Big Book RC

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S1: Common Belief: Language is perfect or enough for thoughts….Which Contradict: S and D regulate

Since this sentence has the common belief and its counterpart, the next line would be main idea
or thoughts of Author.

S2: Main Idea: Refute the CB: Word is modified by speaker to express the intension

The interesting part is that Main Idea is also giving new argument which didn’t agree the
previous one rather a new view (this is where people are lost)

S3: Example to support S2.

S4: Support the main Idea and it’s a conclusion.

Learning: we need to find out the

1. Main Idea and its intension or why it is stated
2. Conclusion and its position, also need to find out the motive or relation with the Main Idea
3. There might be some incoherence to convolute you.

B. Easy if you make a Summary. S2 shows contradict and the rest support it.


A and Easy

B but E is correct one because it doesn’t show paradox.

Question 4:

B. Easy and OK


S1: Fact: WB animal can control temp.

S2: Qualify the Fact:

S3: CV: Iron fall during infection

S4: Opinion of G: Relation of F and Iron

S5: Explanation

S6: Support S5: Low iron cause B to decrease

S7: Support for S6: cold blooded

S8: K report: Example E with Hydro: better in 42 than 37

S9: Support S6: Iron increases the mortality.

S10: No conclusion.


C: E



A: C

Question 4:

E: D
TEST 2: Part1


S1: Fact_Initial: Woman proportion will increase but QUALIFY as not dramatically

S2: Fact2: Support the Qualify---Main Idea…Not increasing even though emphasis

S3: Reason1 to develop Main Idea: W not physically fit

S4: Reason 2 to develop Main Idea: Equality is not widely accepted

S5: Result/ mid conclusion or Support Main Idea: Equality is based on function not on task

When the Main idea is to qualify the fact by “Even though” and give reasons for that… May
support it or Reject it.

S6: Support the main idea

S7: Support S6: Number is increasing but in No-combat


E.B: Given by Main idea and the 2 reasons behind this

E. Mid conclusion

I can’t understand.

Test2: Part2:


S1: Middle Fact: two evidences not reasons for transplantation difficulties.

S2 and S3: Not qualify but criticize the reasons: Rat lever didn’t reject

Criticizing because it suggest the rules are “Normal” means abnormal and “Not only….but” both
suggest that the author is criticizing.

S4: Hypo for S2 and S3 to de:

Reason1: (May not need to summarize since it use complex idea and you may need to come
back for relative questions.

Reason2: (May not need to summarize since it use complex idea and you may need to come
back for relative questions.

E.D: Among the two option E and D, D is the correct one because the Author Suggest the rules were
“Normal” means abnormal and “Not only….but” also suggest that they criticize them.





This one is very tricky and susceptible to be false.


S1: Fact_Middle of something (Why): Taboo: Restriction on watching eating.

When the passage start with Middle Fact it suggest there is an explanation.

S2: Explanation: Two attempts to explanation by relation and hunger.

Attempt suggest that it fails or incomplete

S3: Element of Taboo is incomplete.—Main idea.

1. (Learning: Important: Main idea can be developed by

1. Contradicting with a fact or conventional view
2. Presenting additional view.

3. Explaining an argument(T3:P2) )
S4: Argument 1 (to develop Main Idea) not Extension 1: Sharing food when food is rare.

S5: Argument 2 (to develop Main Idea) not Extension 2: Support sharing.

Learning: Need to understand which sentences are the arguments. It’s after the main Idea.



Learning: Need to have clear answer of “Why”, “What is inferred” by the sentences especially by
the Main Idea.

Learning: Need to identify the main Idea.

1. First there is a Middle Fact
2. Try to explain by 2 attempts which suggest that they fail to satisfy
3. Main Idea developed by mentioning additional requirement
4. Provide 1st argument to develop Main Idea
5. Provide 2nd argument to develop Main Idea.

Test 3: Part2:

S1: Fact1_Initial (Normal): Chill cause Pillow Lava or PL (Need to summarize) Question can come from
here regarding the fact so need to summarize.

S2: Fact2_Initial (Normal): Chill occurs due to water or Ice (Need to summarize) Question can come from
here regarding the fact so need to summarize.

S3: Disagreement (clue for the main idea): Shape of PL (Need to summarize)

S4: Opinion1 not Generalized Idea 1 (No need to summarize if complex)

S5: Opinion2 Generalized Idea 2 (No need to summarize in complex)

(Learning: When other persons said anything in the passage other than the writer it’s a
Conventional or Generalized view which normally contradict and the Main Idea comes next)

S6: Main Idea (Reason for the disagreement: Two dimensional Cross section of PL can’t give the answer
(Need to summarize) Question WILL come from here regarding

a. The Primary Purpose OR

b. How the author approach

So need to summarize.

S7: Reason (to develop main idea): Why two dimensional is flawed (Need to summarize) Question WILL
come from here to explain why the opinions are flawed and the reason of disagreement so need to

S8: Answer of reason (to develop main idea): Three dimensions give answer (Need to summarize)
Question WILL come from here to explain how the main idea give the answer.

S9: Support the answer (to develop main idea). (No need to summarize in complex)




1. First there are 2 Initial Facts
2. The disagreement gives the clue of Main Idea.
3. Then two Opinions
4. Main Idea is developed by explaining the reason of disagreement
5. Reason to develop Main Idea: Why need to consider the explanation of main Idea
6. Answer of Reason to develop Main Idea: How
7. Support the answer to develop Main Idea.
Test 4: Part1:


S1: Middle Fact: comparison of O > I for accessible myth---Main Idea

S2: Contrast between Illiad and Odyssey

S3: Support 1 Main Idea: Disgrace illiad by comparing (Don’t need to summarize as it’s a detail
description and may need to come here again for questions.)

S4: Support 2 Main Idea: Disgrace illiad by comparing (Don’t need to summarize as it’s a detail
description and may need to come here again for questions.)


Learning: Here “in addition” give the clue that it is one way. So we need to identify some
important words those actually are connecting word to develop the whole Idea.

C.B Summary doesn’t cover the details and need to go to the point AGAIN for details

E.OK. Covered in the summary.

D.OK. Summary doesn’t cover the details and need to go to the point AGAIN for details
Test 4: Part2:


S1: Fact_Middle: formation of Supernova and chain star

S2: Fact2: Chain star to spiral galaxy

S3: Theory based on fact 2

Need to clear the relation of the theory and Fact 2.

S4: Model refute the theory

S5: Explanation


C.E…..Fail to understand the question. It has asked about the new theory not the computer based
E.C. Again fail to understand the question. It has asked about the new theory not the computer based


Test5: Part1:


S1: Fact_Initial: Theme of painting -D

S2: Fact2: Depict the person’s SC and A- Genre Painting

S3: Fact 3: Starting of Main Idea: GP was not popular

S4: Support S3: Brothers were also ignored

S5: Main Idea: Praise climate not to be personified

S6: Reason for D Defame

S7: Support S6

S8: Support S7


D.C…..Should be done…I look it in the first part of the passage but it is in the main idea.

B.A…. I misunderstand the question. It actually says what is going to happen if his work is to be assessed
in present day. Not like what should be in their painting.


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