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CHAPTER I: The Organizational Plan


I.Summary Description of the Business

The Mas PHINMAsweet will be one of a kind sweet and pastries shop located in

McArthur Highway, Nancayasan, Urdaneta City. It is located in the newly renovated

building of PHINMA UPang College Urdaneta located on the intersection of Honeymoon

Road and McArthur Highway, Nancayasan. The different stores have already taken

occupancy and the excellent location brings more than 3000 customers weekly.

The Mas PHINMAsweet, aptly named for the customers who are filled with

sweetness that will bring happiness to the business, fills the void of original sweet and

pastries shops in the market area, stands out from its corporate peers with their sweet food

concepts and fast services. The Mas PHINMAsweet is the alternative fast

food/commercial/sweet and pastries shops and offers a much calmer, civilized gourmet

sweet experience. The keys to success will be the ability to offer quality cupcakes, cookies

and lollicakes, take advantage of its fine size and reliance on an outstanding staffs. In order

to achieve these goals, the shop will offer some of the finest dessert from local distributors.

Because of its small size, the shop can enjoy larger margins in the form of lower overhead.

The shop will hand select joyful servers and offer salaries comparable to the chains. In turn

the servers will be trained to cross-sell, and sell the higher margin products.
II.Logo and Name

Image 1. Logo


 Colors

i. Green because it is the major color of PHINMA Company. It also symbolizes the

good result and growth which could lead us to success

ii. Blue, for us it is the color that symbolizes money for it stand for one thousand peso

bill and because all businessmen aim to gain more profit than expenses

 Butterfly represents how far we’ll go with our company. Just like a butterfly we’re

small but we fly high in order to reach the goals for the better future of the business.

 Sweets symbolize the product of the business that wants to share to the customers in

order to spread the sweetness and happiness that they deserve.


We came up to the name “Mas PHINMAsweet” that stands for ‘mas pina-sweet’, in

order for the people to make it easier to remember and to be more familiar to them. We

include PHINMA because it is the company that holds UPang and deliver it to the students

that we are actually under PHINMA Company.

In addition, we also include the tagalog term ‘mas’ not just by means of telling that it

is sweeter than the other cupcakes but also tastier and yummier one.
Another reason why we choose the name “Mas PHINMAsweet” is to have a more

catchy and unique name and to awake the people’s curiosity. For example, if they would

hear the word “Mas PHINMAsweet” they might ask their self what is it all about and we

will take that chance to entertain them about our product, that will be that start of marketing.


Our mission is to build a strong relationship and connection with our customers.

Having a relationship with them is one of the ways to put our business on top. We will offer

our customers the best cupcakes and bakery items at affordable prices for them to choose and

stay in our business.

IV.Business Model

Direct sales model is marketing and selling products to consumers directly, away

from a fixed retail location. Sales are typically made through party plan, one-to-one

demonstrations, and other personal contact arrangements.

Mas PHINMAsweet is a typical cupcake boutique where customers order sweets and

pastries at the counter as opposed to other cupcake stores.


Our strategy is based on delivering a strong customer value proposition in a niche

market and especially to our co-students which we will be our customers. We are striking to

offer the whole PHINMA UPang College Urdaneta for more chances of getting a high


We focus on satisfying the needs of both Grade 11 and 12 students and also the

teachers that will be our buyer and customer for instance.

We are building our marketing infrastructure so that we can eventually reach more

customers with the same cupcake offering. We’re trying to focus also on reaching out to our

customer’s wants and needs as well as their expectation when it comes to pastries so we

decided to not only offer cupcakes but also lollicakes and cookies.

The new sweets and pastries shop is located in the intersection of Honeymoon Road

and Mc Arthur Highway, Nancayasan in the Urdaneta City. The property is located in an

excellent location with an easy way to find because of its unique features of the building

owned by the PHINMA Company.

The store is located on high traffic commuter routes and close to shopping facilities

in order to catch customers going to or from work, while they are out for lunch, or on a

shopping expedition. Hours of operation will be at 8 am to 5 pm.

