Guide in Citations

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• The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA)- Author-date Oriented
• The Modern Language Association (MLA)- Author-page Oriented
• Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
• American Medical Association Manual of Style (AMA)
• The Chicago Manual Style
• APA- psychology, education, HRM, business, economics, and other social sciences
• MLA- literature, arts, and humanities
• IEEE- Engineering
• AMA- medicine, health sciences, and other natural sciences
• Chicago- reference books, non-academic periodicals



1. Date only rule:

 According to De Belen (2016), nursing ethics is…”
 De Belen (2006) said that nursing ethics…
2. Authors last name plus date:
 Nursing ethics is in the process of… (De Belen, 2016)
3. Author’s last name, date and page numbers…
 Nursing is “in the process of constant change” (De Belen, 2016, p.1)
4. No author source
(“Title,” date) rule:
 Research is the key to progress and development (“Research Made Easy,” 2005)
5. No author and no date source
(“first few words of the title,” n.d.) rule:
 In the final analysis, female nurses are most likely to get stressed than make nurses
(“Stress Nurses,” n.d.)
6. Two or more authors
(Last name, last name and last name, date) rule:
 Nursing is the process of constant change (De Belen, Loarca & Ventura, 2016).
7. Two or more authors
(Last name, last name and last name, date) rule:
 Nursing is the process of constant change (De Belen, Loarca & Ventura, 2016).
(Author et al., date) rule:
 Research in nursing is synonymous to nursing research (Ventura et al., 1999)
8. Same Author/s
(Author, date [a] and Author, date [b]) rule
 Research has a social function (De Belen, 2016a) (De Belen, 2016b)
(Author, date and date) rule:
 Research is “a work of mind” (Ventura, 2005 & 2006)
9. Specific parts of a source
Always give the page number for quotations or to indicate information from a specific table, chart,
chapter, graph, or page. The word page is abbreviated but not chapter.
 The painting was assumed to be by Matisse (Powell, 1989, Chapter 6), but later analysis
showed it to be a forgery (Murphy, 1999, p. 85).
10. Online Newspaper Articles:
 Becker, E. (2001, August 27). Prairie farmers reap conservation's rewards. The New
York Times. Retrieved from


1. The first detail in your reference’s in-text citation must also be the first thing that will appear
when listed in the Works Cited page.
2. The author’s name may appear in the sentence, but the page number should always be in the
parenthetical citation and not in sentence.
3. Single author in a print source
 Sipacio claimed that MLA style is required for Humanities student majors (54).
 MLA style is Required for Humanities student majors (Sipacio 54).

4. Three or fewer authors in a print source

 Sipacio and Barrot claimed that MLA style is required for Humanities student majors
 MLA style is Required for Humanities student majors (Sipacio and Barrot 54).

5. More than three authors

 Sipacio, Barrot, Ramirez, and Trinidad claimed that MLA style is required for Humanities
student majors (54).
 MLA style is required for Humanities student majors (Sipacio, Barrot, Ramirez, and
Trinidad 54).
 Sipacio et al. claimed that MLA style is required for Humanities student majors (54).

6. No author’s name
 MLA style is required for Humanities student majors (“Citation Styles” 54).

7. Direct Quotation
 Miranda claimed that “adhering to a style is a mark of discipline” (56).
 Would it be fair to say that “adhering to a style is a mark of discipline” (Miranda 56)?
 Miranda claimed that “the level of complexity differs according to each person” (qtd. In
Sipacio 56) because of several factors.

 Sipacio claimed that IEEE style is complex [1].
The reference number corresponds to the full bibliographic details of the text in the reference list
of the paper.
[1] B. Sipacio, Citation for Engineering. Chicago: Skyward Publishing. 2010.
 AMA style is complex .
The reference number corresponds to the full bibliographic details of the text in the reference list
of the paper.
1. Sipacio B. Citation Guide for Natural Sciences. Medical Publishing. 2010.

 AMA style is complex .
The reference number corresponds to the full bibliographic details of the text in the reference list
of the paper.
1. Sipacio B. Citation Guide for Natural Sciences. Medical Publishing. 2010.


