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Planets - Karakatwas - Nadi Jyotisham

Knowing about planetary Karakatwas (significations) is very important as all the

perceivable and non perceivable things beneath the sky are attributed to nine planets
and are very essential for reading at the time of consultations.

Sun >> Atma, Name, Fame, Bright, Success, Promotion, Government, High Posts,
Politics, Dignity, Authority, Gains, Good background, Father, Son, King, Warriors, Fiery
Nature, Proud, Male, Royal Pride, Prestigious, Bile, Right Eye, Heart, Fever, Medicine &
Sociology, Sanskrit and its allied languages, Circle shapes, Kashyapa gothra, capital of
countries, gold and copper, pungent taste, Arka, Ruby, Wheat, Lord Shiva, Status, Glow,
Eminent personalities, Qualities of trigunatma (Brahma, Vishnu & Maheswara), Tejo
Tatwa, Satwik, East, Male progeny.

Moon >> Mind, Blames, Thief, Change, Movement and Travels, Fraud, Adultery,
Cunning, Loss, Fickle Minded, capricious, inconsistent, Female progeny, beautiful eyes,
Kapha/vata, soft in speech, Satwik, Jala tatwa, Tamoguna, Divine, Eloping, Distraction,
Cheating, Liquid , Food , Water, Sell, Loss, North West, Eyes, Cold, Cough, Venereal,
Mental, lungs, Epilepsy, Infections, Blood impurities, Story writing, Astrology, Salt, food,
dairy products, agriculture, animal feeding, chemicals, edible oils, Mother, Mother-in-
Law, Aunt, Queen, Transfers, Losses, Tamil & its allied Dravadian Languages, Square,
Atreya Gothra, Goddess Parvathy, Artistic places & watery places like river, lake & tank,
Silver, Salt, Drumstick, milk oozing trees, sweets, slik cloth, Pearl, Rice, Arts,
Psychology, Chemistry, Hotel Management.

Mars >> Ego, Enmity, Cruel, Dominate, Quarrel, Hazards, Anger, Stubborn, Proud,
Obstruct, Power (shakti), Electricity, Manliness, Haste, Commander, bridge of nose, Hills,
mountains, rocks, mines, metals, hard substances, hard metals, spheres,
brother,husband, warrior, soldier, South direction, Male progeny, Agni tatwa, Male,
Technical, Machinery, Realtors, Sports, Defense, Mining, Breaks, Quarreling, Harass,
bile, Cuts and wounds, muscle, teeth, bones, spine, fire, accidents, Mantra (powered
languages), Yantra Vidya, Triangle, Bharadwaja gotra, Red color, spicy, coral, Red gram,
Lord Subramanya, Engineering, physics, mining, irrigation, sharp instruments, wild
animals, bricks, Fire, thorny trees, industries related to Fire, Electrical, mechanical,
metal, mining, mineral, stone crushing, granite, arms and ammunitions.

Mercury >> Logic, Romantic, Friend, Analytic, Intelligent, Education, Diplomatic,

logical, romantic, Witty, Sharing, Intellect, Learning, Speech, Commerce, Business,
Accounting, publicity, media, teaching, Astrology, publishing, Gardening, Brokerage,
Communication, Power of judgement, Writing, Maternal uncle, wise persons, young,
sister/brother, friend (girl or boy), lover, maternal uncle, counseling, forehead, skin,
lungs, shoulders, anemic, blood defects, lands, agro lands, creepers, education places,
North direction, logical and intellectual languages (coded languages), Arrow, Atreya
Gothra, Informative, bitter taste, uttareni, Emerald, Green gram, Prince, Vishnu, Maths,
Statistics, green color, soft and attraction.

