4 - Matrix Displacement Method For Rigid Frames

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The term frame generally refers to all types of load-carrying latticework in which finite and discrete
members are connected together at points known as “joints” or “nodes”. The main concern in this
lesson shall be rigid frames whose members are rigidly connected at the joints. The member ends at
these joints “translate” and also “rotate” as a whole. In contrast, the pin connected members of a truss
could only translate as a unit but rotate independently. Frames therefore deform mainly by bending.

When members of a frame lie on the same plane, the system is a “planar frame”. This frame can only
support loads if the line of action lies on the frame’s plane. On the other hand, a planar frame which
supports loads “normal” to the frame’s plane is called a “grid”.

There will be three fundamental principles which shall be considered:

1. The compatibility of deformations at the nodal points, that is, the equality of member end
rotations, D and nodal displacements, X;
2. The condition of equilibrium between the nodal loads, P and member forces, F. “Force” and
“Displacements” are used as general terms. Therefore, force includes direct forces as well as
moments while displacement may be rotation or linear translation;
3. The Force-Displacement relationship is governed by the geometric and elastic properties of the
members. In rigid frames, it is the known relationship between end rotations and end moments
as specified by the basic slope-deflection equation.

(Refer to Fig 5.2 above)

The same basic approach shall be applied in the formulation of the Matrix-Displacement Method for
Trusses in the previous modules. The external Nodal Displacement (X) are related to the Member End
Distortions (D) to form the system (D) = (B)(X). Then, the Member End Forces (F) are expressed in terms
of Member End Distortions (D) by using the slope deflection equations thus (F) = (S)(D). Third, using
equilibrium conditions, relate Nodal Loads (P) to Member End Forces (F) so that (P) = (A)(F).

Displacement at the nodes (joints) are first identified then labelled. Neglecting axial deformations, the
frame above has 5 degrees of freedom in rotation and 2 degrees of freedom in horizontal translation
(sidesway). Vertical displacements are constrained by the columns because of the assumed large axial
stiffness. Refer to Fig 5.3

One by one, introduce a unit displacement along each identified Global DOF, while keeping others
restrained. Note all members and corresponding end distortions that are affected by the application. A
linear relation between Nodal and Member displacement can be easily deduced from the figures in Fig
5.4 below:
D1 = X1 D7 = X4 – 0.25X6 + 0.25X7
D2 = X2 D8 = X2 – 0.25X6 + 0.25X7
D3 = X3 D9 = X5 – 0.20X7
D4 = X4 D10 = x3 – 0.20X7
D5 = X3 – 0.25X6 + 0.25X7 D11 = -0.25X7
D6 = X1 – 0.25X6 + 0.25X7 D12 = X4 – 0.25X7

Write the above linear equations as a matrix relation (D) = (B)(X):

D1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
D2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
D3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
D4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
D5 0 0 1 0 0 -0.25 0.25 X1
D6 = 1 0 0 0 0 -0.25 0.25 X2
D7 0 0 0 1 0 -0.25 0.25 X3
D8 0 1 0 0 0 -0.25 0.25 X4
D9 0 0 0 0 1 0 -0.20 X5
D10 0 0 1 0 0 0 -0.20 X6
D11 1 0 0 0 0 0 -0.25 X7
D12 0 0 0 1 0 0 -0.25


If the left end of a prismatic member is given a rotation Da while the other end is restrained, we need to
apply a moment Ma1 and an induced moment at the right end as shown in Fig 5.5 below. Conversely, if
right end is rotated by Db, applied moment is Mb2 and induced moment shall be Ma2
It can be seen that:

Ma1 = Ma2 =

Mb1 = Mb2 =

The Force Displacement relationship for a flexural member is given by:

Ma = Ma1 + Ma2 = +

Mb = Mb1 + Mb2 = +

In Matrix Format, the equation shall become

4 2
2 4

For convenience, let k = (a.k.a. stiffness constant)

Using the same format, we write the stiffness matrix for the individual members of the frame:

For member 1:

4 2 1
= 1
2 4 2

Member 2:

4 2 3
= 2
2 4 4
Member 3:

4 2 5
= 3
2 4 6

Member 4:

4 2 7
= 4
2 4 8

Member 5:

4 2 9
= 5
2 4 10

Member 6:

4 2 11
= 6
2 4 12

The (F) =(S)(D) relationship is shown below:

Assigning an arbitrary value to EI say EI = 150 such that k1 = 2EI/L = 300/6 = 50; k5 = EI/L = 150/5 = 30
and so forth, the above matrix shall become

The principles applied in this section are the most obvious. Considering all forces acting at a given joint
or floor level, the principles of equilibrium are used to equate the sum total of these forces to zero.

It will be helpful to remember the sign conventions: moments are positive in the clockwise directions,
direct forces pointing upwards and to the right are positive.

JOINT CONDITIONS: (∑M about the joint = 0)

@ joint 1: P1 – F1 – F6 = 0

@ joint 2: P2 –F2 – F8 = 0

@ joint 3: P3 – F3 – F5 – F10 = 0

@ joint 4: P4 – F4 – F7 – F12 = 0

@ joint 5: P5 – F9 = 0

See Fig 5-7 below:


∑Fh at the 3rd Floor level:

P6 + + = 0; P6 = +

When written in matrix form, P = (A)(F)

Note that the matrix (A) above is the exact transpose of the (B) matrix in the equation D = (B)(X)
This means that either (A) or (B) may be generated and the other is the transpose.

Since F = (S)(D) and D =(B)(X),

F = (S)(B)(X) = (S)(AT)(X)

P = (A)(F) then P = (A)(S)(AT)(X) or

P = (K)(X) where K = (A)(S)(AT)

In the matrix equation P = (A)(S)(AT)(X), only displacement matrix (X) is unknown. Solve as an
equivalent Linear System.

Now multiply matrix AT with the matrix (S) from the F = (S)(D) relation to form matrix (S)(A T):

Form the (K) matrix by multiplying the above with matrix (A) of the relation P = (A)(F).
This would give us

Form the P matrix: P = (K)(X). P is the same column matrix from P = (A)(F).
Note that P6 = 10 KN and P7 = 20 KN. P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 are all zero. Form an augmented matrix of P and
K matrix with the elements of column matrix P as the last column of the augmented matrix. This enables
us to solve for elements of column matrix (X). Reduce this augmented matrix to row reduced form by
Gauss Jordan elimination. The augmented matrix should look like the matrix below:
Once the above augmented matrix is reduced to row reduced form, the elements of (X) are known:

X= 0.0670

The (X) matrix is substituted into the F = (SAT)(X) matrix; F is the column matrix of member end-forces.

By multiplying the two matrices on the right, the frame end forces are solved.

F= -15.02 in KN-m

A preferred approach to such loading conditions is to consider the loaded spans to be fixed on their
support and thus, Fixed End Moments and Fixed End Shears act at the ends. These end reactions induce
equal but opposite directed forces on the nodes. These forces which are the reverse of the fix ended
forces become the “equivalent nodal loads.”

The final stress of a loaded span is obtained by superimposing the results of the “Nodal Force only
analysis” and “fixed end forces”.
For further illustration, consider the same frame analysed in the previous module, maintaining the
same geometric and elastic properties. Thus, the (SAT) and the (ASAT) matrices are unchanged. The fixed
end moments are computed for each member as shown from the table above. Using the member end
numbering, a column matrix (F’) is formed as shown below:
To form the P matrix, reverse the sign of the FEMs in matrix F’ and assign their values at their proper
addresses. Thus, the P matrix becomes:
The P matrix above is then augmented to the ASAT matrix for Gauss Jordan elimination to obtain the
row reduced echelon form (rref):

The rref would give the values of the elements of column matrix X (Nodal Displacement Matrix):

Matrix X is back substituted the the F = (SAT)(X) relationship to obtain the equation below:
Therefore, F = (SAT)(X) + (F’)

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