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International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)

ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-X, Issue-X, don’t delete Top & Bottom Header, & Fill up Manuscript details (Ist Page, Bottom, Left Side)

“A Case Study Construction Waste

Management in Infrastructure Projects In
Jammu And Kashmir State”
Basharat Hamid, Anuj Sachar, Sandeep Singla

developing countries, which are entering or already entered
Abstract: Construction is a vital connection to the in construction boom era. According to the annual report of
infrastructure and growth of industry in Ghana. Building Dubai municipality's Waste Management Department, a
roads, bridges and other constructed facilities play an total of 27.7 million tonnes of construction waste were
important role in shaping society’s future. Consequently, the removed from various construction sites in the city in 2007,
construction Industry produces a vast quantity of waste which recording growth of 163 % in comparison to the waste
is environmentally unfriendly, and costly to project budgets. generated in 2006, just 10.5 million tonnes.
This thesis aimed to find out how much construction waste is C and D WASTE IN INDIA:
costing construction project budgets, and attempted to make
recommendations to the industry on how profits can be
maximized and how the waste can be minimized. For the
empirical investigation, a mixed methodology was used which
combined questionnaire and interview data from stakeholders
in the road construction sector, together with documentary and
observational data, to examine the issue of construction waste
and cost management. The research revealed that a number of
construction companies in Jammu and Kashmir do not adhere
to international best practices and standards. Practices such as
site waste management plan, waste minimization strategies
were found to be non- existent in these companies. A number of
recommendations were made to improve the practices of the
construction firms in Kashmir. For example, the need to train
every construction employee on waste management, the need of
government agencies to monitor and enforce rule of waste
management in the construction industry.

Index Terms: Waste Management, Construction, Factors,

Develop framework, Recycling

U.S environmental protection agency (EPA) defines
construction and demolition (C&D) waste as waste
materials consist of the debris generated during the Figure 1. Percentage Distribution of C & D waste in India
construction, renovation, and demolition of buildings,
roads, and bridges. C&D materials often contain materials Table 1. Quantity of various constituents generated per year.
that include: concrete, asphalt, wood, metals, gypsum,
plastics and salvaged building components. It is a
Constituent million tonnes/year
challenging task to handle C&D waste because it is bulky,
heavy and inert and also mixture of various materials of
different characteristics. it is also difficult to choose any Soil, Sand and gravel 4.20 to 5.14
suitable disposal method, for example, it cannot be
incinerated due to its high density and inertness. With the Bricks and masonry 3.60 to 4.40
advent of sustainable practices in the construction industry,
C&D waste generation and handling issues have been in Concrete 2.40 to 3.67
focus to achieve the sustainable goals for our common
future. Reduce, reuse, and recycle (3Rs) philosophy is Metals 0.60 to 0.73
highly useful in handling of C&D waste. The better practice
to handle C&D waste is to minimize generation of C&D Bitumen 0.25 to 0.30
waste, but sometimes it is unavoidable due to various issues
such as change-orders or demolition requirements for Wood 0.25 to 0.30
redevelopment. Globally, building waste production of 2 to
3 billion tonnes per year is estimated, of which 30-40 % is Others 0.10 to 0.15
concrete. C&D waste issues are more important for the

Basharat Hamid, Department of Civil Engineering, RIMT University,
Mandi-Gobindgarh, Punjab, India. CLASSIFICATION OF WASTES:
Anuj Sachar, Department of Civil Engineering, RIMT University, Mandi-  Recyclable waste:
Gobindgarh, Punjab, India.
Sandeep Singla, Department of Civil Engineering, RIMT University, Steel, Plastic, Bricks, Glass
Mandi-Gobindgarh, Punjab, India.

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 Non- recyclable waste: III. LITERATURE REVIEW

