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Tod$y fi$ p$per

(10-09-2019)B$tch -9
And (09-01-2019) B$tch -8
By Afz$l Q$mbr$ni

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1 which prohet invented so$p

2 in which city h$zr$t lut AS born
3 who $ccepted isl$m first from
4 on which river b$sh$ d$m will
be constructed
5 from which country p$kist$n
purch$sed g$w$d$r
6 when sui g$s is invented $t the
pl$ce of sui
7 who h$ve bre$k the record of
imr$n kh$n in recent test wickets
8 current ch$irm$n of pcb
9 in the memory of whos l$bours
l$bour d$y is celebr$ted
10 2nd nobel prize winner from
11 wh$t is the l$q$b of h$zr$t
umer f$rooq RA
12 when did first n$tion$l
$ssembly of p$kist$n is
1-She compl$in ____he$d$che
2-She writes $ letter ____bl$ck ink
3-She h$s 2 childrens ____her x
4-to burn the mid night oil
me$ning is______
5-Dise$se c$used with deficiency
of vit$min D is _____
6-complete the se$ries of 3 5 7
7-b$n$n$ pl$nt is $ type of ______
8-which is not $ type of pl$nt____
9- foreign minister of P$kist$n is
10-which cricketer bre$k the
record of imr$n kh$n recently
11-dry ice is _____
12- P$kist$n got its firt
contributions $fter.____ye$rs
13-sui g$s discovered in ____$t
14-blood $nd muscles $re ____
15-Which p$kist$ni got linen
pe$ce prize
Bh$sh$ d$m kis river p bn$y j$y
B$sh$ d$m kitny ye$r m$in cmplt
p$k k$ crnt forighn minister
currnt pcb ch$irm$n
F$ther n$me of hzrt sulm$in
who invented so$p
1973 constitution n$tionl
$ssembly m$in kb...$s$ kch th$
1962 offici$$ l$ngu$ge of
p$k export us$ which thing
h$zr$t um$r k l$qbb
h$zrt umr k uncl nm ni y$d ks chz
k schlor thyristor
Pti reorg$nized which thing,
l$bour d$y m$in ks jg$ pr m$zdor
m$rygy jski wj$ sy ye clbrt ki$ jt$
pressure unit
kw$tt ks k$ unit h$

Inspector Investig$tion FPSC

tod$y solved p$per B$tch 8 held
on 10th J$nu$ry 2019 10\00 Am.
Downlo$d tod$y FPSC p$st
p$per of Inspector in Feder$l
Investig$tion Agency 2019
morning p$per 10\00 Am $long
with $nswer key.
Inspector FIA solved p$per B$tch
1. NAB w$s est$blished in which
ye$r? Ans 1999
2. Imr$n kh$n re$dy to pl$y the
role of medi$tor between two
Countries ? Ans S$udi Ar$bi$ $nd
3. World Economic Forum
conference 2018 held in which
city ? Ans D$vos, Switzerl$nd
4. N$me the Ex President of USA
who died on 30th November
2018? George HW Bush
5. Density of w$ter is __?  1 g/cm3
6. N$me the cricket pl$yer with
highest One D$y Intern$tion$l
Score ?
7. TAPI g$s pipeline, connects ?
8. N$me the eldest son of Holy
Prophet (P.B.U.H)? Q$sim
9. Which son of Holy Prophet
died on 10 Hijri ? Ibr$him
10. Bibi T$hir$ n$me given to
whom? H$zr$t F$tim$ (R.A)
11. Qibl$ direction ch$nged in
which ye$r ? 624 AD
12. P$kist$n won world hockey
cup in which ye$r? 1971, 1978,
1982 $nd 1994
13. Bibi F$tim$ (R.A)  m$rried
with H$zr$t Ali r.$ in which Hijri? 
2 Hirji
14. Which country give the
l$rgest b$ilout p$ck$ge to
P$kist$n? IMF, US, SAUDI.
16. N$me the first Hindu wom$n
elected $s Sen$tor in P$kist$n?
Krishn$ Kohli
17. Krishn$ kohli is $ffili$te with
which politic$l p$rty? PPP.
18. S$hiw$l power project funded
or constructed by? Chin$
19. B$d$r b$ttle w$s first or not?

Tod$y's FIA Inspector Question

Girls College I-9/1.

The visitor come ....their c$rs. 2.with
2.P$ucity $ntonym Abund$nce
3.Overweening $ntonym
4.R$ffish synonym
5.Luculent synonym

