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Name____________________________________ Section _________________ Score___________

Subject: 21st Century Literature of the World
Teacher: Mr. Joseph D. Briez, LPT Date: December 3 – 8, 2018
Type of Activity: Please check the appropriate box. ___Individual ___Group ___Concept Notes

Activity Title

Learning Targets
At the end of the lesson, the students would be able to:
1. Discuss the customs of Filipinos in Pre-Spanish to Spanish through folk stories, old plays and
short stories.
2. Analyze theme of literature on both periods.

Learning Concepts


PHILIPPINES- consists of small political units called Barangays, and its form of government is
THALASSOCRACY. It becomes a major center of trade with merchants coming from different parts of
Asia who used to ask permission from the king of Sugbu (now CEBU) to trade in their waters.
1. MAHARLIKA (nobles)
2. TIMAWA (freemen)
3. ALIPIN (slaves)
- NAMAMAHAY (granted homes and property)
- SAGUIGUILID (don’t the have right to have their own property).
o Timawa can be a slave by punishment, and slave can be a timawa by marriage,
repayment through labor, or being set free by their own masters.
 Filipinos were not barbaric people because they had already established a centralized government,
their own legal system, and their own alphabet, which is the BAYBAYIN.
 BAYBAYIN (baybay or “to spell”), was the writing system of the Filipinos in the pre-spanish period.
it is derived form Brahmic scripts of India, and was one of the writing systems used in Southeast


 Filipinos have rich collection of literatures: from folks songs to epic tales, number of remarkable
works like poetry, songs, stories, riddles, and proverbs that showcased the rich culture of the
Philippines, and from Tagalog to Ilocanos to T’boli and to every cultural groups who have their own
stories to share. However, Spanish missionary tried to obliterate those records, and so only orally
transmitted literatures survived today.

THE MYTH – a traditional or legendary stories which featured one or more deities or demigods and
explain some practice of it, rite, or phenomenon of nature. With the exemptions of Muslims, Filipinos
believed in dieties.
o BATHALA – Filipino believed to be the creator of heaven and earth, and all living things. Under
him, are the pantheon of gods and goddesses:
o First Generation:
 AMANIKABLE, tagalog god of sea, originally god if hunters
 IDIYANALE, goddess of labor and good deeds
 LAKAPATI, goddess of fertility
 MAPULON, god of seasons and the husband of goddess Lakapati.
o Second Generation
 MAYARI, goddess of moon and one of the three daughters of Bathala to a mortal woman
 TALA, goddess of the stars and sister of goddess Mayari
 HANAN, goddess of the morning and sister of Mayari and Tala
 DUMAKULEM, son of Idinayale, the strong and agile guardian of the mountains
 ANITUN TABU, goddess of wind and rain, sister of Dumakulem
 ANAGOLAY, goddess of lost things and wife of Dumakulem
o Third Generation
 APOLAKI, the god of sun and chief patron of warriors
 DIYAN MASALANTA, goddess of love, conception, and child birth. The youngest of all

o KAPTAN or CAPTAN, Visayans supreme god

o GUGURANG, Bikolanos supreme god
o MALAKAS at MAGANDA (The strong one and beautiful one) – the most famous creation myths
of the Philippines. The origin of the social classes of the land.

THE EPIC – a long narrative poem which tells the heroic deeds or events. It also edify religious tales,
animal stories, or philosophical and moral theories.
o BIAG NI LAM – ANG (life of Lam-Ang), was survived through oral transmission, and said to be
the composite works of various poets. It was transcribed by Pedro Bucaneg, Ilocano blind bard.
- it is consists of 1477 lines and 206 stanzas.
- It tells the story of Lam-ang, who was blessed with the gift of speech the moment he
was born, and grew up with supernatural strength and has a pet cock and a dog.
- Prologue: the birth of Lam-ang (line 5-108)
The Quest for the Fathers (lines 109-192):
The Quest for a Wife (line 455-1300)
Epilogue: the death and restoration of the hero (lines 1301-1477)

o ALIGUYON, an Ifugao epic about the the hero Aliguyon, who fought an epic battle with his arch-
enemy Pumbakhayon. It is in a form of Hudhud, and traditionaly sung on special occasions and
harvest time.
o LABAW – DONGGON, the Visayan epic. A mortal son of the goddess ALunsina and Datu Paubari.
His adventures include the slaying of a giant with hundred arms and facing the lord of Darkness
– all in order to win the various maidens.
o THE AGYU, a Manobo/ Ilianon tale, which follows the adventures of a hero whose people had
been driven out of their land.

