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HW3 1. @roblem 4.36 in book) A piston-cylinder device initially contains steam at 200 kPa, 200°C, and 0.4 m®. At this state, a linear spring (F « x) is touching the piston but exerts no force on it. Heat is now slowly transferred to the steam, causing the pressure and the volume to rise to 250 kPa and 0.6 m’, respectively. Show the process on a P-v diagram with respect to saturation lines and determine (a) the final temperature, (b) the work done by the steam, and (c) the total heat transferred. (Answers: (a) 606°C, (b) 45 KJ, (c) 288 kJ). ‘Assumptions 1 The cylinder is stationary and thus the kinetic and potential energy changes are zero, 2.The thermal energy stored inthe cylinder itself is negligible. 3 The compression or expansion process is quasi-equilibrium, 4’The spring isa linear spring. Analysis We take the contents ofthe cylinder as the system, This isa elosed system since no mass enters or leaves. Noting, that the spring is not part ofthe system (it is external), the energy balance for this stationary closed system can be expressed ty host workanimie Peete cng Orn —Wrone 2, = meg - since KE ~ PE — Q AU = mus —m) (Since KE ~ PE ~0) me muy — Uy )+ Woe 200 kPa 200°C ‘The properties of steam are (Tables A-4 through A-6) PF =200 kPa |v, 00°C Jy 08049 m*/kg 2654.6 kikg, P 2 404m assay a ¥ 1.08049 m?/kg ¥,_06m* mS =250kr. | 207 mg | =1.6207 mike, 06°C 3312.0 ki/ke, (©) The pressure of the gas changes linearly with volume, and thus the process curve on @ P-V diagram will be a straight line. The boundary work during this process is simply the area under the process curve, which isa trapezoidal. Thus, RsP, (200+ 250)kPa 2 (05-04yne{ 1 Tie W, = Area = -4 (c) From the energy balance we have Qq~ (0.3702 kg)(3312.0 - 2654. 6)kIkg + 45 kl = 288 kg 2. (Problem 4.41 in book) Saturated R-134a vapor at 40°C is condensed at constant pressure to a saturated liquid in a closed piston-cylinder system. Calculate the heat transfer and work done during this process, in kI/kg. Assumptions 1 The cylinder is stationary and thus the kinetic and potential energy changes are zero, 2 There are no work interactions involved other than the boundary work. 3 The thermal energy stored in the cylinder itself is negligible. 4 The ‘compression or expansion process is quasi-equilibrium. Analysis We take the contents of the eylinder as the system. This isa closed system since no mass enters or leaves. The energy balance for this stationary closed system can be expressed as Fin = Fou, ae, tyhescwerk animes fouaconens Wes ~Qog =AU=m(uz uy) (since KE = PE =0) Qoca = Win — mma — Hy ) RlMa 7 40°C ‘The properties atthe initial and final states are (Table A-I1) 019952? /kg 250.97 kJ/kg. " aal Suen, 7 =a) w =u, iy = 0.008720 / kg =10738k Veg Also from Table A-I1, Fy =P, =1017.1kPa 43.60 kikg, 63.00 kirkg, ‘The work done during this process is 1OATKVkg Pdu = P(v;—u,) = (1017.1 kPa)(0,0008720-0. 199s A) That is, Wain =19.4kI1kg ‘Substituting into energy balance equation gives Wain Uy = 1941+ 143.60 = 163.0 k3Tkg Gos = Wig (Ua ~ ty Discussion The heat transfer may also be determined from Aone = hy = hy ous = jy = 163.0 KIKy since AU + Wf, = AH during a constant pressure quasi-equilibrium process. 3. (Problem 4.75 in book) A piston-cylinder device, with a set of stops on the top, initially contains 3 kg of air at 200 kPa and 27°C. Heat is now transferred to the air, and the piston rises until it hits the stops, at which point the volume is twice the initial volume, More heat is transferred until the pressure inside the cylinder doubles. Determine the work done and the amount of heat transfer for this process. Also, show the process on a P-v diagram. Assumptions 1 Airis an ideal gas with variable specific heats. 2 The kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible, Ake = Ape= 0.3 The themmal energy stored in the cylinder itselfis negligible. Properties The gas constant of air is R= 0.287 kPam'/kg.K (Table A-1) Analysis We eth ain the cylinder whe the system, This is losed system since no mae ersues the boundary ofthe system. The ens) Balance forts lose system cn be expressed a L, Fig ~ Fo AE te oSEMLENS. Ganararsties —° Qa Maa = AU ~ me) att Dy = mls — ty) + Wire ‘The ina andthe Final volumes and the Final temperature ofa re > derived fom = EEL _@ b00.287 ka mg KOO WD 3 A 200 kPa = 2Y, = 21.29 =2.58 m* MB ax woe), i O% Pa . L_____, No work is done during process 2-3 since V.~ }. The pressure remains constant

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