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Level Period of Funding

Strategies/ Target Office
Performance/Service Area Objectives of Implementation Requirements
Interventions Beneficiaries Responsible
Priority Amount Source
Insufficient capacity of Capability building of Trainings, Lakbay Barangay 4th Quarter of P50,000.00 Brgy. Funds Barangay, DILG
barangay officials to perform barangay officials Aral to LGU’s Officials (2018-2020)
their functions with best
A. Governance &

Inadequate knowledge on To become Conduct Local Punong Brgy. 7 1st Quarter of P10,000.00 Brgy. Fund DILG
the preparation, adoption, competent, effective Legislation SBM, SK 2018 & 1st
enactment of resolutions & efficient local Training Secretary & Quarter of 2020
& ordinances legislations Treasurer
Presence of pending and To increase the Review on new Lupon 3rd Quarter of P30,000.00 Municipal DILG, Mun.,
unsettled KP cases Lupong KP Law Tagapamayapa 2019 Fund court
tagapamayapa skills Implementation members
in settling disputes
within the barangay
Insufficient Brgy. Funds to To expand the Fiscal Sangguniang 3nd Quarter of P5,000.00 Self Help MTO,
finance all projects/programs Barangay Official’s Accountability & Barangay & 2019 Accounting
in the barangay capacity on raising Management Barangay Office
revenues from Workshop Treasurer coordinated
with COA
local sources
Presence of delinquent tax To educate the target IEC/Tax Brgy. Officials Every 4th Quarter P1,000.00 Self Help Sang. Brgy.
payers beneficiaries on how Campaign “Fight Tax Payers of each calendar Assesor’s &
to avoid tax against Tax year (2018-2020) MTO
penalties and Penalty”
benefit from the Seminar
taxes paid &
Level Period of Funding
Strategies/ Target Office
Performance/Service Area Objectives of Implementation Requirements
Interventions Beneficiaries Responsible
Priority Amount Source
With inactive BBI’s, NGO’s & To mobilize BBI’s, Signing of MOA Brgy. Officials, Every 2st Quarter Self Help Sang. Brgy.
PO’s officers together with NGO’s & PO’s & Community NGO’s, PO’s & of each calendar Brgy. Secretary
members towards the Mobilization BBI’s (officers) year (2018-2020) BBI’s, NGO’s &
achievement of Workshop PO’s
Brgy’s Vision, Mission
& Goal

Incompetent skills on rescue To immediately Actual Drills & BDRRMC & 3nd Quarter of (Brgy. DRRM DILG, PNP &
and lack of rescue equipment respond and Skills Training volunteer 2019 Fund) MDRRMC
addressed the needs residents
in times of disaster
particularly victims of
Presence of below normal/ To train mothers on Mother’s Class & Mothers, Nutrition Month Brgy. Fund MHO
Moderate malnourished proper food planning food preparation BHW’s & BNS Whole Year 2019- 20% Dev’t.
children & preparation to workshop 2020 fund
malnutrition in the
Lack of Health Center To equip Procurement of BHW’s BHERT 4th Quarter of Brgy. Fund MHO
Equipment & Lack of First Aid beneficiaries skills Weighing, 2019 20% Dev’t.
expertise expertise on first aid Measuring Scale fund
remedy and use of & BP Apparatus,
appropriate medical Training on First
equipment’s Aid Remedy

No trained personnel to offer To capacitate officers Livelihood Officers & of 4nd Quarter of Municipal DOLE, MSWDO
Alternative learning for in conducing non- Training (Bag CPYAP and OSY 2019 fund & Municipal
OSY/CPYAP formal education Making, & BPRAT Mayor
such as different Recycling &
livelihood trainings Culinary)
Insufficient skills on To create competent Actual Drills & Barangay 3rd Quarter Brgy. Fund PNP, DILG
responding to crimes and able tanods Skills Training Police Force (2019-2020) (20& Dev’t.
equipped with BDRRMC fund)
responding skills in
times of
Level Period of Funding
Strategies/ Target Office
Performance/Service Area Objectives of Implementation Requirements
Interventions Beneficiaries Responsible
Priority Amount Source
No available livelihood To train individuals Training on Indigent 4rd Quarter of Municipal Mun. Mayor,
program for constituents on productive Banana Chips Members of 2020 Fund MSWDO, DOLE
livelihood programs Making, & Goat the brgy &
in order to earn extra Raising LCWIncome
income to support a

To uplift the ideas of Ecological waste Brgy. Officials 3st Qurter (2019- Mun. Fund MENRO
Absence of trash bins, compost officials & committee segregation BESWMC 2020) (20% Dev’t
pit in communal areas of the on adaptive seminar fund)
barangay & presence of un management of
segregated waste barangay waste

Absence of Covered Court/ To establish a Establishment of Barangay 2nd Quarter of 3.0M Brgy., Barangay
Evacuation Center covered/evacuation covered Council, Cong. (2019-2020) Congressional, Council, Cong.
center for any court/evacuation District, Prov. And Provincial District, Prov.
recreation and center Govt. funds Govt.
Level Period of Funding
Strategies/ Target Office
Performance/Service Area Objectives of Implementation Requirements
Interventions Beneficiaries Responsible
Priority Amount Source

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