FOLK SONGS – one of the oldest literature of the Philippines which was originated in traditional popular
culture or have been written in such had been an important part of the Filipino culture since the
ancient times. Examples of it are: Kundiman (love song), Diana (wedding song), Oyayi or Hele (lullaby),
and Kumintang or Tagumpay (war song).

EPIGRAMS (SALAWIKAIN) – a rhetorical device, a witty, ingenious, or pointed saying that is tersely
expressed. It served as the laws or rules on good behavior by ancient Filipinos, and am expression of
truths, ethics, and good morals.
Examples: Ang patulog na tao, Sa kalan ito’y walang mailuluto
Kung ano ang puno, Siya ang bunga
Ang ampalaya kahit anung pait, sa nagkakagusto’y matamis

RIDDLES (BUGTONG ) – a mystifying, misleading or puzzling question posed as a problem to be solved ot

guessed. It is rhythmic and parable. It is a form of entertainment that not just amuse the Filipinos but
also improves thinking and broadening vocabulary.
Examples: Isang supot ng uling, Naroo’t bibitin – bitin (duhat)
Hindi hayop, hindi tao, Walang gulong tumatakbo (agos ng tubig)
Dala mo, Dala ka, Dala ka ng iyong Dala (sapatos)


ROMAN CTHOLIC – the greatest contribution of the Spaniards to the Philippines

DOCTRINA CRISTIANA – first religious books published in the Philippines in July 15, 1993, and was
written by Fr. Domingo Nieva and Fr. Juan De Palencia. It was written in both Spanish and Tagalog, was
also the first book written in alibata.
- It is contains of prayers and regulations of Christianity.
- It contains: the ten commandments of God, the Seven Mortal Sin, Salve Regina (Hail
Holy Queen), Credo, Dios Te Salva Maria (Ave Maria), Pater Noster (Our Father)

Nuestra Señora Del Rosario – contains the biographies of various saints, novenas, and some common
questions and answers regarding religion. Published by Fr. Blancas De San Jose in 1602.
BARLAAN AT JOSAPHAT – believed to be the first novel published in the country. It was published by Fr.
Antonio De Borja, from its original Greek language to tagalog.
URABANA AT FELIZA – written by Fr. Modesto De Castro, tells the story of two sisters exchanging letters
and telling each other stories about their lives, wherein Urbana is in Manila and Feliza is in Bulacan.
SECULAR POETRY – one of the forefront literature in Spanish period. Poets could write both in Spanish
and tagalog to impart their knowledge of the Spanish language through literary works:
o THE PASYON, tells the story of the life of Jesus Christ, His trials and sufferings. This is usually
sung during the Holy week.
o AWIT, a narrative poem with 4lines per stanza and dodecsyllabic with 12 syllables per line and a
pause after sixth syllable, and in AAAA rhyme scheming format. Its famous works is the
FLORANTE AT LAURA ni Francisco “Balagtas” Baltazar.

DRAMAS/PLAYS – dramas is a form of written literature intended for performance. Plays is a theatrical

o SENAKULO, traditional depiction of the events before and after Jesus Christ crucified.
o DUPLO, aims to entertain the bereaved family members after their loss.
o MORO-MORO, a comedy play that tells the full story of adventures and wars of the Spaniards
and the Moros.
o SANTACRUZAN, a ritual pageant/procession held on the last day of Flores De Mayo.
o CARILLO, shadow play using puppets made from cardboard.
o PANUNULUYAN, a version of Mexican tradition, means “looking for lodging” usually done on
Christmas Eve. Images of Mary and Joseph are brought around the town accompanied by two
o SARSUELA, conveys the intense and passionate feelings of love, revenge, jealousy and loathing.

o JOSE RIZAL, a prolific writer that has influenced people of his writings. He wrote Noli Me
Tangere, El Filibusterismo, Memories of my Town, and some other novels and essays.
o MARCELO H. DEL PILAR, dubbed as the great propagandist and known as Plaridel, the editor
and co-publisher of La Solidaridad.
o GRACIANO LOPEZ – JAENA, hailed as the great genius of the country.
o ANTONIO LUNA (taga –ilog), a general who is known for his works criticizing the rule of the
government and the church.
o MARIANO PONCE (Tikbalang, Nanding, Kalipulako), ally of propagandist, co-founder of La
Solidaridad, which most of his topics were varying from history, politics, and sociology.
o JOSE MARIA PANGANIBAN (Jomapa), known for possessing photographic memory.
o DR. PEDRO PATERNO, first Filipino writer to break free from the strict rules imposed on
literature during the Propaganda movement.


o ANDRES BONIFCIO, he established Katipunan. Inspired by Jose Rizal’s literary works that made
him form a revolt against the Spanish rule.
o EMILIO JACINTO (Dimas-Ilaw and Pingkian), the “Utak ng Katipunan”, editor of Katipunan’s
publication, Ang Kalayaan, and the youngest among the members of the Katipunan.
o APOLINARIO MABINI (katabay), the Utak ng Himagsikan and the Dakilang Lumpo.