Concrete, Timber, Sanitary Works Effie Papargyropoulou et al. (2011) focused on Malaysian
construction sectors current status of waste management
and level of sustainable practices on construction sites of
II. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY waste management and examined attitudes and response of
The construction and demolition waste management is Malaysian contractors towards waste management by
one of the vast aspects of the construction industry. The interviews were conducted with Malaysian contractors.
main aim of this project is to reduce the construction and Concluded industry’s level of awareness and commitment
demolition waste generated by reusing and recycling the on waste management very low and disappointing.
construction and demolition waste our approach is to fulfill
the increasing demand of the resources by providing the Al-Hajj A. et al. (2012) identified from data collection from
recycled materials and to minimize the earth pollution. The two case studies of construction projects construction
main objectives of the project are as follows:- practices to reduce construction waste generation in the
UAE construction sitesby a literature review of research.
• To study construction and demolition waste and concluded that of people are lack of awareness, less
management policies in Jammu and Kashmir state importance towards the waste management on sites and
• To study the role of regulatory authorities in showed that contractors are consider that waste
demolition waste management. management is extra cost of the project.
• To study the C and D waste generation, its sources and
streams. Mansi Jain et al. (2012) focused on the economical aspects
• To understand the recycling of C and D waste for of waste minimization of construction waste materials in
reutilization. terms of cost savings of construction projects of India. And
• To study the feasibility of C & D waste in terms of found that Due to lack of site waste management systems,
reuse, recycle and reduce disposal. lack awareness of waste minimization in Indian
construction industry cause of generation of large quantities
of material waste. This affect not only at environmental but
also in terms of economically as waste materials handling
cost. And found various causes for the waste generation like
lack of awareness among owners and contractors, lack
knowledge of labor, lack of proper training and education
towards waste minimization system.

NitishBagdi et al. (2013) used secondary data for the

implementation of waste management practices in
construction sector in India. Data based upon results from
interviews of stockholders which focused on some of the
significant issues and challenges and connected with the
implementation of waste management system of India. And
found that lack of awareness of contractors and the
construction workforces are major challenges connected
with the implementation of waste minimization practices in
Indian construction industry.

Job Thomas et al. (2013) enlightened the waste

minimizations 3R System of reduces, reuse and recycle for
the construction waste management in India. and the
resources from construction and demolition (C&D) wastes
is yet another benefits for recycle materials for the
construction industry of India. And also identified that the
some wastes are reduce by proper design in early stage .it
can possible to minimize the some level of C&D waste
generated taking proper construction and demolition

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering &
Retrieval Number: XXXXXXXXX Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-X, Issue-X, don’t delete Top & Bottom Header, & Fill up Manuscript details (Ist Page, Bottom, Left Side)

Manal S. et al. (2014) developed a detailed process for to Sumit Arora et al. (2015) slated that natural resources are
calculate construction and demolition waste management limited in nature and will be depleted with time. In order to
approaches by use of Decision Matrix technique. And conserve the natural resources, unnecessary wasting of
introduced procedure helps the decision maker such as the natural resources should be restricted and regulated.
C&D contractor or Transportation firms as well as the Formulation and implementation of proper waste
policy maker on strategic level to take the different management plan throughout the life cycle of the projects
influencing factors. Provided data, when planning; can minimize C&D waste. With an integrated resource
changing or implementing C&D waste management management scheme, most of the construction and
systems and approaches. And recommended to make a cost demolition material can be recycled or reuse and more
and benefit analysis for each stakeholder in the CDWM natural resources can be conserved for our next generations.
system considering weighing the discussed pros and cons of The success of recycling requires promotion by means of
every approach. education and information, in addition to judicial rules
from the concerned governing body.
Shishir Bansal et al. (2014) concluded that there are less
amount of natural construction resources so It is necessary Harish. P. Gayakwad et al. (2015) concluded that it is
to reduce C&D waste generation and increase difficult to manage Construction and Demolition waste in
reuse/recycling as the construction industry .in view of the future. Data should be generated On the basis of
international experiences, shortage of aggregate from Construction and Demolition waste generation on sites.
natural sources being discovered in many parts of the And promote the. Separation of Construction and
country, so now recycled aggregate can use in constructions Demolition waste. The method for collection of waste
processes. The government Municipal waste laws are should be discovered and modified it suitable for future.
required to modify and prepare effective plans and strict Reuse and recycling of waste materials also should be in
rules and regulations are important forget out of this method thus charges should be applied on generation of
problem. And recycled products are important to promote Construction and Demolition waste.
the use.
Nur Najihah Osmana et al. (2016) slated that Improvement
NuriaCalvo et al. (2014) described a system based on rules in construction waste management among industry
measures which key factor in order to create a 3Rs model stakeholders especially in Malaysia is crucial in ensuring
(Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) for incorporate universities in the the industry continues to remain relevant. In addition,
C&D waste management for costs savings. By main developing countries like Malaysia are still lack of
objectives like restraint of idle wastes, reduction of awareness of the importance of good waste management
unnecessary landfills and imitation of recycled C&D wastes practices due to the issue of monetary profit that becoming
and found a broad understanding of the socioeconomic main target to the industry stakeholders. Awareness of
factors implications of waste management over time and industry stakeholders are seems important in order to
policies in the recycled aggregates market and got the goal minimize the gap between developing countries and
of 30% C&D waste aggregates in 12 years or less then it. developed countries.

