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Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 2
1. What is a good manager? .......................................................................................................................... 3
2. What is meant by a good leader? .............................................................................................................. 5
3. How should a manager motivate the people they are responsible for? ..................................................... 7
4. How would an organization look without a line manager or a leader and people manage themselves? . 9
5. Advantages of such an organization described and analyzed ................................................................. 13
6. Main problems or challenges of such an organization ........................................................................... 15


Managers are the essence of the organization. Few common functions that a manager performs

includes planning, organizing, leading and controlling. But these four functions do not fulfil the

criteria of management. Adding on to these functions there are secondary functions which are

equally important and together both the function helps to grow the organization and makes a set

of roles for managers to perform.

The most important role of a manager is to plan efficiently and to implement those plans in the

working structure. Planning plays an important role because it helps to bridge the gap between

where the organization is at present and where they want the organization to be in future.

The business environment is one of the rapid growth environments. Every day a new

management theory is emerging focusing on the changes and innovations. Business schools

should focus on preparing their students for this change. They should be vigilant in adopting

modern techniques and concepts.

The concept of modern management is an adaptation of change in three dimensions including

structure, technology and people. Framing a coordinative mechanism, in order to have a smooth

functioning and peaceful working environment.

1. What is a good manager?

A good manager is one who establishes an efficient relationship between the resources of the

organization. This resource includes human, capital, tangible and intangible resources. A good

manager should focus on inspiring the employees to work optimally out of their own will and not

out of any obligations. He should be able to show the employees achievable goals, vision and

aim of the organization. A healthy relationship is based out of trust, commitment, engagement,

and reliability. If this is followed, a manager and his management will survive exceptionally.

What does it need to be a good manager - It takes years for a manager to learn and implement

the practices of management. But that is not what makes them exceptional rather their own

qualities. Few such qualities of a good manager are stated below;

1. Possess 3 ships of management- Leadership, mentorship and ambassadorship.

Leadership is the capability of taking a decision, standing with it and implementing the same in

the culture of the organization. Mentorship is efficiently guiding the members to work for goals

and inspiring them to achieve. Ambassadorship is making the employees aware of the socio and

political concerns of the organization..

2. Clear and open communication.

The free and flexible communication process is what employees appreciate. When the manager

gives importance to express views and opinions with a clear mindset, it accelerates the growth

than the unclear one.

3. Rewards and recognition for success.

A good manager always cares for his team’s success. This not only brings a cheerful

environment but also motivates the team to work with high sincerity.

4. Minimizes the conflict.

In order to have an efficient team, negativity needs to be squashed off to the earliest. Hence a

manager should understand the need of minimizing the root cause of these conflicts in order to

have growth and development.

5. Hires the right person for the right job.

Human resource is one of the most crucial resources in business. This is the only element that

makes an organization competitive to face the challenges. A team member should have all the

necessary skills required to perform the task that has been assigned. A good manager should

visualize this before appointing people for the task.

Why is it required - A good manager needs to have these qualities in order to be a strong

business acumen. His capabilities are being judged on the basis of the decision he takes to make

the organization grow. A capable manager will never be afraid of taking a risk and in order to do

this, he needs to have a strong and efficient workforce.

2. What is meant by a good leader?

It requires a lot of efforts to transform a person's personality. The leadership is a journey where

at each stage personal and professional traits are evaluated. A good leader is not about the

position of a person but the qualities of influencing people in an organization, helping to

maximize their efforts to achieve the desired goal. There is no set of rules for leaders but their

styles are classified into various segments in order to differentiate one from another.

There is a list if traits theory that explains the qualities of a leader. Traits theory qualities include

emotional appearance, creativity, intellectual skills, determination, confidence level, diplomacy,

judgmental ability, verbal communication skills, knowledge etc.

During the phase of drastic change, it is expected that a good leader will formulate an effective

and efficient plan. The way a leader approaches his problems should reflect confidence,

positivity and supportive concern. Poor leadership means less of hope and without hope, an

effective system of operations will not be followed.

