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What is a
 Symbol of gratitude
 Acknowledgement
WHEN to write a thank
you note ?
 When you receive a gift
 When someone performs an act of service for you
 When someone goes above and beyond what is expected
 After a job interview
 When you stay overnight at someone’s home
 If someone shows you around the town or city
 When someone has you over for dinner
 When somebody organizes a party or event for you
WHY to write a thank
you note ?
 A wonderful gesture
 Improves mood
 Improves health
 It sets you apart
 Fosters connection
 Revives a lost art
write a thank you note
 Write the note as soon as possible
 Send it through the mail
 Be authentic and specific about why you are grateful
 Use a nice paper, clean handwriting and a good pen
HOW to write a personal
thank you note ?
 Salutation
 Begin by expressing gratitude
 Mention the significance of the gift or the act
 Mention specific details
 Add some news about your life
 Close by referencing the past and alluding to the future
 Repeat your thanks
 Valediction
GUIDELINES to write a
professional thank you note
 Express gratitude in the subject (e-mail)
 Salutation
 Thank the interviewer(s) for their time
 Bring up specific points of conversation during the
 Make a personal connection with the person
 Sell yourself
 Finish with euphony, i.e., statements that sound pleasing
to the ear
 Regards
Dear interviewer
[thank them for their time] +
[mention something about your conversation that
you found interesting or helpful] +
[reiterate your interest in the job and company] +
[emphasize what experience you have that would
make you good at the job]
Thanks again.
Anil Nagarkot
Vice President
C-15, Sector-17

02 March 2019

I would like to thank you for taking the time to interview me on 28 February 2019 for the Social
Media specialist position. It was great to meet you and your team and I truly enjoyed learning
about your current marketing program.
As we discussed, my experience includes creating and managing social media properties for both
established and start-up organizations. My successes include being a major social media
influencer, building a network of 45000 Instagram followers for K.V. Enterprises within five months.
If I can provide any additional information to help you with your decision making process, please
let me know. I look forward to hearing from you soon!
With Regards
Arjun Rathor

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