Abhijith Harikumaret al. (2014) suggested the reusing of Thangjam Somchand Singh et al. (2015) reviewed on
the material waste is very good and helpful especially when systematic investigation on the management of construction
it will be useful in minimizing demolition of earth’s stone materials and construction wastes are presented. Review
crust and green forest cover by aim of reduced mining. By revealed the requirement of a change in management
proper reduce, reuse and recycling, these waste materials processes of construction materials. Introduction of
will not addition of wastes at dumping and disposal sites. mechanized handling of construction materials will
Showed that Construction industry can help by encouraging improve efficiency and cost effectiveness on the
use of recycled concrete stones and bricks. Towards its construction site. It revealed that minimization of wastage
commitment to protection of environment. of construction materials during the construction phases is
helpful for reduce the cost of the project.
Sadhan K Ghosha et al. (2015) proposed a model for
transportation rates and resale value of recyclable materials Sawant Surendra B. et al. (2016) slate the management of
which makes use of easily available data that can provide construction waste plays important factor in the cost of
an intuitive and simple optimization model for the basic project. And it can estimate the cost of construction waste
principles of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle into action. and its impact on cost of project. and also observed that by
Identified the most common causes of waste on site. And the generation of construction waste not only the cost of the
identified the advantages of construction waste project get increased but also high amount of valuable land
management. is got occupied by waste generated in construction industry
and it had negative impact on environment. And suggested
that by reducing construction waste can help decrease the
cost of project.

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Noor zalikhasaadiet al. (2016) reviewed on current IV. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

situation of construction waste management in Malaysia
A survey should be designed in accordance with the
construction industry by literature. And invented that that
following stages:
have been implemented in the Malaysian construction
V. Stage one: Identify the topic and set some objectives.
industry is not serious on the construction waste
VI. Stage two: Pilot a questionnaire to find out what
management. And concluded that, a effective support by the
people know and what they see as the important issues.
government is needed and providing a most effective policy
VII. Stage three: List the areas of information needed and
in managing and reducing construction waste. Otherwise,
refine the objectives.
the sustainability of resources and environmental problems
VIII.Stage four: Review the responses to the pilot.
will not be reduced and eliminated effectively.
IX. Stage five: Finalise the objectives.
X.Stage six: Write the questionnaire.
RoselineIkauet al. (2016) defined a better understanding of XI. Stage seven: Re-pilot the questionnaire.
the sources, causes and factors affect construction XII. Stage eight: Finalise the questionnaire.
demolition wastes by current waste minimization practices XIII.Stage nine: Code the questionnaire.
on construction sites in Malaysia by determining various
factors causing construction waste generation in the The survey design to be used in this instance is both the
Malaysian construction sector And concluded that Lack of quantitative and qualitative methods.
knowledge, lack of experience, poor supervision, improper
inventories, lack of storage leading to damage and Rework.
Concluded that Malaysian construction need world level
awareness to construction waste management. Collis and Hussey (2003:56), define a population as “any
precisely defined set of people or collection of items which
Saheed O. et al. (2016) suggested that site construction is under consideration”. Collis and Hussey (2003:155-160),
waste management practices could be important for reduce define a sample as made up of the members of a
waste generation. Like strict construction waste population” (the target population), the latter referring to a
management, project drawings, no design changes during body of people, or to any other collection of items, under
construction process. And concluded poor knowledge, poor consideration for the research purpose. For this survey, the
design documentation and lack of awareness towards waste population is building construction companies.
minimization would increase construction waste JKERA (Jammu & Kashmir Economic Reconstruction
generation. Site supervisors should be with the knowledge Agency) and JKPCC (Jammu & Kashmir Project
of waste minimization which could reduce of waste Construction Company) were the two companies selected
generation on sites. for this study. These companies are SMEs in nature and
will relate significantly to the study, especially the idea of
R. Shreena Shankari et al. (2017) highlighted the reducing cost by employing waste minimisation tools.
importance of waste management in construction, amount Srinagar which is the first urban agglomeration in Kashmir
of waste generated in construction project, methods of formed the area for this study. I was motivated to focus on
minimizing waste and best methods involved in Srinagar because it represented a large city in the Kashmiri
construction industries for minimize waste. Identified the context and so provided an opportunity to investigate the
factors that can contribute to materials that are minimum problem of waste because of the numerous ongoing road
wasted. which is a need to concentrate even on materials construction projects.
that are least wasted as any small improvement in reduction
of waste generated adds to the advantage in improving the METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION:
overall efficiency of the project and enhance the After carefully considering the research questions, the
construction industries performance with cost saving nature of the data needed for the analysis and the prevailing
benefits. And suggested waste management plan which only conditions on the research field, it became evident that the
minimizes the material waste but also improves the best way to collect adequate data for the research would be
profitability and decreases the cost overrun. a combination of the methods of both quantitative and
qualitative approaches. This is because some of the data
Eyong O. al. (2017) assessed the perception of required were qualitative in nature and could best be
construction operatives, Tradesmen and Artisans on obtained through interviews while others were quantitative
materials waste generation in the construction industry, and thus, could be elicited by means of questionnaires.
with a view to encouraging better performance of Furthermore, aspects of the data were physically observable
construction projects in Nigeria by employed questionnaire
and could be gathered through direct field inspection or
survey. And analyzed that Design, Poor materials storage observation. There was also a range of published
system and Theft and vandalism are the most important
information including newspaper articles and other
factors that influence material waste generation during publications that could yield useful data for the study.
construction and Proper site supervision and management
techniques, adequate storage of material, and Staff training In view of this, I became convinced of the usefulness of
and awareness on waste management are the measures of combining different methods from both qualitative and
minimizing construction material waste. Recommended quantitative approaches in my attempt to gather the data
that site operatives and craft men should be carried along in needed for this investigation. The study, therefore,
every management decision regarding waste management employed interviews, semi-structured questionnaires, field
plan development as they constitute the major stakeholders observation and documentary analysis, drawing upon the
on sites. strengths of these different methods to improve the quality
or validity of the data.