What makes a good leader - These are few of the qualities need to be a good leader.

1. Future-oriented.

A good leader should have the vision to speculate on the changes in the business environment.

He should try to make his team ready beforehand to face the challenges. This is the only quality

that makes a leader different from managers. Managers get the work done from employees

whereas the leader let an employee work as per their will.

2. Courage to take the risk.

An organization seeks this quality in a good leader. A leader should have enough courage to take

speculative risks. Higher risk brings a good chance of profitability. This gives the advantage to

perform best by utilizing the resources.

3. Integrity.

The organization expects complete honesty from its employee. Integrity is an agreed fact that is

followed up in every organization, be it small cooperation or large business unit. The roots of

integrity lie in the truthfulness.

4. Develop a sense of cooperation.

Cooperation is essential in order to make everyone work together for success. Cooperation helps

the organization to work smoothly and grow rapidly. Without cooperation, an organization not

only lacks growth but chaos and negativity become an everyday issue.

5. Positive attitude.

Leaders are the long term thinkers of the organization. It is expected they carry a positive

outlook even in difficult situations. Long term thinkers need to peep into the near future in order

to get the idea what kind of changes in plans policies and working is needed.

Therefore, they should always be excited about the possibilities they can create with this positive


Why is it required - The acceptance of leadership responsibility is full of responsibility and

roles. In order to be an effective leader, it is important to have these qualities engraved apart

from the personal ones. There is a need that before stepping into this responsibility a leader put

off their shackles of dependency, confusion and fear.



3. How should a manager motivate the people they are responsible for?

Motivation is the process where a set of forces or energy is regulated towards one definite

direction. The role of a motivator is to make a person’s action move towards that direction with a

high level of persistence and confidence.

A good manager plays the role of a motivator by continuously guiding his team's to put the effort

in the same direction where the energy is flowing. He makes sure to implement traditional and

modern theory in order to meet the changes in the business. It becomes equally important for

managers to understand the needs, desire, expectations and ambitions a person has. This helps

him to frame a structure of hierarchy needs for every individual. Following Maslow's theory of

motivation is important as it prioritizes the needs according to the person.

Theories of motivation

Maslow’s theory of motivation: Maslow's theory of motivation gives emphasis to the fact that

the needs of an individual are prioritized as per the importance of them in their living. Maslow’s
hierarchy clearly gives the theory of job satisfaction and goes around the different segments of

needs as classified. The major head includes physical, safety, social and psychological needs.

 Physiological needs are the basic needs including food, shelter and clothing.

 Safety needs include the physical protection a person needs.

 Social needs include love affection and association with people around.

 Esteem needs are the self-acknowledgement needs

 Self-actualization needs are the needs of accomplishments and self-position.

Herzberg's two-factor theory/ motivator hygiene: This theory was originated from a study

between the students of accounts and engineers. This was conducted to determine the reason that

a person likes or dislikes about their job. The five main components that bring satisfaction are

achievement, recognition, responsibility, advancements and the job. On the other hand, he also

identified internal politics, management's poor approach, supervision, less pay and poor relation

demotivates the employee to perform.

The managers can motivate the person he is responsible for, by means of;

1. Designing a job that motivates the employee.

This will motivate them to work efficiently and will also minimize the employee’s turnover in

the organization.

2. Rewards and recognition.

One of the most important components is recognition and rewards. This motivates the winner to

work more and others to work correctly.

3. Integrating the motivational theories.

None of the theories will work efficiently if the situation is not desirable. Therefore, it is

important for managers to understand the need of the situation and implement the theory or

integration of them.

4. Appropriate pay for performance.

Appropriate pay means the deserving pay. Overpay will make the employee lazy to work and

underpay will demotivate him to work. Hence accurate pay acts as motivation for them.


4. How would an organization look without a line manager or a leader and people manage


Managers are associated with different tasks that include watching the employees, analysis their

skills and promoting their growth. It is observed that there are cases where people lack trust,

commitments and a lot of many things. In this era of revolution, organizations have started

adopting various other organizational styles rather than the traditional one. Many of these styles

have eliminated the role of managers. Holacracy is one of the most known non-management

structure which is found to be very successful. In this particular structure, 90 employees are

involved, and they organize themselves in circles. The role and motive of each circle are

different and it depends on them what they would like to choose.