Exercise: GIVE IT A TRY

The whole class will be divided into groups to perform the Philippines‘ Pre – Spanish Literature. This is
to remind again the 21st century learners of the rich foundation of our cultures. Presentation will all be
done in DRAMATIC POETRY type of Literature presentation. Each group will be given 10mins to perform.

Group 1: Philippine history of creation and the story of Malakas and Maganda
Group 2: Filipino traditional courtship to wedding day with folk songs presentation
Group 3: Filipino past time presentation of Saliwakian and Bugtungan.

CLARITY OF WORDS (language & dialogue) - 30%
STAGE PRODUCTION (pops, costumes, & scripts,)- 20%
TOTAL: 100%


Name____________________________________ Section _________________ Score___________

Subject: 21st Century Literature of the World
Teacher: Mr. Joseph D. Briez, LPT Date: December 3 – 8, 2018
Type of Activity: Please check the appropriate box. ___Individual ___Group ___Concept Notes

Activity Title

Learning Targets
At the end of the lesson, the students would be able to:
1. Discuss various Philippine literature during the American and Japanese era.
2. Understand how the Americans and Japanese were able to influence our writers.
Learning Concepts


AMERICAN REGIME – its colonization lasted almost 50years from 1898 – 1946, where the
regime was divided into two phases:
1. 1898-1935. a.) US Navy Admiral George Dewey and with Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo led the
Spanish-American war at Manila Bay; b.) Treaty of Paris for $20, Philippine Independence
day on June 12, 1898; c.) Philippine – American war that caused the death of Gen.
Antonio Luna, captured of Ge. Aguinaldo at Isabela, and Philippine under US colony.
2. 1936-1946. a.) establishment of Commonwealth of the Philippines, as Manuel L. Quezon
its president, and the start of Japanese occupation in world war II. b.) invasion of the
Japanese and occupied the manila in 1942. c.) Japanese surrendered to the allied forces
of America in 1945.
 American influence brought two significant development that shaped the Literature and the
Philippine education:
1. FREE PUBLIC EDUCATION – given to the greater number of Filipinos in order to improve
their social status and became part of the country’s middle class.
2. ENGLISH as a medium of instruction – it opened the mind of the Filipinos to Anglo-
American models of thought, culture, and life ways.
 Through this, a lot of Filipino Literature were written in English, and everyone had the
opportunity to access education that led to nurturing many gifted poets, novelist, and
various writers in English, Spanish, and Filipino languages.

1. CECILIO APOSTOL (1877-1938). The greatest Filipino epic poet writing in Spanish
- was also caonsidered as “ the greatest writer in both prose and poetry writing” by
Claro M. Recto.
- His poem EL TERROR DE LOS MARES INDICOS (The terror of the Indian Seas) opened
the world of Spanish poetry. AL HEROE NACIONAL is his famous short poem was
dedicated to Dr. Jose Rizal.
2. FERNANDO MA. GUERERO (1873-1929). Founder of La Vanguardia and La Opinion
- UST law graduate but pursued journalism and became an editor to LA Independicia
and El Renacimiento. Used Spanish as his medium of poery writing.
- Had published CRISALIDAS (1941) and AVES y FLORES (1970)
3. JESUS BALMORI (1887-1948). PREMIO ZOBEL awardee for Literature and a Poet Laureate
- Has published RIMAS MALAYAS (Malayan Rhythm) at age of 17.
- Had published the satirical verses VIDA MANILEÑAS under penname “Batikuling” for
La Vanguardia, and compiled his column in EL Libro De Mis Vidas Manileñas (The

book of the lives of Manileñas)
4. CLARO M. RECTO (1890-1960). One of the 1935 Constitution authors.
- “Aristeo Hilario” of La Vanguardia, and wrote the daily column titled Primares
Cuartillas (First Sheets).
- An AB graduate of Ateneo De Manila and LAW graduate of UST. Had published his
compilation of poetical writings entitled Bajo Los Cocoteros (Uder the coconut
trees), and his playwrights: Solo Entre las Sombras and La Ruta de Damasco.

