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Flight Calibration Services Ltd

Typhoon Business Centre

Oakcroft Road
KT9 1RH, United Kingdom

Telephone: +44 20 8391 6880

Facsimile: +44 20 8391 3391
Afif A. Jabsheh
Chief Executive Officer
Omega Aviation Services Ltd.
137 Gardens Street
Amman 11194

23rd December 2018

Dear Sir,
Ref. Tender 8/3/52/2018 - Flight Inspection Services in Jordan

As requested by CARC, we enclose the syllabus for the proposed flight inspection
familiarisation training course that was submitted as part of our response to the above

This course has been tailored specifically for CARC engineers and involves all aspects
of flight inspection services, including the understanding of flight inspection reports
and a practical demonstration on board one of our aircraft. The training course also
includes technical assessment and safeguarding of navigation aids in order to protect
the radio signal’s integrity against future development close to the transmitter site.

Please contact me if you require any additional information or clarification.

Yours faithfully,

David Bartlett
For and on behalf of
Flight Calibration Services Ltd

Registered in England No.05524571

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