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Business without digital marketing is like a fish without water. In this dynamic world, if a question is
asked like ‘Which is the most trending form of marketing methods these days?’ Then one can never give
any answer other than the vast term Digital Marketing. Digital marketing is nothing but the marketing
of products or services using digital technologies mainly on the internet but also including mobile
phones ,display advertising and any other digital medium . These days business finds immense potential
in the use of digital technology specifically through Internet. It just has not only revolutionized the field
of advertising but also marketing to a larger extent. If we look back to the years gone, we know the
business would had hardly spend on marketing activities but today every business spends a elephantine
amount on marketing. Even on those days there were very few who used internet service and today if
we look around us we cannot catch anybody without it . As more and more people are connecting to
internet, business is trying to target the customer on internet by using different channels of Digital
Marketing. On days when when internet was not so popular it was difficult to find the information
related to their taste and preference of the target audience but now just switch on your social media
accounts and you will have your information in your plate. Nowadays every business is trying to get their
presence on the internet either by creating their website or by having social networking page. We can
say that in coming days business which is not been there on internet will out of business soon.
Business which is most active on internet will remain active for longer period of time or will exist for
longer period.

I believe Digital marketing holds huge promise for MBA students and they are snapping up roles with a
new wave of marketing firms. MBA’s have greater potential for jobs in new marketing trends.
Technology continues to drive business in the 21st century, and mastery of digital marketing operation
and techniques is a prerequisite for success.

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