Jupiter >> Noble, Priestly, Preacher, guide, Master, religious, respect, honour,
benevolent, wisdom, generous, higher intelligence, successful, self efforts, good works,
liver, hernia, jaundice, fat, gas, vata, obesity, yellow color, legal, advisory, endowments,
temples, finance, prosperity, growth, North east direction, akasha tatwa, Male progeny,
Jeeva karaka, Audit and accounts, philosophy, Lord Dakshina murthy, Minister, Bengal
gram, Yellow Sapphire (pushyaraga) Peepal Tree, sweet, Human development and
research, Angeerasa gothra, Rectangle shape, sanskrit languages, Kapha, Satwa guna,
coconut trees, sugarcane, betel nut, Vedas, interior wood decoration, elephants, prayers,
devotional songs, mantras, charitable institutions, charities, jobs linked to priest,
advisory, legal, education department, life insurance department, meditation, healing
and religious preaching,
Venus >> Passion, Beauty, Luxurious, Prosperity, wealth, Expertise, Marriage,
Artistic, bhogha, High profile, Profitable, Romantic, Female progeny, Jala Tatwa, Rajasic,
Pleasure loving, Wife, Female, Daughter and Daughter-in-law, minister, higher learning,
house, vehicle, Assets, comforts, south east direction, vata kapha, venereal diseases,
uterine, phlegm, diabetes, semen, womb, ovaries, sexual, marketing, finance, beauty,
arts, clubs, hotels, pleasure places, lima beans, white color, vitality, jasmine, artistic
houses, cosmetic items, vanity bag, luxury cars, trees of watery places, honey bees,
sour fruits, lotus, oval shape, master of demons, power of sanjeevini, expertise in
literary languages, pentagonal shape, bargava gothra, places of wealth, joy and
pleasures, Sour taste, fig tree, diamond, beans, minister, Goddess Lakshmi, house
keeping, jobs linked to banks and finance, performing arts, vehicle, luxury,
entertainment, beauty parlours, visual media, music and women related fields.

Saturn >> Stubborn, Service, Karma, Progress, Delay, Lazy, Works, Busines,
Promotion, Workminded, blue color, limping persons, hunch back persons, tobacco,
factory, labourers, workmen, last rites, Iswara, slow, sincere worker, vayu tatwa, west
direction, tamas, profession, low profiles, old materials, indigestion, rheumatism, karma
karaka, labour, nerves, joints, gas, dark color, deep eyes, downward looks, cruel, blue
sapphire, blue lilies, locomotive, application languages like blue prints, symbols,
kashyapa gotra, Lord Yama, industrial development places, iron, cold taste, sami tree,
sesame, servant, subjects like departmental and work related training.

Rahu >> Kalapurusha, Injurious, Last rites, Shadow, Unethical, laborious, low profile,
illusions, dangers, other caste, foreign, ill health, danger, wheel, paternal grand father,
smugglers, deceivers, thieves, foreigners, drivers, obstructive, stammering, vayu tatwa,
tamasic, eccentric, pervert, addictions, secretive, intestine diseases, ear, cataract,
poisons, pains, sick, big roads, big grounds, half constructed or destroyed building, wide
spread trees, big manhole pipes, public transport vehicles, train, aeroplane, squint eyes,
black magic, south west direction, vertical or reverse reading languages, wheel shape,
paithenasa, petro and desert places, amusement places, lead, Astringent taste, durva
grass, agate, black gram, low class people, Goddess Chamundeswari, indicates subjects
like chemicals, nuclear physics, foreign related subjects, jobs related to foreign related
companies, secret dealings, atomic energy, air related, poisons chemical industries,
intoxication's, explosives, vehicle related, menial works, secondhand good dealing, black
magic and witch craft.

Ketu >> Philosophy, bondage, aimless, karma end, religious, ritualistic, moksha,
diseases, disputable, ill health, quitting, maternal grandfather, holy person, monks,
philosopher, bondage, sanyasis, agni tatwa, tamasic, spiritual, deject, divorce,
unworldly, argumentative, law, medicine, occult, bondage, block, de-link, abortive,
pains/cuts, tumours, skin, private parts, constipation, piles, pitta, Lord Ganapathy,
small, narrow, tail like things, obstructing places and passages, small dogs, rats, insects,
arresting, hand cuffs, funeral, grey color, tailoring shops, tailors, materials, edges and
ending, dried grass, rope, thread, hair, herbs/roots, loin cloth, trunk of elephant, banyan
tree, tail portion of serpent, wire, wireless, North East Direction, flag shape, Jaimini
gotra, historic places, pilgrims, religious places, Rusted metals, stale taste, Kusha grass,
cats eye, horse gram, Saints, seers, subjects like theology, medical, law, astrology, jobs
related to handicrafts, low paid, tailoring, weaving, spinning mills, healing and medicine,
argumentative works, wire, rope and pipe, alternative therapy.

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