1. LOPE K. SANTOS (1879-1963). A former senator and a Tagalog writer.
- Famous for his BANAAG AT SIKAT (from Dawn to Full light), a depiction of certain
social issues such as socialism, capitalism, and the works of the united association of
laborers. It became the “Bible of working Filipinos” with famous quotations “ Ang
pagkaramdam ay isinisigaw din ng nakakaramdam at di ng mga nanonood lamang.”
2. Jose Corazon De Jesus (1896-1932). The King of Balagtasan
- Notable for his poem BAYAN KO that was set to music by Constancio De Guzman,
and became famous during the Marcos dictatorship.
- Had also published series of poems: Pangungulilia at age of 17, Buhay Maynila
column with 4,000 poems, and Ang lagot na Bagting with 800 poems, and some 300
short poems and prose.
3. SEVERINO REYES (1861-1942). The Father of Tagalog Plays/Tagalog Zarzuela
- a remarkable playwright, writer, dramatist, and was acclaimed as one of the giants
of Philippine Literature in the 20th century.
- Famous for MGA KWENTO NI LOLA BASYANG (Tales of Grandmother Basyang) which
first appeared in Liwayway Magazine; WALANG SUGAT(No Wounds) a zarzuela that
tells the story of katipuneros during the later years of Spanish occupation; ANG
KALUPI, a zarzuela that was presented in Gran Compania De Zarzuela Tagala on
1902 at the Teatro Zorilla.

1. PAZ MARQUEZ – BENITEZ (1894-1983). Fist modern English Language short story writer
- a UP graduate in 1912, a professor specializing on short story writings, and one f the
first Filipino trained in the American education system.
- Fouded WOMEN’S HOME JOURNAL, first women’s magazine; and had published
NIGHT IN THE HILLS, short story about a salesman in the jewelry store in Intramuros;
became an influential to Filpino writers of English language especially to Filipino
women writers.
2. ZOILO GALANG (1895-1959). Author of the first Filipino novel in English
- A CHILD OF SORROW, first Filipino novel published in English language, which tells
the emotional life of Lucio Soliman; had started writing in Kapampangan language;
published TALES OF THE PHILIPPINES, compilation of coutry’s myths and folklore.
3. JOSE GARCIA – VILLA (1908-1997). The comma poet
- He introduced the unique style of writing poem, the comma poetry, which intended
to anchor the reader and focus attention on each word in n almost meditative way.
- Reversed consonance, the last sounded consonants of the last syllable are reversed
for the corresponding rhyme.
- His famous works: Footnote to Youth, Have Come,Am Here, Appasionata: Poems in
the Praise of Love.


 Almost all newspapers written in English have been ordered by the Japanese to stop its
operation. This censorship has brought only few literary works printed.
 Japanese instilled and reinforced the importance of loving the motherland. The stop of English
language usage, opened the mandatory used of only TAGALOG in all communications and
writings. This era gave rise to the golden rise of short stories.
 “commonly with a nationalistic voice but at the same time, careful not to let the colonizers
know” – Gonzales; “the scarcity in basic necessities and even common decencies depicted the
urban life in this era: the guerilla, Huk, and others.

LIWAYWAY – a magazine that recognize the brilliant minds of behind the literary works of this era.
Carlos P. Romulo – won the Pulitzer price for: I Saw the Fall of the Philippines, I See the Philippines Rise,
and Mother America and my Brother Americans.
HAIKU – an unrhymed verse form of Japanese origin having three lines containing usually five, seven,
and five syllables respectively.
Example: TUTUBI (DRAGONFLY) by Gonzalo K. Flores
Hila mo’y tabak
Ang bulaklak nanginginig
Sa paglapit mo.
Novels – most were not published because of the scarcity of papers, but some writers still tried to write.
STEVEN JAVELLANA – published “The Lost One” which depicted the era after the Japanese invaded the
Jose Ma. Hernandez – published the playwright “Panday Pira”, which tells the story of an Indio
blacksmith from Pampanga who was recognized to be the first Filipino who made a cannon.
FRANCISCO SOC RODRIGO – wrote the play “Pula sa Puti” which was plated at the Metropolitan Theater
of the UP Dramatic Club. The play portrays the people’s weakness that leads the character to gambling.
JULIAN CRUZ BALMACEDA – “Sino ba kayo?”, “Dahil sa anak”, and “Higante ng Patay”.

ExerciExercise: GIVE IT A TRY

The whole class will be divided into groups to perform some of the notable works of the Filipino writers
during the American and Japanese Era. Each group will be given 10mins to perform.

Group 1: Each member will compose a two stanza Haiku to be presented on stage
Group 2: “Bayan Ko” song mime interpretation
Group 3: Play presentation from one of the stories of MGA KWENTO NI LOLA BASYANG.

CLARITY OF WORDS (language & dialogue) - 30%
STAGE PRODUCTION (pops, costumes, & scripts,)- 20%
TOTAL: 100%


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