VII.SWOT Analysis

The SWOT Analysis examines the Mas PHINMAsweet strengths and weaknesses

that need to be addressed. Further, this section examines the opportunities presented to the

business as well as potential threats.

Strengths Weaknesses

 Based on its smaller size, the fact that it  The Mas PHINMAsweet has a minimal

is delicious, the Mas PHINMAsweet is a budget and is competing against larger

unique sweet and pastries shop concept and more established sweet and pastries

unlike any other market. shop for market share.

 Joyful servers will bring happiness and

enthusiasm to the shop.

Opportunities Threats

 PHINMA UPang College Urdaneta  Some people are not sweet lover and

demographics support the need for a unique they tend to buy foods that is either has

sweets and pastries shop. a sour or bitter taste.

Table 1. SWOT Analysis

VIII.Legal Structure

The Mas PHINMAsweet is formed as a partnership wholly owned by the Trio. The

business will welcome investors who will be the stockholders or shareholders in order to

become an S-corporation.

It is our assumption that we will require modest capital startup funds, as our business

would start small and then scale up. If our organization could secure business development

grants or external investors, we would ideally structure as a for-profit business. This would

allow our organization to make quick decisions and retain maximum flexibility with

decision making.

I. Products

Mas PHINMA Sweet can satisfy the customer’s cravings on sweets with an

exceptional customer service in a comforting atmosphere. Mas PHINMA Sweet offers

chocolate cupcakes, cookies and lollicakes. These sweets have a unique taste that you will

only find here in Mas PHINMA Sweet. The taste is very classy yet affordable.

II. Sample Images of the Product

Image 2. Chocolate Cupcake Image 3. Cookies

Image 4. Lollicake
III. Pricing strategy

Mas PHINMA Sweet decided to use penetration pricing as a pricing strategy because

our goal is to introduce our products and to encourage customers to buy our products.

Mas PHINMA Sweets offers delicious, tasty, and flavorful yet affordable amount.

IV. Menu

 Cupcake= P15

 Cookies= P7

 Lollicakes=P7

V. Image of business/ Store Area

Image 5. Store
Image 6. Store Area

VI. List of Materials or Ingredients

 Chocolate Cake

 Flour (7 cups)

 Cocoa (1 ¾ cups)

 Sugar (8 Cups)

 Baking Powder (2 tablespoon)

 Baking Soda (2 tablespoon)

 Salt (1 tablespoon and 1 teaspoon)

 Egg (8 pieces)

 Milk (2 cups)

 Water (2 cups)

 Oil (2 cups)

 Vanilla (3-4 tablespoon)

 Boiling Water (4 cups)

 Choco Chips Oatmeal Cookies

 Brown Sugar (1 ½ cups)

 Butter (1 cup)

 Vanilla (1 tsp)

 Eggs (2 pcs)

 Quick Cooking Oats (2 cups)

 Flour (1 ½ cups)

 Baking Soda (1 tsp)

 Salt (1/4 tsp)

 Semisweet Chocolate Chips (1 cup)

Administrative Plan

I. Organizational Chart
VP Marketing Manager Treasurer

Comptroller Comptroller
Chief Executive Officers

VP Sales Manager Treasurer


Treasurer Treasurer

VP Finance Manager Treasurer

Comptroller Comptroller

Chart 1. The Organization

II. Management Table

Position Salary Job Specification Job Qualification Total Number of

Personnel Need

CEO (Chief Executive 185,850 The boss of Degree Level: Bachelor’s 3

Officer) everyone and Degree; Master of

responsible for Business Administration.


President 175,500 Oversees staff Degree Level: Bachelor’s 2

functions— Degree; Master of

human resources, Business Administration

finance and


VP Finance 150,985 Create budgets Master’s degree in 1

and financing Accounting or Business

strategies. Administration

VP Sales 130,000 Responsible in Master’s Degree in 1

increasing sales Business and

volume Management

VP Marketing 120,000 Owns the Advance Degree in 1

marketing Marketing and Business

strategy that often

includes the sales

strategy and

oversees its

Manager 110,604 Responsible for Any Degree subject: 3

planning, Business Administration/

directing and Business Management,

overseeing Computing and

operation and Information technology,

fiscal health of a and Public Administration

business unit.

