts of another
organizational dimension in an attempt to avoid the double
reporting difficulty of a matrix organization but still mesh
two or more dimensions


1) Answer the questions below correctly!
a) Explain why the design of organizational structure is important to international
b) Explain why the organizational dimensions that must be considered when
selecting organizational structures
c) Discuss the statement “ the various organizational forms available for
structuring international companies”
d) Explain why decisions are made where they are among parent and subsidiary
units of an international company
e) Discuss how an IC can maintain control of a joint venture or of a company in
which the IC owns less than 50 percent of the voting stock

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