8.who is the Hindu( l$lit)senetor

in the sen$te. Krishn$ Kum$ri
9.Wh$t's the p$rty of Hindu
senetor Krishn$ Kum$ri...PPP
10.with which country P$kist$n
h$s decided to tr$de in loc$l
11.which Americ$n president died
in November But his n$me w$s
not there George W Bush Senior
12.P$kist$n won first hocky gold
13.R$d Ul F$s$d st$rted in... 2017
14.Z$r e Az$b w$s the swo$rd
n$me of ...
Ali (A.S) Kh$lid bin W$li (RA)
Moh$mm$d (PBUH)$nge in displ$cement
is ...Velocity
16.T$hir$ w$s the surn$me of ...
Kh$dij$ ( RA)
17.Hum$n Rights
Minister ...Shereen M$z$ri
18.who g$ve fin$nci$l b$ilout to
19.wh$t's the n$me of SG of
20. Ghizw$ B$dr
w$s .....Ghizw$ ...1st
21.Tot$l Ghizw$t ...
22.Q$sim w$s ....Son of
Moh$mm$d (PBUH)
23.When the Qibl$ w$s ch$nged . the sensitive p$rts of
hum$n eyes. Retin$
25.Who m$de f$stest 1000 in
B$ber Az$m
26.M$jour source of l$nd
pollution ...Pesticides...insecticide
27...After K$shmir wh$t's the 2nd
m$in dispute btween P$k $nd
Indi$...W$ter issue.
28.According to w$ter tre$ty
p$kc$n use the .........rivers
excessively.... l$rgest D$m in P$k...
30. P$kist$n h$s recently
$nnounced to build which two
31.S.I unit of Ch$rge
32.H$zr$t Ali $nd H$zr$t F$tim$
33.In which pr$y we turn our
34.Shrimp h$s .....legs

FPSC FIA Inspector Investig$tion

B$tch 8 I 09 J$n 2019 FPSC
P$per Questions
Feder$l Public Service
Commission FIA Inspector
investig$tion B$tch 8 Questions
9th J$nu$ry, 2019
FIA Investig$tion B$tch 8 evening
1. Deficiency of vit$min c c$uses?
2. C$use of j$undice?
3. Dise$se of rickets is c$used
by ?
4. Blood qu$ntity in hum$n body?
5. Pulse r$te ($ver$ge) in
6. Device which converts
chemic$l energy to electric$l?
7. At which d$te P$kist$n bec$me
the member of NAM?
8. Mees$q e m$din$ d$te ?
9. F$st w$s indic$ted $s f$rz in
which hijr$h? 10. K$lm$ T$yy$b$
comes in Qur$n how m$ny times?
11. L$st Governor Gener$l of
12. Prime Minister of p$kist$n in
1988 w$s?
13. At the timr of indo P$k
$greement who w$s the
President of p$kist$n ?
14. Oper$tion Z$rb e $zb w$s
st$rted for wh$t
15. Oper$tion R$ddul F$s$d w$s
st$rted under which
Army chief?
16. Cpec $greement $mount is
incre$sed upto?
17. In 2018
18. Co$l power pl$nt in S$hiw$l
h$s m$de with the
help of ?
p$r wh$ pe kuch or
he th$.
20. Imr$n kh$n medi$tes bw?
s$udi $nd yemen.
21. WEF world economic forum
conference in 2018.
Genev$, Switzerl$nd.
22. Which president died on 31st
sept. Bush f$ther
23. Density of w$ter.
24. Highest odi score, F$kh$r
25. t$pi g$s pipeline, connects ?
E$st $si$, south $si$,
26. Prophet Muh$mm$d Eldest
27. Which son of prophet died on,
8,9,10 hijri.
28. Bibi t$hir$ n$me given to
which Bibi?
29. Qibl$ direction ch$nged in?
30. P$kist$n Won world hockey
cup in? 65, 77 or 1970.
31. Bibi f$tim$ r.$ m$rried with
H$z$rt $li r.$ in whL--
hijri? 9, 10, 2 hijri?

32. Which country give the

l$rgest b$ilout p$ck$ge to
P$kist$n? IMF, US, SAUDI.
33. P$kist$ni Nobel l$ure$te, i
think M$l$l$ yousif z$i,
Abdul s$l$m k$ b option th$
34. Which first hindu girl elected
in Sen$te? Kirshn$
35. Kirshn$ koli belongs to which
p$rty? PPP.
36. R$dd$ul f$ss$d n$med $fter
which isl$mic
w$rrior? I think Kh$lid bin w$leed.
37. s$hiw$l power project funded
or constructed by?
Chin$, US , s$udi ese kuch option
38. B$d$r b$ttle w$s first or not?
39. How m$ny $bw$s in Isl$m,
20, 25, 30.

He emigr$ted Afgh$nist$n.

Idiom= ring the bell

Sentence correction
She p$ssed the ex$m by working
Direct $nd indirect:
she s$id to me, m$y you live long

Most Questions Time, Speed,
Dist$nce c$lcul$tion
Gener$l Knowledge
PM $nd President in 1988
1st Elections in P$kist$n ye$r
P$k won Olymic Gold med$l in
Hocky l$st time.. 6th Popul$tion
census c$lcul$ted in which ye$r
CM of Indi$n Held K$shmir
6th Popul$tion census
c$lcul$ted in which ye$r CM of
Indi$n Held K$shmir
CM of Indi$n Held K$shmir
Mody Belongs to which cl$ss
Z$rb e Az$b to remove terori$ts
$) F$t$ b) Sw$t c) blochist$n d)

R$d$ ul F$s$d St$rted by

$) Gen B$jw$ b) Gen R$heel

Everyd$y Science
Aver$ge Blood in Adults
Sensitive l$yer in eye
Most $bund$nt on e$rth crust
Arthritis (dise$se) Rel$ted to
(P$rt of Body) Isl$mi$t
Fund$ment$ls of Isl$m
Pr$yers without Az$n
F$st ...
R$kuh in Qur$n
K$lm$ T$y$b$ in Qur$n how
m$ny times?

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