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering &
Retrieval Number: XXXXXXXXX Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-X, Issue-X, don’t delete Top & Bottom Header, & Fill up Manuscript details (Ist Page, Bottom, Left Side)


A. Waste detection and waste rate
Although both companies don’t have any waste detection
mechanisms, they seem to have an idea of their current
rates of waste. JKERA estimated their waste rate at 10%
while JKPCC valued their waste as 9%. Both firms believe
that their acceptable waste rate is 5%.

Figure 1.1: Cause of excess material

Figure 1.1: waste rate

The researcher has difficulty in the reliability of this

statistics because the firms’ evaluation of their current rate
of waste is arbitrary since they have no waste detection
mechanism in place. The absence of a clear waste rate and
the lack of detection systems indicate the problems of the
accuracy of most project costs. It is an accepted practice
that certain percentage of the cost is allocated to waste but
since there is not system of measuring waste the proposed
allocations could either be less than the actual waste
produced or could be more than the waste produced.

B. Company Practices:
After a careful evaluation of the responses from the
questionnaires, the researcher observed similarity in the
responses gathered therefore the analysis will not show a
comparison between the two firms.
 The forms waste take in these firms:

Figure 1.2: infestation &spoilage of material figure


The word “data” is plural, not singular. The subscript for
the permeability of vacuum µ0 is zero, not a lowercase letter
“o.” The term for residual magnetization is “permanence”;

the adjective is “remanent”; do not write “remnance” or

“remnant.” Use the word “micrometer” instead of
“micron.” A graph within a graph is an “inset,” not an
“insert.” The word “alternatively” is preferred to the word