Treasurer 108,700 Is responsible for Bachelor’s Degree 5

corporate Finance or Accounting


investments, risk


related to the




Comptroller 108,700 In charge of Bachelor’s Degree in 5

overseeing the Accounting.

daily accounting Certification options

operations of a include: Certified Internal

business. Auditor, Certified

Government Financial

Manager and Chartered

Financial Analyst

Table 2. The Management

CHAPTER II: The Marketing Plan


I. Target Market

The target market for desserts/pastries reaches across all genders. Women appear to

be more likely to crave sweets than men, coinciding with hormonal fluctuations, says Alexei

B. Kampov-Polevoi, professor of psychiatry at the University of North Carolina. Children

are even more inclined to like sweets, relating to an increase in calorie use associated with

growth. Men enjoy desserts as well; a result of the human brain experiencing a rush of

chemical reactions to sugar that includes the production of dopamine -- a neurotransmitter

controlling the pleasure centers in the brain.

The main target market for Cupcakes from mas PHINMAsweet is the returning

customers which are the students of PHINMA UPang College Urdaneta. We will focus on

offering a personal customer service to enhance customer satisfaction, and will aim to supply

the best products on offer at a competitive price. We believe that this is the key to

maintaining the local market share of this target market.

We have specifically targeted segments of students with an appreciation for delicious

cupcakes and a need for comfort and relaxation. Mas PHINMAsweet is a haven for the

busy & successful who want to treat themselves to something soothing and a little sinful! It

doesn't take a lot of time, yet is so rewarding. These people will value the high quality

product presented without pretension. Our customers will also appreciate the fun and fast

service - whether celebrating a happy day or any kind of day.

II. Competition

School Canteen

PHINMA UPang College Urdaneta Campus

This competitor has been operating their business than us. They have already an

experience in setting up and running a business. The subject’s advantage is it has physical

store and it’s a food courts. They sold different breads and also pastries.

Toasted Siopao Bakery

Nancayasan, Urdaneta City

This competitor is much known for its toasted siopao and breads that is really

affordable for the customers. The bakery has its physical store and they are good at operating

the business.

City Deluxe

Nancayasan, Urdaneta City

The competitor has a good environment and they offer different foods and in

addition to pastries. The restaurant bake and retail cakes made in different designs, themes

and flavors, and of course different packaging just to appeal their target market.

Kaffa Avenue

CB Mall, Urdaneta City

This competitor offers coffees, smoothies and pastries. The café’s has wifi. To

capture a portion of this market, the subject will have to convince these customers cozier and

quieter atmosphere I a more enjoyable café experience eating with their cakes and pastries.

Panaderia de Antoulo

CB Mall, UrdanetaCity

This competitor has a lot of branches and very known for its delicious breads and

pastries. It also has a good packaging and good texture that catches customers’ attention.
Red Ribbon

CB Mall, Urdaneta City

This competitor is well known for its very delicious cakes and also offers different

pastries. It is good in running a business because it has a lot of branches in different area in

the Philippines. The different textures and packaging style of their breads and pastries appeal


Cindy’s Bakery

CB Mall, Urdaneta City

This competitor is very well-known for their different kinds of pastries just like cakes,

breads etc. It is good and they have the unique flavors of their cakes. They are offering the

customers a completely new experience and for higher quality product.

III. Market Trends

 Launching a unique sweet treat to encourage customers to buy your cupcakes and


 A pastry loyalty program that provides discounts and free-add ons is a powerful way

to display your admiration.

 Make an intriguing game or invite customers to share private food tales on social

websites using a hash tag. This is a superb way to cultivate positive feedbacks and


 Friendly and empathetic service to satisfy customers.

 Promote the feeling of community - décor and ambiance; make an atmosphere of

consistency to clients by ensuring that they’ll have a memorable and superior experience

when they walk in to your pastry shop.

 Be Easily Accessible – remain relevant and available to your clients.

Marketing Strategies

I. Method Distribution

Choosing the right distribution method for our business "Mas PHINMA Sweet", we

can reach the largest number of our potential customers and make it easy and convenient for

the consumers to buy our products. We choose to sell our product in store - selling directly to

the consumers, because through this we can talk directly to our customers and find out what

they think about our products. They may even suggest ways in which we can improve our

products and our business.