When an organization runs without any line manager or leader, they follow the philosophy of

self-management. This brings self-development by improving the existing knowledge, idea and

skills. There are no senior- junior job titles. Everyone is treated equally. This type of structure is

generally seen in small and medium size organization. In a large scale organization it becomes

really difficult to follow this structure. It is really a challenging work for them to follow this

because if they will follow such structure, the implementation and acceptance will take years of

hard work and changing policies. And secondly the cost incurred in establishing this will be

high. Here every individual is represented freely and performs their task autonomously without

any mechanistic hierarchy structure. They follow their own style of working and are generally

committed to complete the work.

Self-management is based on two common principles;

1. One should not force the other to follow any work style and;

2. Individuals should follow up on the commitments made to others.

If these principles are followed, peace and harmony are maintained in the organization. As a

result of this effective performance is seen in the organization. Gradually the business

environment is following the pace of knowledge-oriented work rather than mechanism related

work. The lack of engagement and interaction in organizational culture proves that the idea of

controlling and commanding management no longer brings the development in the organization.

Having no manager on the role doesn't mean having any structure. An organization cannot

simply run without the managers. In reality, the organization has to make more investments to

design the structure without managers. For example, without a manager, a company has to invest

in designing the payroll layout, marketing assessment, recruitment policy and many more. Apart

from this one vital factor is peer relationship. In this no manager structure, peer relation plays a

major role. Values, ethics, respect, dignity requires a high priority and therefore should be given

importance while working together. But as the organization expands, delegation of authority

becomes a vital reason for survival. Therefore in large organizations such structure is tough to

manage even if they have one the cost incurred to manage this is too high.

Therefore, in this kind of organization, group of people are involved actively in decision making.

One who has relevant information contributes to the decision making therefore the overall

hierarchical load is reduced and people are stress free. In recent trends these organizations are

more into consideration because they quickly respond to new challenges and requirements. They

believe if once they opportunity is missed it is gone forever. Lesser is the involvement of

management hierarchy, lesser time they take in responding to commands and this helps the flow

of information from both the sides. This kind of organization structure focus more on agility. It is

the ability to adapt the strategy, structure, process, technology as quickly as possible for the

benefits of the business.



5. Advantages of such an organization described and analyzed

There can be a situation where decision taking should be urgent and critical. As a group, they do

not have time to take a collective decision and people go for individual decision making and

analysis the problems. Sometimes even the leaders and managers are in the dilemma of taking a

decision, regulating the business process effectively. Hence now most of the organization goes

for individual decision making and management.

Advantages of having an organization where people don't have a line manager or leader but

manage themselves (perhaps even own the organization collectively, participate in decision

making equally) are as follows:

1. It involves less dependency.

In such a structure, there is no dependency on work or role. The individual performs their job

independently and involves more in the self-learning. This minimizes the decision making time

and encourages prompt and on time working models. Self-intuitions and beliefs are brought into

the picture hence an individual can always work on self-improvement.

2. Improves decision-making skills.

Escaping from responsibilities and work is never entertained here. Therefore, this helps every

individual to improve their decision-making skills. they are accountable for their own decision

and actions hence they get a chance to improve and enhance their existing skills.

3. Availability of all information.

In such kind of structure, all the information is available with every individual. This doesn't

create a sense of super or inferior attitude among the group. As there is no upward or downward

flowing hierarchy rather it is a flat hierarchy where the flow of information is open for all with a

360-degree approach. This helps the organization to grow freely without any conflict.

4. More involvement leads to high satisfaction.

More is the involvement in work higher will be the satisfaction from work. Involvement brings

awareness, awareness creates opportunity and working for opportunity brings more satisfaction.