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“alternately” (unless you really mean something that chemical composition need not be reported if the main
alternates). Use the word “whereas” instead of “while” purpose of a paper is to introduce a new measurement
(unless you are referring to simultaneous events). Do not technique. Authors should expect to be challenged by
use the word “essentially” to mean “approximately” or reviewers if the results are not supported by adequate
“effectively.” Do not use the word “issue” as a euphemism data and critical details.
for “problem.” When compositions are not specified,
separate chemical symbols by en-dashes; for example, XVIII. CONCLUSION
“NiMn” indicates the intermetallic compound Ni 0.5Mn0.5
A conclusion section is not required. Although a
whereas “Ni–Mn” indicates an alloy of some composition
conclusion may review the main points of the paper, do not
replicate the abstract as the conclusion. A conclusion might
Be aware of the different meanings of the homophones
elaborate on the importance of the work or suggest
“affect” (usually a verb) and “effect” (usually a noun),
applications and extensions.
“complement” and “compliment,” “discreet” and
“discrete,” “principal” (e.g., “principal investigator”) and
“principle” (e.g., “principle of measurement”). Do not
confuse “imply” and “infer.” It is optional. Appendixes, if needed, appear before the
Prefixes such as “non,” “sub,” “micro,” “multi,” and acknowledgment.
“"ultra” are not independent words; they should be joined to
the words they modify, usually without a hyphen. There is ACKNOWLEDGMENT
no period after the “et” in the Latin abbreviation “et al.” (it
It is optional. The preferred spelling of the word
is also italicized). The abbreviation “i.e.,” means “that is,”
“acknowledgment” in American English is without an “e”
and the abbreviation “e.g.,” means “for example” (these
after the “g.” Use the singular heading even if you have
abbreviations are not italicized).
many acknowledgments. Avoid expressions such as “One of
An excellent style manual and source of information for
us (S.B.A.) would like to thank ... .” Instead, write “F. A.
science writers is [9].
Author thanks ” Sponsor and financial support
acknowledgments are placed in the unnumbered footnote
on the first page.
The submitting author is responsible for obtaining
agreement of all coauthors and any consent required from REFERENCES
sponsors before submitting a paper. It is the obligation of 1. G. O. Young, “Synthetic structure of industrial plastics (Book style with
the authors to cite relevant prior work. paper title and editor),” in Plastics, 2nd ed. vol. 3, J. Peters, Ed. New
Authors of rejected papers may revise and resubmit them York: McGraw-Hill, 1964, pp. 15–64.
2. W.-K. Chen, Linear Networks and Systems (Book style).Belmont, CA:
to the journal again. Wadsworth, 1993, pp. 123–135.
3. H. Poor, An Introduction to Signal Detection and Estimation. New
XVII. PUBLICATION PRINCIPLES York: Springer-Verlag, 1985, ch. 4.
4. B. Smith, “An approach to graphs of linear forms (Unpublished work
The contents of the journal are peer-reviewed and style),” unpublished.
5. E. H. Miller, “A note on reflector arrays (Periodical style—Accepted for
archival. The journal INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF publication),” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., to be published.
ENGINEERING AND ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY 6. J. Wang, “Fundamentals of erbium-doped fiber amplifiers arrays
(IJEAT) publishes scholarly articles of archival value as (Periodical style—Submitted for publication),” IEEE J. Quantum
Electron., submitted for publication.
well as tutorial expositions and critical reviews of classical 7. C. J. Kaufman, Rocky Mountain Research Lab., Boulder, CO, private
subjects and topics of current interest. communication, May 1995.
Authors should consider the following points: 8. Y. Yorozu, M. Hirano, K. Oka, and Y. Tagawa, “Electron spectroscopy
studies on magneto-optical media and plastic substrate
1) Technical papers submitted for publication must interfaces(Translation Journals style),” IEEE Transl. J. Magn.Jpn., vol.
advance the state of knowledge and must cite relevant 2, Aug. 1987, pp. 740–741 [Dig. 9 Annu. Conf. Magnetics Japan,

prior work. 1982, p. 301].

9. M. Young, The Techincal Writers Handbook. Mill Valley, CA:
2) The length of a submitted paper should be University Science, 1989.
commensurate with the importance, or appropriate to 10. (Basic Book/Monograph Online Sources) J. K. Author. (year, month,
the complexity, of the work. For example, an obvious day). Title (edition) [Type of medium]. Volume(issue). Available:
extension of previously published work might not be 11. J. Jones. (1991, May 10). Networks (2nd ed.) [Online]. Available:
appropriate for publication or might be adequately
treated in just a few pages. 12. (Journal Online Sources style) K. Author. (year, month). Title. Journal
[Type of medium]. Volume(issue), paging if given. Available:
3) Authors must convince both peer reviewers and the http://www.(URL)
editors of the scientific and technical merit of a paper;
the standards of proof are higher when extraordinary or
unexpected results are reported.
4) Because replication is required for scientific progress, 13. R. J. Vidmar. (1992, August). On the use of atmospheric plasmas as
papers submitted for publication must provide electromagnetic reflectors. IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. [Online]. 21(3). pp.
876—880. Available:
sufficient information to allow readers to perform vidmar
similar experiments or calculations and use the
reported results. Although not everything need be AUTHORS PROFILE
disclosed, a paper must contain new, useable, and fully
described information. For example, a specimen's

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