II. Database Marketing

Image 7. Information Image 8. Facebook Page

Image 9. Posts Image 10. Quotes

We use social media for our database marketing because this helps us build the

relationships and communities and engaging customers and prospects in a place where

they're comfortable. This data can help us develop point-of-sale or email promotions aimed

at encouraging consumer to check out our facebook page.


III. Sales Strategy

One of the most important sections of a business plan is the sales strategies which

outlines our plans for reaching and selling our business to our markets. We use direct sales to

sell our products which is a person to person or a buyer to customer from our store. By

selling our product in direct sales is a way to help us achieve our business goals and build a

long term relationship with our customer.

Mas PHINMAsweet will use the following actions to increase sales revenue:

 The menu will focus on the most profitable flavor and product.

 We will sell our sweets and pastries in a low price to make it affordable and, to

entertain and encourage customers to buy. One of the key to customer’s satisfaction is

providing affordable prices of products.

 We will sell our sweets and pastries using our knowledge, teamwork and with well-

being. In this way, customers and other people will always feel welcome.

 Monitor flavoring inventory ties up capital and valuable backroom space for storage.

Our sweets and pastries will utilize 2-3 varieties.

 Control ways and theft- Audit sales and inventory reports to evaluate ingredients

waste due to inefficient preparation.

IV. Sales Incentives/Promotion

Mas PHINMAsweet company, is a company where you can find a sweet and super

delicious delicacies in the whole town. PHINMAsweets offers not just an ordinary delicacies

but a special one that we will assure that the customers won’t forget for the rest of their life.

We used the strategy of buy 4 cupcakes and get 1 lollicake for free, buy 3 cupcakes

for only Php 40.00 and buy 3 cookies and get 1 lollicake where the customers can save more

or less 10% of the regular price of it. In this strategy, we are boosting our sales at the same

time we are also benefiting our customers.

You really won’t regret buying and tasting our product because of the best

ingredients that we’ve used and it is freshly come from super-hot oven. So, what are you

waiting for? Taste our delicious delicacies now!

V. Advertising Strategies

ONLINE ADVERTISING- The Mas PHINMA sweet will advertise regularly on

social media sites, such as Facebook. Compared to the traditional print advertising, this

online advertisement is a cost effective tactic that will allow the enterprise to reach prospects

in a highly targeted way.

VI. Customer Service

For more information’s and if you have questions regarding our product, you can
visit our official Facebook page @
1338037302992230/ and feel free to ask and give your feedbacks about our product.

Contact number: 09068631508

Address: Mc Arthur Highway, Nancayasan, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

CHAPTER III: Financial Documents

I. Summary of Materials Needed, Price and Total Capital

# Name of Material Quantity/unit Price

1. Flour 8 ½ cups Php 100.00

2. Cocoa 1 ¾ cups Php 50.00

3. White Sugar 1 kg Php 51.00

4. Baking Powder 2 tbs Php 15.00

5. Baking Soda 2 ½ tbs Php 12.50

6. Salt 2 tbp Php 0.50

7. Egg 8 pcs Php 6.00

8. Milk 1 can Php 42.00

9. Oil ½ liter Php 20.00

10. Vanilla 5 tbs Php 29.50

11. Brown Sugar 1 ½ cups Php 12.75

12. Butter 4 pcs Php 27.85

13. Quick Cooking Oats 2 cups Php 55.00

14. Semisweet Chocolate Chips 1 cup Php 20.00

15. Chocolate 1 pack Php 54.75

16. Marshmallow 1 pack Php 24.50

17. Powdered sugar ¼ kilo Php 32.00

18. Sticks 100 pcs/pack Php 42.00

19. Cupcake paper 100 pcs/pack Php 50.00

20. Plastic Wrapper 8 pcs Php 60.00

21. Box 5 pcs Php 56.60

22. Coupon 20 pcs Php 12.50

23. LPG Php 100.00

TOTAL 1,000



Table 3. Financial Data

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