A study has explained satisfied employees are one of the crucial assets of the organization. It not

only improves the work but also brings honesty, disincline and positivity in an organization's


5. Self-investment leads to good vision.

Here, they wholly own organization which clearly means they are investing their capital. When

the investment is on stake, one will always try to the best of their possibility to improve the

business conditions by giving more attention to work and dynamics of business.

Therefore, one can't deny the fact that individual decision is justifiable when there is a need for

urgency. But the fact that it helps an individual to grow inclusive of the external and internal

environment is also important.


6. Main problems or challenges of such an organization

A manager plays an important role in minimizing the workload and promotes a smooth flow of

information. A line manager act as a middle person who regulates the plan of upper-level

management at a lower level. Eliminating them from the process of management is trending in

this dynamic environment. No wonder change is an essential element for growth, but having a

free flow of information as per the requirement is equally important. In an organization, it is not

only about the development of an individual but also of an organization as a whole. In order to

understand the importance of this, disadvantages of having an organization where people don’t

have line manager or leader but manage themselves (perhaps even own the organization

collectively, participate in decision making equally.) are as follows:

1. Success depends on every member of the organization

When the old concept of one man leading the team was followed, an individual was held

responsible for both success and failure. But here the rate of success and chances of failure

depends on the performance of each and every member. Even one mistake can lead to the

suffering of the whole organization. So the rate of success and failure both are depended.

2. The unsystematic flow of information in the structure.

The structure of reporting is unsystematic. None of the supervisory rules can be implemented

and at the same time, there is no authority to report in order to overcome the errors and mistakes.

At the same time, the structure of the flow of information is no clear and doesn't follow a formal

chain. It can be either way vertical, horizontal, diagonal, upwards or downwards.

3. Multiple perspectives can increase chances of complexity.

The chances of having confusion in working process are more in this flat structure. The nature of

giving opinions, views, ideas and suggestions are open to all and this makes the way for multiple

perspectives. It becomes really difficult to follow a single idea or to neglect others. As a result of

this more complexity is faced and the productivity gets hampered.

4. Rise in cost of framing structure.

The organization needs to make an extra investment in framing the structure. It requires more

time and money to get important information. As a result, the extra investment is done for

analysis of the work conducting meeting and conferences. Sometimes when situations are

complex these organizations outsource the extra work in order to concentrate on important ones.

As a result, there is an add on cost to the factors of business operations.

5. No individual accountability.

There are situations which are difficult to manage and therein no particular employee can

accountable for wrong decision or wrong method. As the decision-making approach involve the

interest of everyone present in the organization. Therefore, sometimes the credibility and

responsibility of work are on stake.

Challenges are being faced in every organization structure. But if the leaders are committed

towards the success and style of their working, complexities are minimized.

1. No need of compulsion.

The policy of making things compulsory may sound vague in this organizational

structure. Therefore the idea of making things compulsory for everyone will no longer be

efficient. Hence the work allotment should be done on the basis of interest and will


2. Setting a clear and open communication channel

It is necessary to have an open and clear lines of communication. There is a chance that

organization will have a lot of confusions in reporting and establishing authority. But an

open end to end communication will minimize this problem.

3. Developing a responsible team.

A responsible person will be able to handle difficult situations more rationally. Hence

individual should try to focus on the building a responsible set of teams who can act

maturely and develop a sense of affection towards their team.

4. Sharing the burden of problems.

In a flat organization, the burden of problem is more complex. There is a chance that this

problem is multiplied as and when the organization grows. So there is a need to share the

burden as and when it arises. By this way they can actually find relevant solutions to the

problem and there will be no further complexity.

5. Improving interactions among teams.

One way of improving the relation among the team members is by having a healthy

interaction among the team members. This will develop the sense of belongingness

among the members and this will help them to grow together.

Therefore, these reasons may restrict an organization to follow the idea of no manager

organization but at the end when a group of members moves forward to implement their ideas

and strategies the uncertainty is shared by everyone. This kind of structure encourages the sense

of ownership and individuality and less of pressure is placed on a single person to find the most

efficient choice among all the alternatives.


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