1. Listed in the footnote/endnote in standard font size

2. Numbered consecutively
3. Placed at the end of a sentence/clause
4. Placed after quotation marks and punctuation except dashes, where they are placed before.
 Great efforts have been put forth to save giant pandas in recent decades. The Chan
Foundation for Panda Livelihood contributed over $20,000 to the San Diego Zoo last
year to ensure that its Panda Cam would operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
President Danny Chan said, “Now people from all over the world can see the fascinating
behavior of pandas, such as eating bamboo and sleeping whenever they want.”

Example of corresponding notes:

1. Danny Chan. My Philanthropic Life: Helping the World Through Panda Rescues (New
York: Scribner), 123.

2. Michele Kirschenbaum, “How One Man Saved Many Pandas,” Journal of Animal News 67
(2014): 12.



1. Place the reference list on a new page. Label the page “References” and align it at the center at the
top of the page.
2. Apply hanging indention.
3. All texts should be double-spaced.
4. The sequence in writing the names of the author should be: Last name, First name Initial. Middle
5. The references should be in alphabetical orders.
6. Capitalize the following: first letter of the first word of the title, first letter of the first word of
its subtitle after a colon, and the proper nouns.
7. Italicize the (journal) title.
8. Remove the hyperlink of the URL (online sources).
9. Place the period at the end of the entry (print sources)
10. Put n.d. with sources which have no date.
11. The sequence of information should be:
Author’s Last name, First Initial. Middle Initial (Date published). Title of Source. Location of
Publisher: Publisher. Retrieved from URL

12. Full Date

Only include the full date for the item if there is no additional way of pin pointing that exact item.

For example, a full date is needed for a newspaper article because searching a year's worth of
newspapers is too time consuming when an exact date will get you to the right issue.

As a general rule, include the full date for magazine articles, newspaper articles, online postings, and
online videos.

 Kelley, S. (2007, November 25).

13. Same Author and Date Info

If you are citing multiple items by the same author that were created the same year (e.g. multiple
webpages on the same website), distinguish the sources by including letters in the Date information.

 Rollins, R. T., & Hammonds, P. M. (2008a).

 Rollins, R. T., & Hammonds, P. M. (2008b).

14. Journal Article

15. Book


1. Place the reference list on a new page. Label the page “Works Cited” and align it at the center at
the top of the page.
2. Apply hanging indention.
3. All texts should be double-spaced.
4. The sequence in writing the names of the author should be: Last name, First name Initial. Middle
5. The references should be in alphabetical orders.
6. Italicize the titles and capitalize the first letter of each major word in the title.
7. If URL is included in the source, enclose it in brackets and end it in a period.
8. Place the period at the end of all entries.
9. In your citation, the elements should be listed in the following order:
Author. Title of source. Title of container, version, number, publisher, publication date,


1. Place the reference list on a new page. Label the page “References” and align it at the center at the
top of the page.
2. All texts should be single-spaced.
3. The references should be listed according to the orders in which they were cited in the text.
4. Capitalize all the first letters of major words in the titles.
5. Place a period at the end of all entries.
6. Provide a page no(s). of sources.
7. Book
Author(s). Book title. Location: Publishing company, year, pp.

8. Book Chapters
Author(s). “Chapter titles” in Book title, edition, volume. Editor’s name, Ed.Publishing location:
Publishing company, year, pp.

9. Article in a Journal
Authro(s). “Article title:. Journal title, vol.,pp,date.


1. Place the reference list on a new page. Label the page “References” and align it at the center at
the top of the page.
2. All texts should be single-spaced, left justified.
3. The references should be listed according to the orders in which they were cited in the text.
4. For book titles, capitalize all the first letters of major words in the titles.
5. Place a period at the end of all entries.
6. Provide a page nos. of sources.
7. Journal Article


1. Place the reference list on a new page. Label the page “Bibliography” and align it at the center at
the top of the page.
2. All entries in the bibliography will include the author (or editor, compiler, translator), title, and
publication information.
3. All included sources (books, articles, Web sites, etc.) are arranged alphabetically by author’s last
name. If no author or editor is listed, the title or keyword by which the reader would search for
the source may be used instead.

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