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Using Multiple Images

Marty Kesselman
October 25, 2011
 Since the images will eventually be
merged you should try to maintain the
same exposure for all of the shots.

 I shot RAW and manual focus with aperture

priority (I set the f#, the camera set the
shutter speed)
 Raw is not a necessary file format. I use it so
that I can make some general exposure
adjustments in the computer.
 When possible use a tripod to make the software
work on a simpler set of layers that for the most
part are almost exactly the same (except for focus)

 When using the RAW converter:

 Work on one image, making global adjustments.
 “Select All” of the images and “Synchronize” the other
images to make them all use the same adjustments.

 This will maintain similar color and contrast throughout the

entire set of images.
Plan: Step 1-Auto Align Layers
 The “auto align layers” process adjusts the
size of layer content (I used “auto” ) to
match the slightly different image sizes due
to a focus point difference.
 This process will change image size as
necessary and may cause edge blurring,
requiring cropping of the final image.
 Leave room around your image to compensate
for the required crop later.
Plan: Step 2-Auto Merge Layers
 After the “auto merge layers” operation the
masks that were automatically generated
left the very edges of the image somewhat
 You must realize this will happen and leave
extra room around your subject for some
cropping later.
1- Take a number of images of your subject focused at
different distances from the lens. Try not to change your
image in the process. I used the tripod to help with this.

2- Bring all images into your file on separate layers.

a. This is easily accomplished by opening them in
Photoshop and dragging and dropping them while
holding the “shift” key down using the “move” tool

b. Holding the shift key will bring the images in, centered
in the frame.

3- Once each image is on its own layer in a single file you can
close the other image files.
4- Select all layers. (ctl+click on each image layer to
highlight all the desired layers to align).
5- Go to Edit>auto-align-layers. Select the “Auto”
approach. Click OK.
6- You are now ready to “Blend” the layers.
a. With the image layers still selected, go to
Edit>auto-blend-layers. Select “Stack Images”
and check the “seamless tones and colors”
check box. Click OK.
7- You are done.

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